Why do people say the mane of scar in the live action is not black when it is

2025.02.01 22:02 Tremendin0649 Why do people say the mane of scar in the live action is not black when it is

Why do people say the mane of scar in the live action is not black when it is I have seen so many people say he doesn’t by he does his many is literally black maybe it’s not that visible but can see is black like I never understood why they say that
submitted by Tremendin0649 to lionking [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:02 Westy3000 🥔💨🏝️

🥔💨🏝️ submitted by Westy3000 to polyGONE [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:02 igloomaster Basic math is woke

Basic math is woke submitted by igloomaster to PoliticalMemes [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:02 REXthebeast Me when I me

Me when I me submitted by REXthebeast to predental [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:02 kasagaeru Some more silly memes about vampires

Some more silly memes about vampires Hi! 🥰 It's been a while since I posted. I apologize in advance if some of those are old as hell & you've seen 'em
submitted by kasagaeru to InterviewVampire [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:02 Leozito996 Giovanna Turella

Giovanna Turella submitted by Leozito996 to AsMelhores18 [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:02 Appropriate-Ending_ So this is where it ends.

submitted by Appropriate-Ending_ to sixwordstories [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:02 RemarkableCut9438 [IIL] r/ifyoulikeblank?

Looking for a subreddit similar to this, but for music (possibly on discussing genres of specific albums)?
I’m trying to get clarification on an album that was mislabeled, and would love a place where I can get community feedback on what genre(s) it actually fits into. Thanks!
submitted by RemarkableCut9438 to ifyoulikeblank [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:02 thehubmp4 Lockdown and HP maybe should not be added off rip to the next game.

Lockdown and HP maybe should not be added off rip to the next game. submitted by thehubmp4 to NFSUnboundGame [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:02 Adventurous_Special5 Design my space Open to any suggestions

Just purchased my first home. Despite what the internet says I love the gray floors so that’s the first thing I worked on getting as well as tearing tbe ceiling cabinets down. Now I’m lost and don’t know what to do next as far as decorating. Please help.
submitted by Adventurous_Special5 to interiordecorating [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:02 Soft-Wealth-3175 Anyway to get ahold of USPS humans? My package has been in a city like 45 minutes away since January 20th. I've had this happen before and I got ahold of a human and was told "oops must have slipped through the cracks.

Im thinking this might have happened again. There's a thing saying it could be late because of bad weather over the past few weeks but it's technically two days passed when it was supposed to come. So it's not really that late but how TF could it be 45 mins away since Jan/20th somethings probably messed up knowing USPS.
submitted by Soft-Wealth-3175 to usps_complaints [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:02 BothTip7473 H: Enclave Aligned flamer barrel W: Leader offers

submitted by BothTip7473 to Market76 [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:01 Cautious_Ring8574 Save big on a new Tesla! Use my referral link for up to $2,500 off FREE LIFETIME SUPERCHARGING when you buy a new Model S or Foundation Series Cybertruck in the US!

submitted by Cautious_Ring8574 to TeslaReferralsCode [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:01 Neat_Intention818 So that little girl E friend you made that video about lives in a big home and her (“parents” you said it ) have nice cars meanwhile you bring that lil girl food 🤣 I caught you in a lie again dopehead 😆😮‍💨

submitted by Neat_Intention818 to Keepingupwithkeke [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:01 WhereasOk7479 Bug Monotype (6/18)

Bug Monotype (6/18) I always thought bug monotype would have been harder but it was pretty easy. Had some troubles trying to beat Giovanni 1 and 2. But other than those everything went sweetly. Volcarona and M-Scizor were the MVP of the run.
submitted by WhereasOk7479 to pokemonradicalred [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:01 throwRA-adviceask Juniperkit and Dandelionkit

If Juniperkit and Dandelionkit (Squirrelstar and Bramblestar’s kits) had lived what do you think their lives would have been like and what would change in the story?
submitted by throwRA-adviceask to WarriorCats [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:01 Cultural-Month3700 Perfect for ladies. geat gift idea too for your lady

submitted by Cultural-Month3700 to ididntknowthatexists [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:01 Suspicious_Humor2406 tried to do my ocs on freeplay and idk how to feel about these (two of these are dating)

submitted by Suspicious_Humor2406 to DTI [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:01 EdgyTeenager_Embran 2/02/2025: This is why you don't pick Snivy.

2/02/2025: This is why you don't pick Snivy. submitted by EdgyTeenager_Embran to PokeMedia [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:01 Witchcult_999 Anyone else ever notice this??

Anyone else ever notice this?? Decided to read more about ductwork as not many people are competent in airflow issues (including myself) and noticed the basic airflow measurements follow the same pattern as the ohms law triangle. Thought it was a fun way to remember it (The physics symbol of Volume vs velocity is just capitalizing the V, so I underlined the big one to put emphasis on the difference in the symbol as it’s just random notes I decided to take out of boredom
submitted by Witchcult_999 to HVAC [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:01 Motor-Dragonfruit250 21 F WHERE R MY ART PPL AT😭😭😭

submitted by Motor-Dragonfruit250 to chat [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:01 deathbyswampass Proposal to ban X.com links and recommending teslas. I had family die fighting the Nazi in the Second World War. I don’t think we should Help Elon sell another Tesla or make money from ads on X.

Upvote is you agree. If you can look the other way while Elmo does the Nazi salute behind the seal of the president of the United States downvote me.
submitted by deathbyswampass to whatcarshouldIbuy [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:01 New_Cook_2049 ID of this antique gun based off its markings if possible

Had a vetterli rifle style but I don’t know if it’s Italian or.. any info would be appreciated
submitted by New_Cook_2049 to AntiqueGuns [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:01 Egg_Hat_3561 psychologist: the femboy Scout doesn't exist, he can't hurt you... the femboy Scout:

submitted by Egg_Hat_3561 to tf2shitposterclub [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:01 odyssey92 Midlife crisis leads man to seek solace in the company of other men, then on a group holiday to Italy they all get the second best jewellery they can

submitted by odyssey92 to ExplainAFilmPlotBadly [link] [comments]
