Cessione del credito da ristrutturazione

2025.01.31 08:48 overbost Cessione del credito da ristrutturazione

Il titolo dice quasi tutto.
Sto ristrutturando con vari artigiani e avrò un credito che farò fatica a smaltire. È possibile cederlo alla mia azienda? La quale è in piccola parte partecipe per le demolizioni quindi avrò una piccola fattura anche da questa
submitted by overbost to commercialisti [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 08:48 ZapppppBrannigan Is it just me or is there less high level killers in the game now?

I've started playing again after a month or two off. In soloq I've been escaping 50%+ and haven't really encountered many killers who are top tier. I feel like I use to go against very good killers quite often. Has my MMR dropped, have the good killers left or am I just a lot better from watching alot of DBD comp?
Or is it just me who feels this way?
submitted by ZapppppBrannigan to deadbydaylight [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 08:48 dragonyi 6 days late?

For context, I’m 18 and would say I’m quite sexually active with my boyfriend (never without condoms though, and I always check in case there’s any leakage right after), especially since I have a hard time saying no a lot of the time, it’s hard to keep track of each exact date we’ve done it.
My last two cycles were 28 days long but my current cycle has reached a new peak at 34 days, my periods are often irregular due to having taken plan B’s in the past few months and I have experienced a longer cycle delay in the past (40 days) due to a severe eating disorder but that was back in 2021 so as of today, I’m quite worried.
Haven’t experienced any symptoms other than horrible cramps a few days ago which went away after taking some painkillers and a little bit of constipation and bloating here and there but that’s been normal for me my whole life.
I am prone to worrying a lot but this time around I’m just kinda sick of it n so tired mentally due to the new year starting n other things in life, and I live in a country where abortion is illegal and punishable by jail time. Any advice would be appreciated:) Especially on how to induce a period.
submitted by dragonyi to Periods [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 08:48 hornyxdxd Demasiada libido/sex drive. Quiero dejar de pensar tanto en sexo

Soy hombre, 20, no he tenido experiencia sexual ni mucho contacto femenino, pero estoy TODO EL DÍA cachondo y pensando en sexo y mujeres, 24/7, es obsesivo.
No me gusta, me quita muchísimo tiempo diariamente y mucha energía, me masturbo muucho y pese a haberme alejado en el pasado de cualquier contenido sexual (porno, revistas, chats sucios) durante meses seguia igual.
Estuve 5 meses sin porno ni estimulación sexual externa de ningún tipo para remediar esto incluso forzandome a no fap (aunque no aguantaba mucho con esto ultimo) y nada cambiaba, hace varios meses volví a recaer en todos estos vicios aunque sigo intentando dejar el porno de nuevo con resultados decentes.
Pensé que leer cosas sexuales sería un sustitutivo para ir calmando mi sex drive pero ahora me paso mínimo una hora (usualmente 2 o 3) al día leyendo esas cosas o diciendo burradas y barbaridades y hablando sucio por chat a chicas, o haciendo roleplays con ellas, no paro de desinstalarme reddit para no hacer esto último pero siempre acabo aquí de nuevo.
Me cuesta mucho relacionarme con mujeres y tener amigas o ligar porque mi cerebro no para de sexualizarlas A TOPE, si están en un rango de edad mínimamente similar a mi no puedo no estar imaginándome constantemente haciéndoles todo tipo de guarradas, me pasa en el bus, metro, con funcionarias, compañeras de trabajo o universidad, repartidoras, amigas de amigos, conocidas, son pensamientos intrusivos MUY MUY potentes que en el momento me pasan factura.
Ellas suelen pensar que soy tímido o tengo déficit de atención, cuando simplemente NO PUEDO no estar imaginarlas follando o chupandomela en ese mismo instante y apenas puedo dejar esos pensamientos para después.
No exagero al decir que al menos tercio de mis pensamientos se basan en sexo o chicas, y no me gusta pues siento mi energía muy drenada y tengo una vida normal aparte de todo esto
submitted by hornyxdxd to esConversacion [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 08:48 Exciting_Language727 All the last minute changes

Do yall agree that it seems like he took the criticism for the past few months and did something about it? For example - people complaining about the cover so he changed it - the dislike for the singles so he removed dancing in the flames and gave São Paulo toe interludes to help it fit in - giving timeless a clean transition - also people are reporting that the CDs ar showing different track lists and names of songs Some changes were good but maybe it seems like he panic alittle and did alittle much with it? Who knows what he changed recently compared to what we heard tonight 😭
submitted by Exciting_Language727 to TheWeeknd [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 08:48 StarbuckWasACylon An orange idiot speaks and suddenly 170 MILLION people have less buying power. Capitalism is dumb.

An orange idiot speaks and suddenly 170 MILLION people have less buying power. Capitalism is dumb. submitted by StarbuckWasACylon to economicCollapse [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 08:48 Express_Cattle_9795 Remington curl and straigth

Sziasztok, kemény 12 év után tönkrement a kedvenc Remington hajvasalóm! A fent említett típusról szeretnék érdeklődni, használja valaki? Mik a tapasztalatok? Elvileg nagyon szépen göndörít és vasal is.
submitted by Express_Cattle_9795 to szepsegtippek [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 08:48 sharvini Started walking from Jan 1st. Walked 500,000 steps

Started walking from Jan 1st. Walked 500,000 steps Averaging 15k per day. Lost 5kg in one month assisted by clean diet and strength training.
Next month goal is to have 20k average per day.
submitted by sharvini to walking [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 08:48 Mountain-Delay1108 Roast my startup idea: Crowdsourced delivery to replace Amazon

The idea: a delivery platform based on crowdsourcing. It would connect buyers with independent delivery people—someone with a truck, extra space in their car, or just looking for a side gig. Customers could use it to get furniture delivered from Marketplace, for example, or small businesses could hire these drivers for their deliveries.
Prices would (theoretically) be more competitive, with fewer intermediaries and no unnecessary packaging.
I’m posting here because I want to test this idea in Montreal first and get feedback from people in the area. Whether you’re a delivery driver, an Amazon user, or just someone who enjoys tearing apart startup ideas, go for it.
Thanks in advance for your honest feedback, even if it hurts🥲
submitted by Mountain-Delay1108 to montreal [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 08:48 Savings-Psychology65 Aoleu ,Aia e ba, daca era aur quasaric sau cel puțin aur quarcic , jur că îl credeam 😂😂😂 https://evz.ro/calin-georgescu-lanseaza-noi-teorii-ale-conspiratiei-romania-are-aur-monoatomic.html

Aoleu ,Aia e ba, daca era aur quasaric sau cel puțin aur quarcic , jur că îl credeam 😂😂😂 https://evz.ro/calin-georgescu-lanseaza-noi-teorii-ale-conspiratiei-romania-are-aur-monoatomic.html submitted by Savings-Psychology65 to Academia_de_Caterinca [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 08:48 DogFluffy1511 pt57

pt57 submitted by DogFluffy1511 to marinajotanovictwerk [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 08:48 askreddit_GPT2 What do you do when you can't stand life?

submitted by askreddit_GPT2 to SubSimGPT2Interactive [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 08:48 decryption Joined the Aussie Ioniq 6 club

Joined the Aussie Ioniq 6 club Picked up my new Ioniq 6 Dynamiq today. Managed to get it for A$49,500 using a promo Hyundai is currently running. Replacing a Tesla and this car is so much nicer to live with even just after a day of driving. Any other Australians in this group?
submitted by decryption to Ioniq6 [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 08:48 jvc72 Buy Signal Solstad Offshore ASA - 31 jan 2025 @ 09:30 -> NOK40.70

Ticker: SOFF.OL
Exchange: OSL
Time: 31 jan 2025 @ 09:30
Price: NOK40.70
Link: https://getagraph.com/OSL/stock/live-signals/SOFF.OL/ENG
submitted by jvc72 to getagraph [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 08:48 Careful-Shock-8903 ugh

ugh pls help pookies
submitted by Careful-Shock-8903 to Soundmap [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 08:48 KatoLee- Whiplash vs. Sound of Metal: Which One Left a Bigger Impact?

Which was a better movie to you the sound of metal or whiplash?
Which movie do you think was better, Sound of Metal or Whiplash?
I was thinking about this the other day. While they aren’t exactly similar in tone or story, both films share a key commonality—they follow a drummer whose life is completely shaped by their craft. Whiplash explores the relentless pursuit of perfection, pushing its protagonist to extreme physical and mental limits, while Sound of Metal is a more introspective journey about loss, adaptation, and acceptance.
I’m curious to hear your thoughts on each film. Which one resonated with you more, and why? Did you prefer the intensity and psychological tension of Whiplash, or did Sound of Metal’s emotional depth and unique perspective on sound and silence leave a bigger impact? Let me know which one stood out to you and why.
submitted by KatoLee- to movies [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 08:48 samodamalo Mobbning borde tillåtas och hamna under yttrandefrihet

Gäller allt. Mobba någon för att dom är muslim? Varsågod!
Mobba någon på skolgården för att de är Jehovas? Kör på!
Samla alla i en ring för att peka på att någon har fula kläder eller bara har massa finnar på ansiktet! Woohoo, det ska bli kul!
Skratta åt dem högt och använd det fria ordet! I Sverige har vi yttrandefrihet. Ingen ska behöva straffas för vad man säger.
Obs: Glöm inte sprida rykten om någon bakom deras rygg till andra, sen inte konfrontera personen man spridit t ex medvetna lögner om för att själv ska må som en kung. Skulle jag säga är väldigt svenskt.
submitted by samodamalo to Sverige [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 08:48 sliverwerdio 400 jobs to go, many in bakery

submitted by sliverwerdio to tesco [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 08:48 Basic-Gold-2666 Need everybody's suggestions and support on my new league/s

I have created a 1v1 league that started 1947. For starters, there are 209 players available so I created 209 teams that will compete for provincial championship, then every provincial champs will compete in regional championships, and then regional champs will compete in national championships.
I will appreciate your support and any comments/suggestions to improve my league. I am currently streaming every game on my facebook page linked here.
submitted by Basic-Gold-2666 to BasketballGM [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 08:48 RyanBurnettNZ Shared Driveway

Hey All,
The neighbour in front of us has suggested that we need to put in a new driveway, which I agree we should. It is a rural area and essentially loose metal and both of us back our boats back into our garages etc.
He also owns two sections on the shared driveway, so will go 2/3rds of the cost, and 1/3 for us. I have no issues at all with the above.
Where I do have issues is, he wants to lay 150mm thick concrete to cater for his 5T boat and tractor which absolutely rarks up the current driveway. He also has two trucks which go up and down which would easily be 5T each too.
From what I can work out, 100mm would be ample for my use case (1.3T boat and Ford Everest) but, I don't think its fair that I have to pay the 150mm price to cover his use case? What do you guys think is the solution here?
I think im being pretty reasonable?
submitted by RyanBurnettNZ to LegalAdviceNZ [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 08:48 water_witch14 Is masters in fashion from LCF really worth it for abroad students?

Hi, i am an Indian student who and I want to improve my opportunities I'm getting and was thinking of going for a masters degree in fashion design from London college of fashion. since I don't have that kind of money and for India the fees being in pounds make it further expensive right away, can someone help me understand whether it is worth it or not? its really important for me. please help!
submitted by water_witch14 to UAL [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 08:48 TrafficOk9860 Wbjee Test Series

Can any one please suggest the relevant test for wbjee ? I have searched in yt and I got these 1)Mathongo ( 10 full test papers )+ PYQS as test 2) Let's improve ( 18 chapterwise and 10 full test ) 3) Suvajit academy ( 14 full test )
Or should I go for Test papers books like Arihant ( 15 Tests ) MTG ( 10 tests ) I don't know how these books are relevant or not??
submitted by TrafficOk9860 to wbjee [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 08:48 Littlechilean7419 Are Universal Geneva watches good?

submitted by Littlechilean7419 to VintageWatches [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 08:48 LeatherRelative8914 Boy or girl and why?

submitted by LeatherRelative8914 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 08:48 Silly-avocatoe RFK Jr.'s Alleged Troubling History with Animals: Blending Mice, Freezing Roadkill, Staging a Bear Accident and Beheading a Whale

RFK Jr.'s Alleged Troubling History with Animals: Blending Mice, Freezing Roadkill, Staging a Bear Accident and Beheading a Whale submitted by Silly-avocatoe to politics [link] [comments]
