[National] - D.C. crash investigators focus on altitude and vision quality of helicopter crew | NPR

2025.02.02 02:51 AutoNewspaperAdmin [National] - D.C. crash investigators focus on altitude and vision quality of helicopter crew | NPR

[National] - D.C. crash investigators focus on altitude and vision quality of helicopter crew | NPR submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:51 SithLordCountPooPoo Prostitution is not the same as working at Macdonalds

submitted by SithLordCountPooPoo to a:t5_5zn767 [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:51 ImWiser The fans everytime some generic music plays:

submitted by ImWiser to SCJerk [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:51 joekiller How are people doing so much damage already?

How are people doing so much damage already? I was top 100 in the previous round and people already have like 4x damage outputs.
submitted by joekiller to PetSimulator99 [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:51 gotchibabe newest outfits this time from thebeetlethatdances on Etsy đź’–

Every time I get a new baby... I buy then an outfit. Insert I will never financially recover from this meme
submitted by gotchibabe to sylvanianfamilies [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:51 Nimbus91 You are loved

You belong here. You matter.
And when you don’t feel loved, remeber that the sun loves you, the trees, the air, the birds, the moon, the earth… they all love you
Even in your failures, in your darkest days, in your weakest moments, you matter.
You Are Loved
submitted by Nimbus91 to starseeds [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:51 49orth Is anyone going to be affected by the draining of the water reservoirs in California?

submitted by 49orth to farming [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:51 Normal_Consequence24 Passerby Cemetery - Is it a fun addon?

Hi, new to modding and saw a mod called Passerby Cemetery. It looked to be a cute spooky add-on, but between the slow pacing of the quest and the multiple updates I am no longer sure. I am in year 2 in my current play through, should I give it a bit longer?
submitted by Normal_Consequence24 to StardewValleyMods [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:51 Accomplished-Dig-716 High Top mail call

High Top mail call submitted by Accomplished-Dig-716 to SturgillSimpson [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:51 Gloomy-Ocelot-4958 OG crosses

Has anyone had experience in OG crosses looking like this and finishing on week 6 under 1000w co2 1500ppm 27’C during the day and 19’C during the night humidity sitting at around 60% she was never happy thru the whole flower cycle didn’t like anything looks nice I just don’t know how it will finish.
submitted by Gloomy-Ocelot-4958 to macrogrowery [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:51 Pinkacello I’m 15 miles from an oil refinery that keeps on having toxic explosions

I’m really stressed by this. I recently moved to a city in the SF Bay Area where I’m now near multiple oil refineries including 15 miles away from a Shell refinery that keeps on fucking exploding and having toxic leaks. Today we got this notification. It says it’s only for the city it happened in, but I wonder how far can toxic pollution actually travel, especially with wind? What kind of precautions should we be taking, other than having air purifiers in the house?
It’s such bullshit that places like these are allowed to be in highly populated areas where people live. A little over a year ago this same refinery had another incident which caused them to tell everyone in that city to not eat any of the produce they’ve grown in their gardens. How far out would those particles travel though?? I saw a FB comment from someone who said “well the oil refinery was there first” as if it’s just part of the natural landscape, and another saying “your choice to live there, you can just move if you don’t like it.” This stuff drives me crazy.
submitted by Pinkacello to moderatelygranolamoms [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:51 emni13 WTW for a more dark and moody seaside aesthetic?

What's the word for the coastal aesthetic that is more moody and dark and the opposite of coastal granddaughtegrandmother. Coastal granddaughter is like chilling on the beach and living in a cute beach house and go eat at restaurants while watching the sunset. The aesthetic I'm looking for is more living in a foggy town with a lighthouse and wearing a sweater as you smoke and watch the sea during a thunderstorm.
submitted by emni13 to whatstheword [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:51 FengShuiNinja Can I import my 24 year old character?

Apologies if this has been asked a bunch of times before. I was going through some old back up DVDs I made for some previous computers and came across my save files from my original play through on both BG1 and BG2. I tried to move them into the Steam folder and boot them up but had no luck. Does anyone know if there is a way to resurrect them for play on the Steam version?
submitted by FengShuiNinja to baldursgate [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:51 Excellent_Name7188 Wattles iron farm but aesthetic

Wattles iron farm but aesthetic Wanted to make Wattles most recent iron farm but cute so I’ve been trying out some ideas on my super flat. I think I might also use this area to display my armor sets 🤔. I’ve been trying to think of something cute to put in the space that’s non-spawnable, useful, and aesthetically appealing. Any ideas?
submitted by Excellent_Name7188 to wattles [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:51 asingledampcheerio What would you put in a time capsule today that couldn’t be kept digitally?

submitted by asingledampcheerio to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:51 ezradawes Can no longer heal in Ender Magnolia

Can no longer heal in Ender Magnolia I’m really hoping this is something stupid I’ve missed like a relic or something and not a bug, but when I went and restarted the game a little while ago heals no longer do anything. I’m in the Arcane Factory if that matters.
submitted by ezradawes to ENDERMAGNOLIA [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:51 Solyd_Yu NEXO GAMER | Comunidad de discord para gamers y desarrolladores de videojuegos

NEXO GAMER | Comunidad de discord para gamers y desarrolladores de videojuegos submitted by Solyd_Yu to GamersMexico [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:51 exaarret This girl is with child

I bet you!
submitted by exaarret to claudiasulewskisnark [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:51 shallah Trump administration scraps EPA rule to limit toxic PFAS pollution, sparking concern in NC

submitted by shallah to AmericanPolitics [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:51 slicedbreadandbutter Quick mods asleep upvote wholesome walter

Quick mods asleep upvote wholesome walter submitted by slicedbreadandbutter to okbuddychicanery [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:51 ShariaLaw4Life When you think you made a possible connection and realize how wrong you are....

You would think at 40 years old you would have figured this all out but I haven't.
I can think of 2 recent experiences that really hurt and have made me gutted.
A little over a year I attended a social event that had maybe 100 people or so. A man around my age started up a conversation with me 3 different times during the night, poured me a glass of wine (there was an unhosted happy hour where you can pour yourself a drink and have some fruits/veggies), and really appeared interested. The first time he spoke to me, we were alone just standing but I played it cool and didn't want to appear like I was using all his time as I didn't know if he wanted to mingle with other people or not. I think that's where I went wrong so maybe he thought I wasn't interested. Anyone then he did another chat with me and then the dinner started which was a loud group thing. I went to a table where there were several tables one could choose from and he went to sit at my table opposite me 2 people down (kind of like a picnic table). He was still asking me questions although it was a group thing and listening to me talking to other people. I really wanted to ask him for his phone number (I'm a lonely woman but I have zero problems asking out men) but I didn't feel like it was appropriate to put someone on the spot like that when there's people around. I had to leave soon because the parking lot I was at was going to ticket after a certain time. I just said to the group something like I hope I see you all again and I stared at him as I said it. I really thought he was into me. He had a weird name that I couldn't spell but I later on found him on Instagram where I messaged him and he read it with no response but he sent me a follow request and I followed him back. I took the no response as not interested and/or that he completely forgot about meeting me (I look like my photos). A month or so after that, I followed up again (I know that's desperate but I didn't care...just wanted a response) and he finally wrote me back but lied saying he didn't see my earlier message (despite there being a read receipt) but that he was currently seeing someone. I was crushed but stopped contacting him after he said that. It makes me think I was convincing myself that he was into me that night when maybe he was just friendly.
The 2nd experience was 2 weeks ago and not romantic but just friendship. I went to a networking dinner and met this girl that I had a lot in common with and her energy was just good. I thought we could be friends. We exchanged information and she invited me to some event which she is attending where I could be her guest but unfortunately I cannot attend to do a work thing at the same time. I later invited her to a social thing which was yesterday and she said she couldn't go since she had dinner plans with a friend and I said something like okay maybe next time but never heard back. I think she is ghosting me and lost interest in being friends with me.
While I don't make feel like I get many romantic connections that much aside from the guy I posted about, I do think I make friendship ones (with women...never men as I don't want to seem like I'm leading anyone one) but then these women all ghost me. They may say hello to me and make small talk with me when I run into them (which I typically do), but it never becomes anything more than hi/bye.
I understand that friendship takes time to grow but if you are already ghosting people that early on, there's nothing that grows at all. I just feel like my connections are just in the moment and never more than just that one time. I absolutely love the feeling that I possibly made a new friend especially since I'm so lonely but then it's gut wrenching when you realize they really weren't interested enough in trying to connect beyond that brief moment with you. I'm realizing I've been replaceable to nearly everyone during my whole life as an adult.
submitted by ShariaLaw4Life to lonely [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:51 Mindless-Safe1563 (SELLING) MISC 4K’s $3-$4, HD’s $2

Accept PayPal f&f or Venmo.

SD - Hotel Transylvania (MA) $.50 - Predators (XML) $.50
submitted by Mindless-Safe1563 to DigitalCodeSELL [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:51 Lonely_Opening_2663 Lake for Skating

Hi! Looking for recs for people's favourite lakes for skating/hockey around HRM.
Bonus points if anyone knows some that currently have good/smooth conditions and are (ideally) shoveled.
Thanks in advance!
submitted by Lonely_Opening_2663 to halifax [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:51 lacroixocean Protest Project 2025 at the State House 02/05/2025 *SHARE THIS ON EVERY SUBREDDIT*

Protest Project 2025 at the State House 02/05/2025 *SHARE THIS ON EVERY SUBREDDIT* submitted by lacroixocean to PoliticalMemes [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:51 thesegoupto11 My latest Darkstep/Techstep album (link in comments)

submitted by thesegoupto11 to darkstep [link] [comments]
