2025.02.02 00:30 Awakening_Shrub Synthwave Emperors Children test miniatures
Trying to figure out what sort of basing scheme makes sense submitted by Awakening_Shrub to Warhammer30k [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 00:30 Altruistic_Room4405 CELEBRATEEE YUHHH
submitted by Altruistic_Room4405 to agent00 [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 00:30 Proper-Campaign3627 Are these good snowboarding boots?
These boots are listed for $20 and in my size, I’d obviously try to try them on before I spend the money. If I could get them down to $15 would it be more worth it? submitted by Proper-Campaign3627 to snowboardingnoobs [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 00:30 anticrash Trump’s disregard for US constitution ‘a blitzkrieg on the law’, legal experts say | Trump administration
submitted by anticrash to Netrunners [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 00:30 MeatSuperb Killed by giant bell
At the start of the balcony in feydrids tomb (attacking side), above the resource chest, there's a big black hole. I'm Lvl 600. 1st time ever I got killed by a massive bell that dropped down from that hole. How? Wtf happened??
submitted by MeatSuperb to Chivalry2 [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:30 deruos Haikyuu Tattoo Idea
I was planning to get my first tattoo when I turned 25, and now that my birthday is approaching, I'm trying to choose a Haikyuu tattoo for myself. I want to get a panel from the manga because I think it would be more original, but I can't decide. I love all the characters, and there are so many moments in the manga that I truly adore.
What’s your favorite panel? If you were to get a Haikyuu tattoo, what would you choose?
(Sorry for taking up your time, I'm not very used to post on Reddit.)
submitted by deruos to haikyuu [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:30 randomusername123458 Triple zero star note
Worth more than a dollar? submitted by randomusername123458 to papermoney [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 00:30 K8edid2 Can someone help me with these 2? Have 1 send left will send a 3 star to cover stars.
Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: https://mply.io/LMCnmCJTK4g
submitted by K8edid2 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:30 FacePossible7478 International Development Week
submitted by FacePossible7478 to curiousnewtons [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 00:30 Elegant_Dot2679 What it's THAT?
submitted by Elegant_Dot2679 to Accutane [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:30 Kind-Ask7330 Looking for tips to manage my social anxiety while in social settings
I'm 18f and have struggled with social anxiety my entire life. I'm currently a freshman at community college and so far I haven't made any friends (bc I say I don't want any), but I was thinking about joining a club. Just to socialize with other people besides the few friends I do have. Bc in class you can't really talk to people because the teacher just talks the entire time. I don't have anxiety walking into class or being by myself around people but anytime I set a goal for myself to talk to someone my anxiety just goes up. And then all my conversation skills go away. I decided to start writing down questions I can ask people when I know I'm attending certain social events, or coming up with certain responses for questions someone might ask me. But no matter what I do anytime I'm in certain social situations including group settings where I have to talk to people I get really bad anxiety. I don't even talk to people about how bad my social anxiety can be because nobody understands. Like when I took a public speaking class last semester to challenge myself and my social anxiety I told someone that I was nervous about the presentation and his response was "nobody cares if your nervous. Stop being a baby if you can't do it then drop the class." Like yeah that's really helpful 😑 he turned out to be a jerk anyway. And it doesn't help that I've been compared to my brother multiple times and that my family is loud. They just minimize what I go through and don't take me serious. Bc of this it can feel isolating at times having nobody around me that understands. But for those that have gotten better managing their social anxiety what have you done to help manage it? Because I've tried breathing and practice positive affirmations but when trying to talk to someone, especially people in a group setting my anxiety is really bad and I don't know what to do to calm down. Then my heart starts pounding fast and sometimes I feel like I'm about to cry. And recently in biology class I sat at a table with 3 guys and at the beginning I'd ask questions about the assignment and none of them would answer. They'd just look at me and ignore me and continued talking to each other and wouldn't even ask me anything. Then I just got frustrated, bc idk why I was being ignored and treated like this. It was emberrasing and I just wanted to leave. Id also like to start approaching people and easily have conversations but I feel like I'm way too awkward and boring. So if anybody knows of anything that can help calm down your social anxiety in social settings pls let me know. Thanks
submitted by Kind-Ask7330 to socialanxiety [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:30 Cottonncandyyy13 Where to purchase floating plants.
I was looking into purchasing some dense floating plants for my betta tank so he could rest in them closer to the surface. However my local pet stores near me don’t sell floating plants. I was looking for recommendations of some good floating plants and hopefully some trusted websites where I can purchase them from that won’t cost an arm and a leg shipping to BC Canada! Thank you for the help.
submitted by Cottonncandyyy13 to PlantedTank [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:30 bellybutton_slave Fit check 😜
submitted by bellybutton_slave to Twinkbellybuttonplay [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 00:30 Ok_Psychology_4095 Marriage License Requirements
How can I obtain a PSA birth certificate if I wasn’t born in the Philippines? The local registrar is requesting it as one of the requirements for my marriage license. I tried PSA, but i have no record there…
submitted by Ok_Psychology_4095 to Philippines_Expats [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:30 diedeletajs Latvija 1.67 promiles
Sanāca aizložņāties nedaudz pa tālu wikipedia, un atradu , ka mums nedaudz neveicas. Slimi vikingi atpeldēja alfa-1 antitripsīna deficīts(A1AD) ir viena no izplatītākajām ģenētiskajām slimībām pasaulē. Izraisa plaušu, aknu un citas slimības, atkarībā, kādu komplektu dabūji un dzīvesveida. PiM, PiS un PiZ alēles ir (visbiežāk) sastopamās. Katrs vecāks iedod 1, kopā 2 - arī var dažādas. M ir veselīgā, S ir sūdīgāka, Z vissūdīgākā. Mums diemžēl ir salīdzinoši daudz PiZ, un sanāk lielākas iespējas tieši dabūt PiZZ komplektu, kad jau galīgi pīzz... un nav labi - liela iespēja aknu un plaušu bojājumiem. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c4/PiZZ_Europe.png No sākuma neticēju, bet paskatījos kartes avotu, parēķināju un ir gan. Cik saprotu, tad populārākais uzskats ir, ka Z alēle parādijās apmēram 2000 gadus atpakaļ Zviedrijā. Vēlāk jau iznēsāja, bet skaidrs, kurus mīlēja visvairāk. PiZZ: Latvija 1.67 promiles, Igaunija 0.60 promiles, Dānija 0.51 promiles Te ir jaunāka analīze un skaidrāk redzams ceļa maršruts(tur ir vēl kartes, ja interesē): https://preview.redd.it/0hnm8zck6mge1.jpg?width=1128&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b54ced45607f40dd5b354dfe2ad0f2c99194abd0 https://www.dovepress.com/alpha-1-antitrypsin-piz-gene-frequency-and-pizz-genotype-numbers-world-peer-reviewed-fulltext-article-COPD#F1 Vēl info: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alpha-1_antitrypsin_deficiency https://medicine.lv/raksti/genetiska-slimiba-kas-apdraud-plausu-veselibu-alfa-1-antitripsina-deficits-ka-to-laikus-pamanit submitted by diedeletajs to latvia [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 00:30 Straight_Truth_3298 Pretty sad
submitted by Straight_Truth_3298 to AskCanada [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 00:30 Adorable_Part_8565 What's this contraption for?
I was riding at night in total darkness and ran into this. As I got closer to the source of the sound, a million possible scenarios ran through my head - I thought it was some kind of trap, that something was about to jump out at me, or that some rope would grab my leg and hang me from a tree. But in the end, it was just this...
submitted by Adorable_Part_8565 to kingdomcome [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:30 a-frogman tips for a newly diagnosed and currently unmedicated person?
Hi, I recently got diagnosed with adhd inattentive variety. My case manager had been convinced for a while (said they could officially diagnose me but it wouldn't change much since they can't prescribe meds) but I didn't really believe them or care enough to go to my psychiatrist about it for a while. Well, my psychiatrist did the questionnaire and was kind of vague about the results (according to the notes it's because of my bipolar and he "discussed" with me how it could be mood-related, which he didn't actually do) but said we could discuss meds next appointment. So, I now am working under the assumption I have it but don't see my psychiatrist again until early March. I am realizing just how much it affects my life, especially college. As I'm writing this I have my computer open and am supposed to be working on a 400 word writing. Super easy but I can't lasso my brain back to earth long enough to actually get it done. My current main strategy is to go to a cafe or library where I feel like I'm being watched and feel pressured to actually Get Shit Done. Other than that I am relying on randomly going what I call "turbo mode," but I can't control when it happens or for how long. Any tips/strategies on how to focus on homework? It feels like it's worse now that I know since I'm paying more attention to my, well, poor attention.
submitted by a-frogman to ADHDers [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:30 klktudicemmg [USA-NC] [H] Paypal, Cash [W] 5800x3d
I’m local to the Charlotte, NC area. Would be interested in buying a 5800x3d as a final upgrade to my AM4 build. Feel free to PM me your offers.
submitted by klktudicemmg to hardwareswap [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:30 SSJ5Gogeta saw someone wearing this shirt online, can anyone please help me figure out which specific shirt this is? Can’t find it anywhere
submitted by SSJ5Gogeta to SquaredCircle [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:30 CaptainMorgan1992 Let's Get Fit Together: Gym Accountability Post
Hey Guys and Girls,
Looking for some motivation and accountability to stick to your fitness goals? You're not alone!
This post is for anyone who's trying to get in shape, build muscle, or simply live a healthier lifestyle.
2025.02.02 00:30 NerdyComfort-78 Where do you sell/how often
For those of you who flip professionally, how often do you flip a piece and what is your best free outlet for sales? FB Marketplace? Craigslist?
I’ve been wondering since there is a profusion of YouTubers who show “how easy” it is to flip and make money. As they say, if it seems too good to be true, it must be.
submitted by NerdyComfort-78 to FurnitureFlip [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:30 siresg 5 Tips for Better Sleep Hygiene During Pregnancy
Pregnancy can come with a host of sleep challenges, from discomfort to hormonal changes. Here are five practical tips to help you manage sleep disruptions during pregnancy:
1️⃣ Sleep on Your Side: As your belly grows, it may be more comfortable to sleep on your left side. This position improves circulation and helps with digestion.
2️⃣ Use Pregnancy Pillows: A pregnancy pillow can support your body and help relieve pressure on your hips, back, and stomach, making it easier to sleep.
3️⃣ Avoid Large Meals Before Bed: Large meals can cause heartburn or indigestion. Try a light snack if you're hungry before sleep.
4️⃣ Stay Active During the Day: Regular, gentle exercise like walking can help improve sleep quality during pregnancy.
5️⃣ Practice Relaxation: If anxiety or discomfort is keeping you awake, try relaxation techniques like breathing exercises or gentle stretching to calm your body before bed.
If you're struggling with sleep during pregnancy, Dame can provide advice and support for managing sleep disruptions and improving your overall health.
submitted by siresg to Singaporewomenshealth [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:30 father-onion second movie question!
okay so i just finished the second movie and actually kinda loved it. for me, it was like a really long filler episode where nothing really, truly makes sense, and you're just along for the ride.
so believe me when i say that i know i shouldn't look too closely at everything going wrong in this movie, but i couldn't help but wonder... is the central issue between Carrie and Big simply that they tried to force spending time with each other every single night?
like they don't have their own stuff they were doing where one of them had individual plans? and they felt forced to... "take two nights off" ??? is that what we were supposed to get from that? or did i miss something?
submitted by father-onion to sexandthecity [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:30 SandwichCareful39279 Corruption Disruption 2025 on CommunityBridge - Sunday, February 2nd
Corruption Disruption is starting on Sundays in February 2025 - 7pm ET. Join us to discuss details, review videos and focus on small things that may have been missed in cases or need a deeper inspection. As a community we can bear witness AND compile documentation on the facts and evidence. So far, people have been overtly supportive and asking what we can do.
We can document our discoveries and work to change law and process that has allowed criminals to run things. We can end it. This will start small and will take time. Stop in any Sunday this year, 2025. Our first task will be to set the objective and format of the weekly meetings and start an agenda for next week.
submitted by SandwichCareful39279 to JusticeForEnrique [link] [comments]