Deep cooperation of UAE and EU on Enhancing Economic and Diplomatic Ties

2025.01.31 06:51 dupdatesss Deep cooperation of UAE and EU on Enhancing Economic and Diplomatic Ties

submitted by dupdatesss to NewsAroundYou [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:51 Parlabane24 Looking for a Post Battle Fic

Looking for a fic. I probably have it bookmarked, but can’t remember which one it is. It’s a post battle fic and is pretty standard. One of the things I remember about it is Ginny has a large scar on her leg from the Carrows. They were trying to do a curse that would keep her and Harry from being together.
submitted by Parlabane24 to HarryandGinny [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:51 Mustache_Wizard246 My new Bambu A1

My new Bambu A1 What should I call her?
submitted by Mustache_Wizard246 to 3Dprinting [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:51 dreckseck Correct Anatomy?

Hello guys, I had my navel pierced a little bit more than 2 months ago. I‘m really unsure if I do have the right anatomy for it because the irritation never really went away.
The first pic is when standing up, the last 3 when im sitting down :) pls help ^
submitted by dreckseck to PiercingAdvice [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:51 faeofthesouth Did I Buy A Good Lot?

I found this poke plush lot for $120 - ( I realistically only wanted the Kuta Kuta Pikachu) but I don't know too much about the others if anyone can help me identify the rest
submitted by faeofthesouth to pokeplush [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:51 BlueSabere A ghost with a cursed camera taking pictures of ghosts? What could go wrong?? Mint plays Cursed Digicam!

A ghost with a cursed camera taking pictures of ghosts? What could go wrong?? Mint plays Cursed Digicam! submitted by BlueSabere to maidmint [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:51 DonTong Are you a wee kid or a real fighter? The next 11 hours will showcase the answer.

Are you a wee kid or a real fighter? The next 11 hours will showcase the answer. submitted by DonTong to fut [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:51 Savings_Winner_5105 Not Christie's simp cuttle big belly short king fish trying to troll me...

Not Christie's simp cuttle big belly short king fish trying to troll me... cannot troll a professional troll..
Tell your gf that you simp over to stand up for women's rights...stop being performative..or leave that for when you two have private discord calls 😉
Step up your game
You will never be at my level...shit go buy a house..get out of your are almost 40 ..still don't have a house
You all are performative...
But thank you all for the money that you all sent all helped me change my name and gender marker...right before Trump got in...thanks 🫶🏻
Up your game lol
🌛🌝🌜 Brookie the 🏳️‍⚧️ Witch Transwomen are women Your bathroom my choice A women's space is just a sign An Executive Order is just fancy toilet paper..better than 3 ply 😉
submitted by Savings_Winner_5105 to DebateTok_Snark [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:51 otvorenum Toliko od mene. Ljubav <3

Drage moje braćo i sestre,
Ne znamo se ali smo ujedinjeni u razumu, srčanosti i pogledu za bolju budućnost. Na ono što radite sada gledam kao na prirodan proces, kada se u tijelu nakupi gnoja onda se formira čiba iliti bubuljica, zatim treba da se pristupi iscijeđivanju te bubuljice da bi se odstranile toksične bakterije. Ruke apliciraju pritisak koji natjera bubuljicu da pukne, zatim izlazi gnoj. Proces je neugodan ali neophodan, a šta je minut boli naspram čitavog života. Treba poštovati prirodne procese.
Šta je godinu dana protesta, testa izdržljivosti, za 99 godina normalnog života? Ništa. Šta je veličina bubuljice na veličinu tijela? Ništa.
Ne želim da se pravim pametan, na ovu objavu gledajte kao na neobaveznu lektiru.

  1. 30 godina izluđivanja: srpska propaganda je jedna od najboljih u svijetu, jer da bi se srčan i hrabar narod obuzdao i držao zatočen potrebno je mnogo napora, strategije, taktike i naravno para. Za razliku od ruku koje trebaju da iscijede čibu i koje su glasne, vesele i ujedinjene u svom razumu, za propagandu su vam potrebni hirurški instrumenti - jedan počinje sa B a drugi sa U.
Poruka za hirurške instrumente: izaberite razum, izaberite svoj narod, znate da ovo nikuda ne vodi. I pitanje: da li možeš da, pod detektorom laži, odgovoriš pozitivno na ovo pitanje: "Da li vi štitite i branite Srpski narod i da li se borite za interese svih građana vaše države?" Ukoliko sam znaš da ne možeš pozitivno da odgovoriš na ovo pitanje ONDA NISI ZA TAJ POSAO. I to je to brate, na pogrešnoj si poziciji. Idi brate u život, preko grane, radi šta hoćeš i pusti nekog drugog koji može pozitivno da odgovori na to pitanje. Niko ne bi trebao da uđe u hirurške instrumente ako nije položio test prikačen na detektor laži, tako će sigurno biti u budućnosti.
  1. Vraćam se na analogiju bubuljice. Od silnog pritiska mase, onaj gore nebitni vrh je već odstranjen. Sami znate da biste kvalitetno iscijedili bubuljicu da je potrebno dosta puta, žestokog pritiska da bi se tkivo fino očistilo. Sukrvica su naši sugrađani koji su nažalost podanici i sljedbenici. Smatram da ih ne bi trebali optuživati. To su ljudi bez kičme koji su se na ovaj ili na onaj način slizali sa vlasti. Da li u svojim niskim potrebama (sendvič) ili u svojim slijepim ambicijama (stranka - odbor). Na stvarnom tržištu rada ne bi dobro prošli - zato su i podanici.
Poruka sukrvici: Razumijem te čovječe, okolnosti su takve, nisu napravljene za tebe da aktivno učestvuješ u tržištu rada, pa si našao način. Vjeruj mi, kada izađeš da glasaš, možeš da glasaš za bilo koga - niko to neće saznati. Budi spreman da daš svoj doprinos kada dođe vrijeme. U pravoj demokratskoj državi ima mjesta za svakoga, ali ambicija se testira na realnom tržištu a ne po stranačkim kuloarima i jebalištima. Biće za svakoga ponešto pa i za tebe.
  1. Kada smo adresirali instrumente i sukrvicu, mislim da o gnoju nema šta puno pričati. To više nije dio tijela, to je parazitsko tkivo, koje je u ovom slučaju metastaziralo i izgubilo svoju svrhu. I ne treba da vam pričam šta se radi sa gnojem.
  2. Sad realno:
4.1. Mislim da je tehnička vlada vrlo dobro rješenje, ali mora biti meritokratska. Druga su vremena došla, ne treba da praktikujemo stare načine politike (koji su nas na kraju krajeva doveli do ovog stanja). Mislim da treba da se uklemimo u meritokratiju i da se držimo nje kao pijan plota. Tehnička vlada sa ljudima ekspertima iz tih oblasti (nije nužno da imaju političko iskustvo) bi bilo idealno rješenje za decentralizovan pristup oporavku. Jer političko iskustvo u ovom slučaju znači prljav obraz, mrtva laž, korupcija - ljudima u tehničkoj vladi ovakvo političko iskustvo ne treba. Oni su tu da rade svoj posao iz svoje struke.
4.2. Mora se istrajati sa pritiskom. Planiraj narednih godinu dana izlaziti. Jer šta je godinu dana izdržljivosti na čitav život? Ko je budala da ide u klupu da ga smaraju sa redaktiranim, propagandističkim, zastarjelim smećem??? Ako ih ja birao između protesta za bolje sutra i takvog zaostalog sistema obrazovanja - šta mislite šta bih izabrao?
4.3. Izbori - ovo je prijedlog. Pritisnite vlast da usvoji novi zakon o izborima, kopirajte i unaprijedite izborni zakon BiH sa najnovijim izmjenama. Donesite prijedlog i zatvorite ih u skupštinu dok ga ne izglasaju. Ali ovo je prijedlog ako idete u tom pravcu.
4.4. Predlažem da se napravi "stub beskičmenjaka", sajt, folder, šta god - gdje će se stavljati slike ovih plaćenih huligana, jer internet ne zaboravlja. Oni će zbog svog bezobrazulka i oholosti najviše najebati, prema njima ne treba biti milosrdan nego ih treba zasipati jajima. Vremenom, kada se krene puniti "stub beskičmenjaka" i kada njihove familije, djevojke, braća vide da su oni tu, i krenu aktivno da ih izbjegavaju i upiru prstom u njih - za naš narod nema veće kazne.
4.5. Svim svojim prijateljima, rođacima i rodbini policajcima pružite ruku i dajte im zagrljaj. I to su ljudi sa porodicama i djecom. Taj zagrljaj je vaš znak da kad dođe težak momenat da nisu sami i da ih pozivate da odaberu razum i ljudstvo. Policija nije sva zla, treba ih razumjeti da su to ljudi koji obezbjeđuju svojoj porodici za život. Vjerujem da će bar 70-80% policajaca kada vidi da je prelom momenat preći na stranu naroda. Taj vaš zagrljaj će obezbjediti to.
4.6. Strane vlade nam nisu naklonjene, zemlja je puna razno-raznih agenata. Ali oni neće djelovati. Amerika se fokusirala na sebe. EU je pod pritiskom zbog Ukrajine, bukvalno smo sami sa bubuljicom. I hajde da obavimo taj proces kako treba.
Neće biti lako, proći ćemo test izdržljivosti i istrajnosti, planirajte godinu dana - ali šta je jedna godina istrajnosti na 99 godina života?
Toliko od mene. Ljubav <3
submitted by otvorenum to serbia [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:51 geekyplug Working LeadRocks Lifetime Discount Code 2025

Are you searching for a comprehensive B2B contact database and lead generation tool designed to streamline the process of finding and connecting with potential clients?
If yes then LeadRocks is for you and using our SPECIAL LINK (LeadRocks lifetime coupon code attached), you will get 95% discount for a LIMITED TIME ONLY.
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  3. Data Enrichment: Enhance existing lead lists by uploading them to LeadRocks, which appends additional information like emails and phone numbers, enriching your data for more effective outreach.
  4. Email Outreach Automation: Create personalized email campaigns with scheduled follow-ups directly within the platform, facilitating efficient communication with prospects.
  5. Email Verification: Verify email addresses within the LeadRocks dashboard to maintain clean and valid email lists, improving deliverability rates.
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LeadRocks aims to enhance your lead generation strategy, enabling you to connect more effectively with potential clients and drive business growth.
submitted by geekyplug to wpdealsanddiscount [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:51 Big_Ability_3770 What Power Adapter do I Need?

I got this monitor without a power adapter and I dont know what one to buy. Do I need to get one that supplies over 10A? If I get one rated below that is it dangerous? Any help appreciated
submitted by Big_Ability_3770 to computerhelp [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:51 AamImli Photo Update Help

Hi experts,
Need help!!
How do I change the uploaded photo in the form. I can see I can update my picture under ‘Add information to OTR Profile’ (Dashboard page) but there is no edit option in the application form that I have already submitted.
Will updating the photo in the former will automatically be done in the later too?
submitted by AamImli to UPSC [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:51 S0larsea Laptopvraag Middelbare school

Goedemorgen allemaal,
Mijn kleine meisje gaat komend schooljaar voor het eerst naar de Middelbare school :(. Nu ben ik al een tijdje geld aan het wegleggen voor een laptop aangezien ik liever niet wil huren en aan een maandbedrag wil vastzitten.
Enfin, ze wil graag de kant van design uit. Wat precies weet ze nog niet. Ze vindt animaties erg leuk, games etc. Zoals ze het nu aangeeft wil ze vooral zeg maar het tekenen. Ontwerpen van looks, npc's enz. enz. Dat kan allemaal nog veranderen natuurlijk, maar dat is wat ze wel altijd heeft gezegd.
Nu vraag ik me af, welke laptop is het meest geschikt voor haar. Liever geen Apple want daar heb ik geen geld voor. Het budget zal rond die tijd 1600 euro zijn, misschien iets meer, misschien iets minder. Daar moeten uiteraard ook nog wat andere dingen vanaf voor school, maar de bedoeling is haar laptop. En ik zou graag willen dat die laptop alvast voorbereid is op de dingen die ze wil gaan doen. Ik kan altijd een andere kopen tegen die tijd, maar dat wil ik liever niet.
Zijn er wellicht scholieren die deze richting doen en me wat tips kunnen geven? Of ouders van..
Ik zou er enorm mee geholpen zijn. Alvast bedankt <3
submitted by S0larsea to nederlands [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:51 noeyespls Recommendations for local 机场 providers

Do any of you have a cheap 机场 VPN that works smoothly?
submitted by noeyespls to dumbclub [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:51 Polluted_Terrium What is an old head Bethesda querk or gimic that you hope is still present in TES6?

Uncanny faces, hilariously awkward dialogue, goofy ragdoll mechanics, funny bugs, guns with bolts on the wrong side, or other interesting things that Bethesda games have had over the years whether in purpose or not.
submitted by Polluted_Terrium to TESVI [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:51 Distinct-Equipment10 I feel like I’m going crazy

F 52 I’ve had low vitamin D for decades. It’s now gotten into the single digits. I think it was a 7 or a 9 last time I was tested. I’ve always felt fatigue but lately, I have been feeling really really heavy brain fog, my head feels woozy, I feel like I’m right on the verge of passing out or worse. My arms feel very weak as well and I have a lot of headaches.
Here’s the problem. I cannot tolerate supplements. (Even 1,000 ius day) They make me feel so anxious but not in a normal anxiety way. I feel trapped while riding in a car, things look weird to me, I am very aware of my heart beat, in fact all of my senses seem on high alert. I honestly don’t know what to do, and even sitting in direct sunlight has sent me into these episodes that almost feel like a hypoglycemia episode. My quality of life is suffering greatly, doctors are no help. Any advice? 🙏
submitted by Distinct-Equipment10 to VitaminD [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:51 subzer0gx4 nova soft as fuck

this subreddit soft as fuck i’m in norfolk va and yall let these white folks on here get racist they would never do that shit in norfolk or da norfolk subreddit yall pussy for letting them walk over yall it’s not one racist that would meet up with me facts
submitted by subzer0gx4 to NovaMotion [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:51 Zestyclose_Virus5634 Building anything big after world's part II

I was given a quest by my exocraft technician to build a colossus and when I tried to build it it said invalid position, the ground was flat and there was plenty of space to place it, there was nothing in the way, even tried it on my other base and it wouldn't work, so I tried building anything else and nothing would build, is this a big with the new update or something else? For reference both my bases are quite small
submitted by Zestyclose_Virus5634 to NoMansSkyTheGame [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:51 masai76a Skulls and Roses

Skulls and Roses submitted by masai76a to nightcafe [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:51 rail16 Gregor Poynton MP welcomes revised Boundaries Scotland proposals retaining Fauldhouse in Almond Valley

Local MP Gregor Poynton has welcomed the latest proposals from Boundaries Scotland, which now recommend that Fauldhouse remains within the Almond Valley Scottish Parliament constituency following extensive consultation and feedback from local representatives and residents.
submitted by rail16 to WestLothian [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:51 3dbdotcom This is all the proof of aliens I need. Irrefutable.

This is all the proof of aliens I need. Irrefutable. submitted by 3dbdotcom to PaymoneyWubby [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:51 novonormalnofobijatv Prosvjed u Osijeku: Ne želimo živjeti na rubu, ne želimo crkavicu od koje se preživljava!

Prosvjed u Osijeku: Ne želimo živjeti na rubu, ne želimo crkavicu od koje se preživljava! submitted by novonormalnofobijatv to hrvatska [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:51 Ig1M 28Jan25 portfolio was -5,12,000. 31Jan25 it is -4,12,000. not index, but some stox are reversing.

28Jan25 portfolio was -5,12,000. 31Jan25 it is -4,12,000. not index, but some stox are reversing. major contributors are MNCs, FMCG, CPSE, OILGAS.
submitted by Ig1M to IndianStreetBets [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:51 Pieok365 Starlink maxed out in Perth ???

Im on FTTN 26/10 in Maida vale and now NBNCO has pushed fiber install at premise from September to December this year. Over it ! so decideed to try Starlink. Went to their website and discoverd Perth (and Brisbane) have been maxed out for capacity !!! Never saw that coming.. Starlink says no idea when more capacity avilable. Anyone else enountered this ??
submitted by Pieok365 to perth [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:51 UnbiasedBlazersPod Post Game Survey Blazers Vs Magic
Results for past games will be posted tomorrow.
submitted by UnbiasedBlazersPod to ripcity [link] [comments]