How to draw a progressive worm screw

2025.01.31 07:41 Rui_M_T How to draw a progressive worm screw

How to draw a progressive worm screw submitted by Rui_M_T to Fusion360 [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 07:41 Malawhyy The Easter Egg spoilers

Sorry it’s in binary and google did its thing. Incredible providence
The quick brown 🦊 jumps over 13 lazy 🐶.
submitted by Malawhyy to distractible [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 07:41 gigagaming1256 With the early access p2w advantage, this will be the most unfair championship of all time

With the early access p2w advantage, this will be the most unfair championship of all time submitted by gigagaming1256 to Brawlstars [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 07:41 bradzilla2001 Showing Off

Showing Off submitted by bradzilla2001 to LauraMaranoLove [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 07:41 Inari-k There are not many Jewish superheroes, but here's the thing

There are not many Jewish superheroes, but here's the thing submitted by Inari-k to Jewpiter [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 07:41 LannesNormanno Amiche donne e frequentazioni

Ciao a tuttə, dopo diverso tempo di "pausa" ho iniziato ad avere alcuni primi appuntamenti e frequentazioni sentimentali con ragazze. Conosciute sia tramite Tinder sia tramite approccio di persona.
Purtroppo, ho riscontrato diverse difficoltà legate al mio gruppo di amicizie strette. Infatti, la "compagnia" con cui esco settimanalmente è composta da 7 ragazze (con a volte i rispettivi fidanzati di alcune di loro). Ora è l'ennesima volta che la persona con cui provo a instaurare un rapporto sentimentale si tira indietro, di solito per gelosia o simili, questa volta perché a detta sua si sente "a disagio, perché le tue amiche sono troppo belle".
Non so più come fare. Con le mie amiche ho un rapporto molto stretto e ho avuto preponderanza di amicizie femminili fin da quando ho memoria (ovviamente ho anche amici maschi). Ammetto che con le ragazze ho un rapporto molto intimo, ma sempre di pura amicizia, tanto da averci dormito in intimo insieme in vacanza o vederle nude senza problemi tipo dopo una doccia. Su queste ultime due cose ultimamente sto dando un taglio.
Avete consigli su come dovrei gestire la situazione con le ragazze con cui esco? Ora ho una relazione promettente, ma lei mi sembra molto a disagio
submitted by LannesNormanno to xxitaly [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 07:41 burner_account61944 Anyone else noticing a concerning pattern here.

Anyone else noticing a concerning pattern here. submitted by burner_account61944 to cobiblocks [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 07:41 watch2021 #Save US companies # Walgreens

GameStop was saved now trending for $28.. why can't we save our corner pharmacy we grew up going # Walgreens
why can’t we save the corner pharmacy we grew up with? #Walgreens closures are hitting communities hard, and it’s time to rethink what we value in retail. Support local pharmacies before they disappear.
submitted by watch2021 to Stocks_Picks [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 07:41 Exciting-Buy-9396 CA passport, Expedited process + overnight shipping, what's my turn around time?

I'm going to japan in May so I didn't want to screw around with waiting for standard passport times so I got the best service you can get,
Had my appointment on 1/27, paid $190 for expedited shipping plus $22 for overnight shipping, weirdly enough though my check hasn't been cashed yet, is that normal?
Ive heard that even though it says 2-3 weeks it sometimes takes longer
submitted by Exciting-Buy-9396 to Passports [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 07:41 ekakipakshi Roast cheyyandi ayya

Roast cheyyandi ayya I need to submit my resume in a week college valaki. I am in 6th semester and this is my resume. Unchalsinavi , tiyyalsinavi koncham chepte update chesi send cheyali.
submitted by ekakipakshi to ask_Bondha [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 07:41 Additional_Step_3408 People who said they wanted to explore their gender, what made you change your mind not to?

submitted by Additional_Step_3408 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 07:41 yubugger Subdividing with partners?

Has anyone ever performed a subdivision and built on raw land for their first home?
I live in a rural part of the state and the housing market is bleak or super expensive, like the rest of the country.
I am thinking of teaming up with some friends on a land purchase. We're looking to subdivide a parcel of raw land into 4 equally sized parcels. The zoning allows for such and it has been done nearby. Planning Dept. already says it can work.
Once the subdivision is complete each buyer would own their own parcel. Each would need a loan that would cover 1/4th of the land purchase (~$200K each) and then a construction loan for the site development (well, septic, electric) and building the home.
Has anyone ever done this here? How was it? Also, what is the method to do this so we can together finance the land and then have it split into individual loans, which would then also need construction/site dev loans? This is in California.
Thank you!
submitted by yubugger to FirstTimeHomeBuyer [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 07:41 Negative_Ambition_59 is it just me or is anyone else having this problem?

So as soon as i get to SS on steam and try to play a new match i keep getting "Cant connect to the server" before i load into the match, and i lose 100 + points each time. Then i keep getting kick backed to S+ and having restrickions put on, but then when i play in S+ this never happens unitl i get back to SS.
submitted by Negative_Ambition_59 to OPBR [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 07:41 fivetrendz Can you guess these English Idioms?

submitted by fivetrendz to ENGLISH [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 07:41 AndTheOscarGoesTo- What do you guys think of the 'DeepSeek' situation?

submitted by AndTheOscarGoesTo- to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 07:41 Jamal_s_ Is Judgemen good inate ??

I'm having Demon vessel and Judgemen rn , and thinking of rolling higuruma , his damage output is bad compared to sukuna .
Shall I save enough spins for another legendary to replace it , or shall I roll it for other inate ( please suggest me some good inates to combine with demon vessel please ) .
submitted by Jamal_s_ to JujutsuInfinite [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 07:41 abfreeman Is there any bus service from Raipur Airport to Durg city?

submitted by abfreeman to Raipur [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 07:41 abjinternational Kate Ritchie locked in crisis talks after images emerge of former Home and Away star stopping off at a bottle shop and acting erratically while picking her daughter up from school

Kate Ritchie locked in crisis talks after images emerge of former Home and Away star stopping off at a bottle shop and acting erratically while picking her daughter up from school submitted by abjinternational to newslive [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 07:41 Turbulent_Property_4 Fallout 2: una star dell'universo Marvel potrebbe unirsi ai nuovi episodi.

Un volto noto del Marvel Cinematic Universe si prepara a conquistare il post-apocalittico mondo di Fallout, tra nuovi arrivi e misteri tutti da scoprire.
Prime Video continua a sorprendere i fan della serie post-apocalittica con un nuovo colpo di scena. Secondo il newsletter The InSneider, Kumail Nanjiani, volto di Kingo in Eternals, sarebbe entrato ufficiosamente nel cast della seconda stagione di Fallout, anche se al momento né Amazon né altre testate hanno confermato l'indiscrezione.
Prosegui la lettura
submitted by Turbulent_Property_4 to malatidiserie [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 07:41 Derpballz I wonder what fascism took inspiration from... 🧐 (It was syndicalism and Sorelianism. Fascism could be seen as a Saint-Simonian socialism)

I wonder what fascism took inspiration from... 🧐 (It was syndicalism and Sorelianism. Fascism could be seen as a Saint-Simonian socialism) submitted by Derpballz to NazisWereSocialist [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 07:41 Maximum_Broccoli_210 Possible issue

Possible issue Came over my house sounding like a prop plane, still at low altitude
submitted by Maximum_Broccoli_210 to flightradar24 [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 07:41 migas1 Já alguém viajou na World2Fly para Punta Cana?

Estamos a pensar em ir de férias para Punta Cana em Agosto e a companhia será a World2Fly.
Li opiniões no trustpilot muito negativas...
Queria saber se já viajaram neste companhia para ir tirando dúvidas.
submitted by migas1 to CasualPT [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 07:41 Realistic-Reserve107 Why do you not reply?!

I’m fairly certain I’m the only one in my family who does NOT do this. I mean I’ve ignored before, or just been too busy to stop and talk or reply but.. this is different. Sometimes it’s one on one, sometimes they will all be going off.. I’m not exactly sure how to explain it, but my statements are blatantly ignored and met with a joke statement that has almost nothing to do with replying to what I just said. It’s extremely rude. When I point out, hey what the hell you’re not listening to what I just said or even replying.. they continue! For some reason this is so funny to them. It drives me crazy, and seriously pisses me off. 😭 I’m gonna create a fake conversation as an example.
— Hey Sandy, I really like to eat green grapes. They’re so good. — Oh yeah! Hey I love those too Eddie! Did you know there are also red and purple grapes? Which ones do you like most? I think some of them have seeds. — Haha one day I ate a whole bag of green grapes! OMG it was epic!! — Oh wow Eddie, well I bet that really sent you to the toilet! What about red or purple grapes like I said? Ever eaten a whole bag of those? — HAHA I ate the whole bag under 5 mins and Katie was like freaking out! Oh man it was so funny hahaha. — Alright well that’s pretty hilarious, but you’re obviously ignoring me, I know you heard what I said. Can you reply? — (Continues laughing) Katie ran and told her sister about the whole thing! — Okay Eddie, well that’s cool. For some reason you’re just not replying to anything I say or responding in a normal manner. It’s really pissing me off. — Okay, well I’m gonna go now! Bye!
… I don’t understand this. I will just sit there after I’ve pointed this out with a pissed off look on my face. Sometimes it’s apologized for, like if my husband is doing this on purpose obnoxiously. That’s different, though. This is like they aren’t really speaking to me and just in their own brain. But it’s so damn rude! It’s like continuous that I am ignored. I know these fuckers hear me! Really fires me up inside, and feels like a slap in the face. I’m acknowledging their statements, but I’m sitting there questioning my reality like I’m a ghost in the Sixth Sense. What the fuck! Like, okay I heard you and replied to what you said.. Now it’s my turn, and you should reply to what I’m saying! Even if you don’t care, aren’t we having a conversation here? Or are you just speaking to me as if I’m a wall? Is this like an ADHD thing? Does anyone else do this, and then you realize later on what you were doing? I have ADHD, and definitely do weird things I only realize in hindsight. I just have a hard time believing they’re unaware of this. It’s just really rude and hurts my feelings like I’m some robot to speak to for fun, but none of what comes out of my mouth replying to them matters for shit. Could it be that they’re trying to be ridiculous, and I’m replying too seriously? I could understand it a little bit then, but it’s still rude af and I hate it. So.. Just wanted to be angry about it and put this here. Maybe someone can help me understand, or has been through the same thing and will understand where I’m coming from. 🙃 I love my family, but I feel like slapping them when they do this lol.
TLDR- No damn it, I changed my mind! Please read it if you’re going to reply 😂 Seriously though, because that’s what this is about. At least the fake conversation. Ugh! Thanks to everyone for listening to me complain. 😁
submitted by Realistic-Reserve107 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 07:41 __Nietzsche_ What are your thoughts on Kashmir? Do you consider it part of India? Or should it be free? Or should it join Pakistan.

I wonder what the atheist demography feels about the Kashmir issue. Like everywhere else in the India, and in the world Kashmir has been a prey for rich, and influential people of Kashmir and India, along with religious extremists.
submitted by __Nietzsche_ to atheismindia [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 07:41 Big-Sandwich-2967 Is this enough room for my Xbox series s and will placing it on a plastic stool cause it to overheat

Is this enough room for my Xbox series s and will placing it on a plastic stool cause it to overheat (3rd picture is to show the stool)
submitted by Big-Sandwich-2967 to XboxSeriesXlS [link] [comments]