2025.02.01 19:40 RealEstateCrazy Last minute Polaris cabin booking via expert mode to SYD. Booked today and leave in 3 days... IS THIS A GOOD DEAL?
Booked a Polaris cabin seat from ORD to SYD and leaving in just 3 days, 29 hours in Sydney and back! ORD-IAH-SYD upgraded on the intnl portion and return SYD-SFO-ORD and again upgraded on the intnl portion and waitlisted on the domestic portions. 30+ hours in the Polaris cabin in total and the cost is $2389 + 80 plus points. Is this a good deal?
submitted by RealEstateCrazy to unitedairlines [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 19:40 kakaleledacuca Acho que minha chance de namorar com essa pessoa foi por água abaixo por causa de fofocas.
Sou MULHER (19 anos) e meu FICANTE HOMEM (19)
Cara basicamente estamos ficando a um tempo, tudo certo quase namorando, ele até me disse que queria namorar comigo e só tá esperando ter dinheiro pra comprar aliança e fazer algo legal. O problema é que tem um pessoal da minha família que não gosta de mim de jeito nenhum cara, inventaram um monte de coisa de mim pra mãe dele e um pessoal da família dele eu fiquei saber hj sem querer ainda pq escutei conversas sem querer, o foda é que a mãe dele acha que eu não presto. Sendo que nunca dei motivos pra ninguém sair falando essas coisas de mim cara..eu tô muito mal pq poxa eu já tenho sentimentos por ele, e poxa começar um relacionamento já sabendo que sua sogra não vai gostar de vc é uma merda.ah sei lá cara desanimei demais depois de escutar certas coisas, oq eu faço? algum concelho pra me dá ??? Eu vou conversar com ele sobre isso e depois falo aqui pra vcs oq deu.. obgda por lerem até aqui.
submitted by kakaleledacuca to desabafos [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 19:40 Zenchilada Art Nouveau Elves
submitted by Zenchilada to dalle2 [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 19:40 08phils MLB clubs have scheduled more early weekday start times. Coupled with improved pace of play, the number of weekday games ending prior to 10:00 p.m. has nearly doubled from 2021 to 2024, to 87.8%
submitted by 08phils to mlb [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 19:40 Gold-Conflict6968 Is the pricing for Durham, NC worth it?
I’m excited about [solidcore] opening near me and thinking about signing up. The 4-class-per-month option seems very reasonable, but the 8-class option doesn’t seem like much of a discount in comparison. I’d ideally like to go twice a week, but I’m wondering if the pricing is worth it for Durham, NC. Would love to hear your thoughts before committing!
submitted by Gold-Conflict6968 to SolidCore [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 19:40 allison_wunderland35 Millie is upset we found her stash of springs
These were all undebehind the washer and dryer (more didn’t fit in the photo). Millie skedaddled soon after. submitted by allison_wunderland35 to cats [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 19:40 Commercial_Board1410 $reggielovesGod
In desperate need of $15 for gas. I will definitely pay back Wednesday. absolutely anything helps. I receive direct deposits on Wednesdays so I’ll be able to send an extra $5 to make it $20 Anyone please? Cheers.
submitted by Commercial_Board1410 to chimeboost [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 19:40 Objective-Till9113 Estou com pena do Ex da minha atual.
Sei que é estranho mas eu sou um cara que uso muito a empatia...
Me ponho no lugar dele, eles namoraram por 2 anos e se separaram a 7 meses e ele ainda continua mandando mensagem pra ela falando saudades.
Só que eu gosto dela pra krl, muito mesmo, e ela também gosta pra krl de mim, então estamos felizes.
Mas não sei se começo a ficar severo com ele, com ameaças ou simplesmente deixo isso pra la, porque eu entendo ele sentir saudades de uma pessoa que conviveu com ele.
Porém é um desabafo, meu coração fica apertado pensando em como o mlk está mal, mas eu estou super feliz com ela.
Sei la, tô pensando em desenrolar minha irmã pra ele, kao kkkk mas realmente não sei o que fazer pra conseguir fazer eles se esquecerem, ele esquecer dela na vdd!!!
submitted by Objective-Till9113 to desabafos [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 19:40 phero1190 Controversial take here....
People can criticize the phone. It doesn't say anything about you as a person if someone brings up a negative aspect of the device. Every post or comment that isn't direct praise is getting downvoted and that's just silly.
The phone is not perfect, it has some areas where it even is a downgrade from the S24 Ultra. People need to voice concerns of the device if Samsung is to ever improve. Blindly loving something and trying to bury warranted negativity doesn't help anything.
I'm expecting this to also be downvoted heavily. Cheers.
submitted by phero1190 to GalaxyFold [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 19:40 ChaoticG123 Gold or brass for my trim? (Im starting a new army)
submitted by ChaoticG123 to WorldEaters40k [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 19:40 KnightofthePrairie Do You Craft or Steal Iron Golems?
Hello friends and fellow crafters!
I have an overdue question for you all. Do you craft iron golems or steal them from villages?
Mojang gave us the iron golem as a defense mechanism from the hostile mobs that roam the Overworld and to defend villages from illagers. I personally have only constructed 3 iron golems. They are an expensive mob to craft; costing 4 iron blocks and a pumpkin.
I wanted to find out if you craft them or just steal them from natural villages. Although naturally spawned iron golems are not obedient strictly to you and will harm you.
Let me know with comments and vote at the poll.
And happy crafting!
submitted by KnightofthePrairie to Minecraft_Survival [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 19:40 AddyArt10 Do you like my sci-fi inspired piece?
submitted by AddyArt10 to somethingimade [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 19:40 Playful-Candidate966 OMFG! IZZY IS GARBAGE!!!
submitted by Playful-Candidate966 to MMAbetting [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 19:40 Classic-Addition-878 X
submitted by Classic-Addition-878 to BatmanArkham [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 19:40 Ok_Knowledge_7679 From Qatar again
changed rim colour from black to gray submitted by Ok_Knowledge_7679 to JeepPatriot [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 19:40 Temporary-Ad-3822 Asphalt Legends Review – Is It Worth Playing?"
"Hey everyone! Just uploaded a new video where I dive into the world of "Asphalt Legends". If you’re a fan of Android game, you’ll find this interesting. I also share some tips and tricks that might help you level up faster. Would love to get your feedback on the video. Let me know your thoughts and share your own experiences with "Asphalt Legends! Thanks for watching, and happy gaming!" submitted by Temporary-Ad-3822 to YoutubeChannelSharing [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 19:40 ScreamDudes We had the chance to interview Mikael Stanne! It was extremely funny and insightful. We will publish the videos with him on our "Scream Dudes" YouTube channel very soon (link in the comments). If you are interested, then make sure to subscribe the channel.
submitted by ScreamDudes to InFlames [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 19:40 andidownhill [homemade] Korean Fried Chicken Burger
submitted by andidownhill to food [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 19:40 kdbleeep Happy 1st birthday, Maggie!
submitted by kdbleeep to BestOfWholesomeSubs [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 19:40 Dry-Government-4501 How many teets u think nikas partial has to hang on to up top 🤣??😂
submitted by Dry-Government-4501 to independentshanika [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 19:40 canopy45 subscribe subscribe
no matter what video I watch they ask you to subscribe to it...anyone annoyed by this?...I yell at my TV and why the fuck should I subscribe to you?
submitted by canopy45 to youtube [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 19:40 kdbleeep Retriever fetches a live duck
submitted by kdbleeep to BestOfWholesomeSubs [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 19:40 No-Bass-6609 The Creative Journey Behind My Geometric Sculptures
I made a YouTube video about the creation of one of my paper sculptures. I think you might find it interesting. submitted by No-Bass-6609 to silhouettecutters [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 19:40 Afthabmk PGWP Extension
I submitted my PGWP application on last September after my 2 years study (1+1). But I only got a 1 Year PGWP. When I called the IRCC they said I missed the completion letter of my first course. I got the In Canada approval letter on January 2nd including the expiry date which is on 2025 December.
On January 5th, I submitted a web form along with all the required documents, including completion letters and transcripts for both of my courses and asked for 3 year PGWP. I haven’t received any response from IRCC yet.
Yesterday I reapplied for PGWP.
Has anyone been in a similar situation? How long does it usually take for IRCC to process additional documents submitted through a web form? Any advice on what I should do next? Should I concern about any other thing?
submitted by Afthabmk to CanadaImmigrant [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 19:40 Eevee_Lover22 UPDATE TO LAST POST: Can't see birb growth progress; my app looks like this
Note that I can't scroll on the quest page and there's no such thing as "special quests" on my app. submitted by Eevee_Lover22 to finch [link] [comments] |