[19/M] Need some genuinely kind friends please

2025.02.01 22:51 itsmezanelol [19/M] Need some genuinely kind friends please

Yo yo people. I'm 19, 6'3, and a gay guy. I'm lookin for genuine friendships under 30 years old. I like space, the ocean, and nature. I write stories and draw on paper, and play electric piano, but I'm not a professional on any of them :) I hope everyone has a wonderful day/night! I also got a PS4, and I do got over 300 games :)
Feel free to dm me everyone :))
submitted by itsmezanelol to MeetNewPeopleHere [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:51 PhilosopherLazy1992 How bad is this wobble?

Was cleaning my brother's replica which he doesn't want anymore and noticed this wobble between the hop up unit and the receiver. I was going to upgrade this gun as part of my learning process on teching an aeg and wanted to know if this warrants a replacement of the hop up unit or if the issue is lying elsewhere.
A bit more information on the replica: It's a ROSSI Sentinel Kappa 12" fully stock. It was disassembled and reassembled as part of transportation but as far as I am aware the only thing "modded" was the lack of the dustcover bit that shields the hop up unit
submitted by PhilosopherLazy1992 to airsoft [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:51 CashInStyle CashInStyle 🎉 Congratulations to Our Contest Winners! 🎉

CashInStyle 🎉 Congratulations to Our Contest Winners! 🎉 A huge shoutout to all our Monthly, Referral, and Biweekly contest winners—your hard work and dedication have paid off! 🚀
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submitted by CashInStyle to CashInStyleOfficial [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:51 Hellokitty_yumi Guys i love jjk and my fav charcerters are...

kaisen(the one with pink hair)
Itadori(the one with wird tattos)
Jujutsu(the one with blue eyes and with hair)
Thats it
I really love to kaisen vs itadori fight
When yuji ask are u nah id win bc ur stand proud Or ur stand proud bc ur nah i win That sence was cool
submitted by Hellokitty_yumi to LobotomyKaisen [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:51 fran_jav " I would with out a doubt take my own life to bring Drakeo the ruler back. Just because the influence he had on LA hip hop is unequivocally thee best in recent history. Calling him a legend would be an understatement."

submitted by fran_jav to NoJumper [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:51 K4StR Really wish we could get more of these

Really wish we could get more of these I Really love it when both Star Powers from a brawler works equally (or almost equally) as good, it feels like you are making an important decission when buying one or another Star power.
You think about the pros and cons, and You also get excited when You get the other Star power You did'nt buyed on a drop, rather than just having a brawler with 1 Star Power being INMENSELY superior than the other one, it Also feels like a Rob when You get a Legendary drop just to get a shitty ability You Will never use by no means.
submitted by K4StR to BrawlStarsCompetitive [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:51 Abigaill953 we love sunny days

we love sunny days submitted by Abigaill953 to Cutedogsreddit [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:51 Accomplished-Ad-241 lakers game in nyc : anyone want to grab a drink?

anyone down to grab a beer before the game? I'm going by myself! I'm a 23 year old guy and just looking to sip one (or 2) before I go in!
ley me know :)
submitted by Accomplished-Ad-241 to lakers [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:51 IntrepidScale583 Only game that has this...

Only game that has this... submitted by IntrepidScale583 to COD [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:51 trashyundertalefan Nemesis Prime Vs Megatron Official Fan Film Announcement 4K

Nemesis Prime Vs Megatron Official Fan Film Announcement 4K submitted by trashyundertalefan to transformers [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:51 Tewmanyhobbies Traveling to Tanzania and Ghana as a masc female

I need advice!!! As the titles says, I’m going to both countries. There isn’t much I can do with my outward appearance. Yes, it’s possibly to buy some feminine clothes for the trip, but it hurts my heart if that makes sense. Like I think wearing feminine clothes would ruin my mood so much that I wouldn’t enjoy the trip. Given the fact it’s too late to change the plan, I will consider doing it if I absolutely have to.
I’m not as worried about Ghana because I have someone who is familiar with the area. Tanzania however is worrying me a lot more. I am west African myself (US born). I don’t know how that might affect my experience but I want to add that detail in case it’s useful. My hair is short and I will not be altering it, but maybe I can tie a scarf.
Part of what I’m doing will include swimwear. Obviously I’m not going to be showing public displays of affection or anything. I just want to know if I’ll be okay. I’m trying to research but I’m just psyching myself out.
submitted by Tewmanyhobbies to actuallesbians [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:51 taahbannim What if the Bartholdi's Suez Statue was built.

Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi, proposed a design of a statue of a robed Saeid Misr woman holding a torch at the entryway of the Suez Canal in Egypt. The working titles were "Egypt Carrying the Light to Asia" and "Progress Carrying the Light to Asia". The statue would stand at 86 feet, and the pedestal would be 48 feet. It was declined by the Khedive due to the cost. In 1869, Port Said Lighthouse was designed in the same location. Bartholdi would recycle his idea and adapt it for The Statue of Liberty.
submitted by taahbannim to HistoricalWhatIf [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:51 MiketheTzar Checking in from Cameron Indoor.

Checking in from Cameron Indoor. I'm also surprised that I got these tickets
submitted by MiketheTzar to CollegeBasketball [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:51 AHostOfIssues Where can I find Mac native code backing the PlatformMenuBar class?

This class (PlatformMenuBar) is a works-on-mac-only "transparent" widget that serves solely to pass data through channel to native Mac code.
I've been searching and trying to find the source code for that Mac native implementation in the flutter repository.
Does anyone know where this lives?
The widget source for the class and delegate it uses are here, but no references to the native Mac plugin:
Note that I've looked in the flutter packages repo, and not found it here either:
submitted by AHostOfIssues to FlutterDev [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:51 Mammoth-Pound3213 I just made a vibrant texture pack does it look nice.

I just made a vibrant texture pack does it look nice. submitted by Mammoth-Pound3213 to geometrydash [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:51 Drex678 Mod draft.

To any member that wants to be a mod of this subreddit please comment on this post and in 24 hours I'll randomly pick somebody to become a mod.
submitted by Drex678 to FortFestivalWishList [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:51 Born_Narwhal2421 Same name??

Hey everyone! Just a question I was discussing with my friends is that if you meet someone with the same name as you is it a turn off? Or if you are on a dating app will name twins be a left swipe? Thx guys :)
submitted by Born_Narwhal2421 to actuallesbians [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:51 Normal_Dude_404 First post here! Hi all!

First post here! Hi all! submitted by Normal_Dude_404 to jigsawpuzzlecats [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:51 zPanthermic AITAH for expecting more from my girlfriend on my birthday?

So yesterday was my Birthday (M25) and my mind has been racing all over the place today. It just didn’t feel like my partner (F26) really cared or put any effort into making the day, MY day. She had to work all day on the weekend to which she has and most likely could have asked for off like she has for many other things that she plans, which hurt as I don’t think she even tried to swap shifts. I didn’t get any presents not even a kiss to start the day. To clarify she asked me if I wanted anything for my birthday 2 days beforehand, a nice gesture but considering we live 45 minutes for the nearest town that sells anything but bread or groceries, she wouldn’t have been able to get me anything in time. So I said I didn’t need anything but maybe a cake. I got a cake, that she knows I’m not the biggest fan of as we get the same ones for everyone in her family, I never have any. I’m not beat up about this as I didn’t specify what type of cake and that’s on me I guess.
I sat at home almost in tears just staring at the wall, just thinking that the only person I want to spend the day with doesn’t care. I think she could tell I was a bit upset but just pushed it under the rug and tried to ignore it by essentially rolling her eyes and doing other things. I’ve been with her for 8 years and I know that I’m a grown man but I’m just defeated by all of it but AITAH for expecting her to just organise something or treat me like a king for one day of the year?
TLDR - Girlfriend made me feel like my birthday wasn’t important but AITAH for expecting more?
submitted by zPanthermic to AITAH [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:51 Odd_Adhesiveness7578 Once I start listening to my own advice ppl gonna fear me

submitted by Odd_Adhesiveness7578 to teenagers [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:51 SaltyKayakAdventures All sharpened up for another week

All sharpened up for another week submitted by SaltyKayakAdventures to Spearfishing [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:51 luvvylaura Just finished Germinal by Émile Zola...just wow. What a book. But I think it shattered me right alongside Catherine.

I’ve read my fair share of classic literature where the female characters feel frustratingly weak and helpless from the very start. I admit I’m a sucker for a classic romance plot, and sometimes that’s enough for me. But there are times when I really want to see the female character fight for herself more, to push back against the world instead of simply enduring it.
When started Germinal on a whim with only a vague idea of what it was about, Catherine felt like a breath of fresh air. She was just as capable as the men in the mines, keeping up with the grueling labor without complaint. In the completely inhumane world of 19th century French coal mining where survival meant enduring backbreaking work, she didn’t shy away—she was strong, resilient, and seemed to carve out a space for herself in a world that didn’t make room for women. For a moment, I thought she might be different from the usual tragic female figures in literature. But as the novel progressed, it became exhausting to watch her autonomy be stripped away bit by bit.
The mines were already a brutal existence, but for Catherine, the hardship didn’t stop when she emerged from the tunnels. Not only was her work as demanding as any man’s, but she also had to endure the added weight of being a woman in that world. Her relationship with Chaval was particularly infuriating—his possessiveness, his cruelty, the way he slowly broke her down from someone who seemed to be an example of strength to almost a lifeless slave.
She wasn’t just oppressed by the mining company. She was crushed under Chaval’s control, and it was agonizing to watch her endure his brutality on top of everything else. Another thing that really struck me was when Chaval raped Catherine, it was depicted entirely through the lens of Étienne. The narrative seemed more focused on how it affected him—his anger, his frustration, his moral reckoning—rather than Catherine’s suffering. It was frustrating to see her pain sidelined in favor of Étienne’s internal turmoil, as if her experience only mattered in relation to how it made him feel.
But the moment near the end, when Chaval finally shows some kind of tenderness toward her, hit me the hardest. After all the suffering, after everything he put her through, he could only muster basic human decency when Catherine literally almost died in the mine. I cried when she asked him why he can't be like that more often. Then he told her he was no different from any other man. That moment stuck with me—because Catherine actually wondered if he was right since she's never met a happy woman. That line sat in my chest like a weight.
Reading Germinal was an emotional experience, but Catherine’s story hit me in a way I wasn’t expecting. It's such a reminder that for so much of history, strength wasn't enough to protect us from the cruelty of men and the systems that uphold their suffering. Even in fiction, even in history, a woman's struggle is often doubled—working as hard as men while also enduring their violence. Catherine deserved better. They all did.
submitted by luvvylaura to literature [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:51 capndodge17 FN510T RO.45

FN510T RO.45 We’ll see if she cracks tomorrow!
submitted by capndodge17 to 10mm [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:51 ku739 Front balance rise up tips

Hello aerialists,
I'm working on my front balance rise up. I can do it confidently on sling. But I'm having problem transferring the skill to hoop.
On sling, my center of mass is right on hip bone. Obviously it's not ideal for hoop. So I have to put the bar on the crease right underneath my hip bones. That makes my upper body heavier than legs. I can still hold a front balance without hands on hoop. But I noticed a few challenges for rising from hip hang:

  1. My upper body feels stuck when it's parallel to the floor and can't go up anymore
  2. My head feels very heavy. Not sure if I should tuck chins, look forwards, or look up. I played around but didn't find which position is easier.
  3. I noticed on sling I could keep my legs lower to let them weigh down more since I'm a generally a top heavy person. But I am having difficulty keeping my legs low on hoop during the rise up.
I know it's such a tricky skill and works differently on different bodies. I'm attaching a video here: https://vimeo.com/1052655287
Any suggestions, tips, drills on and off the bar is greatly appreciated.
submitted by ku739 to Aerials [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:51 besourosuco3 People aged 25 to 30, are you already financially stable? Have you reached where you wanted to be in your career?

Well, I'm Brazilian, I'm unemployed at the moment, I live with my parents, and I haven't started college yet due to lack of $$.
People my age already have a home, family, financial and love stability and I feel remorseful about that.
I would like to hear from people from all over the world about this.
submitted by besourosuco3 to jobs [link] [comments]
