New Peak hit hard sometimes and others times won’t

2025.02.02 05:00 -BuzzedOut- New Peak hit hard sometimes and others times won’t

Even after a full charge, my new peak will have no problem clearing a bowl and other times it will produce little vapor and just leave a puddle. No matter the dab size or temp setting. Was just wondering if others experienced this?
When it’s hitting crazy, it’s the best device ever!
submitted by -BuzzedOut- to puffco [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:00 AutoModerator Daily Discussion Thread - Feb 02, 2025

Hello, and welcome to the discussion thread! This thread is for accomplishments, simple questions, and informal discussion about cubing!
Not sure if you should comment here or make your own post? We have a full list of what does and doesn't belong in this thread on our wiki.
No question is stupid here. If you have a question, ask it!
Check our wiki for tips on how to get faster, puzzle recommendations and more!
Join the cubers Discord server here!
submitted by AutoModerator to Cubers [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:00 Old_Exchange_2780 Planets in 6H, the 6 - 12th relationship, and when did things get better for you

Hello, I've been researching upachaya houses and trying to understand how planets in the 6th house, in particular, affect a person's life. As the 6th house signifies service, healing, enemies/competitors/competition, daily routine, loans/debts, I'd like to learn more about the planetary aspects from the 6H to the 12H and how this has played out in your life.
I'm interested in hearing about the energies of these planets (whether benefic or malefic) and whether the mahadashas (MDs) of these planets amplified issues related to areas of life covered by both 6H and 12H. When did you start seeing growth/good results from planets situated in the 6H?
submitted by Old_Exchange_2780 to vedicastrology [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:00 Weak-Recording-8441 Forced to leave house after police called to domestic dispute

The police were called to my (F) address last night after my partner (F) physically assaulted me and due to her history of strangling me and the advice I was given, I shouted and screamed until she let go of me.
When the police arrived, I was barricaded behind the bedroom door. They went through a domestic abuse questionnaire with me, as they have done every time they have previously attended.
They spoke to my partner, who was fake nice with them and lied to them about what had happened. In truth, she has been trying to steal my medication and force me to give her my prescribed controlled drugs all day.
The police then entered the bedroom, shouting at me saying that I had to leave even though I had nowhere to go and if I didn't, they would arrest me.
I was assaulted and the police are aware of the history of domestic abuse, having arrested her multiple times. I have an IDVA and she was attending a perpetrator course. My entire life is spent walking on eggshells for when the next time she will kick off is. Now, she is saying crimes have been recorded against me.
I'm just wondering was this proper process? For myself as a victim of an assault that night and of domestic abuse spanning years to be forced to leave?
I have been left feeling very hopeless and that no one can really help, all whilst the violence and threats grow.
submitted by Weak-Recording-8441 to LegalAdviceUK [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:00 ImEliasK Its currently February 02, 2025 at 06:00AMat GMT +2

Its currently February 02, 2025 at 06:00AM at GMT +2
submitted by ImEliasK to gmt2 [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:00 LobsterMagnet181 An important message from the Hegemon!

An important message from the Hegemon! submitted by LobsterMagnet181 to ProjectMorningstar [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:00 Tiny_Health_7007 Diana Rigg.

Diana Rigg. submitted by Tiny_Health_7007 to 1960s [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:00 aidanvalin New pair question! Should i be doing something to prepare it before use? Can i use dr martens wonder balsam? Apple leather conditioner? Mink oil?

New pair question! Should i be doing something to prepare it before use? Can i use dr martens wonder balsam? Apple leather conditioner? Mink oil? Whenever i buy a new pair of Doc Martens, i use wonder balsam and mink oil to soften it and help shorten the break in period. Is it the same for Birks?
submitted by aidanvalin to Birkenstocks [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:00 AutoModerator [Weekly thread] Sunday Excitement - What are you looking forward to this week?

It can be anything you're excited for, not just beauty boxes. Writing the names of the sub box in **bold** is nice, to make it easier for people skimming the thread to pick out the names.
submitted by AutoModerator to BeautyBoxes [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:00 Kela-el Ancient Giants in America: The Mysterious Blonde Hair Blue-Eyed Giants of Catalina Island

Ancient Giants in America: The Mysterious Blonde Hair Blue-Eyed Giants of Catalina Island submitted by Kela-el to FringeTheory [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:00 HammurabiDion Can’t wait for this 1/144 to release!

submitted by HammurabiDion to Gunpla [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:00 UrkelaBrat Which in-ear wireless headphones should I buy

Hi, I'm trying to decide on which buds I should buy, I'm mostly looking for good noise cancelation because I like being able to zone out in the gym, the sound quality doesn't have to be insane but it's definitely a plus and if possible a good mic as I spend a fair amount of time on calls. My budget would ideally be around 50 bucks but I could spend more. I have a Honor Magic7 Lite so I assume everything that is compatible with an android will work with my phone.
submitted by UrkelaBrat to HeadphoneAdvice [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:00 TopProfessional1862 Vocal cord question (Please help!)

I got a course online that gives you exercises to practice. One of them was making the H sound so you can get use to the feeling of tending your vocal cords so your voice isn't so breathy. It definitely improves the sound quality, but my throat feels a little sore (I have been practicing singing for an hour a day though.) I thought maybe it was sore like a muscle you don't use often, but it's been several days and it is still sore. Also, now that I know what it feels like to open and close my vocal cords in that manner, I feel like I'm constantly focused on them even when I'm just breathing and not singing. Like they keep tensing up and I have to concentrate on opening them. I hope I'm describing this in a way that makes sense. Please let me know if anyone's experienced this or knows what I'm doing wrong or how to just relax then without thinking about them all the time. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
submitted by TopProfessional1862 to vocalists [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:00 Evil_Marshmallow Rejected in Medicals for the armed forces, please guide me on the steps to take

Recently cleared written and interview to become a pilot but was rejected in medicals due to: Hemoglobinopathy (Hb Delta Punjab Trait) a condition in only 2% of the population. As per my internet research, it's harmless and I will live a normal life.
I have decided to apply for Appeal Medical Board, please can someone tell me a few things:

  1. Best hematologists in Delhi NCR
  2. What they will check further deeper into my condition, so that I can conduct these tests in advance and find out
  3. Anyone has a relative from Medical Corps or familiar with someone who had this condition for the Armed Forces? As it's found in only 2% of the people so it's hard to find previous cases unlike flat foot or knock knees which are common conditions.
submitted by Evil_Marshmallow to IndianDefense [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:00 MissKranky i call him napoleon

i call him napoleon submitted by MissKranky to WorldEaters40k [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:00 AutoModerator Weekly Discussion Thread - Free Talk About Work, Questions, and General Discussion

Please use this thread to discuss whatever you like about Amazon, Whole Foods, rants, feelings, and/or any questions!
submitted by AutoModerator to AmazonWFShoppers [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:00 Junior-Design5103 Looking for a Bride for Cooper

Looking for a Bride for Cooper I am looking for a female mating partner for my 2 years old Golden Retriever as I want him to have all the joys in life and not neuter him.
submitted by Junior-Design5103 to IndianPets [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:00 Horror_Lifeguard639 Build the wall...

Build the wall... submitted by Horror_Lifeguard639 to idiocracy [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:00 sauerkrauter2000 Drywall paper & thick skim coat when stripping paint off wall… how to fix up neat?

Drywall paper & thick skim coat when stripping paint off wall… how to fix up neat? Paint stripping joy continues. Most of the pain has come off the unsealed wall plaster (the Perth special) easily. Now this end of the wall had the joining corner exposed brick wall covered over with plaster relatively recently. The job was done to smooth the new plaster job to cover the brick around the corner & onto the existing plaster wall (yet the painter still couldn’t be bothered to seal the plaster). Now I’m left with a big edge of some kind of drywall paper & the thick skim coat. Any tips on how to deal with this so I can get a good edge back to the plaster wall so I can repaint?
submitted by sauerkrauter2000 to AusRenovation [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:00 _NRJ_ Is one ui 7 coming soon?

Is one ui 7 coming soon? submitted by _NRJ_ to oneui [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:00 AutoModerator Weekly Watch Thread - What Did You Watch? - Week Ending On (February 02/02/25)

What did you watch during the last week?
Please note, that this thread may contain spoilers of a film that you have yet to see. If you are posting a comment that contains spoilers, please be sure to use the [spoiler tag](
submitted by AutoModerator to dvdcollection [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:00 SarventefromFnf Herkese günaydın hadi güne bir miim ile başlayalım

Herkese günaydın hadi güne bir miim ile başlayalım submitted by SarventefromFnf to vlandiya [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:00 saleemkarim It's beautiful how people could find love in tough situations

submitted by saleemkarim to RimWorld [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:00 Western_Bear8501 Should I create a new account for selling?

I sold stuffs online for several years on eBay and was somewhat successful. But in 2019, I stopped because of my work. Fast forward now, I’m trying to sell again on my account but every listings are getting zero views. Is it because I stopped for so long? Should I start fresh and create a new account?
submitted by Western_Bear8501 to Ebay [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:00 IronRiceBowls Why do the elves hate everyone

Why do the elves hate everyone I didnt enter into any of these wars willingly. Perhaps i shldnt have accepted all those defence and military alliance's
submitted by IronRiceBowls to totalwarhammer [link] [comments]