2025.01.31 08:53 Subject_Age_2374 Norton 360 deluxe
Offering 3 Norton 360 deluxe spots until 8.2.26 German based, PayPal available. 3 spots 1,75€ per month per spot
submitted by Subject_Age_2374 to accountsharing [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 08:53 Alternative-City8409 How cool is that
https://preview.redd.it/8at408rhmage1.png?width=1127&format=png&auto=webp&s=bfc1c47d9304094bf7e5efa62e759421dae44055 submitted by Alternative-City8409 to CATpreparation [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 08:53 descendantofJanus Heavy Metal (1981)
I had my stoner bestie over for Ferngully & pizza and he'd asked if I'd ever heard of this movie. I stared in millennial ('86 baby here). After Ferngully I looked this up on Prime and found it was $4 to rent. No joke for the first ten minutes my genx bestie just held his pipe and didnt tag it because this movie (which he'd seen many times) in 4k uhd on my 55" oled? It was like a tech demo. Like you could just about touch the art almost. I thoroughly enjoyed the movie. Some stories were better than others but the different animation styles were a treat. It was giving "Love, Death, Robots" vibes to me. No story overstayed it's welcome, with each of them being just weird/funny enough to be enjoyable. I enjoyed the first stories (or maybe 4?) the most. Cyberpunk noir cabbie with a backstabbing dame; John Candy he-man fantasy with Dan/Den (and the surfer lazy prince had me giggling along with the "sacrifice's" misshapen nipples changing in different shots); and the one with the stoner alien pilots and the secretary who wanted a "Jewish wedding". Nothing made sense, everything was too bright and colorful, and I enjoyed it all. The very last story, the one featured on the cover, was more spectacle than "story" to me. Lengthy rotoscoping shots just because, like a Tarantino "long shot" without edits. All fluff and no substance. Still enjoyable to watch tho. All in all well worth $4. The sequel is included in prime so I'll give that a watch next. submitted by descendantofJanus to iwatchedanoldmovie [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 08:53 Yoshicakes77 ChorusCreaturesX (originally named MusiX)
Playable Link: https://77games-yc77.itch.io/choruscreaturesx
Platform: Windows and Android
Description: ChorusCreaturesX is a video game I'm working on that is heavily inspired by My Singing Monsters by Big Blue Bubble.
In my game, you play minigames to collect Notes, the in-game currency.
With Notes, you can purchase Creatures. Each Creature makes its own sound that adds to the song/World that it is on. Without any Creatures, you will only hear bass.
Every World has its own song.
Because if how early in development the game is, its pretty unfinished and small. (only featuring 1 World as of version 0.3.0)
Everything is subject to change in the full release.
I hope that I can get atleast a few more people testing my game, and hopefully the game will get a full 1.0.0 release someday this year! (2025)
Free to Play Status: Free to Play
Involvement: I am the creator, composer, artist, animator, and coder of the game. I come up with most things, but I do have some help. (those people are shown in special thanks during the credits)
submitted by Yoshicakes77 to playmygame [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 08:53 desk-russie The American Revolution and the Conflict in Ukraine • desk russie
submitted by desk-russie to geopolitics [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 08:53 Stunning-Willow-5798 My new vegan velvet Mary Janes
I got them impulsively because they were on sale - no regrets! I love them so much and can't wait to wear them out!
What do you think? :)
submitted by Stunning-Willow-5798 to DrMartens [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 08:53 amohamady2012 Unable to join a league
How to join the league submitted by amohamady2012 to fc24mobile [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 08:53 naengdamhan Attempting to recreate the viseme blendshapes' FX through parameters.
I've been working on this for several hours and can't recreate the smooth transitions between the default VRChat visemes using the viseme blendshapes in the avatar descriptor. Any tips?
submitted by naengdamhan to VRchatAvatars [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 08:53 Last_Application7076 Seeking advice: can I still do a PhD in computational chemistry if I major in CS?
Chemistry has been my favorite subject since high school and for the past several years I have wanted to pursue a career where I could do research in a chemistry-related field. In recent months I have become very interested in comp chem as a career and even reached out to a professor who is willing to let me join his lab group (I have only just started going to meetings so I haven't began actual research yet, but hopefully I can start training soon). I think it could be a good fit for me because I have recently realized I don't much care for wet lab work, and I am also drawn to the interdisciplinary nature of it.
Due to various reasons I am now strongly considering switching my major to CS. The reason I feel okay with switching to CS right now is that I think I can probably still do something related to chemistry in grad school (i.e. comp chem), I'm just not sure how much more difficult it would be to do so without majoring in chem.
If pursuing a PhD in comp chem is still doable with a CS major, what can I do while I'm in undergrad to make that transition easier if I end up going that route? I know that undergrad research is really important, and I am hopeful that the professor I've been in contact with would be amenable to me staying in the group despite the major change since I do know he does some stuff with development and ML.
In terms of chemistry coursework, I have already taken ochem I and II. For math I have calc I-III, diff eq, and linalg. I haven't taken calc-based physics I and II yet, but I could do so in order to take pchem (I have heard that is the most important chemistry class for comp chemists). The aforementioned courses are from CC fwiw but they transfer (not sure how much that distinction matters). I can probably fit one other chemistry elective in (maybe inorganic?). I believe that would be enough for a chemstry minor at my university - I'm not sure if I would go further than that since I'd be paying per credit hour. Also (with the exception to ochem I) I probably wouldn't have the labs for these courses due to cost, credit hour allocation, and possible restrictions. Would these courses be enough to prove competency in chemistry subjects?
Besides the above questions is there anything else I should consider before potentially making this switch? Any input is greatly appreciated!
Side note: I have briefly considered some other degrees that might be appropriate for comp chem such as math and physics. I'm not really sure if those degrees are more or less applicable to comp chem than CS (it seems like it kind of depends). After chemistry, my interest in CS, math, and physics are about equal (probably with pure math at the lower end). That being said, I do feel like if for whatever reason I decided that grad school was not for me or that I wanted to work for some time beforehand, I could get a much better job with just a CS degree than with chemsitry, math, or physics. Since the tech market seems to be in a rut right now though I'm not sure if that statement is wishful thinking.
submitted by Last_Application7076 to comp_chem [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 08:53 Educational_Net_354 Is there any way to change the vac subject?
Guys I messed up. I did not know that the same vac subject cannot be taken twice and chose the same subject. Is there any way to get it changed now?
submitted by Educational_Net_354 to delhiuniversity [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 08:53 session_safe_steve Mia Hope
submitted by session_safe_steve to SessionWrestlers [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 08:53 VVheatley Nothing Weird About Him :)
submitted by VVheatley to sharpiecube [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 08:53 RutabagaAgile4337 Lets meet and have fun at 3 pm
submitted by RutabagaAgile4337 to Raipurgays [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 08:53 dookiedookdok Ti
Dudes using my eyes and my phone to make it like we're having a conversation right now. I can hear em talking in these mics in my ears. They're telling the neighbors that I'm mentioning them on the Internet and they are mentioning me on the Internet all day and I don't know these people. He's telling dude nextdoor that his mom is going to let me in the backdoor to let me shoot him with a BB gun because he's harassing me and keeps waking me up. I post their addresses. They're convincing them to kill me.
submitted by dookiedookdok to TargetedSolutions [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 08:53 Accomplished_Olive99 SPY continues its upward trend in a low-volatility environment.
submitted by Accomplished_Olive99 to spy [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 08:53 CherryBlossomEnding CIX - 'THUNDER' Making Film @ MONTBEST
submitted by CherryBlossomEnding to kpop [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 08:53 Aggressive-Cod-7048 Hey guys does anyone know what kinda nut or screw this is to tighten my steering
That’s the best photo I could get as it is in the bottom of the stem, a hex key or socket doesn’t seem too fit? Any ideas what it could be submitted by Aggressive-Cod-7048 to ElectricScooters [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 08:53 Far_Kaleidoscope_882 I'm looking girl for have fun m20
submitted by Far_Kaleidoscope_882 to LetsChat [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 08:53 Prestigious-Key851 new update
hi guys I just updated my game and it just does not open whatsoever. I just get white screen of death and it just says ac evo not responding.
submitted by Prestigious-Key851 to assettocorsaevo [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 08:53 psn_Liridqn [Ratchet & Clank] almost broke my fingers trying to do the Twisty McMarx on the PS Vita, iykyk
submitted by psn_Liridqn to Trophies [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 08:53 IMXERQ Are these any good HT-J5550WK
I found them for 130$ used submitted by IMXERQ to BudgetAudiophile [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 08:53 Febbox Apple Intelligence将从四月起支持更多语言 包括简体中文
submitted by Febbox to singaporeChinese [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 08:53 PeachWorms Junji showing me her best faces
submitted by PeachWorms to aww [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 08:53 pranklou22 Halston Promo Code for February 2025
Check this out for Halston Promo Code for February 2025. Find the best deals for you by looking at the current promo codes and coupons on that page. You'll always find the newest coupons, promo codes, and deals on that page. Choose one to apply to your order and save money.
submitted by pranklou22 to ClockCost [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 08:53 blamarui1 Positive Zukunftsvision fehlt
Es ist nichts neues, aber mir ist gerade nochmal aufgefallen, dass bei den Grünen einfach auch viel zu wenig zur positiven Zukunftsvision klar wird. Ja Zuversicht, Zusammenhalt, alles toll. Aber es gäbe doch konkretere Aussagen für grünenspezifische Politik?ZB für Autarke Energieversorgung, von der alle profitieren (Bürgerenergie & Co) , Integration möglich machen durch Sprachkurse, Weiterbildung, frühkindliche Förderung etc noafd und #fckafd, einziger Punkt: es wird sehr deutlich, was sie wollen submitted by blamarui1 to Staiy [link] [comments] |