2025.01.31 08:01 Keenstijl 31 January 2025 - Trust
Page 31
"Just for today I will have faith in someone in NA who believes in me and wants to help me in my recovery."
Basic Text, p. 93
Learning to trust is a risky proposition. Our past experience as using addicts has taught us that our companions could not be trusted. Most of all, we couldn't trust ourselves.
Now that we're in recovery, trust is essential. We need something to hang onto, believe in, and give us hope in our recovery. For some of us, the first thing we can trust is the words of other members sharing in meetings; we feel the truth in their words.
Finding someone we can trust makes it easier to ask for help. And as we grow to trust in their recovery, we learn to trust our own.
Just for Today: I will decide to trust someone. I will act on that trust.
submitted by Keenstijl to Just4Today [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 08:01 Kloetenschlumpf Service-Post: Kündigung der CDU-Mitgliedschaft
Hey, es ist Wahlkampf, und hier wird es politisch. Da will ich auch etwas beitragen: ein fertiges Kündigungsschreiben für die CDU-Mitgliedschaft. Dürft Ihr gerne weiterreichen.
Vorname Nachname Straße, Hausnummer PLZ Ort
CDU Konrad-Adenauer-Haus Klingelhöferstraße 8 10785 Berlin
Ort, Datum
Betreff: Kündigung meiner Mitgliedschaft
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
hiermit kündige ich meine Mitgliedschaft zum nächstmöglichen Termin.
Diese Entscheidung fällt mir nicht leicht, da ich über viele Jahre hinweg die CDU mit Überzeugung unterstützt habe. Der Einsatz für eine freiheitliche, rechtsstaatliche und soziale Demokratie war das Fundament meiner Mitgliedschaft.
Jedoch sehe ich mich durch das Verhalten des Parteivorsitzenden Friedrich Merz gezwungen, diesen Schritt zu gehen. Die Abstimmung im Bundestag, bei der ein Antrag nur mit Unterstützung der AfD eine Mehrheit fand, hat mich enttäuscht und besorgt.
Friedrich Merz nahm wissentlich in Kauf, sich auf die Stimmen einer verfassungsfeindlichen Partei zu stützen. Das widerspricht meinem Verständnis von christlich-demokratischen Werten und einem Bekenntnis zur wehrhaften Demokratie. Ich bin überzeugt, dass Konrad Adenauer, dessen Namen das Parteigebäude trägt, so etwas niemals geduldet hätte. Im Gegenteil, die ideologisch ähnliche „sozialistische Reichspartei“ (SRP) wurde von ihm mit Mitteln des demokratischen Rechtsstaats bekämpft: er stellte einen Verbotsantrag, und elf Monate später wurde sie vom Bundesverfassungsgericht verboten.
Die CDU hat sich nun in eine Richtung bewegt, die ich nicht mittragen will. Eine Partei, die sich nicht entschieden gegen Antidemokraten abgrenzt, verliert die politische und moralische Glaubwürdigkeit.
Ich bitte Sie um eine schriftliche Bestätigung der Kündigung und um einen Hinweis, zu welchem Zeitpunkt sie wirksam wird.
Ich wünsche der CDU eine Rückbesinnung auf ihre demokratischen Grundsätze und Werte.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
submitted by Kloetenschlumpf to ich_politik [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 08:01 yungthug1234 How do you even begin to mindmap?
For example I write mindmaps on google and it's just stuff like this, am I meant to repeatedly look at this map and memorise it? I feel like this is 100x harder than flashcards, am I missing something?
I don't get how mindmaps work and it seems like drawing intricate webs seems way more difficult than simple flashcards
submitted by yungthug1234 to Anki [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 08:01 Immediate-Ball128 January 31, 2025
submitted by Immediate-Ball128 to LoverlyGrey [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 08:01 Immediate-Ball128 January 31, 2025
submitted by Immediate-Ball128 to TiffanyHoughton [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 08:01 ThThirdWing Beyond usual tricks. (Chandra's Defeat)
Hi, have you ever been in a situation, where you gave your absolute best and it wasn't enough? That's one of the most devastating thresholds I can think of.
Did Jung ever touched upon that? Like, the BEST QUALITY you thought was definig your ego self met it's END, in a case when expressed with UTTER DEDICATION. It's limits shockingly exposed. Perhaps there are some vivid examples for how it have manifested in the observable world.
submitted by ThThirdWing to Jung [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 08:01 Nervous_Dragonfly197 21F-anyone wanna chat?
Bored bored bored, dm me plz
submitted by Nervous_Dragonfly197 to chat [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 08:01 EchaOnSumShit Little Guy grew up where does the time go? 🥹
My 💜 submitted by EchaOnSumShit to Awww [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 08:01 Fury_of_Grimnir Another Windy WB Dialaga 156529895485 come join us with 2 locals
submitted by Fury_of_Grimnir to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 08:01 middletonb300 Are these winners?
I keep getting these tickets that show "50". What does it mean? submitted by middletonb300 to Lottery [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 08:01 chibibabymoon Weekly art and craft thread
This thread is for:
2025.01.31 08:01 Fuck_Antisemites Sag zum Abschied leise Servus
submitted by Fuck_Antisemites to gekte [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 08:01 AutoModerator Daily Thread - January 31, 2025
Welcome to the Caps Daily Thread!
Please use this thread to discuss hockey events from today, or anything else you'd like. Comments are automatically sorted by new to keep the conversation current.
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Since it is a hot topic I made this handy website to track Ovi's injury status: www.IsOviStillInjured.com
submitted by AutoModerator to caps [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 08:01 NicoJ0511 How to keep a cat from entering my room?
Ok so basically I have a kitty named Turtle and she is my bestest friend ever, love her to death. My roommate also has a cat (total bag of shit). She bullies my cat by attacking/chasing her whenever she moves. For example, total bag of shit will pounce on my cat just for hopping off the couch. I don't know why Turtle just accepts it but she rarely fights back (she will on occasion but not often. she also very very rarely is the one to instigate.) My bedroom is her only real safe space, however my bedroom door doesn't latch shut, so total bag of shit comes and goes when she pleases, attacks turtle when she's minding her own business, eats her food, pisses on my shit, and just makes life harder for turtle :(
basically what im asking is how do I help them get along, or at least keep the p.o.s out of my room
(P.S. I don't wanna just lock turtle in my room either, the litter boxes are kept in the common areas so she has to come and go also)
submitted by NicoJ0511 to cats [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 08:01 Ok-Grapefruit4268 Does interface matter
I was wondering if I should upgrade my interface. I’m running through a m audio solo to waveform free rn to use my archetypes, but for faster shred there becomes a slight latency issue that can be annoying for recording.
Is this a cheap interface issue, a cheap daw issue, or both?
Should I spend some money on a better interface to help the issue or is the m audio good enough?
If so which ones are the best? Like is the Scarlett essentially gonna give you the same stuff as the expensive Apollo? What point does the sound quality become “good enough” for recording?
submitted by Ok-Grapefruit4268 to Guitar [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 08:01 c_arangelova Д-р Никола Колев: Иновациите са ежедневието в съдовата хирургия
submitted by c_arangelova to BGNES [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 08:01 AutoModerator Daily Thread - Friday Discussion! Let's talk about the good, the bad, and all things Palantir & PLTR! 💎🤲🏻
The thread for all your speculating, socializing, philosophizing, hypothesizing, and melodramatizing!
Want a flair? Message the mods with proof of the following, making sure to remove any personal information:
2025.01.31 08:01 haywire090 Aiskrik Malaysia is now priced at rm1
submitted by haywire090 to MalaysianFood [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 08:01 pranklou22 Allies of Skin Promo Code for February 2025
Go to this page for Allies of Skin Promo Code for February 2025. If you're looking for the newest coupons and promo codes, that page is the place to go. They always have the latest offers available.
submitted by pranklou22 to ClockCost [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 08:01 Great_Lordofstark 29M Open to talk . Interested in talking about generally anything interesting. A curious monkey here .
29M straight dude here . Iam curious and I like being curious. I like to talk thats the most important factor and if you are also like minded hit me up we can have some fun chat . Open minded and open for new knowledge and laughs
submitted by Great_Lordofstark to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 08:01 G0_0NIE Thoughts on this LRK?
First time building LRK - want to make use of my only protection set but I don’t know if the stats are good enough. submitted by G0_0NIE to EpicSeven [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 08:01 Clear-Garage-4828 Growing machine?
Anyone ever use a mushroom incubator like these machines? Think it would work for our purposes? What would i need to do?
Crownow Grow Tent https://a.co/d/7TZKh2q
submitted by Clear-Garage-4828 to unclebens [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 08:01 stygarfield Self-Promotion Fri-yays!
Hey everyone!
We're excited to announce a new initiative in the Nanaimo subreddit to help our community grow and thrive! We have been seeing a growing interest in users sharing skills and services, and thought it would be better to have them all located in one spot, rather than randomly throughout the subreddit.
To keep things organized and easy to find, please let's use this thread for all service advertisements.
What services/skills can you share?
Rules: - Must follow Reddit's TOS - Must be local to Nanaimo and the surrounding areas
submitted by stygarfield to nanaimo [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 08:01 Sad_Interview774 Mayan & Aztecs
Hola a todos 👋🏾 Hoy en día parece que muchas personas, especialmente los más jóvenes, están investigando sus culturas/tradiciones/religiones ancestrales o históricas. Me preguntaba si alguno de ustedes ha investigado la cultura maya y azteca y ha intentado alguna forma de revivirla. menos el sacrificio humano y todo.
Por ejemplo, para muchos mexicanos ser católico se ha convertido en parte de la cultura, lo cual es genial. Soy ortodoxa, así que somos hermanas, sin embargo, sigo manteniendo mis tradiciones ancestrales africanas.
submitted by Sad_Interview774 to mexico [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 08:01 secondhvzim My SOTD, What’s Yours
submitted by secondhvzim to Colognes [link] [comments] |