just the good quality time together

2025.02.02 03:01 BellaSerenne just the good quality time together

just the good quality time together submitted by BellaSerenne to lovememes [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:01 102442 must try deck, it's been fun

must try deck, it's been fun submitted by 102442 to PTCGP [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:01 Rarofiqun Help with South Island 12 Days Itinerary (Early Sept)

Help with 12 Days Itinerary (Early Sept)
Hello. We're a family of 4 from SEA looking to visit South Island on a road trip this late August- early September. My parents are both in their 70s so Im planning to take the trip slow & steady. I'll share our itinenary. I would appreciate your feedbacks on whether this is comfortable for them or if there's any adjustments that can be made. Thank you!

submitted by Rarofiqun to newzealand_travel [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:01 Doll_girl516 Are these videos a scam ?

Are these videos a scam ? I keep getting videos like this recommended to me. They show them rolling a microneedling use oil and then they show all this “new hair growth” and the whole hair looks thicker ?
Is this just a huge scam ? Like is it even possible to have that much hair growth all of a sudden.
submitted by Doll_girl516 to longhair [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:01 jhloveland The Underrated Tracks Playlist

The Underrated Tracks Playlist putting together a playlist of songs i really love and that i feel are somewhat underrated.
let me know what you think! any favorites on this list or any that i missed!
submitted by jhloveland to Coldplay [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:01 MobileNewsBot Galaxy S25 Ultra has worse glass protection but there’s a very good reason for it

Galaxy S25 Ultra has worse glass protection but there’s a very good reason for it submitted by MobileNewsBot to mobiles [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:01 FanDidlyTastic I lit my Sylvari on fire

IMPORTANT: ✨Transformation
I made this, props to the people in the fashion channel on the gw2 discord server for helping me counter all the blue from the arcane flow infusions!
Igneous Regalia > Iron, Cerulean Sky, Destroyer Orange
Mystical Dragon Horns > Ruin, Vintage Silver, Bloom, Destroyer Orange
Exalted Shoulders > Abyssal Flame, Creamsicle, Destroyer Orange
Woad Heavy Coat > Charred, Charred, Seraphim, Bloom
Pyre Gloves > Cerulean Night, Bloom
Grasping Dread Legguards > Abyssal Sea, Seraphim, Bronze
Oneiros-Spun Heavy Boots > Vintage Silver, Pyre, Grave
Nightspeaker Wings > Sunfire Lava, Shadow Blue, Benevolence, Celestial Blue
All Weapons from Destroyer Set, except for mace and axe. Mace: Eternal Forged Mace Axe: The Bloodthirst that Lingers
Cosmetic Infusions
Amulet: Koda's Warmth Weapons: Poly Purple on one, Poly Red on the Other Armor: Poly Grey (to ensure that the weapon poly's overwrite on swap) Snow Diamond(smokey white trail), Poly Orange, Arcane Flow x5, Ghostly x4, Ember, Left/Right Eye of Primordus.
submitted by FanDidlyTastic to GuildWarsDyeJob [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:01 Hot_Springtubs Why do people believe humans will live on mars and other planets?

Humanity will never live on Mars or really any other planet, we've evolved to specifically be on earth and it's conditions, Mars is literally hostile to human life in every way possible, it lacks oxygen, it barely has an atmosphere, it's bathed in radiation, has no magnetic field, has too low gravity, and doesn't receive as much energy from the sun that humans evolved for, anything that could live in that environment wouldn't be a human anymore, and as far as earth-like exoplanets go they'll still be uninhabitable for humans since they'll likely have life and ecosystems that's nothing like earths, also have atmospheric compositions that are poisonous for humans, they're climate, solar energy and gravity could be different from earth's etc, we need to accept that earth is our mother and we can't live without her, there'll never be another planet that can support human life but her, why is it so hard for us to accept this?
submitted by Hot_Springtubs to InsightfulQuestions [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:01 Skousl Youtube links to youtube playlist?

basically the title, is there a bot or way to gather youtube links posted in a text channels and add them to a youtube playlist? Any help appreciated
submitted by Skousl to discordapp [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:01 caldermuyo Just do it Chevy

Just do it Chevy submitted by caldermuyo to winnipegjets [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:01 Kev7878 to any bow hunters, just wanted to as your thoughts, what do you think of the idea of hunting things like feral pigeons and starlings with a sling shot as a way to practice and stay in shape in the off season.

just to explain I was hit by the idea were working on a novel I am writing; I was writing about late season water fowling with a side of pigeon and starling, and I started wondering if hunting the latter birds with a sling shot in and around things like farm buildings and livestock pens, where things like shotguns are no go, might not be another way for someone to stay in condition for bow season. in combination with other things like roving, bow fishing and target shooting.
submitted by Kev7878 to Archery [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:01 WeDontNeedRoads Anyone else have a crush on Sam?

She’s of course beautiful, but her edge and how easily she laughs are also pretty endearing.
submitted by WeDontNeedRoads to TheOGCrewOfficial [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:01 ThrowAway33785 Found screenshots of friends in husband’s phone

Hi. This is a throwaway account only for this particular post.
I got married to my long term boyfriend 3 years ago. Everything is going well. Sex is great. No kids.
A couple of days ago, he gave me his phone to send some photos to his family group. While browsing I found a few photos were missing so I went to the recently deleted folder. There was a photo of a girl I didn’t know in very revealing clothes, screenshotted from Instagram. I couldn’t recognise her username, but she seemed quite young, and when I looked her up on Instagram, my husband and her were following each other.
Then later, I checked his screenshots folder, and I found at least 1000 screenshots. All of them except 10 or so were of regular things, news, memes etc. which he sends to me and his friends often. However I found around 10 Instagram screenshots of girls in revealing dresses. And some of them were the girls I knew. One is my friend’s sister. One is the daughter of a family friend. Some I feel like I have seen but can’t pinpoint.
I didn’t know what to do with this information, but yesterday we had a fight on some other issue and he was acting very holier than thou, so I asked him about this. He immediately said he doesn’t know how the photos are in his phone. Then he said maybe he sent these to someone for a photo short inspiration (he is a photographer). But then he just said it’s not a big deal. I asked him outright if he jerks off to these photos and he said he ha porn for that.
Now I am not against porn. I myself watch it sometimes. But I can’t deal with him fantasising about people we know. How can I meet my friend’s sister again and not think about what my husband is thinking?
Is this normal? Is this a ground for separation? It seems extreme to me but I can’t make up my mind. I don’t know what to feel and how serious it is. Please guide.
submitted by ThrowAway33785 to InsideIndianMarriage [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:01 tiredgremlin123 i love it when

a reddit post is made about a user's shitty behaviour and THAT SAME user comes up on here to defend themselves... like that's so embarrassing oml there's literally a rule to prevent call outs but go out urself ig
submitted by tiredgremlin123 to everskiestrashhh [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:01 speedfeelsgood Rate your TOP Lavazza Beans!

Rate your top 3 Lavazza Beans for Espresso shots only.
If you don't like Lavazza please just don't post and move along. No need to be negative.
submitted by speedfeelsgood to espresso [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:01 nothing_but_static [NYI (3) - 2 TBL] Tony DeAngelo overtime winner! Islanders win 7 in a row!

submitted by nothing_but_static to hockey [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:01 Economy-Damage1870 I find him the most annoying influencer.

I find him the most annoying influencer. submitted by Economy-Damage1870 to hyroxcirclejerk [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:01 ConfusionRandomly I’m sorry DoorDash, what?

I’m sorry DoorDash, what? What do they know that we don’t know??? I’ve never seen this on any of my orders (started in 2022)
submitted by ConfusionRandomly to doordash_drivers [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:01 Wutiswrongwu Fix single target dagger/crossbow

You are not serious,balance your game
submitted by Wutiswrongwu to throneandliberty [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:01 666thSuprisedPikachu Those are some pretty hungry folk

Those are some pretty hungry folk submitted by 666thSuprisedPikachu to dankmemes [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:01 ElderEmo30 Why are you the way you are and what made you this way?

submitted by ElderEmo30 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:01 TR-project winning a giveaway.

i like to watch ZTT (Zach's tech turf). he do a lot's of pc giveaway on his twitch channel and lucky me won a pc. i live oversea in the middle east and he need to send me the pc. he need to know my address to send me my pc. is it good idea to share my address with him? to open p.o box will take weeks here.... he sell on his website pcs and have over 1mil subs on youtube, so he look trusted.
what you think?
submitted by TR-project to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:01 OrionRomulus 8-bit Nu Gundam by RHerimamitiana

submitted by OrionRomulus to Mecha [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:01 Little-Tax3225 ANY CAR WITH F1 WHEELS XBOX ONE 📲

submitted by Little-Tax3225 to GTACarMeetMarket [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:01 Xanek Feh Channel (Feb. 1, 2025) - Fire Emblem Heroes

submitted by Xanek to fireemblem [link] [comments]
