37[M4F] U.S/Online Gamer/Anime nerd seeks his future wifey!

2025.02.02 04:51 Kiish- 37[M4F] U.S/Online Gamer/Anime nerd seeks his future wifey!

Please be willing to voice call! (Required)
If you choose to message me, please include a pic of yourself along with a nice introduction! ill more than likely ignore responses like "hey" "hi" etc... as I'm looking for some effort, please!
I'm Jake, hi!
I do have a couple preferences to start with:
I want someone who can communicate via text as well as talk with verbally. Also someone who can communicate daily or at least most days save for work and such... I really like communication and attention so someone who is similar in wavelength would be nice, if you consider yourself a really busy person then it may not be a match!
I want someone who I can play games/watch anime/shows/movies with.
I play on PS5/use a mic. Fortnite/Elden Ring/Destiny 2/Diablo 4/Overwatch 2 are among a few I messed with lately, but I have lots of others so just ask me if we have anything in common!
I really like Dragonball and One Piece as far as favorites go but there are quite a few I've seen so far! I want recommendations tbh, ill give you some too!
I take care of the elderly as far as work goes, it's fulfilling being able to help those who can't otherwise help themselves, it can get wild sometimes lol
I have my own car and place.
I go to the gym sometimes, but I'm not a "gym bro"
I'm looking for someone fun and bubbly! Someone who likes to talk is a good match! I can be a yapper so another yapper would be nice, my social battery will sometimes drain though so be aware of that please!
Someone sweet and flirty, but who also wants to just have some fun with each other's company
A good sense of humor is a must, bonus if you like dark humor!
Someone empathetic is a must, I have a big heart and a lot of love to give so I want a similar energy... let's open up to each other? We don't have to rush anything though.
If there's any similar interests or a vibe you think we could catch then just DM me and let's mingle!
Texting wise, I use Discord/Snap/Insta but mostly just Disc, the others are pretty barebones.
Catch a vibe with me!
submitted by Kiish- to r4r [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:51 zerodarkdirty666 Can these seats fit in my 88?

Has anyone added newer different seats to an older pick up model 1988 2wd , I have seats from a volvo rn (that’s how I bought them ) and I hate them , parts are hard to come by where I live
submitted by zerodarkdirty666 to ToyotaPickup [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:51 cyberjardim Postei na página oficial do Valorant e apagaram com 5 segundos

Compra de jogo OU skin de jogo deveria ser sujeita as mesmas regras de compra na internet sobre devolução de produto, serio mesmo.... se não gostei, devolve minha grana ai! o caso aqui foi um pouco pior que nao gostar...
Caso de hospital e b.o. na escola: meu afilhado comprou uma skin mto cara, e o barulho da finalização dela tá dando tique nervoso nele (nao é meme, ele tem tourette, é uma doença rara onde existem tiques motores e fonéticos). Pasmem. Toda vez que ele faz uma finalização no jogo, ele começa xingando vários nomes obscenos e isso ta pegando mal com os amiguinhos neuro-intolerantes. Teve um encontro tipo "lan house" no outro dia, e meu afilhado sofreu agressão fisica após chamar um amigo de "gordo sujo" (galera, as pessoas com tourette não conseguem controlar o que falam). E o pior: como eu que instalei o vava no PC dele, os pais tão me pedindo ajuda... eu nao tenho nada a ver com isso!
E ai, os pais dele querem o dinheiro de volta! Mas infelizmente, sei estamos vivendo o "hype" do T.I., e a grana nunca vai voltar... certo? E no contrato do vava fala que só existe estorno em caso de "skins não usadas"... Entendi! É pq o uso da arma no jogo faz com que ela diminua sua vida útil, ne? kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk mano.... se você quer viver de golpe, então viva de golpe! não disfarce o golpe em um "jogo indie" ou em uma "skin de R$200". O designer que fez a skin ta na praia comendo lagosta, o dev provavelmente ta na california em uma feira pica (na qual 99% dos jogadores nunca vai pisar; se pisar, vai ser tratado igual um lixo humano).
Façam uma conta simples: 35 milhões de jogadores por mês...! Supondo que todos ja compraram alguma skin de R$200 no jogo. Sao sete bilhoes de reais só em skin?! Ah sim! servidor, anticheat, equipe de dev... Mas perai, você tem uma empresa? porque 7bi na verdade é muita, muita grana kk. A valve inteira, por exemplo, estima-se que tenha um valor de mercado entre 15 a 20 bilhões de dolares... a gigante rockstar (taketwo) tem 40 bilhoes de dolares de valor de mercado...
Enfim. Estamos sustentando um ecossistema de milionarios que não dão a minima pro usuário. se eles se importassem conosco, até valeria o dinheiro! eu vendo produtos caros mas até consultoria gratuita presto, nao existe um cliente que reclama de mim. Mas é isso! capitalismo hypado do T.I.. Essa mensagem será ignorada como sempre. Nem sei pq to fazendo esse post aqui.
Empresas de tecnologia fazem tudo, cobram caro nos produtos lixo e sequer existe um SAC bom pra gente se manifestar sobre isso, só atendimento robótico. Lançam 1 personagem por mês (pra conseguir mais jogadores novos entrando, vulgo lead) mas não corrigem os erros que incomodam jogadores antigos.
Sinceramente? Lucro sem inovação é apenas temporário. Sou empreendedor e vejo isso tudo como uma bagunça - tomara que a indústria do hype no T.I. de forma geral quebre e no futuro, a gente jogue Airsoft em vez de jogar FPS. espero que todas as "IAs milagrosas que vao salvar o mundo" caiam em erros proprios e se destruam kk. espero que todas as apples que fazem produtos carissimos, errem no planejamento e façam um super lançamento flopado que custou 100 bilhoes de preju.
Não falo mal da industria em si, e nem dos produtos. Adoro jogos, adoro tecnologia, etc. Mas falo sobre precificação. As coisas não possuem o valor que elas deveriam possuir.
E outra! Se não for pra contratar funcionário inteligente igual eu (sou desenvolvedor de insumos quimicos), então é melhor fechar a empresa de uma vez e focar em fazer um jogo copiando o Deadlock (que ta incrivel por sinal).
submitted by cyberjardim to ValorantCompetitive [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:51 Inner-Let150 Me when my friend's 9 year old brother said he was going to edge me

Me when my friend's 9 year old brother said he was going to edge me submitted by Inner-Let150 to Socksfor1Submissions [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:51 preslicedcreamcheese I made a tag you can 3D print for free to help people know what products to stay away from!

submitted by preslicedcreamcheese to BuyCanadian [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:51 QuantumSonu Confused regarding differences between types of CUET (PG) B.Ed program and other things

Myquals are BSc (Physics), MA (Sociology) (not finished yet)
I just applied for CUET B.Ed program. I found that there are different types of B.Ed courses in the list like COQP03,04, 05, 06 and 07. I have chosen COQP03 (B.Ed) and COQP06 (B.Ed Science).

  1. What exactly is the difference between P03 and rest of the other subject of same B.Ed category? I have seen that both of their syllabus are different. First one cover almost all the subject like Basic science, maths, GS etc while other has listed science subjects along with home science. What would I do with either of the courses if I pass in both of them?
  2. Can I pursue a totally different subject in B.Ed which wasn't in my graduation? For example, I have studied Physics at UG level and now pursuing Sociology in PG. I don't know how much time it will take for me to complete MA or what if I get failed in many subjects. In that case, can I choose Sociology in B.Ed program even though I didn't study it in my graduation?
submitted by QuantumSonu to CUETards [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:51 Fired_up_not_fired81 Ideas for how Dem governors can fight back, since the Constitution doesn’t seem to matter anymore

Declare a state of emergency in your state because of the threat to the republic
Threaten to ban or tariff trade (or specific goods) with Republican States until they agree to his removal from office and restoration of our democratic government
Ban or issue warrants for the arrest in your state of any Republican in Congress that does not immediately move to oust the wannabe tyrant. Do not allow them entry.
Seize the physical assets of any business or Red state elected official in your states until they impeach the tyrant, remove him from office and restore our Republic.
Meanwhile boost trade with each other and with Mexico and Canada.
submitted by Fired_up_not_fired81 to TheResistance [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:51 Cultural-Sink-8587 Where do I start?

Hi guys, I’m an 18 F who has just finished high school and is looking to get into Christianity. For some background my mum is orthodox my dad is Muslim (crazy mix!) they were never that religious or brought me up to be. After listening to some podcasts and doing some reading (online) I really fell in love with Christianity and would love to accept and be apart of it.
I’ve never been to a church before, or read the bible! I’d like to read something to gather my knowledge and really strengthen my faith as I’m practically a baby!
I’m a bit nervous to go to church as I’ve never been before and I know everyone’s probably been there since they were a baby, so maybe I could read something bibles, books, listen to some music?! Anything really.
I just don’t know where to start so please feel free to help me out!
Thank you!
submitted by Cultural-Sink-8587 to Christianity [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:51 FTUWng not even 30 mins apart

not even 30 mins apart submitted by FTUWng to GoodAssSub [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:51 RopeFamiliar794 Looking for a specific shoe

Looking for a specific shoe I’m looking to buy these shoes as a gift for a friend but I can’t find what exact shoe it is, any help ?
submitted by RopeFamiliar794 to Shoes [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:51 wishiestwashiest Start tracking your basal body temperature on graph paper

If you take your vaginal temperature first thing when you wake up, you can record that on graph paper to follow your cycle. Then if need be, you can burn said paper 😃
After your period ends, fsh (follicle stimulating hormone) causes an egg to start maturing, those eggs release estrogen as they ripen, a certain amount of estrogen causes an LH (luteneizing hormone) Surge which essentially pops the egg out of its little sac which is the corpus luteum which then starts releasing progesterone. The progesterone acts like a little timer, and if the egg doesn't implant and take over hormones before the progesterone runs out then your period begins.
Estrogen causes your temperature to drop while progesterone causes an increase in temperature. As an egg is maturing your graph line will drop and with enough data you can determine when your getting close to releasing an egg. You can be sure that you released an egg when your temperature starts rising again and is above your average temperature line for 3 days. As the progesterone runs out you can watch you temperature drop and that's when your period starts. If you have confirmed ovulation, you should bleed sometime soon if you are not pregnant. An irregular cycle is caused in the first follicular half not the second luteal half. Remember the progesterone timer. Your body may have an Estrogen surge that can cause a dip mid luteal phase. Nothing except a true late period, and a positive test means you are pregnant. A true late period is 12+ days passed a confirmed ovulation, although different people can have different luteal phase lengths and it can be normal for a person to have a longer 15-16 day luteal phase, this is what previous data comparability is for.
The absolute soonest an egg can implant is 6 days after ovulation but can take 12 days, and then needs a minimum of 2 days after implantation to register on the most sensitive tests of 6miu (first response early result), average tests that detect 25 miu may take longer and should show a positive soon after your missed period but that isn't 100%.
If you are avoiding pregnancy you want to avoid sex a week before your predicted ovulation and 3 days after you actually do ovulate. You want a thermometer that goes to the hundredth degree / reads like 97.75 instead of 97.6 (mabis is a solid cheap option, all hail mabis!!! The link above is quite funny if you need a good laugh) the tfabchartstalkers sub is primarily people trying for a baby, but it is a good resource for studying charts. 6 months of data is needed to accurately use it as birth control. PCOS can be tracked and as a warning, it's only slightly easier to understand in chart form rather than going off of a calendar.
I can think of more to add onto that pcos bit, but I'll leave this here for now
submitted by wishiestwashiest to TwoXChromosomes [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:51 thegolfernick How do you manage & annex vessels?

I seem to rarely be able to keep vessels loyal and lowering liberty desire to annex them is impossible later in the game. What's the point of making them a protectorate if they demand independence and bring along half my vessels in the war?
submitted by thegolfernick to victoria3 [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:51 linet_addicted Marius Şumudică – Eu nu înţeleg de ce s-a mai inventat VAR-ul ăsta! Îl calcă de la spate, e penalti cât casa!

Marius Şumudică, antrenorul Rapidului, a acuzat dur arbitrii de la VAR după ce faza din minutul 84 a meciului cu Universitatea Cluj, când Cristian Manea a fost călcat pe gleznă în careul clujenilor, nu a fost analizată şi s-a...
Citiți articolul
submitted by linet_addicted to Sp1Ro [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:51 Smart-Scholar-8017 B4B SlickCucumber boost right back!

submitted by Smart-Scholar-8017 to chimeboost [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:51 ndxinroy7 কতটা হারলাম আমি? নাকি জিতলাম?

2008 এ কেন্দ্রীয় সরকারী চাকরী পেয়েছিলাম (গ্রুপ C)। সাথেই IT (witch) কোম্পানিতেও চাকরী পেয়েছিলাম। বিদেশ যাওয়া, দ্রুত উন্নতি, ইত্যাদির কথা ভেবে IT তে ঢুকে গিয়েছিলাম। পারিবারিক বিপত্তির কারণে 3 বার বিদেশ যাওয়া আটকে যায়। (একবার এয়ারপোর্ট থেকে ফিরে এসেছিলাম, একবার 15 দিনের মধ্যে)। একই কারণে কলকাতা ছেড়ে যাওয়া হয় নি। মাইনে বেশ ভালই পাই (1.5L), তাই কোনোদিন দুঃখ হয় নি।
আজ সকালে হঠাৎ মনে হলো সরকারী চাকরি করলে আজ আমি কোথায় থাকতাম। মাইনে কি অনেক বেশি হতো? কেউ কি সরকারী চাকরি করেন যিনি আমায় এই চিন্তা থেকে মুক্তি দেবেন?
হারি বা জিতি আমার দুঃখ নেই। জীবন যথেষ্ট সুখের। শুধুই একটা ক্লোজার চাইছি।
submitted by ndxinroy7 to kolkata [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:51 karmatea1 Not these tiktok streets 😂

Not these tiktok streets 😂 submitted by karmatea1 to teawithkatieandkarma [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:51 Ruin-Capable DeepSeek-R1-UD-IQ1_S performance tuning

I got the IQ1_S quant running on a 5950X with 128GB of RAM, and 2x 7900XTX. Unsloth's instructions for calculating the number of layers to offload are a bit off for AMD gpus. I was only able to offload 15 layers, but their calculations indicate that I should be able to offload 17 or 18 layers.
Performance isn't great.
Here is -ngl 15 -split-mode row:

$ tail -5 deepseek-r1-15-layers-offloaded-splitmode-row.txt llama_perf_context_print: load time = 217034.50 ms llama_perf_context_print: prompt eval time = 3987.31 ms / 12 tokens ( 332.28 ms per token, 3.01 tokens per second) llama_perf_context_print: eval time = 856391.73 ms / 1912 runs ( 447.90 ms per token, 2.23 tokens per second) llama_perf_context_print: total time = 860703.07 ms / 1924 tokens 
Here is -ngl 15 -split-mode layer:
$ tail -5 deepseek-r1-15-layers-offloaded.txt llama_perf_context_print: load time = 140556.57 ms llama_perf_context_print: prompt eval time = 5960.12 ms / 12 tokens ( 496.68 ms per token, 2.01 tokens per second) llama_perf_context_print: eval time = 828072.49 ms / 1912 runs ( 433.09 ms per token, 2.31 tokens per second) llama_perf_context_print: total time = 834357.23 ms / 1924 tokens 
I was really hoping to get 3 or 4 tokens/sec. Any ideas for improving performance? Or is it just time to upgrade from a 5950X?
submitted by Ruin-Capable to LocalLLaMA [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:51 LiveNdUncut Kanye shitposting on X, we’re so back

Kanye shitposting on X, we’re so back submitted by LiveNdUncut to Asmongold [link] [comments]


WHO KEEPS SPAMMING THIS SHIT FARTING submitted by RealBurger_ to geographymemes [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:51 AsparagusPlenty5668 Artist: lady miro ((on TikTok))

Artist: lady miro ((on TikTok)) submitted by AsparagusPlenty5668 to EldenRingMemes [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:51 chronic_spasm American breakfast sausage?

I'm gonna be in Pattaya for at least the next 5 months and I am already having withdrawals. I know this is Thailand, but I can't give up the american breakfast. Anyone know where to find breakfast sausage patties? Everywhere I've looked only sells hotdogs as sausage. 🙏
submitted by chronic_spasm to FarangsofPattaya [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:51 MyOpinionMayBeFact Royal Tenenbaum

Royal Tenenbaum submitted by MyOpinionMayBeFact to Frenchbulldogs [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:51 Ok-Machine-9495 Phoebe actually isn’t that bad

Phoebe actually isn’t that bad After rewatching seasons 1-6 and starting 7 I’ve realized why I didn’t like Phoebe. It was the Cole era and Prue’s death because in MY opinion I think if Cole wasn’t in the picture Phoebe could’ve saved her sisters and had been there ( All Alyssa stuff aside) it kinda made me look at her differently. Now that I’m in season 7 I can honestly say that after Cole was actually gone she grew on me so now I can’t even pick between the sisters. She became an even better sister to Paige and Piper. She also was an amazing aunt. It’s hard for me to not like her now she’s a great character.
submitted by Ok-Machine-9495 to charmed [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:51 indiainvest Tricky new tax slabs!

Tricky new tax slabs! submitted by indiainvest to India_Investments [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:51 jodiecomerstan Considering Fostering But Worried About Our Dog

We have an 8 year old Jack Russel mix who we've had since he was 1. Had a rough upbringing in his first home so when I'm in the house, he is on guard if strangers try to come in. He'll bark and bark, which is intimidating, but then he licks you when you come up to him and he can smell you. He has soooo much energy and he's always wanting to play. He's really the sweetest dog, has never hurt anyone, and when my niece comes over (shes 6) we never have any issues, but of course I'm always there to supervise just to be safe. He has his own bedroom as well.
I guess what I'm worried about is when they come and do the initial interview with us, are they going to be put off if my dog barks at first? Also, will that be an ok environment for a child if they're around a dog barking?
We want to foster so bad since we cannot have children of our own, but our dog is also our family. So I'm really worried. ):
submitted by jodiecomerstan to Fosterparents [link] [comments]
