广告设计中常说的KV指的是什么?和海报的区别在哪里? 附上一则解释,有兴趣的学习一下。 The origin of the concept of "state of the art" took place in the beginning of the twentieth century. The earliest use of the term "state of the art" documented by the Oxford English Dictionary dates back to 1910, from an engineering manual by Henry Harrison Suplee (1856-post 1943), CT是信息和通信技术。ICT (信息和通信技术)是实现现代计算的基础设施和组件。虽然ICT并没有单一的普遍定义,但该术语通常被认为是指所有的设备, 网络组件 ,应用程序和系统 ,使人们和组织 (即企业,非营利机构,政府和犯罪企业)能够在数字世界。 我觉得我有资格来回答这个问题。我不但学习了新概念英语第三四册,还把第三四册的课文,每一篇(是每一篇哦)的每一句(是每一句哦)都划分了句子成分,分析了句法情况。2012年我编写了《应景新概念英语3》(现更名为《应时新概念英语3》),有关这个小册子的回答,在知乎获得了上万的 ... ground truth是指机器学习中用于评估模型性能的真实标签或数据。 概念gainian [idea;notion;concept]在头脑里所形成的反映对象的本质属性的思维形式。把所感知的事物的共同本质特点抽象出来,加以概括,就成为概念。概念都具内涵和外延,并且随着主观、客观世界的发展而变化。 概念参考资料 (baidu.com) 中华人民共和国国家标准 GB/T15237.1-2000:“概念”是对特征的独特组合 ... 建筑设计的概念可以说就是设计者在设计的起步阶段对建筑未来建成状态的一种设想。 个人总结成以下几大类,或许挂一漏万 :) 1.解决问题 在一些建筑设计任务中建筑师面对一块特殊的基地或者任务书中有着特殊功能面积要求,这时候往往会产生设计难点。 比如如何在闹市区做一个需要安静的 ... 知乎,中文互联网高质量的问答社区和创作者聚集的原创内容平台,于 2011 年 1 月正式上线,以「让人们更好的分享知识、经验和见解,找到自己的解答」为品牌使命。知乎凭借认真、专业、友善的社区氛围、独特的产品机制以及结构化和易获得的优质内容,聚集了中文互联网科技、商业、影视 ...
2025.02.02 04:55 Several_League7136 Fanmade epic wubbox concept
submitted by Several_League7136 to MySingingMonsters [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 04:55 DramaFreeZone67 RT and Nicole in a live together, WTH
submitted by DramaFreeZone67 to teawithkatieandkarma [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 04:55 PenJust Should I built it? Or is this a terrible idea
I will not promote, please don't ask.
Quick Background
2025.02.02 04:55 thesingingvettech Breast Cancer at 24???
Hi there,
I am a 24 year old female and am concerned about my breasts.
I’ve been noticing over the last few weeks that they have been feeling less dense and in the mirror there is noticeable difference in size from my right breast compared to my left breast where my right breast looks and feels like it shrunk a bit. I do have breast cancer genetics in my family from my maternal grandmother, she had it early in her 40’s and survived it with surgery. I have a big fear of cancer and am a hypochondriac so hearing things like this scare the heck out of me.
I know that breasts aren’t always symmetrical but something just feels off to me. I’ve never had a mammogram before so I’m thinking about requesting one with my primary care physician. I’ve checked for lumps and bumps and couldn’t feel anything, there’s no pain, just a size difference.
Other information you should know is that i’m about 226 pounds and have gained my weight very rapidly over the past few years from binge eating so my breasts grew very quickly too, I’ve always had smaller breasts prior to gaining weight and then they seems to grow like out of nowhere. I have lost 4-5ish pounds during the month of January (I have been trying to) so I’m not sure if that’s why there is a smaller breast size but I would also think that if I were to lose weight in my breasts that it would happen symmetrically.
I’m not sure if I should be concerned or not. I have an appointment with my pcp on Monday but he’s a male doctor. I know I shouldn’t be embarrassed but I’m not sure how to address the issue with him but I also definitely want to get it checked because I want to be safe and not sorry.
submitted by thesingingvettech to AskDocs [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 04:55 skirtingboardcrunch Worried about Omelette
I’m worried about my son, Omelette. He’s been having trouble going to the toilet today and has pooped out a little black poop and then a slightly sloppier one. Google is saying that he might have an intestinal problem. Can someone please explain what’s going on? Is it something to worry about? I’m so scared right now. submitted by skirtingboardcrunch to cats [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 04:55 Possible_Nobody6670 Something weird happened to me
So, I was opening lethal company, and I put online, as usual, but then, instead of the normal thing, it put me out of the computer and I was sitting on a chair on a department(?) in front of it, then, everyting went to red lights and an alarm beeping (I don't know how to express it) followed by footsteps and screams, at last everything went black and a text in green saying "That won't happen again" and then just putting me on the normal screen of "Host, Join" etc, I investigated on google, youtube, wiki and even tik tok, but I didn't find anything. I also managed to take some screenshots https://preview.redd.it/x3s23swbnnge1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=f8e90db033574585fcb04914d6aa4e77b410ae8f https://preview.redd.it/jczp5daonnge1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=6b027a93ff4ae250184301bc1fa025572d0564c2 https://preview.redd.it/k0rpsj1pnnge1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=d0035ca9cf8e81e59f6dabb427c5f4e8a235ded7 notes: dont mind my name if i lose this account, my other one is Flimsy_Firefighter31 I'm not trying to create a creepypasta submitted by Possible_Nobody6670 to lethalcompany [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 04:55 lhxyz Need help, inheriting betta and feeling overwhelmed.
I have been browsing the sub and absorbing all the info on betta fish care I can but as the title says it's a little overwhelming. I'm in a situation where I have to keep this betta fish but there are some privacy details that are relevant I would rather not post about publicly. Is there someone with a lot of knowledge on these beautiful fish that has some time to work with me (a total noob with a lot of questions) one on one to set us (me+fish) up for success through private message?
I would really appreciate it, thank you for reading.
submitted by lhxyz to bettafish [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 04:55 Loud_Item_9077 Bcp vs Interbank vs Banbif vs Otros
Estoy pensando en abrir una cuenta de ahorros pero no puedo decidirme por cual banco ¿recomiendan alguno? ¿que opinan, en soles o en dolares? ¿seria buena opcion escoger una con intereses? ¡¡Gracias!!
submitted by Loud_Item_9077 to PERU [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 04:55 HuronMountaineer If Ms Cobel is a “full time” Innie (interesting theory) what could explain her fright by the driver at end of S2E3?
As many others, I’m intrigued at the concept that perhaps Ms Cobel and Mr Millchick are sort of full time severed innies who’ve been set “free” by Lumon.
How that’s connected with potential immortality etc, yet unclear.
But if that’s the case, and they are innies, what could explain why Cobel was so stirred by the driver at the end of E3?
It seemed like she saw an “Innie” version of someone she knew, but off the severed floor - suggesting she’s still an “outie.”
Or perhaps someone “brought back from dead” or the like, but if she herself is a full time innie and that mask is hers, this shouldn’t be crazy to her as she also is one of these creations.
Would love to hear fans of this theories thoughts.
submitted by HuronMountaineer to SeveranceAppleTVPlus [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 04:55 NapalmBurns TIL of barnacles - marine arthropods which - after a point in their life-cycle - live permanently attached to substrate - this is problematic, since they reproduce sexually - a penis of up to eight times their body length! - resolves this issue, allowing them to mate across vast distances.
submitted by NapalmBurns to todayilearned [link] [comments]
submitted by KyleM203 to Dinosaurs [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 04:55 Chrristoaivalis me irl
submitted by Chrristoaivalis to me_irl [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 04:55 SunglassesSoldier Cena Lovers when Logan Paul got eliminated
submitted by SunglassesSoldier to SCJerk [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 04:55 throwawayrail VALO
M valo po 25yo and up
Larrong bronze sa wag nyo sana TT
submitted by throwawayrail to PHGamerPals [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 04:55 RoutineEntertainer38 Is NU Environmental Engineering and Science PhD rolling decisions?
submitted by RoutineEntertainer38 to gradadmissions [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 04:55 KillerKenyan Anyone here has know someone or has done two fellowships?
I'm about to finish up my fellowship and straight up I love learning and love the challenge. I can do con-ed for the rest of my life, but the mentorship at these programs are fantastic. Just curious if anyone has any insights if they found it worth it to them or at two fellowships, there was diminishing returns.
Those who are just going to comment how residencies/fellowships are scams, this post isn't meant for you lmao.
submitted by KillerKenyan to physicaltherapy [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 04:55 No-Doctor-4809 Any working line breed puppies available?
submitted by No-Doctor-4809 to Birmingham [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 04:55 ralshay Rush and nanny
I really hope he got the nanny a separate hotel room…. Also, who is she to the family? Relative? It’s still not muharam and I’m sure if he got her a separate room he would have said it…
submitted by ralshay to FurrhaFamily [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 04:55 MelloStout Titling and Registering Car With Lien
I'm new to Maryland, and I am curious about the process of registering a car that has a lien. I just registered and titled one of my cars that I own outright, and the process was pretty straightforward and simple. But, my other car has a lien (so I don't have the title), and I have not yet registered it in MD.
Looking through the MVA's website, I see that I have to submit the paperwork to send to the bank to get the title sent to them. But my questions are:
2025.02.02 04:55 ericlegendary What is sex pleasure to a blind person?
submitted by ericlegendary to AskReddit [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 04:55 lss_str_01 Post_(block)_to_report_02/01/25-20:55:27
submitted by lss_str_01 to ReportBlockUsers [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 04:55 Wonderful-Cap-5011 BurnedGod Strikes again! -Magna- zZz alliance
On Wednesday January 26/25, EEPY (zZz alliance) secured a "Tevent's Arc of Wailing Death". With the guild being new and recruiting, members were assured by present guild leader "Ryu" that "Burnedgod" would not be eligible to receive any Archboss weapons due to how he secured his previous Archboss weapon. As the guild became almost max in number "Ryu" passed the duty of Guild leader to "BurnedGod". To help with deciding who would be up to win any archboss weapons dropped, rules were made. Rules were as such: Attendance Tracking which involved "Siege, rift/boon, archebosses and prime time boss rotations Attendance is tracked based on the members connected to the CTA Voice channel in discord during the events. VOD Requirements: 1 Vod per week, minimum 5 minutes of footage Focus on larger scale combat These rules were already put in place by "Oni" but then reminded again on January 11/25 for the newest members that joined. After several days had passed it was noted that "Burnedgod" had removed himself from contesting against others for the Tevent Bow. If such member had actually pulled out then why did he all of a sudden drop several videos when he knew to be considered he should have been posting videos weekly. As a guild leader he definitely should have known and abided by the rules set in place. submitted by Wonderful-Cap-5011 to thronelibertyguilds [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 04:55 KabbalahDad How to Get a Medical Marijuana Card in Georgia (2025 Guide)
If you're looking to get a medical marijuana (MMJ) card in Georgia, here’s a simple step-by-step guide:
1. Check Eligibility Georgia’s Low THC Oil Registry only allows patients with specific conditions, such as:
2025.02.02 04:55 iamnotabot7890 Ironclad monitor USS Miantonomoh (1865-1874) Laid up and housed over at the Boston Navy Yard, Charlestown, Massachusetts, in 1871-1872. [1214x1194]
submitted by iamnotabot7890 to WarshipPorn [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 04:55 Jin_BD_God To tourists and expats, is such activity interesting to you?
submitted by Jin_BD_God to cambodia [link] [comments] |