Mate in 2

2025.02.02 05:00 chess-quiz Mate in 2

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submitted by chess-quiz to chessquiz [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:00 isabella_- Please help me find this manhua!

I will start apologizing for my english since is not my 1st language. Anyways, this manhua is about a boy/man that lives in a world kinda dominated by women and he comes from a clan(i think) where males needs to serve women. He uses chinese traditional(?) clothing but she uses modern clothing. He became a house husband for her and she's the bread winner. I don't remember exactly why he's onto her since the beginning of the manhua he's "stalking" her or something with another boy who uses similar clothing to him. And he has long brown hair. Probably my explanation is horrible but that's what i remember. I will be very happy if someone tell me what manhua this is!!!
submitted by isabella_- to findareddit [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:00 ScowHound Test

Haikus do I make Brings pleasure to be awake Please make no mistake
submitted by ScowHound to haikusbot [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:00 ImpreciseWords3793 Boys :3

Boys :3 Boys :3
submitted by ImpreciseWords3793 to boykisser2 [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:00 Susnic_63 Something I traced. Lol

submitted by Susnic_63 to ANTONBLAST [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:00 AutoModerator ATB Daily Noticeboard - February 02, 2025

Welcome to the ATB Daily Noticeboard. This is for ON and OFF Topic related discussions and chat.
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submitted by AutoModerator to AMD_Technology_Bets [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:00 Scorpios94 The Hood’s Mantles and Names

DC has played with giving Jason a new identity and transitioning him to be a more clean cut hero. Jason himself had a stint with the Red Hood Gang as a kid trying to support his heroin-addicted mother. (This parallels how according to a possible origin story in The Killing Joke, the Joker was originally a family man who became the Red Hood to support his wife and unborn child.)
Using this part of the backstory, the Red Hood identity seems to be Jason's way of connecting back to his roots as someone born and raised in the worst part of Gotham, crossing the line in order to keep himself and his family alive. In this way, the Red Hood identity isn't simply a shackle tying him to the Joker, but Jason taking back a symbol of Gotham that the Joker himself has stolen.
But there are some alternative names I think that he could use.

In that capacity, Deathwing, could function in that manner. As it makes it and him more of foil to Dick and perverts his mantle in a way, especially if he starts out in a villainous role. But Deathwing itself, could also stem from his love of literature: as “Wings of Death” is a collection of poems by Rabindranath Tagore.
I’d also go with the Grim Knight and Reaper, in an interchangeable manner. It’s already noted that Bruce has essentially outgrown the notion of being a Dark Knight. But that could suit Jason, in a desire to be like Batman. And with his association with death, he would be a Grim Knight; a Reaper. His base suit tends to be gray and more armored than the other vigilante suits, not to mention that most "Knight"-like armor tended to be decorated with color so him keeping the red in his suit wouldn’t be too terribly off base either,
In that capacity, Paladin also works. A paladin is typically viewed as a holy knight or figure who has sworn an oath to promote and fight for their beliefs and values. A paladin is equally someone who fights for what they believe in, or a leading champion of a cause. In that regard, Jason could embody something of a fallen paladin, akin to a fallen angel. I think both could work as more temporary aliases if he was to team up with Azrael (either one). And it was an alias that Bruce used in a reality that was created by the fabled Kwaku Anansi.
Some honorary names that I like that could fit him:
So, what do you think? What other alternative titles could Jason use other than Red Hood? Any of the following? Care to comment your own? Then comment respectfully please.
submitted by Scorpios94 to RedHood [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:00 AutoModerator Weekly Vent Thread

Instead of a yearly vent thread, we can now vent weekly! Same rules apply as before, keep the venting and disappointment in here and not as a million front page threads.
submitted by AutoModerator to BeatTheStreak [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:00 Happy_Branch7902 me caga?

me caga? submitted by Happy_Branch7902 to ArgEntos [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:00 Rosiethebutterfly About me

hi, I'm Rosie and I'm new here, at first i didn't know what i wanted to do or what i wanted to say so i decided to let you guys know a little bit about me. growing up i didn't have the best life but we made it work, i always came from a struggling house hold and everything like that, you know how it is when you are in poverty but you have kids so you have to figure out ways to know let them see you struggling, yeah that's what my family was most of the time, when i got older i found out what struggling actually looked like and boy was i not ready for it, it hit me hard, but i managed and i told myself that poverty didn't have to be the answer, that i don't have to struggle to actually be strong, i guess I'm just rambling but more about me let's see, i played piano for about 4 years of my life actually i still have my piano and i play it occasionally, i used to play guitar for about 2 years before i had to stop due to me not being able to pay for my lessons or go anywhere due to parents and stuff, i also used to play the saxophone for a while, I was a real jazz head hahaha, i see now that I'm a good jazz singer and I've been singing my whole life actually, i grew up with musicians, and artists of all kinds, i paint and draw in my spare time but I'm not that good of a drawer really, I'm a Christian I'm still trying to get the hang of it. all these trials and tribulations really kicking my butt lol. I'll try to manage though, i keep trying to grow in my faith because i know at the end its all going to be worth it and i won't have to worry about anything and i can just give it to God and stiuff, often times i have a hard time of letting things go because im scared of change, scared that the change might hurt or scared that the change might not be what i needed or deserved after all, here im going to be posting tea and gossip and stuff from my life filling you guys in on all the juicy gosip along with my stories and stuff like that if you want to check it out and stuff so. im not promoting or anything its just simply you know just trying to filll bofred peoples minds since no body really be on reddit like that anymore and stuff i thoughti would just spill some tea and stuff to yall and fill yall in, all the peoples names will be hidden so if yourr name is in it. it was completely confidential. i dont really know what to talk about up here im just bored and wnted to introduce myself but my adhd got in the way i swear im not this slow irl (im lying so hard i am a little slow lol) but anyway yeah that a little bit about me but if you want to learn a little bit more about me and all that just come to my page im going to be deffinatly doing some stuff also tell me what you want to hear as well, like dont be afraid to ask me questions and stuff like im always here for you and the juicy secrets cuz you know i keep my mouth closed and my slteep clear just in case lol. anyway goodnight yall. i love yall and hope yall have a good night. mwah stay safe.
submitted by Rosiethebutterfly to aboutme [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:00 Oshago-Ogasho What’s your favorite element of art out of the 7?

submitted by Oshago-Ogasho to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:00 AutoModerator Open Discussion

submitted by AutoModerator to BlackPeopleChat [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:00 Exciting_Okra_893 Regular river chasing more

Regular river chasing more Chasing Tundra, Sandstorm, Monsoon, Savanna, Ocean and Jungle. Happy to send some extras for up to best friends!
submitted by Exciting_Okra_893 to PokemonGoVivillon [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:00 tophiachuqueen Is this how you are going to look John ? Since you sleep only 2 hrs?

Is this how you are going to look John ? Since you sleep only 2 hrs? submitted by tophiachuqueen to HyphonixYT [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:00 npmer Who designed this?

Who designed this? I know Miller designed most of Mac’s stuff but especially with the main cover being Alim Smith, I wasn’t so certain who made this
submitted by npmer to MacMiller [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:00 pilosopunks room with a view

room with a view submitted by pilosopunks to ITookAPicturePH [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:00 StatusBenefit1342 ¿Quien para hablar un rato y aver si sale una amistad?

submitted by StatusBenefit1342 to Preguntas_de_Reddit_ [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:00 AutoModerator Today's Teatime & Trending Topics

submitted by AutoModerator to BlackPeopleChat [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:00 Strongbow85 Mexico announces another big fentanyl seizure before Trump's tariff deadline

Mexico announces another big fentanyl seizure before Trump's tariff deadline submitted by Strongbow85 to Counternarcotics [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:00 Individual_Zebra_648 RN Pay

RN Pay All this school for Costco workers to be making the same as nurses in some areas? We really need to demand better working conditions and pay. And no, I’m not saying Costco employees don’t deserve good pay as well. I’m saying nursing should be paying more for what we put up with.
submitted by Individual_Zebra_648 to nursing [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:00 AdministrativeWar541 Good player

Good player
I havent seen so much love for basketball from no one else. Even at forty, he doing it all. I just appreciate that he keeps being great. Its not about GOAT convo, but everyone should be amazed what he is still doing.
PS This box score felt funny \ud83d\ude01
submitted by AdministrativeWar541 to lakers [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:00 GreenestDae Most amount of items?

Most amount of items? This was all from a R Key on Void and a 5 pip Dice Room in the run. What’s the most items you all have gotten in a run?
submitted by GreenestDae to bindingofisaac [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:00 No-Relationship-9049 Oh my god.

submitted by No-Relationship-9049 to SquaredCircle [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:00 DeadPrateRoberts Someone posted about the Indian restaurant in Washington DC using all Le Creuset recently, and ABC world news broadcast featured them tonight!

Someone posted about the Indian restaurant in Washington DC using all Le Creuset recently, and ABC world news broadcast featured them tonight! submitted by DeadPrateRoberts to castiron [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:00 TwitFeedBot Dead Bride 📽️ FULL MOVIE | Terrifying Haunted House Horror | Supernatural Thriller

Dead Bride 📽️ FULL MOVIE | Terrifying Haunted House Horror | Supernatural Thriller submitted by TwitFeedBot to FilmChannels [link] [comments]