修复CTRL+C不复制的问题 重新启动计算机 解决此问题的最简单且行之有效的解决方案之一是重新启动计算机。用户经常报告说,重新启动计算机通常可以解决他们的问题。当然,只有当你的电脑出现小问题时,这才有效。 当你重新启动计算机时,它会重新启动所有硬件、软件和服务,使它们再次平稳 ... 作者:电脑知识网 来源:电脑知识网 链接: C盘Roaming里文件能删除吗 很多人发现电脑中C:\Users\用户名\AppData 占据了很大的空间,那么可以将其删除吗?下面为大家详细介绍相关知识! 尽量不要删除,这里边存放的是软件运行时和结束后的数据和配置文件,如果删了,会导致软件不正常或者出错的 ... 一,没有make sb to do的说法,这个没有什么理由,就是这样用。make sb do sth. 这个"do sth"是“不带to的不定式”。也就是说:make sb do sth=make sb to do sth. 但英语中只说:make sb do sth. 二,make sb do sth的意思是“让某人做某事”,常包含有强迫某人做某事的意味,比如:Our boss made us do more extra job out of our duty ... 我去! 百度搜出来的PotPlayer,都是些什么乱七八糟的软件,根本不是Potplayer。 而且经常被莫名的捆绑上其他软件。 自从上次,从一位“影音群大佬”那里要到了 完整版的 Potplayer,我都一直保留着安装包,绿色环保无捆绑,真的太好用了。 首先快捷键win+r打开运行对话框输入services.msc打开服务,确保Realtek audio Universal Service打开,设置启动类型为自动。 第二步打开设置-应用-启动,找到Realtek audio Universal Service这个启动项,设置开机自启,我感觉大部分兄弟出现问题都是因为这里的自启动被关了,最后重启就可以了。 很多人认为,Required Reviews Completed 这个状态是审稿已经完成,编辑在做决定。实际上不完全是这样。还有其他的可能。 那个状态只是有足够数目的审稿人回了审稿意见,这个数目编辑可以设置,也可以变,而且编辑经常多找了审稿人,也许还在等其他的审稿人意见。当然,给的期限到了,编辑会催 ... 本人使用joplin半年了,使用比较频繁,因为自己比较爱研究,所以到目前基本每天有2小时以上的时间在和这个软件打交道。 这个软件也是自己经过一个多月的选择定下来最适合自己的。 如果你在寻找合适自己的笔记软件,强烈建议看看这个作者的笔记软件分析,基本和我的思路类似: 为什么有 ... used to do 过去常常…… be/get used to sth./doing sth.. 习惯于…… be used to do 被用来做…… 1、used to do 例句: Life here is much easier than it used to be. 这里的生活比以前的更容易。 We used to go there every year. 我每年都去那儿。 2、be/get used to sth./doing sth 例句: He’s quite used to ... 这种情况出现在删除了office365(或其他版本)后重新安装office,会报错。 百度和知乎大多数人也提到了,问题应该是删除不够干净。可是Program files/Microsoft office里面是空的。有人提到的用别的软件清理干净后,还是不行。 其实因为:task schedule里有office 解决出处: 微软论坛网友leonzhu42发现的国外 ... sketchup自动保存的位置在哪?软件默认保存在个人文档中,不同电脑所使用的账户名称不同,最终显示的路径可能不同。具体查看方法如下:1、首先打开sketchup软件; 2、然后点击软件主页面上方菜单中的“窗口”-“首选
2025.02.01 19:40 Commercial_Sock_8212 Sims 1 not working !
I’m having an issue I can’t get sims 1 to work. I’ve tried everything but it’s not opening. Anyway I messaged EA and they said they’ve had a lot of complaints and it’s something their end they need to fix . Anyway …. Does anyone have any updates is theirs working yet??
Thanks !
submitted by Commercial_Sock_8212 to thesimslegacies [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 19:40 AdEducational2312 Saluting Reisen by わーっ (Wow)
submitted by AdEducational2312 to TouhouArt [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 19:40 nacas [Amazon] Dave Matthews Band - Big Whiskey and the GrooGrux King [2LP] $14.99
Dave Matthews Band - Big Whiskey and the GrooGrux King [2LP] $14.99
submitted by nacas to VinylDeals [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 19:40 taaddut-kurt Burası neresi bilmiyorum ama
Galiba burası seçilmiş kgb alilerin yeri
submitted by taaddut-kurt to HGK [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 19:40 PoiRamekins Absolutely in love with this Seiko.
Just polished the crystal and it really gave this watch new life. I do wish the bezel was in better shape, but overall, this makes for a fantastic daily beater.
submitted by PoiRamekins to VintageWatches [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 19:40 AverageWooperLiker Gine single handedly stopping the unimaginable amount of toxic doomed dilf yaoi that would’ve spawned from Bardock vs Omni Man
Shit might have rivalled Jr and Sage if Bardock wasn’t already married submitted by AverageWooperLiker to deathbattle [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 19:40 Minimum_Secret1614 Совет по резюме и трудоустройстве в целом
Ну хочу устроиться на стажировку в Devops. Что посоветуете не в плане знаний. А в плане как не опозориться(резюме и собезы)
submitted by Minimum_Secret1614 to rusAskReddit [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 19:40 Tiny_Significance632 Is 190k miles to many miles for a 3valve engine?
i want my first car to be a s197 but I've been having bad luck getting one but i found one good condition cosmetics wise but it has 190k miles if it'll be reliable
submitted by Tiny_Significance632 to S197Stangs [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 19:40 Secret-Incident-4994 A remake of John (my FPE oc)
submitted by Secret-Incident-4994 to FPEseries [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 19:40 ToastJedi0420 DIY Recipes
I want to know if anyone have any DIY recipes I could have pretty please? I’m looking for ironwood dresser and cutting board. If you have any other spares I would appreciate it.
submitted by ToastJedi0420 to Dodocodes [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 19:40 Jazzlike_Freedom_826 times when this game kicked you out of the experience? (hfw)
2 times I regard as unacceptable :
1) in the boss fight in latopolos, aloy comments for me to attack the couplings on the stem. I tried hard looking for the thing for 3+ minutes straight having no clue what to do. I tried looking for what I thougth was a stem, no idea what a coupling looked like. I eventually had to give up and look on youtube what it meant, and this was compounded by the stress of the boss constantly hitting you.
2) in the quest to climb the cave and look for the special metal for the utaru metalweaver, I made it to the top of the big outcropping in the middle of the cave, and I couldn't figure out where to go next. I used the focus to look around for 5+ minutes, then I had to give up and look at youtube to realize there was some latch I happened to miss to grapple onto. I experimented gliding onto various ledges from that outcropping to no avail.
I HATE it when I'm forced to go on youtube to figure out what to do next. I gave it a very fair try being patient combing over the same area over and over and over and over and over but I was kicked out of the immersion by having to open a browser to solve my problems.
submitted by Jazzlike_Freedom_826 to horizon [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 19:40 Psychological_Bass81 Janitor.ai not working.
Everything seemed to be going fine for me, until suddenly the website stopped working. Now, I'm faced with a blank white screen with a text that says "An invlaid response was recieved from the upstream server".
I'm confused, what's going on? I know other's have seen this too.
submitted by Psychological_Bass81 to JanitorAI_Official [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 19:40 returnal22 What’s leaps are you in with the biggest potential upside?
I currently own POET leaps but because of the China news and their whole paying YouTubers controversy I don’t want to put any more in. Are there any other options you guys own that have the potential for a massive move?
submitted by returnal22 to TheRaceTo10Million [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 19:40 Southern_Law1513 Subsidio Luz, recategorizacion compulsiva?
Buenas, me acaba de llegar la luz, el doble de lo que venia pagando cuando el consumo es el mismo, cuando me fijo bien en la boleta veo que me pasaron a N1 y yo era N2, no adquiri ningun bien inmueble ni ningun auto, recien googleo y veo que habia que reempadronarse en agosto, no lo hice no sabia que era necesario yo me empadrone en 2022 . Qué puedo hacer? gastar menos no puedo ni lavarropas tengo, solo la heladera, lei que era hasta agosto y que no hay vuelta atras, pero no tiene sentido, que pasa si alguien pierde su trabajo deberia haber un empadronamiento abierto permanente, estoy desesperada claramente no lo puedo pagar, estoy sin trabajo y tomo unos medicamentos re caros que suben todos los meses.
submitted by Southern_Law1513 to AskArgentina [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 19:40 Wise_Call_1684 Level 36 right now! how's my lineup and what do you suggest i improve?
submitted by Wise_Call_1684 to JurassicWorldApp [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 19:40 m0bscene- Biggs' latest creation just sold out in about 60 seconds
I was surprisingly lucky enough to snag one in time! Anybody else get one?? I've been waiting for this color way for months!! submitted by m0bscene- to Tiki [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 19:40 Big-Importance7490 Best way to mop LVP?
Right now I’m using a swiffer with wet pads for spot mopping throughout the week, & I usually use my OCedar spin mom, hot water & Fabuloso or PineSol once a week ( or 2 if I’m being lazy ) they look pretty clean, but I can’t help but feel like I’m just rubbing dirt that I can’t see around 😭 I usually change mop heads between rooms ( kitchen, living room, dining room ) & change the water one time during. Anything I could be doing better??? Also, kitchen is tile. Not shiny smooth tile, but an earthy brown/orange matte looking tile. Everything else besides bedrooms & bathrooms are LVP
submitted by Big-Importance7490 to CleaningTips [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 19:40 AffectionateCount362 $eskeezy1217 I have all 4 and send back immediately
submitted by AffectionateCount362 to chimeboost [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 19:40 DavesMadness Does anyone use Option+Command for hot key links?
I'm thinking of changing my hotkeys for links to Option+Command and then all the apps would be on Option.
Has anyone used this setup? Its kinda like layering right? Where you can have Option+N for Notes and Option+Command+N for notion dashboard
submitted by DavesMadness to raycastapp [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 19:40 HiddemTyre17 Berkeley Optional Statement
“Setting aside all things academic, what interests you about Berkeley?” Are clinics/extracurriculars considered academic?
submitted by HiddemTyre17 to lawschooladmissions [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 19:40 I_saw_Will_smacking Paragraf 16
submitted by I_saw_Will_smacking to ich_politik [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 19:40 RaunoR69 Give me some recommendations based on these bangers
submitted by RaunoR69 to AnimeReccomendations [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 19:40 CaploCaplo Places to volunteer?
Hello, I am feeling a bit overwhelmed by the state of things recently and am looking for some places to volunteer, as I think it would make me feel better to do something positive than just sitting around. What are some of the best places to volunteer? Is there any effort to help people who might be vulnerable to ICE raids? I don’t have any religious affiliations but I understand a lot of non-profits might and I’m ok with that. Thank you.
submitted by CaploCaplo to cincinnati [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 19:40 IthinkIknowwhothatis Immortality through poetry
submitted by IthinkIknowwhothatis to BlueskySkeets [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 19:40 Zenchilada Art Nouveau Elves
submitted by Zenchilada to dndai [link] [comments] |