Is this $$ anything?

Harassment is any behavior intended to disturb or upset a person or group of people. Threats include any threat of violence, or harm to another. Harassment is any behavior intended to disturb or upset a person or group of people. Threats include any threat of violence, or harm to another. Hello there, I'm Gowtham, I'll be happy to help you! I apologize for the issue you are experiencing. Please be assured that I will do my best to provide a satisfactory response and assist you with resolving the problem. Hi, I'm Diego Rios, an Independent Advisor willing to help other Microsoft customers. You can try the following procedures in the links below explain how to remove a Microsoft account from your Windows 10 PC: Hello, this is Emily. Most camera issues can be due to a physical privacy cover covering the lens. Make sure that's not the case. Hi, I am Dave, I will help you with this. Click your Start button, then just type powershell and on the resulting list, right click Command Prompt and select 'Run as Administrator'. Hi, This is Ramesh. WordPad has been removed from all editions of Windows, starting from Windows 11, version 24H2. Hi Mohamed, I'm Christine, a Windows user like you. I'll do my best to help you. Looks like you would like to know the size of your monitor. Hello CR.Hby. Thank you for using Microsoft products and posting in the community. I know that you worry when you receive an email from an unknown sender and I understand how you feel. Hi, I received an email presumably send from my own emailaccount, subject 'You've been hacked' starting with 'I want to inform you about a very bad situation for you. However, you can benefit from it,

2025.02.02 04:02 RiverBell69 Is this $$ anything?

Found it while renovating my old house
submitted by RiverBell69 to Watches [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:02 CharlesJAnimations The Los Angeles Lakers are currently 9 games above .500, the highest they've been yet this season.

The Los Angeles Lakers are currently 9 games above .500, the highest they've been yet this season. submitted by CharlesJAnimations to lakers [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:02 Aggressive_Jury8685 Are enchondromas in pinky normal? When does someone need to worry about an enchondroma?

submitted by Aggressive_Jury8685 to Orthopedics [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:02 thenexusprime45 Anyone want to squad up on zombies? (PS4/5)

Mainly wanna do Easter eggs first Der eisendrache, moon or origins 😁
submitted by thenexusprime45 to blackops3 [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:02 Medical-Bullfrog3453 It’s inspiration, it’s just words

submitted by Medical-Bullfrog3453 to sixwordstories [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:02 Mysterious_Glass_179 How do I make her notice me?

I've being online stalking my crush for a little while now but I don't have any idea on how to make her notice me. We are in the same discord server and I have all her socials but when I friended her she didn't friends me back which I know she not obligated too but I need her to notice me. I un friended her then tried to talk more in the server which worked a little since she said hi to me specifically once but nothing else. Then I friended her again but she still didn't friend me back then tonight I messaged her but have got no reply she might be asleep and haven't seen my message since she's offline. I know everything about her from her likes to dislikes and we could be perfect together if she just gave me attention.
submitted by Mysterious_Glass_179 to Obsessive_Love [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:02 dutchieetv Coridden Review: A Shapeshifting Adventure with Boundless Potential

Coridden Review: A Shapeshifting Adventure with Boundless Potential submitted by dutchieetv to dutchieetv [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:02 reichronrac When you realize Paper Girls predicted your exact reaction to its own cancellation

First, denial: "Nah, Amazon wouldn't cancel a show THIS good." Then, anger: "They renewed [insert random flop] but not THIS??" Bargaining: "Maybe if we rewatch it 400 times…" Depression: [Stares at the comic collection, quietly weeping]. Acceptance? Nah. We’re still stuck in a time loop of disappointment.
submitted by reichronrac to papergirls [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:02 WorldNewsMods /r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 1074, Part 1 (Thread #1221)

/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 1074, Part 1 (Thread #1221) submitted by WorldNewsMods to worldnews [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:02 Amber_Flowers_133 Who are your Top 5 Favorite Rock Singers of All Time?

Who are your Top 5 Favorite Rock Singers of All Time? My Top 5 Favorite Rock Singers of All Time are:
  1. Robert Plant (Former Zeppelin and Solo)
  2. Ann Wilson (Heart)
  3. Lajon Witherspoon (Sevendust)
  4. Dolores O’Riordan (Cranberries)
  5. Elvis Presley
submitted by Amber_Flowers_133 to askmusic [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:02 horseradix Driver going wrong way on 315-N tonight

Was heading home on 315-N at around 9:40 pm when we saw headlights coming toward us. Drove past them safely, honked the horn at them. Wtf was that about? Never seen it before. It was around Bethel rd
submitted by horseradix to Columbus [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:02 ReadyOpinion764 I vote we rename them to Big*-bellied woodpecker!

submitted by ReadyOpinion764 to birding [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:02 RevolutionaryLoss856 I was re-watching War of the Worlds and when Cruise goes to deal with Tim Robbins in the basement you can hear one of them screaming behind the closed door (at the 2:13 mark). Can you tell which one it was?

I was re-watching War of the Worlds and when Cruise goes to deal with Tim Robbins in the basement you can hear one of them screaming behind the closed door (at the 2:13 mark). Can you tell which one it was? submitted by RevolutionaryLoss856 to videos [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:02 nicolemochi1 Can not getting move ups for hand tied wefts be harmful?

Can anyone tell me how harmful it could be to not get 6 week move ups with hand tied wefts? I have 3 rows of hand ties and they’re in need of a move up but I just simply can’t afford it right now. If I were to wait and just take really delicate care of them can I go even longer in between move ups? Is there a way to do a mini at home?? Anyone with experience on their own or professional experience please! Thank you
submitted by nicolemochi1 to beauty [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:02 2_Blue Original Hooters Girl Said Thrill Never Gets Old, But After Age 40 It Does Start To Sag

Original Hooters Girl Said Thrill Never Gets Old, But After Age 40 It Does Start To Sag submitted by 2_Blue to Equivocal_News [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:02 _pallart Daily sketches #179 (34 minutes)

Daily sketches #179 (34 minutes) submitted by _pallart to DigitalArt [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:02 shut_me_up_ 24m anyone want to talk about our favorite music artists/goth adjacent music?

Hello! Thanks for stopping by on my post 🙏
I'm a 24M Latino, standing at 5'10, wears glasses and am a total nerd(-: I'm more than happy to share photos (SFW) and hope you are too !
I'm mostly looking for someone that shares some common interests with me, here are some of my biggest hobbies.

-I also really enjoy pc gaming and building. If you're getting started into pc building I could definitely be of help! As I've built tons of pcs over the years (-:
Lastly, I really enjoy weight lifting. Though I've been lacking on doing cardio 💀
I'm not a very picky person at all, I'd love to hear from you regardless of who you are and where you come from, , I'm very attracted to kind and compassionate personalities <3
Hope this post finds you well, and hope to hear from you soon!!
submitted by shut_me_up_ to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:02 Lesbianseagullman my left click is now my right click, but my right click hasn't changed so they both open the copy/paste menu instead of letting me click anything. hope that makes sense

how can I navigate anything now? is there an alternative way to left click? like command+right click or something (even though that doesn't work I've tried) I don't know how to backup my computer now in case more goes wrong or I have to fix it or get a new one. ​
submitted by Lesbianseagullman to mac [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:02 Huskerdust What chapter does this image come from

What chapter does this image come from I’ve been seeing this image floating around for a while and I’m wondering which chapter it came from
submitted by Huskerdust to YofukashiNoUta [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:02 Bikapu Hair CC Creators that do 4t3 requests?

Hair CC Creators that do 4t3 requests?
I came across some male curly hair cc that I love and was devasted it was for the Sims 4. I was trying to look around tumblr to find 4t3 cc creators who take on requests but I got tired of all the going back and forth. Is there any 4t3 CC creators that take requests. I am willing to pay :)
submitted by Bikapu to Sims3 [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:02 GamingTaylor Jagex’s focus should be on value to returning players

I don’t often see this posted so I wanted to remind Jagex that there are MILLIONS of players who have stopped playing RuneScape over the years.
Many of them would love to come back for the right value proposition.
Here’s some ideas to increase revenue:
Send an email out to all players reminding them of their account names, their stats, the last time they logged in, and enticing updates since then.
A discounted first few months or “bonus time” for returning players.
1 year of membership for $100, guaranteed no price increases for the next 5 years
Discounted membership rates for loyal players who have not canceled or paused for 12months, with new perks each year.
Review rules/offenses to perhaps entice players who did lesser crimes to be allowed back. (Example: someone who downloaded a free autoclicker to mine, and then lost their 1000hour account cough cough)
The main problem Jagex’s new owners fail to understand is that this game does not cost very much to keep running. I’m certain their server costs are extremely low.
Instead of charging their existing players more, they should focus on increasing their player numbers..
Face it, no one wants to pay more, and no one who hasn’t played RuneScape before is going to pay the current membership rate.
Lower the costs, add value to returning and loyal customers, discount long term subscriptions, and add free perks and incentives.
Side Note: I have not played for years now but I watch RuneScape videos every week and actively read posts in this subreddit. I am not alone… there’s tens of thousands that would easily play again if the costs were not so high.
submitted by GamingTaylor to 2007scape [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:02 everydayimpickelin No tret reaction

I’ve been using .025 tret for a couple of months now, and I’m not experiencing any noticeable side effects like redness or peeling. Most of this time I’ve been doing the sandwich method, but recently tried applying tret strait after cleansing with no moisturizer base. My skin felt a little tighter afterwards, but went back to normal once I applied my occlusive.
Does this mean it’s not working? Should I go up in concentration? I’m using it for wrinkles and not acne, if that makes any difference
submitted by everydayimpickelin to tretinoin [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:02 Mindless-Can5751 Patents?

Are there any liberty loving organizations mirroring or serving this data?
submitted by Mindless-Can5751 to DataHoarder [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:02 Moderated_ I9 14900K set to 125w pl1 and 253w pl2 fixed my issues

Can anyone let me know if this is decent long term. Since updating this from 253w/253w I have no more crashing and 99 degree temps while under load.
submitted by Moderated_ to overclocking [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:02 PositiveDepth1533 Anyone else feel like infodumping some Gay history?

For me, it'd probably be the history regarding Alexander the Great and his lover Hephaestion. Alexander and Hephaestion appear to have met when they were 13 years old, when Hephaestion was sent to King Philips (Alexander's father) school for royal pages, where it seems the two met, formed a close bond, and remained an inseparable duo ever since. The two studied under Aristole and would also go into exile together when King Philip exiled Alexander after a dispute. The two would remain together on Alexanders campaign after he became king and would fight in battles alongside each other. Alexanders nickname for Hephaestion was "philalexandros" which is often translated as "lover of Alexander."
Alexander also let Hephaestion read his private letters from his mother. Unfortunately for Hephaestion, Alexander's attachment to Hephaestion angered his mother, Olympias, who wrote SCATHING letters directed at Hephaestion, who responded to her by saying "stop quarreling with us and do not be angry or menacing. If you persist, we shall not be much disturbed. You know that Alexander means more to us than anything." Funnily enough, it became a joke in Alexanders time that "Alexander was only defeated once, and it was by Hephaestion's thighs lol. When Hephaestion died, Alexander was devastated. Alexander would throw Hephaestion a funeral that (today) is said two billion dollars and would have him buried with a shit ton of gold talents.
He shaved his head (a sign of mourning to them) and ordered the same thing for the horses manes. He banned music, ordered that the temple dedicated to the god of healing be destroyed, and to have the fire lit, meant to signify the death of the king (i.e. himself) be extinguished. He also saw an oracle who wanted to have Hephaestion be declared a god but only got as far as having him be declared a divine hero. He also had a cult dedicated to him, complete with followers, sacrifices, shrines, art and temples that even seemed to (at some point) have eclipsed the Greek gods in some cities in terms of worship, and would even order people to exclaim "by Hephaestion!" Instead of "by Zeus!" Whenever shocked or angry. Wow.
Nine months later, he was still dedicating statues to his love, but would end up following him in death. Im no Hellenist, but I like to think that Alexander and Hephaestion are in the Greek underworld, talking about their adventures in life, somewhere only they know. As their tutor Aristotle once said, they were "one soul inhabiting two bodies."
So yeah, feel free to comment about what your Gay Roman empire is, I'd love to learn something new!
submitted by PositiveDepth1533 to lgbt [link] [comments]