2025.02.02 05:02 Traffic_Time [Discussion] Decontamination Service plus Dangerous Props
Like the title says how bad is the aa12? Ive never used it and I got Decontamination too. 2 birds one stone thing. I know it will rip scavs but vs pmcs
submitted by Traffic_Time to EscapefromTarkov [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 05:02 AutoModerator Weekly r/Gummibär Thread
What's up? Here is this week's megathread to talk about minor Gummibär related things that don't have their own posts in the subreddit. Remember, keep it civil! Party Pop!
submitted by AutoModerator to gummibar [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 05:02 CultOfTHC oh no
submitted by CultOfTHC to GoodAssSub [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 05:02 SignificantPlant7529 Help
I used to have a gun that have a number 100 on the top left now the best one of that weapon I can make has the number 21 how can I get this up and what does it mean
submitted by SignificantPlant7529 to FortniteSavetheWorld [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 05:02 Aplikowski What Are Some Good Places to Socialize?
Nightclubs are a terrible place to socialize in.
What are some places in town where I can just meet people and chat for a little bit? I need to brush up my social skills.
submitted by Aplikowski to TwinCities [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 05:02 yui_rose_uwu Desert Bouquet pallette
I absolutely love the palette but I've hit pan on a few of my favorites, does Morphe sell individuals of any of their shades? I'm in love with the greens and I dread the day I kill off Big Saguaro submitted by yui_rose_uwu to MorpheBeauty [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 05:02 AutoModerator Daily Discussion February 02, 2025
Welcome to the RVSN daily discussion thread!
2025.02.02 05:02 mirage_exclusive Helping girlies with their problems 24/7
Hey babes! My names Ali, I've been in the industry for 10 years now, I've had my fair share of ups and downs and weird to amazing encounters lol. If ever anyone has questions or concerns on how to go about certain situations or just wants advice about something, I'm here to offer my expertise! Happy caming babes!
submitted by mirage_exclusive to CamGirlProblems [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 05:02 enzo_gm Best Language/Framework for making scientific desktop app?
I am currently making a desktop application for modeling biochemical pathways.
It works by:
2025.02.02 05:02 Mutilate End of month ranked rewards problem
I was wondering if anyone else has experienced this. After logging on to claim my rewards for hitting legend, i got the usual experience, it said i hit legend and showed me the packs and cards but then there were no packs to open, or new cards added to my collection, am i going crazy?
submitted by Mutilate to hearthstone [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 05:02 xenderqueer I feel like I'm more confused by taxes than ever
I actually did my taxes in a timely manner this year (yay). But I am SO confused.
Earlier this year I added my boyfriend to my health insurance as a domestic partner. My work explained that the employer contribution would count as income, and I was ok with that. But then I noticed my take-home pay tanked - by the entire amount of the employer contribution. So I guess this is a special kind of income that is taxed at 100%, or somehow this puts me in a new bracket? My HR couldn't tell me anything to explain, and generally aren't very easy to get help or clear information from. I was concerned I was possibly being over-taxed, so I used the IRS Tax Withholding estimator, and it said I would get a $9000 refund - which definitely seemed weirdly high! Especially since I was projected to make less than $50k last year. So I used the W-4 the estimator recommended to reduce my withholding for the rest of the year.
Womp womp, no refund. I owe $1300 to the fed that I truly can't afford right now. Guess the estimator was a bit off, fml.
So I think, well shit! I better at least try the calculator again to make sure I don't owe for next year. So I plug everything in and this time it tells me I will owe around $5000 for the current year, and it's too late to pay enough, so it didn't even give me a pre-filled W-4 this time. But... its only January, shouldn't I be able to make some kind of adjustment now to owe less at least??
I. am. so. confused! I used to have my taxes dialed in almost perfectly, usually my refund/owed amount was pretty close to zero nearly every year. I don't know why I'm struggling so much now. My taxes should be very simple - I don't have investments, I don't even own anything of value, I only have one normal full-time job with no other income, and I always take the standard deduction. I feel a gnawing sense of dread and panic that I am somehow doing something terribly wrong with the estimator tool and thus with my taxes but I have no idea how to fix it. Help?
submitted by xenderqueer to tax [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 05:02 Jawa999 Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Says Canada Will Impose A 25% Tariff On $155 billion Worth Of U.S. Goods In Response To Trump’s 25% Tariffs!
submitted by Jawa999 to worldstartalk [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 05:02 sigaris Czy plan Boga ogranicza wolność? - o. Michał Maciejny sj
submitted by sigaris to PolishLanguagePodcast [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 05:02 sauronsays01 23M/PC/PST - Looking for Marvel Rivals duo and person to spend time with
Hi all, pretty much just the title. I am Gold 1 in marvel rivals and I’m looking for someone to play the game with and chat as well. I also like playing single player games so if you like them as well that’s something we can talk about!
submitted by sauronsays01 to GamerPals [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 05:02 Primary_Thing3968 The Informer (2019) A solid entertaining crime thriller
submitted by Primary_Thing3968 to moviecritic [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 05:02 Mental-Rip-5553 Where is January update?
Still got nothing
submitted by Mental-Rip-5553 to Vivo [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 05:02 ondoworker Ok I really hate this(reaction doang gaada yang new misal explanation, kepakaran dll)
submitted by ondoworker to ondonesia [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 05:02 Benzinazero Veicoli, morti e feriti per categoria, coinvolti negli scontri stradali del 2023 in Italia [dati Istat]
Veicoli, morti e feriti per categoria, coinvolti negli scontri stradali del 2023 in Italia [dati Istat] https://preview.redd.it/h3ivi2cyraee1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=972984d169d762e85a1a13e8ea4a10568504606b Nel grafico sopra vediamo i veicoli, morti e feriti per categoria di veicoli coinvolti negli scontri stradali del 2023 in Italia. Come si vede, la principale macchina della morte è l’automobile, sia per numero di veicoli circolanti, sia per pericolosità intrinseca. Seguono i motocicli, molto pericolosi anche per chi li guida a causa delle velocità che si raggiungono (c’è una bella differenza fra cadere a 15 km/h e cadere a 50 km/h, per non parlare delle velocità superiori) e gli autocarri nelle varie dimensioni (furgoni, camion, tir, autoarticolati, autotreni). Nel caso di motocicli, biciclette e monopattini elettrici, gran parte della mortalità va comunque attrinuita, nuovamente, ai veicoli a motore a quattro ruote: se un ciclista non viene investito da un’auto generalmente non rischia la vita, con l’eccezione dei ciclisti sportivi che pedalano per percorsi molto lunghi e a velocità relativamente elevate per il veicolo (30-40 km/h in pianura, 60 km/h e oltre in discesa). Il grafico evidenzia come le campagne di allarmismo mediatico nei confronti dei monopattini elettrici siano sostanzialmente ipocrite o disinformate: i principali pericoli sulle strade urbane arrivano dai veicoli a motore, per tutti, compresi i pedoni. E anche i frequenti luoghi comuni sulla pericolosità dei ‘ciclisti indisciplinati’, sui ‘monopattini pericolosi’ e sui ‘pedoni che si buttano sulle strisce’ sono evidentemente sciocchezze: Il pericolo in ambito urbano viene dai veicoli a motore: limitare la velocità ai monopattini elettrici e alle biciclette elettriche a pedalata assistita è molto utile, ma sarebbe ancora più utile limitare la velocità anche ai veicoli a motore. È assurdo che il monopattino elettrico sia limitato a 20 km/h mentre l’automobile, il furgone, la motocicletta e lo scooter in molte strade urbane possono circolare a 50 km/h, e oltre se l’automobilista è pericoloso, imprudente e indisciplinato. Per prevenire incidenti e scontri stradali in ambito urbano occorre limitare la velocità dei veicoli a motore a 30 km/h in tutte le strade frequentate da ciclisti e pedoni, eccetto le vie di scorrimento. In tutta Europa i limiti a 30 generalizzati (eccetto vie di scorrimento) hanno concretamente ridotto incidenti, morti e feriti, con grandi vantaggi sociali, ambientali ed economici: Analisi degli effetti dei limiti a 30 km/h in 40 città Europee [Sustainability – Road Safety and Road Infrastructure Design] submitted by Benzinazero to ciclismourbano [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 05:02 No-Relationship-9049 Oh my god.
submitted by No-Relationship-9049 to SquaredCircle [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 05:02 da_deman Banger Flagship Box
Bought this on a whim today since we were out of town visiting family. First case hit (that I'm aware of) on the Mojo, and the Balde is /199, and looks to be the Neon Green variety. Had a few numbered cards, but nothing extraordinary. submitted by da_deman to soccercard [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 05:02 True-State-4321 Don't mind me, just moving some shiny Mew over to Home
submitted by True-State-4321 to PokemonHome [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 05:02 MSMIT0 Is there a video tutorial to do what's shown in the picture?
I'm a beginner, and I finished the base. I'm at the part of adding the ruffle. I've never added a structure to a finished piece in a different color, and I wasn't sure how to start it/attach it. I also wasn't sure what this was even called to look up a tutorial 😅 I basically just need to visually see how to attach the chain and then stitch from there submitted by MSMIT0 to Amigurumi [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 05:02 thedailyclangour What's the funniest thing that has ever happened to you at work?
submitted by thedailyclangour to DesiDeskTales [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 05:02 TheZer0Day Shot with Backpack mounted OP3 on E-Scooter. Feedback?
Shot in DLOG-M, Applied DJI official LUT. submitted by TheZer0Day to osmopocket [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 05:02 AutoModerator Daily WordCompute Thread - February 02, 2025
Daily WordCompute thread.
Post your emoji grid solutions, questions, or general comments here!
Please do not post screenshots of your solution here, as there is no way to hide them. Post screenshots of solutions as a normal post with the spoiler tag.
Please mark any spoiler text with the spoiler tag (>! example spoiler text ).
submitted by AutoModerator to WordCompute [link] [comments]