2025.01.31 08:57 Downtown-Humor2122 Valgemner i informatikk og jobbmuligheter
I hvilken grad ser bedrifter på hvilke valgemner en har tatt under informatikkgraden ved ansetting?
submitted by Downtown-Humor2122 to ntnu [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 08:57 PatrickFromNorway [Repost Marketing] Market analysis for a new social media concept (Everyone, 13+)
Hello! We are a small startup located in Norway. As for now we are doing a market analysis of a new potential functions on a brand new social media. We would GREATLY appreciate if you would take time to answer this survey. This survey takes less than 2 minutes to complete. We need to gather a huge amount of data and we aim at 1000 responders. So if you have anyone that could be interested in this survey, please share! Thank you!
submitted by PatrickFromNorway to SurveySwap [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 08:57 Apart_Order_6859 There is a small white dot growing on my Betta, I have no idea what it is and how to fix it
It is on his left pectoral fin submitted by Apart_Order_6859 to bettafish [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 08:57 What15Happening Twin Peaks Tattoo
The iconic tape recorder (alongside a window from X Files and the swan computer from Lost). All key parts of the show, but in the artist’s style. submitted by What15Happening to twinpeaks [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 08:57 HotPersimessage62 Peter Dutton slams ‘cultural diversity’ in government and vows to slash public servant jobs with Trump-inspired Aussie DOGE
submitted by HotPersimessage62 to AusPublicService [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 08:57 LavRyMusic My insidious demon/darth maul giant pawn and I
So smol
submitted by LavRyMusic to DragonsDogma [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 08:57 Specific-Albatross-7 I've been blocked?
I'm fairly new to Fanatical, I've made a few purchases, but stopped for a few weeks to focus on all the games I've gotten. I tried loading the site back up just now but it says I'm blocked and can't access the site at all. What happened? What did I do? And how can I gain access to the site again?
submitted by Specific-Albatross-7 to fanatical [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 08:57 aspazmodic 2025-01-31 setlist. Aladdin Theater - Portland, OR
8:10pm Set 1 Not coming down > wormwood > Yellow tigers > Spaz Rx BJ Pizza Bat Country Jazz wank > Buster
10:00 Set 2: Giants > Moth -> Living again > Tubing the river Styx -> Meat (barely Unfinished) -> Moth
E: immigrant song
Living again ending was crazy wall of noise Meat was complete enough, just missing the ending proper. I'd be surprised if they bothered to close it out
The Tubing ---> meat jam was incredible
submitted by aspazmodic to moeperiod [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 08:57 reddit_lss_2 Save crosspost for 31/1/2025 08:56:05
submitted by reddit_lss_2 to qa_automation_posts [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 08:57 Cool_Owl890 Am i at fault??
Sold ixus 175 camera on fb marketplace and the buyer wanted to get a refund because apparently the lens of the camera makes noise? (but its literally normal as the one i kept personally does the same as well, a quick google search said its due to image stabilization).
the buyer insisted on me refunding her as i didn't tell her beforehand, however they did literally test out the camera in from of me before making transaction and everything seemed fine.
they are threatning on coming to my house and demand me to give them a refund because 'it just wasn't right'.
it got a bit annoying so i just left the conversation in the end. am i in the wrong position and should just give them a refund? what if they do actually coming back to my house... do i have the rights to call on police for this? (even though they probably wouldn't). any advice to make me feel better is appreciated.
submitted by Cool_Owl890 to FacebookMarketplace [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 08:57 ffreey Por varias generaciones los michis oscuros de mi casa siguen defendiendo sus dominios del clan gatos naranja del vecino xd
submitted by ffreey to FelixTheMemelord [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 08:57 Hiroshi_Ryoma kaalu kavach irikana aparna… idayil keri aa pooru nakki edukanam 🤤🤤🤤
submitted by Hiroshi_Ryoma to mallu__kambi [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 08:57 anima248 Level 38 looking for more mentees!
Hi still looking for more mentees to add me as mentor. I'm pretty active so you will be able to get a bunch of points for buffs and items. Mentor name: Anima
submitted by anima248 to TinyCafe [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 08:57 Chipfoxxo Anyone else ever start a new save...
...and immediately test every possible combination of two miis in the compatibility tester after unlocking it, record every single result for some reason, something like... 780 results for 40 miis, for instance... then realize you screwed up something particular during island creation, delete your save, make a new save, add all the same miis to it but with different birthdates for whatever reason, unlock the compatibility tester again, and test every possible combination of two miis and record every single result again in the span of like 2-3 days?
...No? Just me?
submitted by Chipfoxxo to tomodachilife [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 08:57 OwlSignificant4671 top 10 che lowk
submitted by OwlSignificant4671 to cheromani [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 08:57 Ok_Associate_9879 When, if ever, will Overwatch 2 have genuine sequel status?
When I think of what is officially known as "Overwatch 2", all that really comes to mind is Overwatch. I know a lot of people were memeing about OW2 at its initial release, due to how it didn't seem all that different from the original game. I can see where that sentiment stems from, as the game, in a superficial sense, from the outside looking in, looks very much the same.
If 6v6 ends up being the dominant format, once again, I have to wonder... what is it that would separate OW2 from OW1? I suppose we have a few new heroes. New maps. Reworks. More intricate designs (for the most part). Season 9 changes, which change the feel in some way. A new monetization system. But, regardless of whether the game is fun or not, it still doesn't seem deserving of being called a sequel.
We are (checks calendar) a little over 2 years ahead from OW2's original release. When I think of the game now... it seems more like Overwatch 1.5. It's clear that it has shifted in some way, and we know the team has stated their ambitions to shake the foundations of the game. As of now, it has been announced that there will be some substantial changes to PvP gameplay. But, will it be enough? Will it push the game over the edge, towards sequel status?
What fundamental changes would you like to see in Overwatch? What do you think it would take, for Overwatch to earn its “2”? Feel free to leave your thoughts below.
submitted by Ok_Associate_9879 to Competitiveoverwatch [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 08:57 Yameromn [Profile Review] Deposit NEU or wait?
I would appreciate your advice on my profile:
Indian 4.5 YOE, 1 Fintech giant and 2 startups IIT CSE 8.11 CGPA
Received offer from: NEU SUNY Buffalo
Deposit deadline (5 Feb) for NEU is approaching and I am not sure about its reputation. I personally like the Co-op program and my goal is to land a job so it should help, but this sub keeps shitting on NEU for being a cashcow.
Also, I will be relying mostly on loans from banks.
submitted by Yameromn to MSCS [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 08:57 Latter-Artichoke1962 Won't Smith
submitted by Latter-Artichoke1962 to WalmartCelebrities [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 08:57 yuuuhhhhhhh42069 JJ Wolf absolutely annihilating a tennis ball at the Cleveland Open.
submitted by yuuuhhhhhhh42069 to tennis [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 08:57 Icy-Percentage-234 Tables started while still have premium
I mainly play with my partner from the same IP address and have gotten premium for it. It's expiring soon and we won't be renewing for now. So, I'm wondering if anything will change on turn-based tables that have already been created and joined before the premium period ends? We can still finish the games, right?
Thanks in advance!
submitted by Icy-Percentage-234 to boardgamearena [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 08:57 Deikeykong Vente appartement
Bonjour, je vends actuellement mon appartement en île de France, je suis en particulier à particulier. À ce jour j’ai une acheteur qui souhaite acquérir mon bien mais qui trouve toujours un prétexte pour ne pas signer le compromis. Cela dur depuis 2 mois et je n’ai plus le temps de négocier ni l’envie de leurs vendre tellement les acquéreurs cherche des noises. À savoir que les discussions portent sur des questions de copropriété et non de mon bien en lui même.
L’histoire tourne en boucle et j’ai l’impression de ne pas pouvoir sortir de ce processus alors que je n’ai rien signé avec ces gens.
D’après mon notaire ce n’est pas signé évident que ça de finir avec ces acheteurs pour pouvoir le remettre en vente (d’ailleurs je vais passer avec une agence immobilière)
Ma question est quelles sont mes droits et est il possible de dire stop à tout cela ?
Merci à tous
submitted by Deikeykong to conseiljuridique [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 08:57 Bitter-Platypus-1066 Career Advice
Career Advice
I have my first-round interview for a Program Manager – Business Intelligence and Data Analytics role. I’d appreciate any suggestions, as well as a few tips and tricks to help me succeed. I’m confident that I have all the necessary skills for this position. Additionally, what kind of questions can I expect for this role?
submitted by Bitter-Platypus-1066 to PMCareers [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 08:57 Adventurous_Fail9122 Where's my CREDITS?
I just started this week’s weekly challenge, and after racing three races, I haven’t received any credits. Curious if it’s just me or if others are experiencing the same thing. What say you? submitted by Adventurous_Fail9122 to granturismo [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 08:57 reddit_lss_2 Link Crosspost UI test for 31/1/2025 08:54:54
submitted by reddit_lss_2 to automationcrossposts2 [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 08:57 lssqa3433 Crosspost from profile to subreddit for 31/1/2025 08:56:02
submitted by lssqa3433 to LssAutomation [link] [comments]