Cute baby kitten

2025.01.31 08:49 S-creations Cute baby kitten

submitted by S-creations to Animal [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 08:49 ollie1999005 New Flat (old)

Hi all,
I’ve just moved into a apartment and have tried setting up the internet today and realised the modern router I purchased won’t even plug into this little box and have no idea what it is? I tried taking it off the wall with the screw to hopefully be able to plug my modem router into but it won’t come off ?
Will my modem router work with this or? And can I 100/20 mbps be achieved ?
Any advice would be great just moved from the UK so slightly different here 🤣
Thanks :)
submitted by ollie1999005 to nbn [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 08:49 primesra01 Lufthansa Promo Code for February 2025

Click the link for Lufthansa Promo Code for February 2025. Save some money by selecting one of the current promo codes or coupons on that page. That page is updated regularly with the latest coupons, promo codes, and deals. Take advantage of the discounts by selecting one to use.
submitted by primesra01 to OccasionMall [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 08:49 pauljohnnet Reccomended listening

Hi everyone,
Apologies if this has been asked many times. I am going through some very difficult times at the moment and find listening to podcasts / audible useful to get off to sleep. I found meditation often helped but as I am learning and developing I didn’t want to mix mediation to sleep. I have been studying Buddhism for about 9 months, and still working through my understanding of attachment and impermanence. Would anyone have any recommendations for daily podcast listening, and recommended audible books please?
Thank you
submitted by pauljohnnet to Buddhism [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 08:49 pranklou22 Effy Jewelry Promo Code for February 2025

Check this out for Effy Jewelry Promo Code for February 2025. Find the best deals for you by looking at the current promo codes and coupons on that page. You'll always find the newest coupons, promo codes, and deals on that page. Choose one to apply to your order and save money.
submitted by pranklou22 to ClockCost [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 08:49 hollynoiir عيدالميلادوفوبيا

دايماً بيكون عندي خوف من عيد ميلادي ودايماً بحس فيه بإكتئاب ووحده، سواء عيد ميلادي او عيد راس سنه او اي عيد، الموضوع ملهوش علاقه بالعيد بحد ذاته الفكره اني بفتكر اني لوحدي، المختلف المرادي اني هكمل ال ٣٠ سنه وحاسس اني عمري اتسرق مني
submitted by hollynoiir to AlexandriaEgy [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 08:49 JimBroke Beachy Head lighthouse at 5:56am

submitted by JimBroke to Eastbourne [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 08:49 SoddEnjoyer Det skumle bygningsenergidirektivet

Denne kommer til å bli litt lang. Ha i bakhodet at et gjennomgående tema i direktivene er at alle tiltak skal kun gjennomføres dersom det er økonomisk fornuftig. Alle EU land utfører kostnadsoptimalisering som de publiserer fritt her.
Det har vært en del i vinden om bygningsenergidirektivet, tar med 2010, og den siste som mest sannsynlig også blir del av EØS, 2024. Flere er litt bekymret for hvordan dette kommer til å påvirke boligeiere. Tvungen oppussing i millionklassen, solceller på alle tak, og en fullstendig omveltning av bygningsmassen vi er så glad i. Så hva gjelder egentlig? Blir vi som er huseier påtvunget å ta opp lån i milliardklassen? Skal prøve å svare på spørsmålene og ta med eksempler på hvordan våre naboer har innført det.
Oppussing: Member States shall take the necessary measures to ensure that when buildings undergo major renovation, the energy performance of the building or the renovated part thereof is upgraded in order to meet minimum energy performance requirements set in accordance with Article 4 in so far as this is technically, functionally and economically feasible.
Kravet gjelder altså for alle bygg som undergår en større renovasjon, men hva er en større renovasjon?
Våre naboer har definert det slik:

Danmark Sverige Finland
Minst 30kwh/m2 reduksjon ved renovering, komplisert system for hva som utgjør renovering. Hver enkeltdel som renoveres skal oppfylle energikrav. Vindu skal ha en U-verdi på <1.2 for eksempel. Alle renoveringer som krever en søknad skal oppfylle energikrav som helhet.
Den norske TEK17 har ganske lignende definisjon som den finske, men vi bruker vesentlig endring eller reparasjon. TEK17 har altså energikrav allerede som er strengere enn våre naboer, vindu for eksempel skal være <0.8. Så når det kommer til oppussing så er det ingenting i direktivet som endrer noe som helst for oss som huseiere. For nybygg så gjelder TEK17 uansett, som mer enn oppfyller ønskene i direktivet.
Noen er også kanskje bekymret for gamle bygg, eller verneverdige bygg. Dette er dekket i artikkel 4 der det er spesifikt unntak for verneverdige bygg hvis oppgraderingen går på bekostning av utseende. Det er også unntak for religiøse bygg, midlertidige bygg, små bygg (<50kvm), og lite brukte boliger.
Det neste store punktet gjelder bilparken.
Artikkel 8: With regard to new non-residential buildings and non-residential buildings undergoing major renovation, with more than ten parking spaces, Member States shall ensure the installation of at least one recharging point within the meaning of Directive 2014/94/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council ( 4 ) and ducting infrastructure, namely conduits for electric cables, for at least one in every five parking spaces to enable the installation at a later stage of recharging points for electric vehicles
Meg forstått så er dagens regler i Norge at bygg skal være ladeklare, men ikke nødvendigvis krav til at de skal installere ladepunkt. Dette er et punkt der det faktisk kan føre til endringer i norske regelverk.
Et annet punkt som kan føre til endringer er kravene til energivudering av anlegg. Per i dag har Norge krav om at alle varmeanlegg over 20kw skal gjennomgå en energivurdering. Direktivet i artikkel 14 setter kravet til at alle anlegg over 70kw skal gjennomgå energivurdering. Dette er altså lite problematisk.
Nytt i 2024 versjonen av direktivet er kravene til solceller, de blir forklart i artikkel 10. Solceller skal installeres på nye bygg det er teknisk, funksjonelt, og økonomisk fornuftig å gjøre det. Andre bygg skal tilrettelegge for enkel og billig oppgradering senere. Det er ingen krav til allerede eksisterende boliger. Paragraf 32 dekker også en del angående solcellene, og spesifiserer igjen at det skal være kostnadseffektivt.
Håpet med denne posten er at vi kan ha et litt mer nyansert bilde av hva direktivene faktisk inneholder, og at vi faktisk oppfyller nesten alle kravene til de allerede. Det er mange som kan tjene mye på skremselspropaganda. Dette er drit kjedelig materiale.
submitted by SoddEnjoyer to norge [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 08:49 MagpiePants They know me too well…

I think they know that if they put a cute dog in the pack, there’s more chance I’ll buy it 😆😆😆
submitted by MagpiePants to MergeMansion [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 08:49 Advanced-History5853 karma 4 karmaaa?

submitted by Advanced-History5853 to karma_orgy [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 08:49 Henk1088 Goud in portfolio

Hallo allemaal,
Ik beleg momenteel een vast bedrag per maand in ETFs. Hoe kijken jullie aan tegen bijvoorbeeld ook een beetje fysiek goud via gold republic? Bijvoorbeeld 80-85% etfs en 15-20% goud? Eventueel zou 5 a 10% bitcoin ook nog een optie kunnen zijn.
submitted by Henk1088 to beleggen [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 08:49 Bright993 Receipt Jar Referral

Receipt Jar pays you to upload receipts! Download the app and enter my referral code KARACDTDM
submitted by Bright993 to promocode [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 08:49 Dusterdawn What this cat might be thinking?

submitted by Dusterdawn to animalcartoons [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 08:49 Knight-Rider25 Michael Douglas & Jeanne Tripplehorn - 1992

Michael Douglas & Jeanne Tripplehorn - 1992 BTS of Basic Instinct 1992
submitted by Knight-Rider25 to OldSchoolCelebs [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 08:49 Ludramor Game price can sometimes change your opinion

As the title suggests, when it comes to pricing a game, I have the opinion that this can, at times, change your opinion of the game. Let me give you an example: The Order 1886. When the game came out, people didn't like it because it was short, with too much cinematics, and full priced, not to mention those who spent money on the Collector's Edition. However, if you played the game after spending, lets say, $20, you would have a different opinion. What do you all think about it?
submitted by Ludramor to videogames [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 08:49 ZookeepergameKey4695 MHA

anyone gotten their MHA payment yet for Jan?
submitted by ZookeepergameKey4695 to VeteransBenefits [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 08:49 Wherearemyplums Looking for players dm me

I'm up all night if anyone wants to play . Tired of randoms doin random stuff . I have the tv adapter and I have a controller . I'm decent I used to play on PS3 season 1-5, but switch is a hassle adapting to for me
submitted by Wherearemyplums to FortniteSwitch [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 08:49 Exastiken 【#SousaiShojoTeien】Sousai Shojo Teien Eye Decal Master Usage Video

【#SousaiShojoTeien】Sousai Shojo Teien Eye Decal Master Usage Video submitted by Exastiken to SousaiShojoTeien [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 08:49 Outrageous-Cause-999 A flaire and the map explote

A flaire and the map explote The bordes are all fill with bateries im scared what could a flaire do
submitted by Outrageous-Cause-999 to Mindustry [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 08:49 AwesomeAlex2710 Commander/Deck theme in between Volton and Tokens?

I’m playing around with different ideas and themes for commander decks, and I’m curious as to what options exist in a middle ground of Voltron and a Tokens style deck. Instead of going all in on one creature, or making a huge army, what viable options for having 3-5 creatures and buffing them up together or one at a time. I was kinda thinking Red Black and White, or some kinda combination of those would be best for this, but maybe I’m missing something good from green and blue.
submitted by AwesomeAlex2710 to magicTCG [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 08:49 nathanengland9898 Cant say I didn't try

Cant say I didn't try Tried getting Tylee Craft a heisman after him getting added to the game and not even consideration after 10 weeks. Smh
submitted by nathanengland9898 to CFB25 [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 08:49 DoubleRNL Curious (not judging): who actually plays old (25+ year or older) games and why?

Obviously I understand the nostalgia aspect or people being curious about certain games they never got to play..
But every time I tried playing those games myself I just had the feeling of: why don’t I use my precious gaming time to play newenew games? There are so many games in the 10+ years or newer range that I haven’t played, why shouldn’t I play that instead and have a (slightly more) modern experience? Why play N64 games when I have so many Switch games I still need to play (for example)
Again this is outside of nostalgia because I totally get playing games from your childhood again :) and don’t want to judge anyone, just very curious, examples are allowed in your answer!
submitted by DoubleRNL to gaming [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 08:49 Legitimate-Bike-3570 25 [F4M] One night stand

Looking for hookup tonight hookup or meet and fuck kinda horny na tlaga ang eabab hue!!! Anyone here na same feeling? Huy for fun lang to ha walang kahit na anong catch. Please hmu on tg if you're also need to release some stress tonight.
Preference lang is, you can host or shoulder the check in fee and you can fetch me and drop by.
submitted by Legitimate-Bike-3570 to phr4rmarikina [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 08:49 Drillenissen1 Open-source økonomiplatform med ordrestyring, POS og lager

Hej alle,
Jeg vil lige dele Saldi med jer, hvis det kunne være af interesse.
Saldi er en open-source, lovgodkendt økonomiløsning til danske virksomheder. Systemet bruges af både små og store virksomheder og inkluderer økonomistyring, ordrestyring, POS og lager – alt sammen i én løsning.
🔗 GitHub: 🔗 Hjemmeside:
Vi er et lille team i Helsinge, der har videreført softwarets legacy i mere end 20 år, og vi brænder for at gøre det endnu bedre! Systemet er primært bygget i PHP/PostgreSQL, da det har sine rødder helt tilbage i 1997.
Hvis nogen har lyst til at bidrage, er I mere end velkomne – både med kode, feedback og idéer.
Det er også mit første post på reddit, så håber ikke jeg har gjordt noget drastisk forkert :p
submitted by Drillenissen1 to dkudvikler [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 08:49 NormalOwl8927 Frizz

Hey! I (M) recently grew my hair out but I have a hard time getting rid of frizz (especially after washing it) Any advice is appreciated!
submitted by NormalOwl8927 to Haircare [link] [comments]