Is Kellen Moore being slept on?

2025.02.02 04:52 Fun_Caterpillar7651 Is Kellen Moore being slept on?

As an ‘Aints fan I am surprised this guy is apparently falling into our lap. Guy’s been a solid OC for 3 teams now, just dominated the NFC Championship game and is about to play for the Lombardi. Are fans of other teams not interested in this guy?
submitted by Fun_Caterpillar7651 to NFLv2 [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:52 Oz_Aussie Old vs new tech in woods

Clubs are almost 20y old, I can hit my driver 240-250 but have a 20m L/R variation (bad slice usually).
I can hit my 3w 200-210m and have a max 10m L/R variation.
Thoughts on going for a newer 3w or a mini driver? Maybe the 12-13.5 degree mark. Cant seem to get the correct swing for a driver, so thinking I need something a bit more lower centre like a 3w.
I'm happy with my distance with a 3w as most who I play with require a driver to match.
submitted by Oz_Aussie to GolfSwing [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:52 Sufficient_Net_9925 Best kit in Amazon to start doing bodywork diy

submitted by Sufficient_Net_9925 to Diyautobody [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:52 This-Examination5165 Top 3 biggest frauds in history

Top 3 biggest frauds in history The Menkent Line was literally a fraud, thing didn’t even last 5 days. 😂
submitted by This-Examination5165 to LowSodiumHellDivers [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:52 Lilithnema Why the heck is Holly hanging out on the filter?

Why the heck is Holly hanging out on the filter? And how did he/she get up there? Very odd…
submitted by Lilithnema to marinehermitcrabs [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:52 The_GOAT_9000 .......مجموعة منح دراسية لقيتها بعد بحث طويل

١- منحة الحكومة التركية:
-ممولة بالكامل و بوفروا ليك السكن و كمان بدوك راتب شهري.
-بالنسبة للتقديم و النسب المطلوبة هي: ٩٠٪ للتخصصات الطبية سواء طب او طب اسنان او حتى صيدلة. أما باقي التخصصات المطلوب اقل شي ٧٠٪ او ٧٥٪ ما متذكر الصراحة.
- بس مشكلتها تنافسها عالي شديد و بطلبوا رسالة توصية واحدة على الاقل من استاذ درسك قبل كدا او زول اشتغلت معاه، برضو بطلبوا حاجة اسمها letter of intent (بس الخطاب دا ما اجباري ممكن تقدم بدونه، لكن طبعا لو عندك و كتبته بطريقة سمحة بقوي فرصة قبولك) دي عبارة عن خطاب بتكتبه بتوضح فيه اسباب اختيارك للمنحة دي و لي عايز تقرا التخصص الفلاني دا بالتحديد ولي اصلا اخترت تركيا عشان تقدم فيها. و بالنسبة للاختبارات العالمية زي الILETS و الSAT فهي ما مطلوبة للتقديم في المنحة لكن الجامعات بتطلب شهادة اجادة لغة انجليزية اذا عايز تدرس بالانجليزي الحد الادنى اظن بين 78-80 TOEFL iBT او ما يعادل 6 في الايلتس لكن دا بالنسبة لدراسة الطب ما عندي فكرة عن بقية التخصصات.
ملحوظة اخيرة المنحة دي بتفتح سنويا في نفس المواعيد تقريبا من بداية شهر يناير لحدي نهاية فبراير و هسي تقديمها فاتح لكن بقفل يوم 20 فبراير الجاي .
منحة تركيا
٢-منحة بروناي:
-برضو منحة ممولة بالكامل و بدوك راتب شهري، بتشمل عدة جامعات افضلها جامعة دار السلام و جامعة UTB.
-متطلباتها عايزين رسالتين توصية من أساتذة درسوك و ما رسالة عادية بتملاها عن طريقة فورمة معينة هم موفرنها في الموقع. برضو عايزين ايلتس اقل شي 6. كمان طالبين فيش أمني(شهادة حسن سيرة و سلوك) بس ما متأكد بتطلعه من وين، المشكلة المنحة تقديمها برضو قرب يقفل لأنها بتقفل يوم ١٥ فبراير.
وحاجة اخيرة مكتوب انو لو شهاداتك بتاعت الثانوية ما مترجمة للأنجليزي لازم تترجمها عشان تقدر تقدم
رابط المنحة
٣-منحة جامعة ترانسلفينيا في رومانيا:
-منحة ممولة من جامعة ترانسلفينيا بتوفر ليك سكن على حساب الجامعة و بدوك راتب شهري ١٧٠ دولار تقريبا.
-شروطها صعبة شوية عايزين ٣ رسائل توصية و motivation letter دي على حسب بحثي البسيط في قوقل زي ال letter of intent في منحة تركيا و كمان عايزين سجلك الاكاديمي يكون قوي بس المشكلة على حسب ما فهمت من الموقع ما موضحين الحد الأدنى للنسب.
-الحلو ان المنحة دي تقديمها لسع ما بدأ فا لو ما عندك الحاجات الطالبنها دي في زمن لسع. التقديم ببدأ 17 فبراير لحدي 25 أبريل.
رابط المنحة
4- منحة جامعة مانشستر لمتتضررين الحروب:
-منحة مقدمة من جامعة مانشستر في بريطانيا بتتكفل بمصاريف الدراسة فقط.
-المتطلبات قاعدة في الموقع.
-مشكلتها انها بتطلب قبول من جامعة مانشستر يعني لازم تكون قدمت على كورس في جامعة مانشستر وقبلوك فيه. طبعا الجامعة عندها متطلبات للقبول و نسب معينه لكن بتختلف على حسب التخصص و اظن كل الكورسات بتطلب ايلتس. برضو كاتبين انو الكورس مدته لا تزيد عن 3 سنين و ما كل التخصصات مشمولة في المنحة. عندك تخصصات زي الطب و طب الاسنان و الهندسة المعمارية غير مشمولة في المنحة.
منحة مانشستر
submitted by The_GOAT_9000 to sudanese_content [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:52 BarovianNights This would look like a shitpost to someone from 2018 but it's true

This would look like a shitpost to someone from 2018 but it's true submitted by BarovianNights to CuratedTumblr [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:52 InfluenceWestern8080 😍

😍 submitted by InfluenceWestern8080 to ArmpitsofSelenaGomez [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:52 FemboyMechanic1 Are there any parts of your world that you’ve kept a mystery, even from yourself ?

You know, things that have no explanation, even in your notes. It could be incomplete, it could be intentional, but do y’all have anything like that ?
submitted by FemboyMechanic1 to worldbuilding [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:52 1097kh My husband melted my pump parts

Sweet husband who turned the pump parts red by loading the dishwasher with a spaghetti sauce Tupperware tried to fix his mistake by sterilizing my mobile pump parts in the doctor browns bag… and melted them. Both sets are ruined🫠
I’m not upset, just sad. Sad that the middle of the night feed just got a little harder cause I can’t pop them in my bra now I have to hook up to my spectra. And sad that he forgot our agreement not to put food items with the baby / pump items when we load the dishwasher for bulk sterilization. (Our dishwasher has a sterilizer setting)
submitted by 1097kh to HumansPumpingMilk [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:52 CanUHearMeNau Have to re-pair every time I connect to a computer

Like the title says, I typically use my buds with my phone but at work and sometimes at home I use them with a PC (linux or windows) I see they're already connected in bluetooth but I can't select them as the output device. Only thing I can do is remove it and re-pair it, which gets annoying if I have a meeting in 1 minute. Anyone else have this issue?
submitted by CanUHearMeNau to pixelbuds [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:52 moonbeam_window Mjölnir collection

Some historical reproduction silver mjölnir pendants and a pair of earrings,, I wear the ones in the first photo and my husband wears the others (not all at once!)
Original designs found at:
*1: Rømersdal, Bornholm, Denmark (pendant), earrings modelled after a pendant found at Fitjar, Hordaland, Norway
*2-3: Bredsätra, Öland, Sweden
*4-5: Mandemark, Møn, Denmark
*6: Scania, Sweden
submitted by moonbeam_window to jewelry [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:52 Jac-2345 Shit

Shit submitted by Jac-2345 to BatmanArkham [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:52 SassafrassGracias Looking for hailing evader

submitted by SassafrassGracias to DragonCity [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:52 GravityW_D39 I love this photo event

submitted by GravityW_D39 to ZenlessZoneZero [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:52 VerdanskChips9 Thick Pack Luck (Never Happening Again)

Thick Pack Luck (Never Happening Again) Cannot believe that I got these two in the same thick pack. Frank Thomas #'d 50/50.
submitted by VerdanskChips9 to baseballcards [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:52 Annual-Entrepreneur4 31F4M going to a cafe sa bayan later for a party. May mga magperform daw. Anyone wanna meet there? Let's just meet and see if we vibe. I can exchange pics in tg btw.

submitted by Annual-Entrepreneur4 to phr4rmarikina [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:52 Sinpai_hiesenberh IDK how to charge my wireless keyboard or it's broken?

Hey, Yesterday, I bought a Redragon K641 keyboard, but I don’t understand how to know if it’s charging or not.
When I unplug the keyboard, the battery light flashes red, and when I plug the cable back in, it immediately turns green. However, if I unplug it again, it turns red again, and this keeps happening over and over.
Should I wait longer to let it charge properly, or is my keyboard broken?
submitted by Sinpai_hiesenberh to keyboards [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:52 Best-Guest9074 1 week of not hearing back from her

the last time we spoke to eachother was last week and she said she wanted to see me again but never made an effort to reach out. i texted her 4 days ago but didn’t get a response. we’ve been broken up for about a month now and she said she is very confused and doesn’t know what to do and doesn’t want to rely on me to fix her. she’s been active on social media but it just sucks that i didn’t get a reply cause i want her back :(
submitted by Best-Guest9074 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:52 Jimmy_Fallen It's true. All of it.

It's true. All of it. submitted by Jimmy_Fallen to memes [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:52 Sea-Percentage-6308 Met a guy at the Single’s Inferno Mixer‼️Help Please‼️

Hey, I was at the Single Inferno event this Thursday and met an Asian guy who came with his two friends. I was with a friend who was wearing a red coat and had a bob and I was wearing an off-shoulder red top and black pants, and I was super nervous since it was my first time at a club! We talked for a bit, but the music was so loud I could barely hear anything and I didn’t even get his name even though it was like the beginning of the event. Like literally 30 minutes in at like 10:30. I am pretty sure you were wearing like a red jersey with a number but i dont know how much that narrows this down. We got introduced by a friend and you told your friend to come up to me saying you thought I was cute. I thought you were cute too and got really flustered, and I feel bad because I was trying to talk to you but i was just super overwhelmed in the environment. Unfortunately I couldn’t remember much afterwards. I’d love to reconnect if you’re interested—feel free to reach out, even if it’s just to be friends!
submitted by Sea-Percentage-6308 to Emory [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:52 fortissax66 I never really got this one, can someone explain?

I never really got this one, can someone explain? submitted by fortissax66 to spongebob [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:52 Esdeath_The_Pirate No pack opening thrill for us I guess

No pack opening thrill for us I guess submitted by Esdeath_The_Pirate to YuGiOhMemes [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:52 No_Marzipan3286 First 10k

Hi all , i did my first 10k today and need advice on few points ... 1) I find it very easy to do nose breathing till 180 bmp , once that threshold is breached then i have to use my mouth for exhales and it is not natural for me . i cant sustain mouth exhales for longer , how do i get better at this? 2) During declination , i've noticed that my heel lift is way better than when running on flat surface. How can i maintain a higher heel lift on flat surface? 3) I've noticed my cadence is stable irrespective of the pace i am doing , but my stride length changes accordingly ? is that okay? or should it be vice versa? 4) I hit 190 bpm just after running for 7-8 minutes from the start , and i wasn't pushing that hard. usually once i hit 190 i do brisk walk till my heart rate reaches 160's. can vo2 max training help me reduce my heart rate ??
Thanks a lot
submitted by No_Marzipan3286 to beginnerrunning [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:52 44bean44 Meet Rue!

It’s been one month since I have adopted my sweet Rue! She is truly the best puppy. Her favorite things to do are cuddle, watch movies and go shopping.
I never realized how much happiness a dog can bring. I feel so lucky!
submitted by 44bean44 to Maltipoo [link] [comments]