Limbo vip package

2025.01.31 09:01 Plane_Rip886 Limbo vip package

I got 3 limbo packages for my sister, brother, and I. I was just wondering if anyone knew if limbo vip would get vip lanyards?? I know understand vip gets a vip lanyards. Thank you in advance 🖤
submitted by Plane_Rip886 to keshiofficial [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 09:01 Ok-Needleworker1734 BIDA

Hallo zusammen, ich weiss nicht ob ich hier richtig bin…
Es geht um folgendes:
Mein Mann (29) und ich (24) wohnen seit ein paar Monaten in unserer neuen Wohnung. (Altbau und Renoviert). Wir beide hatten in der vergangenheit noch nie Probleme mit Nachbarn.
Letztes Jahr im Oktober sind wir mal spät nachts nach Hause gekommen (mitternacht) und machten uns direkt Bett fertig. Es klingelte und ein Pärchen stand vor unserer Tür und beklagten sich, dass Sie nicht schlafen können wegen uns. Es sei öfters schon vorgekommen aber wir wären nie Zuhause gewesen um mit uns zu sprechen.
Am nächsten Tag sind wir zur Verwaltung da dass klingeln in der Nacht uns nicht passte und wir klarstellen wollten, dass es sich um ein Irrtum handelt. Die Dame im Büro war sehr verständnisvoll, da wir auch mit dem Argument Kinderplanung kamen. Falls das Baby mal weint in der Nacht was die Nachbarn dann wohl tun.
Wir hören auch fast nie Musik und wenn, dann leise am Tag. Wir haben nie Gäste und wenn dann Tagsüber zum Kaffee. Wir machen nie Party oder sonstiges
Kurze Info: Wir haben zwei Hunde, als wir spazieren sind sahen wir unsere Wohnung von weitem. Da sahen wir, dass ihr Schlafzimmer auf der anderen Block Seite ist. Und Ihr Wohnzimmerwand bei unserem Schlafzimmer.
Endlich war Ruhe eingekehrt und wir haben uns angefangen wieder wohl zufühlen in unserer Wohnung. Doch Heute kam eine Mail von unserer Verwaltung mit dem Betreff starke Lärmbelästigung.
Die Anschuldigungen:
-Möbel aufbau um oder nach 22:00.
-lautes knallen (Gegenstand das auf den Boden fällt)
-lautstarkes reden an einem Sonntagabend
Wir lassen unsere Möbel beliefern und sie bauen diese auch sofort auf (Tagsüber logischerweise) Es kann sein, dass mal etwas auf den Boden gefallen ist das ist menschlich in meinen Augen. Wir reden normal egal an welchem Tag.
Unsere miete ist 3000.- ich möchte mich für diesen Preis wohlfühlen und Ruhe haben.
Habt ihr irgendwelche Tipps? Könnten Sie und „rausschmeissen“ obwohl wir uns an die Regeln halten? Was würde die Polizei zu dem sagen?
submitted by Ok-Needleworker1734 to BinIchDasArschloch [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 09:01 Dio_1000 [3600] project 334 v.2 #GU9CYUC

Trying to build a new clan. Just tryna have fun. But also build a well constructed clan.
submitted by Dio_1000 to RoyaleRecruit [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 09:01 iloveambrosia Best phone for videography capabilities?

As above, I was thinking the iphone 16 pro max, what do you guys think?
Looking to shoot travelling content.
submitted by iloveambrosia to Smartphones [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 09:01 Global-Boysenberry10 „Mein toter Freund stand vor meiner Tür… und ich habe den Beweis.“

Es ist 3:12 Uhr morgens, als Marie aus dem Schlaf gerissen wird. Ihr Handy vibriert. Eine Nachricht von Jonas, ihrem besten Freund:
„Mach auf. Ich bin vor deiner Tür.“
Marie setzt sich auf. Ihr Herz schlägt schneller. Jonas kann nicht vor ihrer Tür stehen. Denn er ist seit einer Woche tot.
Sie starrt auf die Nachricht. Panik steigt in ihr auf. Sie hatte Jonas' Beerdigung mit eigenen Augen gesehen, hatte sein Grab besucht. Doch bevor sie den Gedanken zu Ende denken kann, klingelt es an der Tür.
Sie schleicht zum Fenster und zieht vorsichtig den Vorhang beiseite. Da steht eine Gestalt – groß, Kapuze über den Kopf gezogen. Ihr Handy vibriert erneut. Eine Sprachnachricht. Zögernd drückt sie auf Play.
Ein Flüstern. „Marie… ich friere. Bitte lass mich rein.“
Ihre Hände zittern. Sie wählt den Notruf. Doch genau in diesem Moment stoppt das Klingeln. Sie späht noch einmal hinaus – die Gestalt ist verschwunden.
Als die Polizei eintrifft, finden sie keine Spuren. Nur eines sorgt für Schock: Jonas’ Grab wurde in derselben Nacht aufgebrochen. Der Sarg ist leer.
Bis heute weiß niemand, wer oder was in dieser Nacht vor Maries Tür stand.
submitted by Global-Boysenberry10 to horrorgeschichten [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 09:01 nayr-26 250131 'Hello! MONSTIEZ' Event Notice Celebrating the Launch of the BABYMONSTER OFFICIAL FANCLUB MONSTIEZ MEMBERSHIP KIT

250131 'Hello! MONSTIEZ' Event Notice Celebrating the Launch of the BABYMONSTER OFFICIAL FANCLUB MONSTIEZ MEMBERSHIP KIT submitted by nayr-26 to BABYMONSTER [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 09:01 sharewithme Word of The Hour: woestijn

woestijn translates to desert
Join our new Discord Server for language learners @
submitted by sharewithme to DutchFeed [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 09:01 LANDER-Qc H: demon buffoon hag W: Leader ofer

submitted by LANDER-Qc to Market76 [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 09:01 C-man-177013 This meme got me banned for 2 days. Bruh

This meme got me banned for 2 days. Bruh submitted by C-man-177013 to PunishingGrayRaven [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 09:01 sharewithme Word of The Hour: difeyth

difeyth translates to desert
Join our new Discord Server for language learners @
submitted by sharewithme to CornishFeed [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 09:01 Kalltorak-CG Reflect Bloodmage - Gale Force Explosions | Flexible Reflect Build P1

Reflect Bloodmage - Gale Force Explosions | Flexible Reflect Build P1 submitted by Kalltorak-CG to pathofexile2builds [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 09:01 YogurtclosetOk1266 O3 Air Unit "Safe Zone"

I have the DJI Goggles 3 linked to an O3 Air Unit.
Under camera settings, there is a tab for enabling and adjusting the size and position of a box called a "safe zone". This box stays on screen along with the OSD when "safe zone" is activated.
Does anyone know what it does?
submitted by YogurtclosetOk1266 to dji [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 09:01 ceesaart ‘If Ukraine Breaks Apart, Romania Has an Interest in Those Areas’ – pro-russian Romanian Presidential Candidate

‘If Ukraine Breaks Apart, Romania Has an Interest in Those Areas’ – pro-russian Romanian Presidential Candidate submitted by ceesaart to russiawarinukraine [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 09:01 PatientOk1680 Anyone Still Rocking the OG T-Rex Pro?

Anyone Still Rocking the OG T-Rex Pro? I've been wearing mine daily for over a year now, and it's still holding up great.
I’ve had a lot of people mistake it for a G-Shock or a Garmin because of its premium look.
Everything still works perfectly, and I even rinse it under tap water from time to time without any issues.
How’s yours holding up?
submitted by PatientOk1680 to amazfit [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 09:01 Asphalt_Breaker I'm sorry, but I picture something else

I'm sorry, but I picture something else submitted by Asphalt_Breaker to Xmen97 [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 09:01 S1erra AIO and case fans help

Hello. I recently built my first PC and everything seems fine except I keep thinking that I wired my AIO and fans incorrectly. Could someone please help me out here?
My mobo is Gigabyte B650M AORUS ELITE AX, EK Nucleus 360 Dark AIO and x4 Artic P12 Max fans.
Available mobo headers: CPU_FAN, CPU_OPT, SYS_FAN1, SYS_FAN2, SYS_FAN3, SYS_FAN4_PUMP.
The way I wired it: AIO pump -> CPU_OPT, AIO exhaust fans -> SYS_FAN4_PUMP, Rear single exhaust fan -> SYS_FAN1, Bottom x3 intake fans -> SYS_FAN2.
Does this look ok, or should I change something? Should I plug my AIO fans into CPU_FAN header? Does it even matter?
submitted by S1erra to buildapc [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 09:01 LonelyNovel1985 What should I expect in court as a "very involved Stepparent"?

So my husband and I have been together for 9 years. For the last 6 years he and I have been the ones raising his 2 kids (aged 11 & 12) because BM took off to "live her best life". She's back now and is taking my husband to court for custody because she didn't like that we wanted to take it slow and get advice from a reunification counselor on how to properly move forward with creating a new normal for the kids (no joke, 30 days after she returned from her 6 year absence, she filed contempt charges against my husband for not 'following the parental plan').
Husband just got his first set of interrogatory questions from BM and a few of the questions ask about me and the children, our established relationship, how I plan on handling co-parenting with BM, stuff like that. Our lawyer has advised us how to answer these questions, but it's gotten me thinking about what is going to be expected of me this time around (husband and his ex were in the middle of custody court when we met). I mean, I wouldn't expect to be involved much if she hadn't been gone for 6 years, but she was. My husband and I have been together long enough that the kids literally don't remember a time in their lives where I wasn't in it and for the last 6 years I have been the sole maternal figure for these kids. For perspective the youngest hadn't even started kindergarten when BM left and they are now in Middle School.
Should I expect a set of interrogatories of my own that I'll need to answer? Is the judge going to want to talk to me at all? I'm assuming yes just because you can't take on an active parental role for a kid and then not expect to have to tell a judge about it when you have to go to custody court for said kid. I just don't know what I should be expecting from all of this.
Any advice you guys can give would be appreciated. Thank you.
submitted by LonelyNovel1985 to FamilyLaw [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 09:01 wolf_in_a_trenchcoat Some random shots I took (Photodump tag)

The tags aren't working, so I hope this doesn't get flagged for clogging anything-
But this was my few shots while playing SOTS and let me tell you, that was a fun DLC (and an exciting one, those who know). The last picture had me sitting there staring, because it was seriously NUTS how many there were!! It reminded me of the scene in one of the Toy Story movies when they went down the Buzz Lightyear isle.
The others were just me goofing around with photo mode, as well as appreciating the graphics and my darling Hawk (of which I gave her a new skin- goodbye og skin 😭)
submitted by wolf_in_a_trenchcoat to FrontiersOfPandora [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 09:01 sharewithme Word of The Hour: desert

desert translates to desert
Join our new Discord Server for language learners @
submitted by sharewithme to CatalanFeed [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 09:01 In2_the_dark Feeling Lost, Need some Advice

TLDR - Animation Channel, way too slow growth. Perhaps content isn't conveying it as animation or it seems confusing. Low retention and CTR, 60-65% people quit within first 30 seconds. Need advice to what I am doing wrong or the animations are bad all together?
Been lurking here a long time, haven't came across similar scenario so decided to make a post. Basically I am an animator, making horror stories and creepypasta animations.
I have a problem with low CTR and retention which results in way to slow growth.
I also have a weird problem in finding audiance and how to present the content to the audience. Creepypasta have a story name as the titles and thumbnails have the same title in it, that's how big players been doing it but those are narration channels, their audience knows what the video is about. I wished to bring these narrations to animated version but nobody clicks or watching them as of now.
Example - my last video had a story who's name is "I found a strange letter in my hotel room" so first I kept the title as "I found a strange letter in my hotel room creepypasta Animated". The title is big so I guess people might think of a person with a face talking about their experience on camera when they see that half or first part of the title, so they click it see that it's an animation and leave. Though it had an okay CTR but all 22 views haven't watched the video at all. So now out of desperation I have changed it again. Around 2 days and just 75 impressions only.
One of my videos did a bit well because the traffic source was completely from suggested video, which was suggested to my competitors. Now these competitors are making personal experience based horror stories not exactly creepypasta. I would be happy if my content was suggested to the creepypasta narrators instead.
Other videos have traffic from search results only. And only one video from browse but not much.
(For those who may not know of creepypasta - it's basically well written horror stories by beginner and seasoned writers, so most stories are actually good)
What am I doing wrong? Is the packaging wrong or is the animation?
I use different narrator audio in stories, so the voice changes from videos to videos. Even used AI voice but comparatively videos did well.
My competitors are thriving well doing this - MJV animations, Wansee Entertainment and similar.
So how do I package my videos? Any advice will be helpful and I am thankful for each and every comments! Link in bio.
I wish you success, hope we all will make it big someday :)
submitted by In2_the_dark to NewTubers [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 09:01 CezrDaPleazr J3 Is Really Eventful #58 (Football Manager 24 With @RK_crown)

J3 Is Really Eventful #58 (Football Manager 24 With @RK_crown) submitted by CezrDaPleazr to CezrDaPleazr [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 09:01 Bright993 Koodo Referral - $25 in Bill Credits

Use my referral link when signing up for Koodo to get $25 in bill credits.
Refer your friends and save up to $300 a year!
submitted by Bright993 to ReferralCodesReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 09:01 SirkSirkSirk I'VE NEVER SEEN SO MANY

I'VE NEVER SEEN SO MANY submitted by SirkSirkSirk to bindingofisaac [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 09:01 CezrDaPleazr J3 Is Really Eventful #58 (Football Manager 24 With @RK_crown)

J3 Is Really Eventful #58 (Football Manager 24 With @RK_crown) submitted by CezrDaPleazr to CezrDaPleazr [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 09:01 SeijiWeiss BanG Dream! 10th Anniversary Exhibition Countdown 14 Days before the Tokyo Event featuring Udagawa Ako

BanG Dream! 10th Anniversary Exhibition Countdown 14 Days before the Tokyo Event featuring Udagawa Ako BanG Dream! 10th Anniversary Exhibition Official Tweet
submitted by SeijiWeiss to BanGDream [link] [comments]