Kerrang: 20 Mar 1993

2025.01.31 09:08 Mother-Application43 Kerrang: 20 Mar 1993

Kerrang: 20 Mar 1993 submitted by Mother-Application43 to Living_Colour [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 09:08 anonnan56 Chat, am I doomed? Loads of anti-vampire buffs but these are rats

Chat, am I doomed? Loads of anti-vampire buffs but these are rats submitted by anonnan56 to totalwarhammer [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 09:08 NotPocketranger Screw fiction who’s winning..

Screw fiction who’s winning.. submitted by NotPocketranger to PowerScaling [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 09:08 Mammoth-Radish-6708 Is it possible for the TF Prime designs to become the standard for a while instead of G1?

I never grew up watching Transformers Prime, so I don't have nostalgia for it. But after TF One, I decide to give Prime a shot. And I (mostly) adored it.
And I couldn't stop thinking about how fantastic most of those designs are, and what a shame it is that every new iteration seems to feel beholden to the G1 designs.
Don't get me wrong, I loved the way they used the classic designs in TFO. And I wouldn't want to see TFP just get the same treatment where it forces itself on every iteration until fans start getting sick of it. But at least for a while, it would be nice to see media (maybe games and live action movies) take from its designs.
And Transformes seems to be on a downswing for a while anyway (maybe that's for the best) so maybe by the time the IP gets back on its feet, fans and the creatives would welcome it.
It's probably the best designs Megatron, Soundwave, and Starscream have ever had. (IMO) and Optimus, Raxhet, Arcee, and Knockout also look stunning. The designs also work better for a more modern/current idea of what "advanced technology from another planet" should look like.
But how likely is this to happen? I really wonder. I have no idea how many viewers Prime even got in its heyday. Then again, way more people saw the Bay films than watched G1, and that doesn't stop Hasbro from clinging to the latter rather than the former.
submitted by Mammoth-Radish-6708 to transformers [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 09:08 Retro_X019 Accenture gold program

Has anybody knew about the Accenture gold program. We need to complete 2500 points to gain gold and then what is the process for the next it all provide internship or something courses again need to do?? Can any tell about this.
submitted by Retro_X019 to leetcode [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 09:08 ROLAai 🌟ROLARIANS post is live!🌟

🌟ROLARIANS post is live!🌟 It's Friday again, Rolarians! Don't miss out on Rolarian Random Reward dropping at 6:00 pm on the competition page of the Rolarian App. Goodluck! 🚀
submitted by ROLAai to ROLAai [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 09:08 98thGhoul How Ball of Molted Lead has me

How Ball of Molted Lead has me Yob does it best
submitted by 98thGhoul to doommetal [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 09:08 noneyourbuisness Looking for Perfect Match-A

Looking for Perfect Match-A Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here:
submitted by noneyourbuisness to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 09:08 No_State_3376 3D Printing Services | +254712 908889

submitted by No_State_3376 to nairobi [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 09:08 Sothrik CTR awfully low on new Video, any tips?

Hey guys, i just uploaded the most edited and planned Video ive ever did, still my CTR sits at 0.8, i did use the Youtube A/B for Thumbnails but that doesnt seem to switch and now new impressions have dropped off, any can shoot a few tips my direction ill appreciate it a lot. YT Link is in my Bio on Reddit
submitted by Sothrik to NewTubers [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 09:08 BillPossible1602 KI-Beratung: Zielgruppe als Selbständiger

Hallo zusammen,
wie die Überschrift schon sagt, bräuchte ich einmal eure Hilfe bei der Wahl meiner Zielgruppe.
Hintergrund: Ich arbeite hauptberuflich als IT-Berater in einer mittelständischen Beratung, wir setzen unseren Fokus auf ERP-Einführungen und ich speziell konzentriere mich auf die Bereiche Manufacturing und Supply Chain Management. In dem Bereich arbeite ich mich nun seit ca. 3 Jahren ein, vorher habe ich ausschließlich Software entwickelt.
Mein jetziger Arbeitgeber bietet eine 4-Tage Woche und damit habe ich endlich die Möglichkeit, mich nebenbei selbständig zu machen. Aktuell möchte ich eine KI-Beratung aufbauen, die Frage stellt sich gerade nach der Zielgruppe.
Auf der einen Seite könnte ich mein Prozesswissen nutzen und mich auf produzierende Unternehmen konzentrieren oder zumindest solche, die in SCM-Prozesse eingebunden sind. Das würde vieles einfacher machen (Prozess Know-How, Spaß am Thema, etc.). Auf der anderen Seite habe ich Sorge, dass solche Unternehmen zu groß für jemanden sind, der am Anfang erstmal alleine sein wird. Zudem sehe ich auch das Thema, dass ich meinem Arbeitgeber nicht in die quere kommen darf. Da wir dort uns aber aktuell nicht so sehr mit KI beschäftigen, sehe ich das Problem als eher nebensächlich an.
Auf der anderen Seite könnte ich mich auf kleinere Unternehmen fokussieren, beispielsweise Steuerberatungen. Da fehlt mir das Wissen über die Prozesse, ab ich denke dort kommt man als Solo-Selbständiger erstmal einfacher in den Markt. Bei produzierenden Unternehmen sind die Lösungen unter Umständen direkt so groß und komplex, dass ich eben auch entsprechend Konkurrenz haben werde.
Was denkt ihr aus eurer Erfahrung dazu?
Viele Grüße & danke für eure Mühe!
submitted by BillPossible1602 to selbststaendig [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 09:08 UnfairMess249 A wild wanderer appears

A wild wanderer appears submitted by UnfairMess249 to ScaramoucheMains [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 09:08 Apprehensive_End_740 "Echoes of Joy" - A Heartfelt Country Ballad of Lost Love & Timeless Memories | Country Music 2025

submitted by Apprehensive_End_740 to CountryMusicStuff [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 09:08 Graver69 Glue it down or replace the tyre?

submitted by Graver69 to AskAShittyMechanic [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 09:08 Idkwhyy11 Series / movie suggestions to get addicted for a while

feeling kinda empty and low, just want to escape for a while—any addictive feel-good or thrilling Netflix movies/series to get lost in? I loved vampire dairies, elite 2 season, money heist, sex education, brooklyn 99, little things kinda vibee??
submitted by Idkwhyy11 to Coconaad [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 09:08 Hairy_Ad_4185 Thank you

i wanna thank everyone who’s posts pictures of there frogs cause my 3 year old nephew was peeking over my shoulder one time and now he insists we come on here and see the frogs thank you everyone for giving him that joy of looking at the frogs with me
submitted by Hairy_Ad_4185 to AfricanDwarfFrog [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 09:08 pranklou22 Pink Lily Promo Code for February 2025

Click the link for Pink Lily Promo Code for February 2025. Save some money by selecting one of the current promo codes or coupons on that page. That page is updated regularly with the latest coupons, promo codes, and deals. Take advantage of the discounts by selecting one to use.
submitted by pranklou22 to ClockCost [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 09:08 POCLANOS [Official Audio] MORE (모어) - I ME MY

[Official Audio] MORE (모어) - I ME MY submitted by POCLANOS to POCLANOS [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 09:08 armandricemabbit a palate cleanser #17 in an occasional series

a palate cleanser #17 in an occasional series submitted by armandricemabbit to ACAB [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 09:08 No_Concept_9217 current gf diagnosed with same mental illness as abusive ex

i’m sure this will sound stupid as hell but my horribly abusive ex girlfriend was diagnosed with bpd and used it against me constantly. it was a shield against taking accountability for her own shit actions. (i have amazing friends in my life with bpd and i don’t mean to come off as generalising) my current partner is finally in therapy and has told me she might have bpd. whilst she’s never expressed the harmful behaviours my ex did my brain has spiralled into the idea that the abuse will start and i can’t do that again. sorry for the ramble :)
submitted by No_Concept_9217 to trauma [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 09:08 Yonahawk Moonwalker • Weld-O (Machinist's Legacy) • Hydraulic Slammer (Default) • Burnmark

Moonwalker • Weld-O (Machinist's Legacy) • Hydraulic Slammer (Default) • Burnmark submitted by Yonahawk to FortniteFashion [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 09:08 Fit_Job8490 Decided to remake “Coquette” Rosemary, what do you guys think? :3

submitted by Fit_Job8490 to pillarchase2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 09:08 whatLies_Ahead Poor kitchen exhaust systems on Restos & Cafes

Nanotice ko lang sa lugar namin, di maganda exhaust systems ng mga cafes and restaurants. Yung tipong didikit ang amoy sa damit nimo pag pasok mo kahit yung mga aesthetic cafes. Ano ba dapat measures na gagawin para maprevent tong ganito?
submitted by whatLies_Ahead to CivilEngineers_PH [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 09:08 Few_Weather7516 Ghost Recon Breakpoint Duo Stealth Run – Success or Failure?

Ghost Recon Breakpoint Duo Stealth Run – Success or Failure? Let me know in comments do u like it
submitted by Few_Weather7516 to GhostRecon [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 09:08 Robemilak Bong Joon-ho on Robert Pattinson's Batman in 'THE BATMAN'

Bong Joon-ho on Robert Pattinson's Batman in 'THE BATMAN' submitted by Robemilak to Superhero_News [link] [comments]