Help needed for binge eating due to studying stress

2025.02.01 22:55 chintitboi Help needed for binge eating due to studying stress

i am a 2026 jee aspirant looking for help regarding my binge eating habits. I currently have a lot of pressure for scoring good in my finals (for my parents as then only they will allow me to take dummy school in 12th) and stress related to studies, loneliness etc too.
Due to this constant stress and my own negligence, my health is deteriorating day by day. Whenever i feel overwhelmed by studying I tend to binge eat (a lot) and then feel like a piece of shit the whole day. This has been my coping mechanism from my childhood. This cycle has been continuing from the past few months and my weight has been increasing day by day(I am 6 feet tall and weigh 86kgs).
I really need some advice on how I can stop binge eating junk food and restart my exercise routine which I had in 10th class, that helped me cut down my weight from 102kgs to 79kgs and i just cant seem to have this transformation again :(
This has also affected my studies a lot
It's currently 4am and I feel like shit
submitted by chintitboi to JEENEETards [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:55 GreekCSharpDeveloper oh my god shed vibes

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2025.02.01 22:55 RichMeasurement6055 T3llural - Reaper
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2025.02.01 22:55 BinchTurtle Free killing floor on steam

Hello guys, in my steam inventory I have a killing floor 1 gift, I already have the game.
Who wants it ? Explain why you want it !
submitted by BinchTurtle to killingfloor [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:55 russey74 Best place to propose at sunset in Perth?

Hello people of Perth, I am new to the city and looking to propose to my partner. I was wondering if anyone knew any good spots that are not too busy where you can watch the sun go over the horizon?
submitted by russey74 to perth [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:55 Cdo-12 FIRE calc

What are the best fire calcs? Also are there any that model different scenarios based on planned breaks in savings? For example, I’d like to model scenarios like: 1. The impact of a 1-2 year sabbatical; 2. What it would look like if I stopped saving for retirement in 5 years but then started saving again at year 8; 3. How many more years would my FIRE plan be extended if I sent my kids to private school…and other similar scenarios.
submitted by Cdo-12 to Fire [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:55 Seppukubk2 Would doubles fit or should I plan on getting a low helix? Currently at 3.5mm on my lobes, planning on getting just to 8mm

Would doubles fit or should I plan on getting a low helix? Currently at 3.5mm on my lobes, planning on getting just to 8mm submitted by Seppukubk2 to piercing [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:55 LetPatient9835 Template name when sharing website

My wife and I just launched a website using an existing template, but when we shared the website with someone on whatsapp, it comes with the name of the person who offers the template, does anyone know how to remove it?
submitted by LetPatient9835 to WIX [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:55 kenwaynguyen Question about insert and shoes

I got diagnosed with flat feet a few months ago. Doc gave me a pair of inserts and recommended me some specialty shoes to wear. I got a pair, Asics GT-2000 13.
Do I wear my specialty shoes with the inserts on both feet, or the inserts are for normal shoes?
submitted by kenwaynguyen to PlantarFasciitis [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:55 DaddyRanger18 What was your I’m a total fat ass moment?

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2025.02.01 22:55 DM-Crib-San-Pablo Purr-fect Thoughts Create Purr-fect Realities!

Purr-fect Thoughts Create Purr-fect Realities! submitted by DM-Crib-San-Pablo to CatsAndShine [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:55 Right_Secret1572 First time using orca and having some small issues. Pic attached.

Getting some stringing / wall peeling. I’ve done this identical print with generic Bambu slicer settings with this exact roll of filament hours before this print and it was perfect.
Is there something I’m doing wrong?
submitted by Right_Secret1572 to OpenBambu [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:55 quecoux [PSX] W: Eccentric set H: Karma, Anything, Just ask

submitted by quecoux to PatchesEmporium [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:55 Infinite-Primary-123 Arthur Vs Dutch (Writing Battle)

If you count all side missions, all of Arthur’s journal, his journal entries, inner thoughts, all of the talks he has with the gang members and all the camp interactions and quests, and particularly high honor Arthur. And count red dead redemption 2 AND 1 Dutch, and all of the camp dialogues and camp interactions that include him, and the high honor ending, and the epilogue, all of his quests (If he has any), and all his interactions with HIGH HONOR Arthur, who would be better written?
submitted by Infinite-Primary-123 to reddeadredemption [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:55 Powerful_Gas_7833 Well the tariffs are going into effect Tuesday. What will the actual effects be? Any optimism?

25% on canada
25% on mexico
10% on China
Will this cost hyperinflation or a great depression?
What will the actual impact be
submitted by Powerful_Gas_7833 to PoliticalOptimism [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:55 bubbalubby Mayor Gainey’s COS resigns

About 3 years too late in my opinion.
Pittsburgh mayor’s chief of staff resigns, replacement appointed
submitted by bubbalubby to pittsburgh [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:55 Woomeloo XPAN is my favourite

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2025.02.01 22:55 AutomaticClassic7114 How can I learn logic?

I’m a high schooler and don’t know much math but I’m interested in metaphysics (currently reading vol 1 of coplestone s history ((new to philosophy)) and logic is important for that. How can I learn it?
submitted by AutomaticClassic7114 to askphilosophy [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:55 xfile420 Emote menu completely blank?

Emote menu completely blank?
This has been happening for the past week. People who I know have 7tv emotes have nothing when I try to pull them up. I can't even get anything to come up when I type something after a colon. Any ideas what's happening?
submitted by xfile420 to 7TV [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:55 Informal-Cap4785 It’s crazy that there’s 2 years between this rumble and the next one, enjoy it as much as you can Fed shills!!!

submitted by Informal-Cap4785 to SCJerk [link] [comments]

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2025.02.01 22:55 Mission_Librarian297 Things I'd like pt.2

Things I'd like pt.2 submitted by Mission_Librarian297 to SuitU [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:55 doctor_iggy (WTS) BCM Stock, Mod 4 Grip and Trigger Guard - FDE

Additional pictures:
All parts are 100% brand new, factory take offs. Will come with all the necessary screws, spring, and roll pin. Pieced together these will retail for $85.
Asking $70 shipped for all. Not willing to split at the moment unless the buyers of the individual parts want to cover shipping
submitted by doctor_iggy to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:55 Weylandinc Digitize Childhood Memories

I had a great childhood and a ton of 35mm film from that time, shot with various low-quality cameras. I want to digitize them at the highest possible quality to uncover hidden details in the shadows, correct tones, and print them to hang them on my wall — rather than leaving them to degrade in an album.
I've looked into Imacon, Epson V850, drum scanners, and the Valoi easy35mm. Imacons are available but quite old, drum scanning seems like a massive hassle, and the Epson V850 appeals to me and the pricepoint it dooable, but for something I will use this once. Using my R5 with the RF 100mm macro is fast and apparently delivers great results, but the Valoi's build quality seems questionable. The more I research, the more confused I get. Can anyone help me figure out the best approach, where I balance, what I can acutally get out these negatives, without completely over or under shooting quality, time and money.
submitted by Weylandinc to AnalogCommunity [link] [comments]