2025.02.02 04:50 Drang_ Can my Type 9 survive in open?
I love my type 9 and have built it to theoretically always have enough shield/hull to escape. I fly in open but still haven't had anyone try to kill me since I got it fully kitted out. Do you think it was worth the effort? I am mostly concerned about ships that mass lock me. I always share with player pirates, and throttle down -> low wake, or high wake if mass locked against anything else. Am I missing something obvious?
https://s.orbis.zone/qMyT <--ship
It does run very hot, but I've never had that be an issue. The one hull reinforcement is for the %+ in resistances. I had shield cells in the past, but I found myself being overly courageous and almost dying because of them. Using the heat sinks instead to do fast hot jumps between systems seems to help me more often. The type 9 does "suck" but I think that gives it character and I enjoy flying it, so I am not looking to upgrade to a cutter, and I do know that would be better for the purpose. Within the confines of what a type 9 could be, I want to build and fly a capable one.
The turret frag cannon sits on the bottom as an attempt at a pseudo point defense, I don't recall it working even once. Turret cannons are for dispersal field. I've never come close to hitting anything with the mine launchers, but if I did they are ion disruptors. All the weapons are just meant to help me escape.
Tl;dr the ship is meant to haul as much as possible while being capable of escaping pvp threats in open. Do I have enough defense, or am I being greedy with the 6E cargo rack?
submitted by Drang_ to EliteDangerous [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 04:50 M-the-Great If I submitted my supplementary application on February 1st before 11:59 does it still count?
I am a TERRIBLE procrastinator so I did the most predictable thing and procrastinated my supplementary (program is film and media production) till the last second. But only that portion See, the OCAS application i did in November (with payment and the works) and all I literally had left to finish everything was the supplementary. So I submitted it. Before 11:59 at approx 11:30.
Will i get equal consideration? Am I just getting rejected because i submitted it day of? Or am I cooked. I have googled this extensively and I don't know who else to ask. Please help.
I couldnt find a proper due date for supplementaries, so I assume it's all February 1st. Like all I'm hoping for is equal consideration id rather be rejected for the contents of the supplementary than the lack thereof. Thanks reddit!
submitted by M-the-Great to Humber [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 04:50 userfromvenus need your feedback
I need your honest opinions. I’ve sent out a few messages but am just getting left on read lolol. I am attracting some attention, but not the kind I want. Is it too much? I know I’m not ugly or uninteresting, but you always hear how difficult sugaring is for bw and well I think I’m definitely starting to understand a little. Haha do I just throw in the towel? submitted by userfromvenus to sugarlifestyleforum [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 04:50 Moya_qi G’night yall going to bed
Based off of Librarian’s thumbnail of today’s Bits and Banters.
submitted by Moya_qi to northernlion [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 04:50 Individual_Iron4221 Mother Mother and [Fade to Black]
submitted by Individual_Iron4221 to fanStands [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 04:50 YourTreeGuy C-Rank wars lowkey make no sense
Feel free to correct me if I’m wrong but as far as I know C-rank agents only have one trigger. This means that they don’t have a shield, and instead just one singular trigger slot being used.
And for them the way they rank up (excluding snipers) is primarily done by 1v1 battles.
Wouldn’t it be best for a c rank agent to just pick raygust?
While its attack power is the lowest out of the attacker triggers it still has a built in shield mode.
I’m willing to bet that would be ridiculously useful against the majority of bullet triggers. Especially since the built in durability has consistently shown how durable the damn thing is.
Although viper is a bit of an exception, but I’m pretty sure that if Osamu can block Nasu’s crazy ass viper (albeit with the help of a shield) then a C ranker would do just fine against another c ranker who’s probably having a much harder time using the complicated trigger.
I can see the reasoning behind scorpion being a decent counter but I’m not feeling the same regarding kogetsu which at worst results in a stalemate.
As for the whole weight issue, C rank osamu and briefly Yuma were jumping around like crazy. In fact there’s probably some cool tactics you could use involving that (mainly jumping and slamming the thing tbh).
Not to mention the blade is big as hell so blocking against other attacker triggers won’t be super hard.
Lemme know if this makes any sense since I thought of this almost immediately after leaving the hospital.
TLDR: Osamu should’ve started c rank with hound tbh
submitted by YourTreeGuy to worldtrigger [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 04:50 emgineer17 What is the significsnce of dog and frog in dreams?
First of all happy vasant panchami to everone. I do bhairava upasana and today i got two dreams on different timings. First dream was about dog and second dream was about frog. Help me to understand these dreams.
submitted by emgineer17 to Tantrasadhaks [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 04:50 Majestic_Ad_1025 27 M want to know what a man should expect from his partner.
Hi all, I have started my AM journey few months back, I would like to know what can a man expect from his partner.
As I see a lot of men want to do 50-50 and they are being called out for that.
And please give some actual thing like for a man he is expected to change tyres, pay the bills, etc. And not some froth like you should expect emotional support from your partner,etc...
submitted by Majestic_Ad_1025 to Arrangedmarriage [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 04:50 Molu0_ Hlo
Is there any mod which shows some unshown staring items? For exqmple lost who start with mantle. Keeper starts with mutant spider and and you cant see this in inventory like its blended with ypur character. I know it sounds stupid.let me know what ypu think and dont beat me for posting this 😜
submitted by Molu0_ to bindingofisaac [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 04:50 profanacion Lunatic of god's creation
submitted by profanacion to MetalMemes [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 04:50 kaybet Can I give my cat a lot of treats?
My girl is currently in liver failure. We've been to the vet and she's on several medications as well as subcutaneous fluid daily and while she seems to be getting better, she still has little interest in eating much at all.
Except for various gravys and treats (temptations). I found this out after I gave her brother some treats for leaving her alone and she stole them from him. So I'm wondering if I can give her more than recommended both to possibly boost her diet and mostly to make her happy if she doesn't recover
submitted by kaybet to CatAdvice [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 04:50 Sweet_Day_4561 Do I take medical leave or tough it out? I can't decide if I need it or I'm trying to run away from difficult work
Declining cognitive state and dementia like symptoms, my therapist is pretty sure this is due to depression and anxiety. I've also felt completely lost on a new team for the past month and don't know how to accomplish my tasks or even who to reach out to when stuck. I'm torn between not knowing who to ask for help, what to even ask, and feeling reluctant to ask for help because whenever I do people ignore me.
I'm definitely not doing well, but I'm not days away from a mental breakdown either. I also don't want to go with 50% reduced income for a few months. I'm conflicted if I should take a medical leave now (and if that would even help, or if the problems would resume when I go back to work). Or if by taking a medical leave, I'd just be running away from hard work I don't want to do.
submitted by Sweet_Day_4561 to cscareerquestions [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 04:50 RecxoBuixer Jelly if he did not leave Slogo and Crainer.
submitted by RecxoBuixer to RobustReacts [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 04:50 lyssaboldt My Authentic Labubu's!
So after I sadly got a fake Labubu (HeHe) and had no luck with a restock, I went to my local ShowCase and got myself a real one! (For $70 instead of $30😅) After pulling QuQu (being 1/2 that I didn't really like) I went back and got another.... which was DaDa who also wasn't my top (2/2)🥲😅 Either way I'm happy to be moving up my collection and am going to get one more tomorrow! (Hopefully BaBa, SiSi, or the REAL HeHe) Enjoy my Labubu's with my Lafufu☺️ submitted by lyssaboldt to labubu [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 04:50 nekofneko Why You Should Read Stratechery’s DeepSeek FAQ
This blog explains most of the common misunderstandings about DeepSeek, detailing its model architecture and algorithm principles. It is very helpful for those who want to gain a deeper understanding of this model. Simply put, if you want to know what DeepSeek is all about, this article is definitely worth reading!
Moreover, this is not just a purely technical piece; it also discusses DeepSeek's role and function within the AI industry. It provides a broader perspective on how it differs from other large language models, analyzing its unique aspects. While understanding the technology, you can also explore DeepSeek's potential applications and limitations in real-world scenarios.
As DeepSeek continues to gain prominence, I believe it’s essential for everyone to have a more profound and open-minded perspective on it. This article presents a great opportunity, offering thought-provoking insights and explanations.
submitted by nekofneko to DeepSeek [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 04:50 SavingsExchange1143 [Online] [PF2e] [GMT-3] Looking for players for a homebrew campaign
submitted by SavingsExchange1143 to pathfinder_lfg [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 04:50 ZestycloseNet8307 19M, what can I do to look better?
submitted by ZestycloseNet8307 to amiugly [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 04:50 SpyduckAhiru My oshi knows too much
I'm in danger submitted by SpyduckAhiru to Hololive [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 04:50 stacy49s Orks preferred Drink
Building up a BoomDakka SnazzWagon and noticed the cans and bottles at the floorboards, and I was thinking Bud Light at first or maybe Coors, but a buddy of mine brought up PBR and it just clicked. Orks gotta be drinking Pabst, but I'm up for hearing anyone else's take on it (I know the bottles are supposed to be Burna Bombs but this is wayyy funnier) submitted by stacy49s to orks [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 04:50 Muthtod Lawyers who put false cases deserve to rot in hell
I pray to God, I pray to Jesus,to anyone listening. The lawyers of this country who purposely file fake cases to destroy an Innocent man's family will get their karma. I hope their father, mother, brother, sister, son, daughter everyone they love get their karma. They get burned in hell, narak whatever worst that exists. Or even better, they get what they deserve in this life only.
submitted by Muthtod to Arrangedmarriage [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 04:50 Consistent_Wash_961 Are these expansion chambers on a 4stroke ?
Seen these at a race meet .... can someone tell me what they are or do ? submitted by Consistent_Wash_961 to Dirtbikes [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 04:50 Fun_Armadillo_601 PACs ? Felt Two in the same 30 second recording.
Can anyone tell me if it looks like PACs ? I feel almost a double beat followed by a gap and then a hard thump. 🤔 I have PSVT but no other heart arrhythmia diagnoses as they can’t ever catch my other palpitations on ekg… submitted by Fun_Armadillo_601 to askCardiology [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 04:50 Ksi1is2a3fatneek Universal Healthcare in America wouldn't be run well
When I look at other government parts, like congress's, government agencies, or the justice system, I find that they're either corrupt or ran badly, or both.
So this idea of universal healthcare in America, while it sounds good on paper, I don't think it would work in practice. The corruption and stupidity of the government is too high for universal healthcare to work.
Another things is innovation. If the government runs the entire healthcare system, drugs might developed slower. New ideas might not be tried as fast.
If I had the power, I would just make is so everything in the health sector would just have caps. Insulin which costs 2-6 dollars to make was capped at 15 dollars. So I would do the same for other drugs, as well as surgerys.
submitted by Ksi1is2a3fatneek to TrueUnpopularOpinion [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 04:50 thommy_ 2024 RMM Movie Rankings - O.P. Olassa Ever-Rolling Trophy for the Least Liked 10 [Worst Malayalam Movies of the Year]
submitted by thommy_ to MalayalamMovies [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 04:50 PuzzleheadedCow5096 That guy is gonna get pulverised
submitted by PuzzleheadedCow5096 to OneSecondBeforeDisast [link] [comments] |