2025.02.01 17:02 DjusiDzej Infostan račun - T1, T2, T3…
Interesuje me posto nema nigde na internetu sta znace stavke T(broj) na računu?
Naime nisam bio neko vreme u stanu u kome živim i znao sam da nisam platio par meseci račun, na računu po stavci T1 imam dugovanje od 54k dinara, T2 je 0, T3 tekuće obaveze su 7k, T5 11k a T6 je 65k dinara?
Racun za infostan mi je do par meseci bio oko 2 hiljade da bi sada poraslo na oko 4 za stan od 45 kvadrata u Beogradu.
Da li su ukupne obaveze pod T5 koje moram da izmirim ili moram da izmirim sve stavke na računu kako bih bio na nuli?
submitted by DjusiDzej to AskSerbia [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 17:02 turkeylurkeyjurkey Playing NMS while under the influence (in Canada its legal)
Please remove if this violates any rules. I understand that something fine in one place may be not fine in another.
I'm a casual gamer. I play a lot in my downtime but never with other people. I have ADHD and I enjoy eating a gummy from time to time. (FYI IF YOU HAVE ADHD YOU PROB SHOULDNT ENJOY 420 STUFF, IM DOING THIS AGAINST MY DOCTOR'S ORDERS)
I'll also preface this by saying I do not promote, condone or recommend anyone use substances for any reason in your lives. A sober life is an amazing thing. You will be happier. I've quit alcohol, weed is my next step. OK, with that out of the way:
I just really enjoy having an edible and playing NMS. Seriously. I get to escape my own thoughts, play a game where I can do anything I want, and I get to kick my feet up and be silly the whole time. Any time I'm lost or confused, this community is amazingly helpful and positive, and I feel people always answer my questions in a kind and positive manner.
But seriously, with the newest update, the colours, variety, story line, all of it is really making me happy. Combined with the weed it's been a great time lol. Anyone else here play NMS like I do? What's your favourite part of the game?
I, personally, love that I can design my character over and over. I love character creation, and a game that let's me do that without restarting is amazing. The more stoned I am, the funnier my character looks.
The base building is also kinda pointless beyond a basic teleporter, but I get so creative with the architecture, it reminds me of my days in Art class at school. It brings me an outlet for my creative side that is so often pushed down by life, or hard to hone in due to my ADHD. Getting baked and building a gravity-defying mega base is just a wonderful Saturday night.
TL;DR I dunno I just rambled a bunch. Fun game. Great community. Thank you for coming to my TedTalks.
submitted by turkeylurkeyjurkey to NOMANSSKY [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 17:02 comingfromthenorth O posibila explicatie rationala pentru tarifele lui Trump
As dori sa introduc in discutie posibilitatea ca aceste tarife sa nu fie total irationale si sa gandim putin pai adanc.
In primul rand vreau sa explic rapid cum functioneaza tarifele astea, deoarece am observat ca in celelalte threaduri nu toata lumea le intelege. America o sa puna taxa pe bunurile importate din Europa, americanii o sa cumpere prin consecinta mai putine bunuri europene, companiile europene au sa aiba venituri mai mici ceea ce poate duce la falimentarea companiilor sau la reducerea angajatilor. Asta inseamna activitate economica scazuta, poate criza economica. Desigur Europa o sa intoarca favorul dar Europa are mult mai mult de pierdut decat USA dintr-un trade war din multe motive care nu am timp sa le detaliez.
Oricum, argumentul este ca noua administratie vrea sa forteze Europa sa faca ceva si vede un trade war pe care o sa-l castige ca fiind singura metoda sa faca asta. Eu ma gandesc ca sunt doua chestii care supara america momentan:
2025.02.01 17:02 CommunicationDull363 Is neopets down for your guys?
submitted by CommunicationDull363 to neopets [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 17:02 Yugioh_Reputation_96 Who's the best Left back
I have 2.9bil and wondering who I should buy for this position
submitted by Yugioh_Reputation_96 to EASportsFCMobile [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 17:02 midas931 LOOKING FOR A NFR ARCTIC REINDEER!
Im on the right^
submitted by midas931 to AdoptMeTrading [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 17:02 DudeAsHell Jak se učit česky?
Ahoj! Učim se česky už vic něž rok a se cítím že česky už něco chapu. Použivam duolingo, čtam mnoho czech a divam se na česke filmy na youtube (mam rad fabulace Jana Špačka). Chtěl bych se zaptat, jak se ještě můžu učit česky, abych mohl s vami mluvit během cesty do Česka. Myslím na cestu v květnu nebo v červnu.
P.S. Ja jsem z Polska, proto moje věty mohou být zvlaštní, ale stejně se snažim.
submitted by DudeAsHell to czech [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 17:02 1cockeyedoptimist Trump fires consumer bureau director Chopra, source says
submitted by 1cockeyedoptimist to politics [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 17:02 infinitykia Road Rage
This morning I was going the speed limit (35) down Dublin where it is one lane on each side. Near Nevada. The man behind me went absolutely BONKERS and was laying on the horn....I guess because I wasn't speeding enough for his liking? I slowed down so he could pass me (there is no passing lane there). He passed me and brake checked. Then he tried to block the turn lanes going southbound when we got to that area. Move away if you are so miserable!!
submitted by infinitykia to ColoradoSprings [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 17:02 Massive_Badger3830 Another who to GI - Astros Deck
Struggling with who gets the next GI. Bullpen is a huge weakness so leaning Graveman. Also wondering if Peacock should be combined with Pressly (dupe). Can’t see a scenario where one of the weakest Astros’ SP sigs gets used. submitted by Massive_Badger3830 to MLB_9Innings [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 17:02 UKSHEA Is the web application down?
My iphone app when i go on strava is working fine, it has all my data on. Todays runs are on there sent from garmin this morning but when ive signed in through web browser there isn’t anything at all on my activity feed? No runs from myself, any of my friends and so on. Just wondering if anyone else is the same.
submitted by UKSHEA to Strava [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 17:02 Party-Top5142 Viaggio in India: informazioni e budget
Ciao a tutti io e un mio amico stiamo pensando di andare in India per 14 giorni.
Cosa consigliate di vedere in 2 settimane? Avete consigli sui trasporti interni? Ad esempio la notte è possibile spostarsi in treno per ottimizzare i tempi?
Non intendiamo stare in ostello, ma nemmeno in hotel di lusso... una soluzione intermedia non troppo costosa.
Infine, quanto potrebbe costare un viaggio del genere?
submitted by Party-Top5142 to ViaggiITA [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 17:02 Proper_Transition_57 Obiteljski dom - obveze korisnika
Ako se čovjek ne može sam brinuti o sebi i socijalna služba ga pošalje u udomiteljsku obitelj zanima me što je s njegovom mirovinom i nekretninom s obzirom da država plaća naknadu udomiteljima? Da li postoji vrijeme koje može provesti u udomiteljskoj obitelji s obzirom da ima nekretninu i mirovinu?
submitted by Proper_Transition_57 to askcroatia [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 17:02 vanmildwild Hungry? Get CA$10 off your first 3 Uber Eats orders of CA$20 or more. Use my code at checkout (Canada)
Hungry? Get CA$10 off your first 3 Uber Eats orders of CA$20 or more. Terms apply. Use my code at checkout: eats-shaunb45que https://ubereats.com/feed?promoCode=eats-shaunb45que
submitted by vanmildwild to UberEatsCanadaCodes [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 17:02 Ok_Being_2003 Part of my bottle collection. It’s a hobby of mine. Late 1800s to early 1900s
submitted by Ok_Being_2003 to WholesomePointless [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 17:02 _-DATA-_ Would anyone know where I can find a pattern to make this yarn holder? I can't seem to find one anywhere at all
submitted by _-DATA-_ to crochetpatterns [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 17:02 OkImagination5495 I'll never forget the night I first stepped onto a salsa dance floor. It was as if I'd entered a different world - a world of energy, music, and movement that spoke directly to my soul.
At first, my feet felt clumsy, my hips stiff, and my timing off. But with each step, each swaying motion, I began to feel the rhythm seep into my bones. My instructor, a kind-eyed woman named Maria, corrected my footwork with gentle hands and encouraging words. As the weeks went by, I returned to that studio again and again, gradually losing myself in the music and the motion. The salsa became a second language, one that allowed me to express myself in ways I never thought possible. And with each step forward, I felt a sense of freedom and joy that I'd never known before.
submitted by OkImagination5495 to Salsa [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 17:02 Fearless_Wonder1103 Thank you all🙏🏾
Hey guys hope your well . So My family and I are going through a challenging time as my niece baby Portiah has been diagnosed with spine scoliosis, and it’s been incredibly difficult for her and all of us. We’re doing everything we can to gather support for her treatment , and I wanted to reach out to see if you might be able to help in any way. If you’d like, I can share more details about her medical condition, personally. as well as her hospital admissions and treatment plans, through WhatsApp. 0768751626. I completely understand that asking for help online can be tough, especially with so many situations out there, but as a family, we’re determined to explore every possible avenue to get her the care she needs. You can contact us as a family on Thanks much for taking the time to read this and for considering supporting us. 🙏🏾 submitted by Fearless_Wonder1103 to Kenya [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 17:02 Fine_Insurance_8514 How to flirt with a soft masc??
Today I'm going on a date with a masc presenting girl with a kinda feminine personality. I am a femme and I want to let her know I'm really into her. I can act confident but I'm afraid I'll overdo it and make her uncomfortable. How can I do it without coming off as cocky? What do I compliment her on? She has tatoos and piercings. Do I act more serious? Do I act more feminine?
submitted by Fine_Insurance_8514 to LesbianActually [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 17:02 morez01 Ruby-crowned Kinglet (I think)
Southern California submitted by morez01 to birding [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 17:02 Accomplished_Map_716 The Hellboy: Web of Wyrd video game vs the Your Friend Neighborhood Spider-Man cartoon
Saw that previous post and immediately thought “wait I have a way more insulting comparison.” submitted by Accomplished_Map_716 to marvelcirclejerk [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 17:02 moregloommoredoom Christian women: Do you believe your primary purpose is to reproduce?
I ask because there was a thread yesterday about an uptick of women seeking tubal ligation at the prospect of birth control being more difficult to get.
And there were quite a few commenters who implied that this some action some invalidated their purpose as women. So I'd like to ask you, do you believe that being a Christian obligates you to view giving birth as a core purpose? How do your views on religion and reproduction coincide, or are they orthogonal?
submitted by moregloommoredoom to Christianity [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 17:02 Loud-Television-266 Which of these two kits is better, the Nyoka or Trinity kit?
submitted by Loud-Television-266 to BedwarsRoblox [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 17:02 JayMaximum347 What is this?
This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by JayMaximum347 to Pixelary [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 17:02 Scoop_GP Is default CPU core voltage too high? 7600x on ASUS B650-PLUS WIFI
submitted by Scoop_GP to ASUS [link] [comments] |