I feel as though I'm going crazy

2025.02.02 04:05 MajesticBrat I feel as though I'm going crazy

I am waiting till I'm 18 with excitement because I want an older woman so bad My mum and I have issues and I find myself craving love from older women My crushes are like Cate Blanchett and Miranda Otto Is it weird that I want an older woman so bad? 😭
submitted by MajesticBrat to LesbianActually [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:05 Nope_Rope_SsSsSs Got bored while staying at a hotel and saw a pen and paper so I started drawing

Got bored while staying at a hotel and saw a pen and paper so I started drawing submitted by Nope_Rope_SsSsSs to TeamFortress2 [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:05 Pirate4351 Receipt Hog Referral Code

Receipt Hog pays you to upload receipts, take surveys, and more!
Download and enter code frost385 to earn a special bonus when you upload your first receipt.
submitted by Pirate4351 to GoEarnFreeMoneyOnline [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:05 Lokthee Should I call CPS for my cousin?

I’m currently a teenager so I feel in no way I have any business in it but I can’t help it and I worry for them.
My cousin, who is fairly VERY VERY Young (not even 10 yet), has been experiencing abuse in her household.
I’ve talked to her about it but she was a bit hesitant because she’s been keeping it a secret of how she felt about it for a long time.
For context, it’s known that the mother has been abusing the dad. I’m not quite sure what the mom has but I’m pretty sure it’s some mental disorder (that she may not be diagnosed with) and she gets pretty violent. I remember from when I was a kid, she threatened to stab the dad because she thought he was cheating (he wasn’t). The mom has crazy delusions about the dad being in an affair when in reality, it’s the opposite. The dad doesn’t do anything about it and doesn’t try to fight back. He ends up with bruises.
I knew this about their relationship. But I never knew how my cousin felt about it until now. Turns out she’s been exposed to it and she would break down multiple times crying because of her mom abusing her dad. She doesn’t know what abuse meant so I told her how the abuser is someone who harms the other person and I asked her who the abuser is in the situation and she said her mom. I talked about it with her calmly, trying to not make it sound urgent as to not scare her. She also told me how her mom would threatened her to not say anything or else she might do something bad to her. It seemed like she didn’t grasp the situation but I don’t blame her given she is a kid, such a strong one too because I have no idea how she could handle that abuse for so long. I tried helping her understand, telling her examples and scenarios. Talking to her about trying to ask for help and she said she did ask her teacher for help but they ended up just giving her a pep talk and nothing happened.
I told her that I might call CPS to help out (which I had to explain to her what it is) but she looked scared saying that her mom might get mad and how she doesn’t want to be apart from her mom. Her mom went to a sudden trip before and she cried saying she missed her so much even though it had been just a day. I told her, “okay hmm think about it like this. You want to be safe right?” She nodded. “You want your daddy to be happier right?” She nodded. “You want your mom to get better right?” She nodded. I explained how calling the CPS will do that and she won’t be doing anything wrong.
After a bit of talking with her, I started audio recording the rest of the conversation just in case.
In the end, I told her I will call CPS. She looked at me saying no and I laughed lightly saying I will to ease the tension. It did ease the tension and she just asked us to stop talking about it. I said okay.
I’m seriously thinking of calling CPS but I’m hesitant wanting to listen to my cousin and respect their wishes. My family knows about the abuse my uncle (the dad) has been through and they always tell him to do something but he hasn’t been doing anything.
submitted by Lokthee to Advice [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:05 Fun_Philosopher_1374 Completing my PokĂŠmon home dex (and give it back)

Hello I'm trying to complete my PokĂŠdex to get Shiny Manaphy for PokĂŠmon HOME. Does anyone have Dialga specifically from Bdsp?
submitted by Fun_Philosopher_1374 to PokemonBDSPTrades [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:05 SeriousArm8631 Sudden Trade Ban?

So im trying to trade in order to make a cosplay, and digging through the steam help wizard only confirms im unable to participate in trading, and says nothing about why I am banned. I had made two trades earlier tonight to mess with people on a trade server (Traded two of my unusuals to a friend for a black box/reclaimed metal to mess with kids asking for handouts) and when my friend went to return (and trying to trade for cosplay parts) it just says I am unable to trade, is there a way I can contact steam support (I have 0 links leading to getting actual help from steam). or will i have to ride this out (for who knows how long)
submitted by SeriousArm8631 to tf2 [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:05 External_Voice_6016 jon and horsie (fit at end)

jon and horsie (fit at end) submitted by External_Voice_6016 to reddeadfashion [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:05 MasiMotorRacing Hypothetical question, if there's a plane crash in India, how much will the victim's family get as compensation?

Sorry if its not the right sub, but the cost of lives is so less in india, from train, road accidents to stampedes.
So i was wondering, if there's a domestic crash, with a domestic carrier, say as shitty as Spicejet, how much compensation will the victim's families get?
Please take it as a hypothetical question only.
submitted by MasiMotorRacing to AirTravelIndia [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:05 MadeGuy1762 HHN Hollywood Wolf Man concept art

HHN Hollywood Wolf Man concept art The Wolf Man is certainly no stranger to controversial design choices. This is concept art for the character from the HHN Hollywood maze “Universal Monsters: Music by Slash” in 2018.
submitted by MadeGuy1762 to UniversalMonsters [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:05 WinterOmega My warlock has a completely different vibe to my other characters lol

My warlock has a completely different vibe to my other characters lol submitted by WinterOmega to DestinyFashion [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:05 alwayswithTheFez BRCA2 + Had a prophylactic double mastectomy with reconstruction and it has been a very positive experience.

I feel compelled to share my experience with this because it seems like I hear a lot about this surgery being very traumatic and mentally taxing. I have no doubt that’s true for many women. It wasn’t a complete cake walk for me, it was definitely intense and recovery from the first surgery was difficult, but I had no complications. I am very fortunate to have had an overall wonderful experience with everything.
I had my nipple-sparing double mastectomy with expanders placed a few months ago in October of 2024. I also had a laparoscopic salpingectomy at the same time. Leading up to the surgery I was extremely nervous and couldn’t even sleep for several nights before the surgery. Morning of surgery I became very relaxed and calm, I don’t know what came over me. I woke up from surgery fairly alert but not in pain, the worst part was feeling like I couldn’t deeply inhale. The expanders were very uncomfortable. I later read that expanders are often described as feeling like Tupperware lids sewn into your chest, accurate! lol. The expanders aren’t fun but I got used to them by week 5. They look a little better as they get filled more and more. They’re like doorstops though, they don’t move. Hard to sleep on your side, but I eventually slept on my side again. Recovery was intense with the drains, I had 4. Got 2 out after a week, the next 2 came out at 2 weeks. After all drains were removed I felt I improved dramatically with each passing day. Was hanging out with friends and driving by week 3. By week 5 I felt normal.
Time flew by while waiting for my exchange surgery at 3 months post op because the holidays happened and November and December always combust and disappear for me. I had my exchange to silicone implants on January 16 of this year. I also had fat grafting with fat taken from my lower abdomen and inner thighs. Let me say for this surgery, I wasn’t nervous at all! I was excited to get that Tupperware out! When I woke up from this surgery I wasn’t nearly as alert as the first one. I was high as hell. I barely even remember anything from that day after I woke up. No pain at all in my chest, but VERY tender in my liposuction areas. My inner thighs were black and blue but the compression wraps help so much with comfort and swelling. I was given a gratuitous amount of 5mg oxycodone but I really didn’t need it. Tylenol was fine. I would take an oxy at bedtime for the first week so I could get amazingly comfortable and float blissfully off into slumber. I showered on day 2 and took off the bandages (I left the steristrips in place, don’t worry), I couldn’t wait to get a peek.
Can I even describe how pleased I was to see my breasts? They looked fantastic. Even as red and bruised up as they were, they were so full and buoyant and my nipples were even and everything looked symmetrical and, dare I say, natural?! Yes, some of the fullness was largely due to insane swelling. A lot of the swelling has gone down now. I’m curious to see how much of the grafted fat my body will absorb, but I’m going to be a good girl and wear my compression bra for as long as I need to. These are the best looking boobs I could’ve ever imagined, as someone who has had tiny, minuscule breasts my whole life (except when preg and breastfeeding). I can’t wait until summertime and I’m feeling good in a bathing suit. And my husband and I have been having record-breaking amounts of sex (he used to have to beg me for sex). I feel so good. I’ve had such positive experiences with both surgeries that I’m not even sweating a 3rd surgery (if I choose to have more fat-grafting). We’ll have to wait and see. My breasts are practically flawless, perky, and wonderfully soft yet firm. Boobs of my dreams. Scars are in the under-creases and can’t even be seen unless I raise up my arms. Truly life-changing. And above all, now I can relax and forget about endless tests and biopsies.
I am so very fortunate and I thank God that this genetic mutation has turned out to be a blessing in many ways. I don’t regret a thing, and I would do it all over again. I encourage everyone who is considering this surgery to find surgeons who are On your side and listen and honor your concerns. I have a very good breast specialist and a very good plastic surgeon and together they’re a real dream team.
You’re stronger than you think you are, always. Love to all! Peace
submitted by alwayswithTheFez to BRCA [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:05 VelvetWonderz Drew Jeff Fischer, and his iconic best friend who's with him every episode and ISN'T a self-insert sona, again <3

Drew Jeff Fischer, and his iconic best friend who's with him every episode and ISN'T a self-insert sona, again <3 submitted by VelvetWonderz to americandad [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:05 AWT1380 When to stop breast feeding?

Hi! New parent of a now almost 6 month old. I’ve had a roller coaster of a time breast feeding, but since being back at work full time, I pretty much exclusively pump, only breast feeding when I’m home. Every day I want to stop, but then I think about actually stopping, and I don’t want to. I like the connection to, and the convenience of feeding baby in the side laying position and just falling back asleep, and not having to shell out tons of money for formula, BUT I hate the time it takes to pump, cleaning the pump parts, arranging my life to be able to pump, worrying constantly about my supply, and baby has started biting with teeth now 😖
What made you decide to stop breastfeeding? And how do I actually stop?
submitted by AWT1380 to NewParents [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:05 DirtyEyeball13 2 shop question

2 stores / 2 customer batch question. Can I choose which order to start first? Today I had 1 store for customer A and a different store for customer B. The App sent me to start customer A, but she only had a few things and then had to wait for me to shop customer B’s huge order at another store. Could I have gone to customers B store first and did that shopping or would the app not let me do that? I assumed it would just keep directing me back to the first store but now I’m second guessing it.
submitted by DirtyEyeball13 to InstacartShoppers [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:05 nectardriq A Complete Tour to Jammy, the Bottled Sprout (ask, criticize, or anything!)

A Complete Tour to Jammy, the Bottled Sprout (ask, criticize, or anything!) submitted by nectardriq to DandysWorld_ [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:05 FullSoulGaming Festival Arc Bakugo, Or Fingered 15 Times.

Festival Arc Bakugo, Or Fingered 15 Times. submitted by FullSoulGaming to MyHeroPowerscaling [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:05 longwait-09986 What do you hate the most about going to the movies?

submitted by longwait-09986 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:05 Poke_Dave3 Found this Mariners poker set, is it rare or worth anything? Does anyone know the history?

submitted by Poke_Dave3 to Mariners [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:05 CompletePosition2004 My 2006 VR6.

My 2006 VR6. submitted by CompletePosition2004 to PorscheCayenne [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:05 TTheXina Is this game pay to win now?

Hi i decided to play again after about 3 years and looking into the ranking of competitive games it feels so sweaty now, is it pay to win now or u can still get pretty far as is?
(My cookies are DEFINITELY out dated though LOL, pumpkin is my main damage dealer :”) )
submitted by TTheXina to CookieRunKingdoms [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:05 itsrosi3 Looking for friends?

Friendly reminder!

  1. Keep posts appropriate
  2. Ages 10-15 (can be exceptions)
  3. Keep posts respectful (no being rude to other users)
  4. NO homophobia, racism, zoophilia, ext.
  5. No aita stories or vents (you can do that other places just not here)
submitted by itsrosi3 to lookingforfriends3 [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:05 lemkowidmak Immaculata Women's Basketball @ImmaculataUWBB: RT @ADRobinson3: WOMEN'S BASKETBALL: Immaculata 70, Marymount 51I: @ahboyer26 (@GbbFord) 24pts 6reb 2stl, @Carly__Coleman (@OHaraGirlsBbal…

Immaculata Women's Basketball @ImmaculataUWBB: RT @ADRobinson3: WOMEN'S BASKETBALL: Immaculata 70, Marymount 51I: @ahboyer26 (@GbbFord) 24pts 6reb 2stl, @Carly__Coleman (@OHaraGirlsBbal… submitted by lemkowidmak to phillysports [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:05 NewPage7304 Courthouse wedding

Planning on going to the courthouse to get married is there anything I need to know ahead of time? Is it weird to dress up? Or am I just going for a dmv like experience (aka bring the $25, sign the paperwork and go home)
submitted by NewPage7304 to LasCruces [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:05 CorgisStolenShoe Why you don't but cheap keyboards for your builds.

So I was in need of a keyboard a few months back, my wife being the great women she is went to Amazon for me. This is a chonchow model 1910, and this is definitely the weirdest, cheapest crap I have ever seen. My PC started shutting off randomly the other day, and there was no minidump, so it had to be hardware.
So I went to a buddies house who has a similar build, everything checked out great with testing and swapping parts, and I never got the PC to shut off (I was using his keyboard and mouse) so my next route was to try switching my mouse out and keyboard out right afterwith his once I got home. I used his keyboard and my mouse, all good. I plug my keyboard back in, and crash.
So here I am, taking it apart to see if I can spot a short on the motherboard. And I find this plastic motherboard, that's connected with rubber hooked to 3 tabs. No wonder why I was crashing. This thing was probably just sending off random signals to my cpu causing it to error and crash.
submitted by CorgisStolenShoe to PcBuild [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:05 DrMatteoFarci My Wabori Journey in Japan

My Wabori Journey in Japan I have to spend about three months in Japan. Since I love Wabori, I thought this would be a great opportunity to get one before going back to Italy.
1st picture: Half-sleeve Namakubi
It’s almost done—only the red is left. It will be finished in the next session, just in time before I head back. I’m very proud of it, and I’ll show you once it’s finished. In total, it will be about 20 hours divided into 5 sessions, plus about 2 hours to draw the background outlines freehand before starting the tattoo. • Tattoo artist: Koyasu https://www.instagram.com/koyasudesu?igsh=a2g0bTVvN2N1OGFh
• Tattoo studio: FATE / CONTON 
• Location: Sendai 
2nd picture: Hannya on my stomach
I got it in Kyoto during a weekend trip. It was a flash tattoo. • Tattoo studio: GionDaruma Tattoo https://www.instagram.com/giondaruma?igsh=dnRoMnhrdmhpcWt6&utm_source=qr
• Location: Kyoto 
Let me know what you think! :)
submitted by DrMatteoFarci to irezumi [link] [comments]
