2025.02.02 02:49 Tfmrf9000 Short Eared Fly Buy (pic also on post)
Saw this individual “Wonky” a few seasons, has a strange right eye. I’ve added a Northern Harrier who has same habit and there are often battles in the air over a catch submitted by Tfmrf9000 to Birdsfacingforward [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 02:49 Bawlswet About 20 packs in just wondering how mathematically lucky I am?
submitted by Bawlswet to PokemonPocket [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 02:49 idiot_proof Man shot at Pasadena Memorial High School during band competition
submitted by idiot_proof to houston [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 02:49 MarsKimball Alternatives to Bambu Lab Ecosystem.
So, I own an A1. So far it's been great. I purchased it during the Black Friday sales and I feel like the rug has been pulled out from under me with the current situation.
The thing is, it's hard to determine if the competition would be any better in the future. There doesn't seem to be a guide out comparing the different companies and their philosophy to openness. So, in the name of public interests, I would like to ask this community on what they have found to be the companies views and how they react to the community and their concerns. I am also looking for peoples honest thoughts on each of the below printers.
In short, what are the views of companies behind the below printers:
2025.02.02 02:49 Best-Boysenberry9666 So Andy Ditch is in a new home after getting kicked out
He’s gonna keep going to place after place, getting away with what he usually does. Any suggestions on what to do?
submitted by Best-Boysenberry9666 to AndrewDitch [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 02:49 FeatureOriginal6266 📶
submitted by FeatureOriginal6266 to 90sHipHop [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 02:49 liberated_5432 [H] (Walgreens 50$) [W] (PayPal 50$ USA)
Need gone asap.
submitted by liberated_5432 to giftcardexchange [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 02:49 Emergency_Assist1496 Study and Personal use -- Film and Law Degree
2025.02.02 02:49 Used-Environment-467 [ORIENT] Help me choose!
Planning to buy a gift for my boyfriend, pls help me decide 😅 submitted by Used-Environment-467 to Watches [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 02:49 Azwarrior89 Am I the only one who’s waiting for my blood test?
I just had my first FET a week ago, and I’m terrified to take a home test. I really want to wait for my blood test on Monday, but I also think about taking one every time I’m in the restroom 😅
It seems like everyone I see tests at home before. Did anyone else wait until the blood hcg test from their clinic? I don’t think I could continue on these medications especially these horrible pio shots(also welcome to any tips for these shots I have knots everywhere!) if I got a negative test.
submitted by Azwarrior89 to IVF [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 02:49 Maleficent_Party_124 Does anyone else have this issue?
So I got S&S back (the first one) since i haven’t touched it in over a year and last played it when i played on a quest 2, recently upgraded to a 3. But when i try to make a fresh new save to restart the story, after Henri says “then i think your story is just beginning” or something like that, the screen goes black and my game crashes. Is this a common issue and does anyone know a solution? i’ve tried deleting and reinstalling the game, even restarted the save multiple times
submitted by Maleficent_Party_124 to SaintsAndSinners [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 02:49 Otherwise_Night5705 Amigos podem roubar seus amigos?
(Respostando oq postei em outra comunidade) Olá, gente! Na vdd acabei de criar essa conta, só pra tirar algumas dúvidas... Eu tenho uma amiga que conheci há um tempinho e nesse meio-tempo, comecei a considerar ela como uma melhor amiga! Eu desabafava com ela, andávamos pra cima e pra baixo e até aí tudo bem, porémmmmm... Eu tenho outra amiga que também tenho muita, mas mt consideração e pensei "qual o problema de apresentar 2 pessoas que são extremamente importantes pra mim(e que me fazem bem), uma à outra?" ... Apresentei ambas, uma à outra. Não demorou dias e elas já estavam bastante intimas, trocando mensagens privadas e estando bastante próximas e falando sobre coisas que nenhuma chegou a comentar comigo, mas soube pq essa amiga que considero como 'melhor amiga", me contou e eu fiquei "🤡", mas não cheguei a falar nada e nem esboçar nenhuma reação quanto à isso. Só que tem mais, essa "melhor amiga" no início da nossa amizade quase cheguei a me afastar dela, pq achava que ela tinha interesse no meu crush, com ele, ela era bastante prestativa e smp quando estávamos eu e ele juntos, ela estava lá no meio. Quando deu b.o(eu e esse crush, n só por causa dela), eu joguei na cara dele se eles estavam a fim um do outro. E seg ele, ele n tinha percebido nada disso(sendo que ele tinha até o Insta dela). Eu morria de ciúmes e isso tudo foi me enchendo, até n querer mais ver a cara dele e dps dela, pq seg ela, ele falava que éramos só amigos(e que ele disse que queria só minha amizade), sendo que desde do início não era isso que ele tinha deixado claro pra mim. Nisso fiquei com raiva dela, pq achei que ela tava do lado dele, até que ela veio falar cmg e disse que tava com sdds e bla bla(quando isso aconteceu comecei a andar mt sozinha e tbm pq tava mt triste com a decepção), e daí disse que tava com sdds dela tbm. Voltamos a andar juntas e ela se afastou desse guri e tbm de outras gurias que se diziam ser minhas amgs e que na vdd queriam o carinha. Depois disso coloquei uma pedra, beleza! Apresentei outros amigos pra essa bff, e esses amigos paravam de andar comigo, e passavam a andar e passar mais tempo com ela, gostar mais dela e tudo mais. Não sei se gostavam mais dela e se aproximavam mais dela, pq ela dava coisas pra eles ou se era pq ela era mais legal do que eu. Enfim, smp tive esse trauma de ser trocada por alguém "melhor" e às vezes essa amizade reforça isso e penso em me afastar. Não tô dizendo que ela é uma pessoa má ou ruim, mas sim que ela tem defeitos e isso me incomoda, pq se fosse apenas uma vez q eu me sentisse assim, tava tudo bem, mas não foi apenas 1 situação que me incomodou. Agora, ela se aproximou extremamente da minha outra amiga, e parece que eu que tô atrapalhando a amizade delas. Hoje me senti mt ignorada, elas estavam no maior papo e eu chegar (do meu jeito, que smp chego) e começar a conversar e ninguém dar bola pra oq eu tava falando, tipo me senti mt ignorada e mt mal. Não sei se o diagnóstico de border e o ciúmes ajuda nesse quesito, porém comecei a perceber que as 2 começaram a falar super bem uma da outra, e contar sobre assuntos que estavam conversando e eu lá boiando. Possa ser que inicialmente se aproximaram pq ambas sabiam que eram amizades que eu considerava muito importantes e que me faziam bem, porém agora não tá me fazendo mais tão bem assim não...
Só queria deixar uma observação: se for pra me atacar por conta do meu diagnóstico e falar abobrinha, prefiro que guarde pra vc. Eu estou postando isso com seriedade, pq quero uma seg/terc opinião. Talvez seja apenas paranóia minha ou realmente todas as minhas amizades smp pendem pra o lado dessa amg e possa ser que ela faça isso de forma consciente ou inconsciente, pq n é possível que todos os meus amgs que me amavam e me consideravam extremamente, do dia pra noite, virem mais amigos dela do que meus.
submitted by Otherwise_Night5705 to desabafosdavida [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 02:49 EnvironmentalBear538 Advice on nipple piercing
I have a daith, helix, industrial, 4 lobe piercings, two cartilage above the lobe on my right ear, 3 lobes on my left ear, and my right nostril. I've wanted my nipples done for a long time. I am really into boudoir and pin up photography and have at least two boudoir sessions a year done, working on a Breakfast at Tiffany's style shoot next. I've seen some boudoir where women had pierced nips and I love the look! I have featured my piercings before and loved it. I honestly can't decide if I want both or just the right side. With my ears, my right side heals super easily but my left ear rejected a daith twice and a helix. The 3 lobes were done 2 decades ago and still seem unhealed at times. I've tried all different jewelry, and had piercers try to help, to no avail. So it makes me wonder if my left nipple would react the same way. I am curious about the pain level. I know that's really a subjective thing. My daith was the most painful with the industrial being number 2. I'm wondering if anyone has done those and nipples, which was worse for you. My nostril was very easy on initial, post pain, and healing, and my helix wasn't bad. My industrial was the hardest to heal but seemed like it didn't last long if that makes sense. I'm just wondering how nipples compare. I know we're talking about a place with cartilage and another without so it might be apples to oranges there. I just like to research the piercing to death before I actually get them and ask all the questions so I'm prepared. I'm decided on doing it and most likely both sides for photography sake if nothing else. Any advice or personal experience (especially from those that have good side and bad side) is greatly appreciated!
submitted by EnvironmentalBear538 to piercing [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 02:49 Embarrassed_Abroad70 Kentucky vs. Arkansas live stream, where to watch, TV channel, odds, spread, prediction, pick | Live Streams, Free Score & Result, Online Update, TV Channel Schedule and More 🔴
submitted by Embarrassed_Abroad70 to fotbals [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 02:49 hana721J No sé qué hacerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Estoy repitiendo los mismos patrones de mi antugüa pareja con mi actual pareja, y esos patrones son malos.
Son patrones obsesivos, en el sentido de que quiero que me amen como yo amo: de una forma tan intensa que roce lo obsesivo, y estoy consciente de que eso está mal.
Lo peor es que no sé qué hacer, amo a mi pareja actual, ha sido una de las personas con las que más he podido compartir mis cosas y siempre es comprensivo y paciente conmigo, pero no puedo dejar de lado que el no tiene la misma intensidad de amar que yo, y eso me carcome.
Desde que estoy con él lo he disimulado. He estado reprimiendo todos aquellos sentimientos que sabían que estaban mal, pensé que yo ya habia cambiado y había aprendido, pero justo ahora, despues de 6 meses me doy cuenta de que no es asi, de que sigo siendo la misma persona que antes, y tengo miedo perderme a mi misma (otra vez) y que el se pierda a si mismo por mi.
Sin que el lo sepa (porque como dije, lo he estado reprimiendo) me he sentido insuficiente y he tenido ataques de ansiedad, desesperacion y pánico por todo este sentimiento que me embarga cada vez que hace algo que no me agrada del todo. Sueno como una caprichosa, pero creanme que estoy consciente de cada una de las cosas que pasan por mi cerebro, porque de alguna forma no quiero dañarlo, no quiero que deje de amar de la forma tan bonita que lo hace solo porque en verdad no estoy del todo bien de la cabeza.
Y creo que lo mejor es terminarle :/
submitted by hana721J to NecesitoDesahogarme [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 02:49 Embarrassed_Abroad70 Brenden Aaronson scores in Leeds United rout | Live Streams, Free Score & Result, Online Update, TV Channel Schedule and More 🔴
submitted by Embarrassed_Abroad70 to fotbals [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 02:49 EmirCnAsl i'm getting my wallpaper' colours as distorted or flipped or vice versa.
submitted by EmirCnAsl to wallpaperengine [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 02:49 mazystar2224 Ranking every antagonist in Poppy Playtime
This chapter has been a ride of good and bad but I personally think these are the best antagonist we have gotten so far with only 1 being a dumpster fire (Pianosaurus). So I wanna rank every antagonist that's ever been in the game. I'm only ranking all 16 antagonist that have been in the actual game throughout the 4 chapters, so character exclusively in the ARG, VHS tapes, or spin offs like, Boxy boo, Leith Pierre, Stella, Eddie, The Prototype. (I know the prototype is technically in the game. But I mean ones that have a level or stage, who've been revealed, and a jumpscare to go with it. But the Prototype would be 5/7th place if I add him to it) I'm including all antagonist wether they are the main antagonist or secondary antagonist. My ranking might be subjective but it's impossible to cater to everyone's opinion. I'm really ranking every antagonist based on how good I think thier character and backstory, and if I like them in the game and thier gameplay.
Ranking from top is the lowest, and bottom being my favorite in the ranking
2025.02.02 02:49 RedRunner_1987 First Suppressor(s)
I know Silencer Central gets A LOT of hate, but figured it was a decent way to get a .22LR suppressor while starting my collection. Got my daughter a .22 bolt action to start teaching her how to shoot and she has a sensitivity to loud noises, figured getting a .22 suppressor would help easy that.
I will note, I have not shot my guns yet since I have received my cans. But I can outline that process. Took right around a month from when my initial purchase to receive my cans at my house. Turn around time for the Tax Stamp was 24 hours. Customer Service was pretty good throughout the process, so no complaints there.
Went with the Banish 45 on my Grit Grip G19(red dot needs to be replaced) and the .22 will most likely live on the .22 Bolt Action.
Will update when I actually get to the Range
submitted by RedRunner_1987 to NFA [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 02:49 homogenousmoss I’m going to Turkey in March: help
I’m going to Turkey in March and I booked at Estemoon but I’m having second thoughts considering the review and how unclear who is a good provider when googling.
Any help or tips on how to sort out who is reputable and who is doing fake reviews in Turkey. I’m looking for a place that has availabilty in March since I already bought my plane tickets.
submitted by homogenousmoss to Hairtransplant [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 02:49 No-Psychology-7237 Weird question
Am I the only one who headcanon's Scara as intersex?
And also I'm the type of person who absolutely will not believe that Ei knows what normal male genitals looks like.
I stand by this headcanon so hard it's not even a joke anymore. I would find it so funny if his gender was revealed to be yesn't.
And I mean yesn't.
submitted by No-Psychology-7237 to ScaramoucheMains [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 02:49 Comfortable_Fix_8520 Should i watch this show?
After seeing a lot of tiktoks promoting the new brodway show. I was wondering if i should watch the tv series?
submitted by Comfortable_Fix_8520 to Schmigadoon [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 02:49 mdkeefe What is this part called? 2007 TTR125
This was broken and fell out when the front sprocket cover was removed. What is the name of the part and is there a part number? Thanks! submitted by mdkeefe to Dirtbikes [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 02:49 Plenty_Internet_5324 Caesar appreciation
submitted by Plenty_Internet_5324 to CaesarKingMains [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 02:49 FROZENLAVA2990 Relationship Advice
18/F I've recently been talking to someone for aboit 3 weeks now and it's going well. Me and him are on the same page and we communicate really well.
But I'm afraid. Afraid of being vulnerable with him. Everytime I've been vulnerable with someone they have turned their back on me and I'm deathly afraid of abandonment and rejection.
Next time we talk I'll address it because I feel myself pulling away due to this fear. I want to be in a relationship with him but emotionally vulnerability, real emotional vulnerability tends to be something I struggle with. I'm really scared and it's kinda tearing up inside. Any advice?
submitted by FROZENLAVA2990 to BipolarReddit [link] [comments]