When do I disregard my contractions as prodromal labour

2025.02.01 22:10 Emotional_Doubt1784 When do I disregard my contractions as prodromal labour

I’m super confused. I’ve been experiencing contractions since yesterday.
Yesterday was excruciating painful back aches with not so regular contractions. I realised baby was in wonky position and did some stretches and moves that is supposed to spin babies.
Soon after pain subsided but now having regular contractions. Not too painful but have been more frequent for the past two hours.
There is no water breaking or mucus plug dislodged so I’m so confused.
I’m 36w+4 with twins so really confused.
Has anyone got any advice?
If this continues to tomorrow I’m going to go to my hospital.
submitted by Emotional_Doubt1784 to BabyBumps [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:10 staarduel employee handbook

soooo i was just hired recently (woo-hoo!!) and was wondering where i could find the most recent employee handbook. i did my onboarding in-store so i wasn’t able to save the link. does anyone have it? or should i ask my store manager? thanks in advance!!
submitted by staarduel to zumiez [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:10 FranZetaEta Now that It Is all over...

We have to pay u/araraura ? What will happen If we refuse ?
submitted by FranZetaEta to Silksong [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:10 Full-Comment5980 Showed my Dad “invincible (like you)” and he loved it

My dad and I are very close. Lately we’ve been talking a lot about lyricism and music in general. We love diving deeper into songs we like and seeing why those lyrics connect with us. I had him listen to the song bc it reminds me of him and told him to give me his thoughts, as he was listening to it he started to hum and already knew the chorus by the end so he sang along. He said he liked it but didn’t have an experience to connect to it so he asked me why it reminded me of him. I have a past with depression and my Dad was one of the people who helped me with it most so the song definitely reminded me of him. Won’t get too into it but there’s a lot that we as a family have struggled with and my dad has gad to deal with it the most, yet he still was there for me and always carried the weight of anything he could. This might be a little personal for here but there’s been a lot of negativity on here lately so I just wanted to share something good.
submitted by Full-Comment5980 to DreamWasTaken2 [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:10 Haunting-Guide-5153 Preciso terminar meu relacionamento

Sou um mlk de 15 anos e estou namorando a pouco mais de um ano. Durante esse tempo tivemos muitos momentos bons, e os poucos ruins me marcam até hj, não por ela, mais por mim. Sou viciado em pornografia a 4 anos e estou lutando contra isso, inclusive numa melhora incrível, mais sinto que com isso não tenho sido eu mesmo com ela a um tempo. Já conversei sobre com ela mais mantivemos a relação. Atualmente tô pra começar o ensino médio e com isso minha carga horária de escola aumentou muito, meu pai não trabalha mais na cidade e moro a 20 km dela, trabalho aos fins de semana, apenas então complica muito de se ver. Nos últimos meses tenho tido uma precao imensa pra fazer algumas coisas mais pra frente com ela, não tenho vontade nenhuma mais fico com medo de quebrar as expectativas dela e acabo me frustando. Sinceramente, tem uma voz interior me implorando pra terminar, pra livrar ela de mim e focar mais no meu vício e no trampo. Oq eu faço?
submitted by Haunting-Guide-5153 to desabafos [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:10 JoniVanZandt Name this country band?

Name this country band? submitted by JoniVanZandt to country [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:10 failed3abortion What i think crk would do if they're bored

What i think crk would do if they're bored Btw i made this at 1:09 am (im tried as shit)
submitted by failed3abortion to Cookierun [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:10 jmakled So innocent, yet scary

submitted by jmakled to MoandMo [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:10 Ehsan1238 Is Claude even relevant with its absurd prices after Deepseek dropped?

Claude 3.5 Sonnet has absurd API prices, anyone here eve using them? If yes, why?
submitted by Ehsan1238 to ClaudeAI [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:10 Negative-Screen2542 I don't know what to call it

I live in a barren land, No trees, nor grass, Just earth and rubble,
So I ask the birds to come, To make it less lonely, But won't, Cus there's no trees.
So I plant and water, Greats oaks, And ask them again, But won't, Cus there's no food.
So I gather bugs, And food alike So they come, In swarms.
But I cant speak to birds, As I'm not one Or even have the same interests, As I'm not one.
So I still sit alone, And miss the barren landscape, Of my past, So I could do this again, But with real friends.
submitted by Negative-Screen2542 to SadPoems [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:10 wo_shi_shei I don’t even know

It goes like “I walked …. (Something something) it’s like oh eh oh”?
I think?
It might be a TikTok song?
And the voice sounds almost… raspy. I think it’s a male voice, but not sure. It’s stuck in my head SOS
submitted by wo_shi_shei to findthatsong [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:10 dontc9 F91W VS F94

What is the difference in build quality between the F91W and the F94? The former is twice as expensive in my country. .
submitted by dontc9 to casio [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:10 Tattooed-Trex S-pen replacement from Amazon

Has anyone tried them? I don't need it to be perfect. I hardly use it anyway. But they have different options and I'm hoping someone has tried one.
submitted by Tattooed-Trex to S24Ultra [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:10 DragonfruitMor2023 How to DIY an ottoman with spare sofa cushion?

Today we were assembling our sofa and realized we had an extra sofa cushion to spare. We have an L couch situation but we don’t want to get rid of this. Is there anyway to DIY this into an ottoman type style? Or any other use for it? Ideas are welcome and appreciated!
submitted by DragonfruitMor2023 to interiordecorating [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:10 Friendly_Material821 new shoegaze rec

new shoegaze rec hi guys, today i came across this Mexican Shoegaze EP, it's called "Cueva" basically it's all about that stage in life when you're trying so hard to find out who you really are and the immense cave we end up getting lost in circles, obviously, with a fair dose of shoegaze fx we all know and love. Hope y'all enjoy. (i found it also on Spotify and itunes so 90% sure it's available everywhere)
submitted by Friendly_Material821 to indie [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:10 Dissociate_ME PHANTOM GAMING X870 Riptide Wi-Fi can't find driver installs or polychrome on site.

When I got the download page it just brings up the normal page for the mobo. All the other boards will show downloads just not this specific one. Any help? Thanks.
submitted by Dissociate_ME to ASRock [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:10 reddit_lss_1 Image Post Title 01-February-2025 22:09:56

Image Post Title 01-February-2025 22:09:56 submitted by reddit_lss_1 to lssAuto [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:10 Select-Education6093 Bank teller needing guidance for finance career

I live in Montreal, Quebec and I am graduating college this semester and I work at ScotiaBank as a senior teller.
I do not want to pursue a 3 year bachelor degree (Finance) in University with the mindset that I am wasting 3 years of my life when in the meantime I could be doing my courses/certificates internally with the bank in order to be a Financial Advisor.
The thing is my old man wants me to have a degree in whatever field, he just wants me to have a degree that way I accomplished something in life, while I see it as wasting time when I can get in the job market straight up after college which is what I really want even though people around me keep on saying your 21, enjoy it, once you hit the job market its a 9-5 everyday. I don’t care about it. I want to grind now and enjoy later.
My goal is to get into Private Banking. I dont know yet exactly where in PB, but I am really interested in that field.
Can you guys give me any advice? Thanks.
submitted by Select-Education6093 to Banking [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:10 runclimbcycle Which Shanling transport for a schiit modi dac?

Hello, so I've got a schiit modi dac (which seems decent) paired with an old denon cd player, that skips a bit and doesn't read scratched CDs etc. So thinking about getting a dedicated transport.
Looking at the Shanling cr60 and et3. Question is, is the modi 'good enough' to warrant the extra cash on the et3 (which gets rave reviews) or would the cheaper cr60 be fine?
And would be interested to know anyone's experience if they've paired a Modi with a Shanling transport. Thanks!
submitted by runclimbcycle to BudgetAudiophile [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:10 Rtgc22 Framed the poster + Cone's pick

Framed the poster + Cone's pick submitted by Rtgc22 to Sum41 [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:10 Proserpina664 HJ Charms

Has anybody tried putting HJ charms on a pandora bracelet?
submitted by Proserpina664 to hardjewelry [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:10 SumEdv2 Builders have feelings too :(

Builders have feelings too :( I see heaps of posts about trades and builders not showing up to quote or not ever sending one after saying they would.
But the frustration goes both ways. This week, I’ve visited peoples houses every afternoon after work, and for two of those potential clients so far, (who were super excited and glad I came out), I quickly whipped up a quote for a new pool, including drawing their backyard and house on a CAD program, detailing their pool location and landscaping around it etc, presented a very professional quote, sent a lovely email with the quote attached, tried to keep it super affordable because they are so excited…all not 24hours after our meeting, and then I hear nothing back. Not a ‘thank you, we’ll have a look and let you know’ or a thumbs up emoji!
Sorry, I don’t mean to complain, I was just reading some posts and had a ‘yeah…but…’ moment!
submitted by SumEdv2 to AusRenovation [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:10 SlightAd8812 Altcoin season over frenz ?

submitted by SlightAd8812 to Pepecryptocurrency [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:10 GolYan_11 WTS NA AR 57 NO ISSUES OR DEADLINKS (info in pics!)

WTS NA AR 57 NO ISSUES OR DEADLINKS (info in pics!) Feel free to send a dm if interested
submitted by GolYan_11 to GenshinTrades [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:10 centerofhope257 Why are you married?

submitted by centerofhope257 to AskReddit [link] [comments]
