2025.02.02 04:00 Chumbawamba_kaju Sexy PS5
My GF made my PS5 sexier then all others? submitted by Chumbawamba_kaju to OddlyErotic [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 04:00 DrFrancisBGross Nani?
submitted by DrFrancisBGross to yakuzagames [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 04:00 fkaasdf Asking for it
submitted by fkaasdf to perfectlookinggirls [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 04:00 Thegovernmentisgay My game just sits on this screen, I just redownloaded it and not sure what’s going on, any help?
submitted by Thegovernmentisgay to HellLetLoose [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 04:00 angryshoper What a fucking win lakers LFG old bron james still showing this kids who’s king
submitted by angryshoper to lakers [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 04:00 bot_neen Defienden miles la diversidad en Argentina
submitted by bot_neen to Mexico_Videos [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 04:00 GrouchyInformation88 Is it time to buy Canadian, Mexican and Chinese?
submitted by GrouchyInformation88 to AskCanada [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 04:00 Posting-Here Thoughts About the Vibe Tribe
Currently, I'm warming up to Tristan and starting to like their character because they're interacting outside of Ivy and Zaid, becoming more than a third wheel. I'm interested in seeing them grow as a character and their relationships with Benji, Jade, and Hannah get development.
As for Zaid, I still don't care much for him, especially since he has nothing outside of Ivy right now. He's just her love interest and doesn't have much going for him as a character. Now, I still find Ivy boring and dislike her, but it does look like her condescending attitude and desire to be the best are setting up for future conflicts with her team.
Tristan building relationships outside the Vibe Tribe and Ivy's spoiled attitude seem to be set-ups for something bigger in the future.
submitted by Posting-Here to DisventureCamp [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 04:00 seerstake MagSafe compatible clear case for op13?
Looking for a good case. Iv seen some from ringke and poetic but I don’t know how good they are
submitted by seerstake to OnePlus13 [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 04:00 Valuable-Mastodon-14 Weird ligament pain
So have any of you had the ligament pains in other places in your body? Like my poor fingers hurt! It acts up when I point my hand a little too long (like when putting on a sweater). It is one of the weirdest things and now a couple other fingers are acting up too.
submitted by Valuable-Mastodon-14 to parentsofmultiples [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 04:00 Riaglow Valentines Day Set💌
submitted by Riaglow to Nails [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 04:00 OrganizationOld838 [Serio] Experiencias de vacaciones por separado con tu pareja?
En resumen conozco a mí novia hace 8 meses pero estamos de novios hace un poco más de 3.
Cuando empezamos a salir seriamente y ser exclusivos ella ya tenía un viaje familiar a Brasil planificado.
Además de su familia directa también van sus primas, y la particularidad es que todas ellas y sus hermanas están de novias y van con la pareja.
Ella lo habló con el papá después de que nosotros oficialicemos y conozcamos a nuestras familias, le preguntó si me podía sumar al viaje pero le dijo que no porque no había suficiente confianza.
Somos la primera relación seria el uno del otro, y la verdad no sé bien cómo se enfrenta algo como esto.
Tuvimos muchas conversaciones de límites y estamos de acuerdo en prácticamente todo, hay mucha confianza.
El tema es que por el tipo de viaje no vamos a tener ni cerca la comunicación que tenemos día a día y mucho menos vernos, lógico.
Ella llega mañana a destino y hasta ahora me fue documentando todo.
La realidad es que soy celoso porque en una joda con sus amigos, un chabón borracho del grupo hizo una escena de celos y si bien quedó mal el, habló mal de ella.
Obvio confío en ella y no en el pajín que la difamó, pero me sigue haciendo un poco de ruido.
Es una chica hermosa la verdad y me pasa en la calle que me doy cuenta que le relojean el orto por ejemplo pero está conmigo entonces me chupa un huevo.
Ahora en la playa, en otro país, dos semanas separados por miles de kilómetros y alcohol de por medio, estoy un poco inquieto.
No estoy dudando de ella, pero me incomoda que haya posibilidad todos los días de que se le tiren tipos random, no sé si me explico.
Alguien tuvo una experiencia parecida en una relación que está despegando? Cómo resultó?
Tenemos proyectos para cuando vuelva y prometimos mantener mucha comunicación.
Capas estoy haciéndome la cabeza al vicio, pero quería escribirlo en algún lado, gracias por leer.
submitted by OrganizationOld838 to AskArgentina [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 04:00 B0ut2bank420 Lf solid, regular/wkly raid team
I'm lf group to run regular raids with. And GMs. And other activities too, but focusing on raids. I know kings fall and crota pretty well, and have had a part in a few other raids. Bungie- Bank420#4980
submitted by B0ut2bank420 to Destiny2Fireteams [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 04:00 CharacterOdd7561 Yupoo shoe seller
Do yall have any yupoo shoes seller with affordable prices?
submitted by CharacterOdd7561 to rep [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 04:00 THE-GIRL-LIVVY How did that "one guy" completely ruin something for everyone?
submitted by THE-GIRL-LIVVY to AskReddit [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 04:00 duckman209 Pick up from the Oud Store
First clone purchase in a long time. Haven't tried the YSL it cloned but this is a good one. submitted by duckman209 to fragranceclones [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 04:00 Danskivich Wolves of Desor (US) — The Witch of November — 2025 demo
submitted by Danskivich to TrveBlackMetal [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 04:00 Diligent_Shake_7169 she finally felt clean
submitted by Diligent_Shake_7169 to InfinityNikkiofficial [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 04:00 yocaramel Test
submitted by yocaramel to WhatIsMyCQS [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 04:00 Fine-Anywhere-1380 Leatherface collection
submitted by Fine-Anywhere-1380 to NECA [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 04:00 huyvnme The Dawi never forget
submitted by huyvnme to totalwar [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 04:00 Pirate4351 AttaPoll Referral Code
AttaPoll is an app that allows users to participate in surveys and earn rewards in exchange for their opinions and feedback.
Download the app and enter OEPTE to receive a signup bonus.
submitted by Pirate4351 to paidsurveys_ [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 04:00 John_Jonas No double standards whatsoever.
submitted by John_Jonas to FireEmblemHeroes [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 04:00 dr_rav3n0 Workout
submitted by dr_rav3n0 to HonkaiStarRail [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 04:00 r0cks33n9915 What does the last line in judgement day (song 3 on fhd extended)mean
He said “imma kill the mfers and repent before tomorrow” what does that represent if someone wants to explain? I would appreciate that.
submitted by r0cks33n9915 to Jcole [link] [comments]