adidas Yeezy Boost 350 V2 Bone - WA +86 173 2427 6858

2025.02.02 05:00 ParticularTrash6427 adidas Yeezy Boost 350 V2 Bone - WA +86 173 2427 6858

adidas Yeezy Boost 350 V2 Bone - WA +86 173 2427 6858 submitted by ParticularTrash6427 to sneakerreps [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:00 Immediate_Equal5329 what do I do now that I’m almost 19 and still miserable?

as the title says, I’m lost. I turn 19 next month, and I’m miserable. I’ve had severe depression and anxiety for the past four years of my life, and every year it literally gets worst. First it started off with crying and panic attacks now I’m just numb and miserable, that’s the best way to describe it. I don’t enjoy anything, and even when I feel, it’s not full or real. If I laugh it’s like as if you put a thin layer of frosting on a cake and that’s what I feel, and the cake is the emptiness that should be the main part of the emotion. I feel like a failure and disappointment to my parents cause I mean I am..I had to switch from uni to community college because I can’t even pass my easy classes and I don’t want to waste more money on school if I don’t know what I want to do. Before I had my whole life planned out now I just don’t know. I have no passions for anything, I didn’t even think I’d live past 18 but here I am. I should be glad that I’m healthy and fine and have a great privileged life where I’m always spoiled but I’m just full of negativity and misery. I don’t know what else to do. I take meds etc all that but this is more so of just like where do I go from here? I don’t know what to do for school anymore, and I want to do something that would actually make my parents proud and give me a comfortable life. I can’t do anything engineering related although my moms one because I hate math, medical was what I was going with but it’s too much school, so now idk? Idk I guess I’m just asking for advice on where the hell to go because the more I go on, the closer I am to just ending it. Like I really don’t see a purpose for a future for me. I try but even when I do it’s so pathetic and I just feel like such a burden on everyone around me. I don’t even know what I want anymore, if I could choose, it would be to just die or sleep forever and never wake up. I mean what do I do? What is there to do for someone so useless as me, I struggle in everything, I’m miserable, I’m negative, I just want to be alone. Like I don’t see anything good. Idk I’m so lost.
submitted by Immediate_Equal5329 to Advice [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:00 _Vinicius_m673_ Talvez eu esteja louco denovo, mas o magnezone parece um fusca kkkkkkkkkkkkm

Talvez eu esteja louco denovo, mas o magnezone parece um fusca kkkkkkkkkkkkm submitted by _Vinicius_m673_ to PokemonBrasil [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:00 Ok-Appointment5804 I told my mom I'm nonbinary this week :3 ( I don't think she understands what it is tho lol )

I told my mom I'm nonbinary this week :3 ( I don't think she understands what it is tho lol ) submitted by Ok-Appointment5804 to teenfemboy [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:00 PropertyofNegan Louisiana Chicken Pasta

Louisiana Chicken Pasta Louisiana Chicken Pasta from Cheesecake Factory, homemade chicken tortellini soup with garlic bread inside, a side of light sour cream, and an Olipop orange soda in the second pic
submitted by PropertyofNegan to stonerfood [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:00 Pogcat59 Cat and dog drawing

submitted by Pogcat59 to DigitalArt [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:00 Orange_isA_coolColor I’ve been managing though

No, CoD Zombies isn’t how I’ve been managing; I’ve been going on reallyyy fucking long walks lately. Typically all around the outskirts of part of my city (4-12km, walking for 1-4 hours). I’ve started climbing trees for the first time in years again, too! It’s actually really nice. So, so damn calming. Especially at night. My brain isn’t going “bleh blah biastophilic thought blah” like I expected it to. Instead, I’m focused on my surroundings and just. Being present. The nature here in Canada is a wonderful treat, even if hiking through the metres of snow and such can be strenuous. Contrary to popular belief, SK has hills, and they’re huge. It’s good exercise. I think that’s the best way I can handle this all without going to therapy yet.
My oldest brother recently introduced me to Alan Watts and Terrence McKenna, and I fucking love their speeches. That’s what the last slide was about, it’s not what it may seem like.
submitted by Orange_isA_coolColor to TrollCoping [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:00 enzo_gm Language/Framework for making scientific desktop app?

I am currently making a desktop application for modeling biochemical pathways.
It works by:

  1. User creating a graph of nodes connected by arrows (reactions)
  2. Program automatically converts the graph to a system of ODEs.
  3. User clicks "Generate Plot", which outputs a graph of the calculated ODE solutions.
This is my first time ever attempting to create a desktop app, and before I continue developing, I want to make sure I'm on the right path regarding whether or not I'm using the right language and/or UI framework.
I do intend on adding more complex mathematical features. For this reason, I know that python would be a good decision. However, I have not found a good UI framework that is visually appealing and works with python. Two of the most important features for my program are that it's visually appealing and can handle computationally expensive mathematical simulations. Right now I made my program with C++ and QT, but I am not sure if I should continue or switch. I have no preference whether it's native or cross-platform (honestly, I don't really know the difference except for the bare minimum definition of each).
Thank you for reading, if you have any questions I'd love to answer them, and if you have any advice or suggestions I'd be happy to hear.
Here is a demonstration:
I can also make a GitHub repo and share the code if that'd be valuable.
submitted by enzo_gm to AskProgramming [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:00 thelittleskyler Hi I'm skyler

I'm 19 and a age regresser
submitted by thelittleskyler to ageregressers [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:00 Icy-Result334 Available for bookings

Practicing since 1985. Basic readings $30.00. Comprehensive readings $75.00. For more information please dm me.
submitted by Icy-Result334 to ClairvoyantPsychic [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:00 LittleLemonKenndy Mosin with a LPVO is ungodly.

Mosin with a LPVO is ungodly. submitted by LittleLemonKenndy to dayz [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:00 OhHeyItsOuro Battering Blast + Intensified Spell Metamagic

Just posting this in case someone googles it later:
When applying Intensified Spell to the spell Battering Blast it does increase the maximum damage per Blast from 5d6 to 10d6, rather than only up to 7d6 as it would if it only increased the possible CL modifier (as 5 CL = 2d6 more damage).
Tested with a Sorcerer Lich on Patch 2.6.0n
submitted by OhHeyItsOuro to Pathfinder_Kingmaker [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:00 ProfessionalOk558 Traditional Knowledge Negs

Me and my partner have been trying to get anything against traditional knowledge because we know we’re going to hit it soon. Was just wondering if anyone could tell me what would be good to prep, anything helpful to know, or any docs that anyone would be willing to send for them. We just need any offcase that links or any oncase. PS we’ve look at horse trading and our coach said it links but we don’t really get that so if anyone could explain that would be great.
submitted by ProfessionalOk558 to policydebate [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:00 N_03711 How I felt after Cinco didn't knock out melt

How I felt after Cinco didn't knock out melt submitted by N_03711 to JayCincoTwitch [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:00 Sharp_Canary_8273 HANIA AMIR FRIM FAST?

Is this true that hania amir studied there?
submitted by Sharp_Canary_8273 to FASTNU [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:00 CabinetFlaky9731 I think Dora brought a wrong map on her last Adventure and join force with marines🤣🤣🤣

I think Dora brought a wrong map on her last Adventure and join force with marines🤣🤣🤣 submitted by CabinetFlaky9731 to MemePiece [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:00 Creative_Piccolo9999 shamit sinha school going tha kya?? aapke paas koi jankari

shamit sinha school going tha kya?? aapke paas koi jankari submitted by Creative_Piccolo9999 to JEENEETards [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:00 VerboCity77 What is this sub’s thought on the Great Spirit Robot from Bionicle?

What is this sub’s thought on the Great Spirit Robot from Bionicle? submitted by VerboCity77 to Mecha [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:00 kyleesi666 how accurate is aptilink?

submitted by kyleesi666 to iqtest [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:00 remote_rocketship Telgorithm is hiring a Senior Software Engineer in the United States

Telgorithm is hiring a Senior Software Engineer in the United States submitted by remote_rocketship to RemoteSoftwareEngJobs [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:00 Posting-Here What if…? (Ivy & Zaid)

If Ivy becomes a villain, do you think it will be because of Zaid getting eliminated? Or she'll become a villain because of a different reason and this will lead to a wedge forming between her and him?
submitted by Posting-Here to DisventureCamp [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:00 TheLazyHippy Behold!!! It's been a long road but I have finally acquired all ancestral!

Behold!!! It's been a long road but I have finally acquired all ancestral! submitted by TheLazyHippy to TheTowerGame [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:00 ghastly_y Looking for clothing items/wish coins/sapph offers :3

Looking for clothing items/wish coins/sapph offers :3 Last one is lvl 5!
submitted by ghastly_y to AnimalJam [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:00 SwingInThePark2000 Sydney cars, houses sprayed with anti-Semitic graffiti in latest attack on Australian Jews

Sydney cars, houses sprayed with anti-Semitic graffiti in latest attack on Australian Jews submitted by SwingInThePark2000 to Palestinian_Violence [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:00 KoboldsandKorridors Been listening to Overlord: The One who Stayed by RobethButlerwither

This what if involves Ainz being turned back into a human at the end of Volume 1 of the manga, and regaining his emotions, and his ability to level up. I've been binge-listening to this series for the past few weeks, and it's fascinating to see in the long run how a few subtle changes early on can alter the trajectory of the new world
submitted by KoboldsandKorridors to overlord [link] [comments]