Thanks to the old gypsy woman, I've lived for a thousand years.

2025.02.02 03:50 Sceadu_Fiend Thanks to the old gypsy woman, I've lived for a thousand years.

Along with immortality, I should have asked for eternal youth.
submitted by Sceadu_Fiend to TwoSentenceHorror [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:50 cutegigachad When do we get our response sheet

When do we get our response sheet from IITs so that we can check our approx rank and marks using rank predictor, what was the case in last few years?
submitted by cutegigachad to GATEtard [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:50 Ahmayzn IG @minipicsnow F4F L4L always respond to dms
submitted by Ahmayzn to FollowForFollow [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:50 rw1083 Gronk making a list of USAA contacts for Sam Elliott.

Is anyone else surprised gronk can spell USAA?
submitted by rw1083 to CommercialsIHate [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:50 elxr00 What’s something that was terrible experience at the time but ended up being a blessing in disguise—yet if it hadn’t happened, you wouldn’t be in a much better place now?

submitted by elxr00 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:50 LuBu4 Added a horse to collection

Added a horse to collection Well well well..... Is that a Horse I see?
Don't you just love when you go out for groceries & think, why not on the way home stop at the local gun shop for fun that usually doesn't have too many milsurps I'm looking for..... Not today!!!
So I found myself looking at this beautiful Colt 1911 & thought I need one for my collection. Done deal, it's in my hands now.
This is a 1913 production Colt 1911 in .45.
This also has the magazine with the lanyard which would be proper for such an early 1911. I'm quite ecstatic that I happened to find this beautiful gat today on a whim.
Enjoy the photos & think about this..... The age old question, P08 or 1911???? Now before owning this it was easy, now.... I'm not so sure. I may have to abstain as I can't have favorites.... They might find out and start malfunctioning.... 🤣
submitted by LuBu4 to milsurp [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:50 Inauspiciouscrow World PvP

On my server (I play horde), why do the alliance keep defending old PvP zones, example Wintergrasp, Tol Barad etc? Awhile ago, probably Legion, I needed to run the dungeon on Tol Barad for my rogue, and it took a solid week before the horde bothered to get enough people together to win it over, since it really is pointless. Every time I went, there was 5-8 alliance players that would block the bridge, defending from the 1-2 horde players that wanted it. Today I went to collect the elder coin from Wintergrasp and there was 15-20 alliance attacking the keep! Why? What's the purpose of taking these zones except for grief, there's nothing out there of any real value anymore... As soon as they won within 2 mins they were all gone, they didn't go into the raid, or talk to the vendor. I'm just really confused as to what purpose they have. Also why aren't these places effected by war mode, shouldn't I be able to avoid this annoyance by turning war mode off?
submitted by Inauspiciouscrow to wow [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:50 CapitalRutabaga5886 I come with bad news from a distant past (5/22/24)

On the date in the title, Nintendo released a news article titled “go off the beaten path with these offbeat rides!” with an image stating “quirky transports”. I clicked on the article expecting to see Koraidon or Miraidon, but i didn’t see them at all…are they not considered a “quirky” or “offbeat” vehicle?! (Please forgive my bubble bass format complaint)
submitted by CapitalRutabaga5886 to PokemonScarletViolet [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:50 DarkChimera64 If Renny Epstein and Faye Valentine met, how would their interaction and relationship go?

If Renny Epstein and Faye Valentine met, how would their interaction and relationship go? submitted by DarkChimera64 to dgrayman [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:50 Alternative_Sea_8354 31M UK - Having an all night smoke sesh since I couldn't sleep, could use a chat or two

I'm into metal music mostly but i can give anything a listen, LOVE tattoos! I like to game when i can, just started playing WoW again. I play guitar and love to write music. Just started watching anime.
submitted by Alternative_Sea_8354 to LetsChat [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:50 Educational-Pea-4102 think when they say they wanna date Americans they think of Americans of color?

think when they say they wanna date Americans they think of Americans of color? submitted by Educational-Pea-4102 to Passport_Bros [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:50 anxious_otter47 Is this proof there’s something else out there?

I was recently talking to my dad and an old story was brought up. I thought it was really interesting, so I figured I would share it here.
When I was a kid, I was really into anything creepy or horror related. I was eating dinner with my parents one night and asked if they had any paranormal experiences. Neither of my parents really believe in the paranormal. My mom said she didn’t, but my dad told me he had one story:
When he was growing up, his family was relatively poor. Because of this, he had to share a room with his mom. My grandmother has always been super into gardening, so the windowsill was full of flowerpots and plants.
My dad described seeing a little man wearing a flowerpot as a hat that would dance among the flowers when they went to sleep. He was really small, and didn’t seem to do much other than walk around the flowers. He described him as being almost a shadow, and so my dad figured he was seeing things and it was a weird shadow cast by one of the flowerpots.
The thing is, he would see this little man often. One night, he decided to get up and go look at what it was up close. As he approached the windowsill, my grandmother woke up and warned him to go back to bed. She has always been superstitious and a believer of the paranormal, but she was also known to be no nonsense. When she told him to go back to bed, it wasn’t with annoyance or tiredness, but with a sense of fear and urgency. He did what he was told, and never went back to see what the little man was again.
As unsettling as that story was, it’s not the real thing that creeps me out in hindsight. Like I said, I was very into anything creepy, and that also involved urban legends. One of my favorites was the duende, which is seen in some Filipino folklore, which was interesting to me as my grandmother was born in the Philippines.
Without missing a beat, I told my dad that he probably saw a duende, and of course, he had never really heard of them. Even though my grandmother believed in them, she wasn’t keen on sharing the creepier folklore with her sons.
My dad looked up an artists rendition of what they might look like and I saw his face go white. He said that’s exactly like the little man he saw all those years ago, and he thought he was crazy until he saw that picture.
I can still be skeptical of the paranormal, but I don’t think I’ll ever be able to explain how I was able to identify something paranormal my dad saw as a child from a simple story.
submitted by anxious_otter47 to Paranormal [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:50 Fininsyder My setup

Rate it
submitted by Fininsyder to macmini [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:50 Voiceovermandy RFK’s brainwork is spouting eugenics and this bitch took it as a complement

RFK’s brainwork is spouting eugenics and this bitch took it as a complement submitted by Voiceovermandy to forbrody [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:50 tomgreen99200 [Post Game] HEAT WIN IT! Bam 30 PTS, 13 REB, 9 AST
submitted by tomgreen99200 to heat [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:50 Status-Log-4178 Doing simple tasks for $1 per task

submitted by Status-Log-4178 to DoneDirtCheap [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:50 SurrealMonk Got a Gespenst for 10 bucks due to mild water damage, absolutely worth some staining for that deal

Got a Gespenst for 10 bucks due to mild water damage, absolutely worth some staining for that deal Some of the plastic has some water stains, and the box is pretty beaten up on the side, but getting this good a build for ten bucks is an utter steal regardless of the caveats.
submitted by SurrealMonk to Gunpla [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:50 Recent_Host_8500 looking for roommates for next year!

hii! im looking for 2 roommates next year preferably for a deluxe triple or a plaza/suite! i will be a rising sophomore next year and i am a physiological sciences major. pls dm if ur interested 🤗🤗
-go to bed around 12-2am -guests r fine but ask before for overnight! -down to do anything
submitted by Recent_Host_8500 to ucla [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:50 sabreman61 My Latest MOC Build The Ghost and Phantom 1

My Latest MOC Build The Ghost and Phantom 1 My Latest MOC Build The Ghost and Phantom 1. The Phantom 1 was a separate purchase that fit perfectly with my Ghost build. It took a few days but I am very happy with this build! It was 4712 pieces and the PHantom was 216 pieces.
submitted by sabreman61 to buildingblocks [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:50 SeaPreference4032 watch4watch and/or like4like

Hi, as the title describes focusing more on watch4watch and like4like, but im also open 4 sub4sub as long as you watch the video before hitting the like and sub will respond ASAP... thanks
submitted by SeaPreference4032 to Sub4Sub [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:50 Dr-Dags Have this one on its way to me😁

Have this one on its way to me😁 submitted by Dr-Dags to PokemonTCG [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:50 Aromatic-Hedgehog-21 shouldnt have picked up that VET 🤦‍♀️

have yal ever picked up a shift then regret it when the day comes? for the first time, i picked up an extra shift for tmmrw on Wednesday. i was ready to get some xtra cash, but now i wish i hadn’t 😭💔 feel so burnt out after this week im jus gonna cover it with pto and upt 🤦‍♀️
submitted by Aromatic-Hedgehog-21 to AmazonFC [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:50 SamSlayer09078-x Obj. 640 (4.5° gun depression) turret height compared to thumper's (9° gun depression)

Obj. 640 (4.5° gun depression) turret height compared to thumper's (9° gun depression) submitted by SamSlayer09078-x to WorldofTanksConsole [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:50 Fizzleberry Here's the first version of my boss mod I posted about a couple days ago!

Here's the first version of my boss mod I posted about a couple days ago! submitted by Fizzleberry to feedthebeast [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:50 Arizona_Nights Flies are optional

Flies are optional submitted by Arizona_Nights to AbsurdistMemes [link] [comments]