2025.02.02 04:51 DreamPirates Vanessa Hudgens American Actress #VanessaHudgens
submitted by DreamPirates to dreampirates [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 04:51 FedeFofo What’s going on at Schiphol Airport?
All of these ground vehicles are in the top 10 most tracked, is there something going on? submitted by FedeFofo to flightradar24 [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 04:51 Respond_Necessary Call me a conspiracy theorist but...
I have been on 39/40 achievements for over a week (missing BP 3K), specifically waiting for the Halls of Djalia to appear in quickplay queues. Issue is, I have not seen it for over 50 matches now (except for in competitive play).
I do not want to throw my comp games as I am a strategist main, so I do not try achievement hunting there.
I have done some biased research and can see others are having the same problem. Is it possible the algorithm on this game is so advanced that it will literally not give us the Halls of Djalia map to farm retention?
Tin foil hats only.
submitted by Respond_Necessary to marvelrivals [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 04:51 brunoshark Mads poster sighting in Zegna
https://preview.redd.it/48ntfbi3pnge1.jpg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b93c75f2f63fcf85fc1648996be482bddfaaedac https://preview.redd.it/y8x3rci3pnge1.jpg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f236274ca8614228c7e3a702f53f4fd8c943e60c https://preview.redd.it/e8v6cbi3pnge1.jpg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=647a1dcd7f716a60ed5a1eeded8cfd424ea10899 https://preview.redd.it/9dwt7bi3pnge1.jpg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf673ec5703e1a8f024f8cd186fb33d72e02fb55 I freaked out when I saw these 4 meter high posters plastered around Zegna's shop!! Obviously couldn't resist taking a few photos so here he is :D (i'm so happy he's the global ambassador of zegna, we get so much Mads content) submitted by brunoshark to MadsMikkelsen [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 04:51 dullboytroy Shadow is feeling bonita 🙂↕️🖤
I scrubbed his hands, feet and chest fur since the white was getting dirty. Got some baby socks to cover his hands and feet and today he got a new outfit at BABW plus some tiny bows I found at Daiso !! 🥹🖤
submitted by dullboytroy to buildabear [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 04:51 sugarhaze_ Favorite Acne tips/tricks
Looking for some fun facts or tricks for acne that some estheticians may not know(even old fashioned/natural remedies)
submitted by sugarhaze_ to Esthetics [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 04:51 RT_456 Does extraction of this wisdom tooth look complicated? There is a csyt going into the sinus above that also needs to be removed.
submitted by RT_456 to wisdomteeth [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 04:51 Relevant-Ad-2323 Am I a bad daughter?
I am part of a 9 person family (plus a few inlaws) My dad recently had a breakdown after a family holiday saying that he doesnt feel valued, loved or included. He said it was because of how my siblings and I acted, or because of things we didnt say or didnt do. Some examples were not keeping conversations with him alive, not saying good morning to him, not helping him with tasks around the house, not doing the activities he wanted to do and my mum and i not including him in the girly things we do (like having a wine together and talking makeup).
My siblings and I were absolutely devastated following this conversation. we had no idea he was feeling like this. any exclusion was completely accidental. I have spoke privately to one of my brothers about this. It has really impacted us. we feel really guilty and depressed following the conversation with my dad. strangely we also feel like we're not good enough and our confidence in other areas of life have taken a hit too.
I guess the reason I feel like this atleast is because some of the examples my dad gave that made him feel like we didnt love him werent true. We did say good morning to him, some of the tasks around the house he mentioned, i had helped him with.
in addition, my siblings and I try really hard to make our parents happy. we put away money each week every year so we can pay to go on holiday together since alot of us are spread throughout the country and dont get to always see each other. my siblings and i are the ones that organise the trip down to meal plan for each day, activities each day, cleaning roster etc. i just feel like nothing we do is enough. (this is not the first time my dad has said this - at my graduation and at my brothers wedding my dad cussed me out and gave me the silent treatment because i was making enough conversation with him(it wasnt on purpose, i was just preoccupied with all my cousins who had come to visit and i hadnt seen in years/ my friends also graduating/ i am introvert so sometimes i am just not good at creating conversation )
the other issue is, some of the examples my dad gave are things we all experience. like i have had lots of conversations with my siblings that die and dont go anyway. i dont think that means they dont love me, i just think there is nothing else to say. there are times my brothers dont include me in stuff because they have boyish interests.
and the activities that my dad wanted to do but we didnt do them- we were going to do those activities, but because my dad got upset on the very first night of the holiday,( he started screaming and swearing at us, and then he gave us the silent treatment and if we tried to talk to him he would give you us dirty look) - so none of us wanted to do any activities anymore because the mood had become very low in the house.
so now i feel extremely depressed. i work quite a demanding job and i have fairly bad anxiety. so i was really looking forward to the holiday, getting a break, seeing my family ,fulling my cup. now i feel like i am totally incompetent and have no idea how i am meant to be confident when i go back to work. my siblings and i are also not really talking to each other or hanging out becuase we're scared if we enjoy our time together, laugh together, my dad is going to get upset . my siblings and i are all close in age so we are very very close.
im worried that because ive never been a parent before i am missing a lot of perspective and that there is something i can do to bring the family back to peace- any thoughts?
submitted by Relevant-Ad-2323 to family [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 04:51 Legal_Rooster6322 Is there any club I can join?
I'm a really new player and I'm trying to find a club to join submitted by Legal_Rooster6322 to eatventureofficial [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 04:51 mac_g313 Hybrid controls users, are you able to still deke?
I was playing tonight, and no matter what I tried, the dekes weren’t getting counted for my daily goals. Couldn’t complete them tonight.
submitted by mac_g313 to NHLHUT [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 04:51 MarketingPleasant If you miss Westworld, please watch Severance
The parallels and concept that these shows share is insane. If you enjoyed WW, you’ll enjoy severance! That is all.
submitted by MarketingPleasant to westworld [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 04:51 Supah_Cool Rotation could help fix trading for collecting purposes
I think that if they were to implement rotation it would help with trading.
If they rotate packs out of the game the same way they do irl then they could allow us to trade the cards from those rostered out sets in an unlimited way.
That way it wouldn’t interfere with us opening new packs and we eventually get to complete a collection which is what we most want.
As for the newer packs I think if they have to include those tokens (chips seems they might) allow us to earn some through wins, I feel that would make wins feel like they have more stakes
submitted by Supah_Cool to PTCGP [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 04:51 throwawayfake1912 12.5k in CC debt. Loan or payoff?
Okay, I have about 12,500 in credit card debt and I have 20,600 in my savings. I pretty sure I know the answer to this question but wanted some advice. Should I just pay it off or take out a consolidation loan? I was thinking of a loan because my job is currently not the most stable. I work for the federal government and with everything going on job security isn’t as great as it once was. I’m scared to pay it off with my savings and then possibly get laid off. Advice please!
submitted by throwawayfake1912 to DebtAdvice [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 04:51 Noobwitha_Hat Sonic Adventure 2 was a game on ps3. Where is it in Vimm's Lair?
submitted by Noobwitha_Hat to VimmsLair [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 04:51 slideanimal [WTB][USA-AR][W] Holo Cyan 2 [H] PayPal
Hi, I’m looking for a well kept Cyan 2 DAC. If you have one available, don’t hesitate to reach out. Thanks for viewing. Also have mint LCD X and LCD XC that I can offer + cash for the Cyan.
submitted by slideanimal to AVexchange [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 04:51 Ginganinja6713 SO MANY BOATS
submitted by Ginganinja6713 to ShipsOfGlory [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 04:51 Top-Gas4302 Lieux utile pour SDF et autres
Hey voici mes adresse et num utile hésite pas a commenter si t'en a un (j'ai pas mis de maraudes)
Services sociaux locaux : Ils peuvent fournir des informations sur les ressources disponibles pour les personnes sans domicile fixe, telles que les hébergements d'urgence, les distributions de nourriture et les services de conseil.
Associations caritatives : Certaines associations, comme les associations d'aide aux sans-abri, peuvent offrir une aide financière, des vêtements, de la nourriture et d'autres formes de soutien.
Ligne d'écoute nationale : Il existe des lignes d'écoute nationales qui peuvent fournir un soutien émotionnel et des conseils aux personnes en situation de crise.
accueil de jour : st vincent
Essaie te de rapprocher de certains milieux qui connaissent les squats. Punks, activistes, ça peut être un bon filon pour trouver où dormir. Un bon point de départ : à Saxe, il y a la Luttine, une librairie / disquaire associative tenue par des punks lyonnais, ouvert seulement le samedi aprem, y'a moyen qu'ils soient au courant des squats ouverts actuellement avec de la place
squat de la pyramide
Le squat du quai Arloing à Lyon
Boxe populaire ~ Collectif Solidarités Cusset
L'Île Egalité, 4-6 rue de l’Egalité, Villeurbanne, Lyon
guillotiere 45 rue Béchevelin, La Guillotière
69007 Lyon
- Distributions alimentaires les mercredis et vendredis à 18h
- Marché rouge les jeudis à 17h
Galères administratives
- Permanence juridique les mercredis de 17h30 à 19h30.
- Permanence la Guill n’est pas à vendre (papiers, logement, écrivain public etc.) les jeudis à 16h
- Permanences droit du travail les vendredis à 15h
19 € Guesthouse le Flaneur : Dans le centre près de Bellecour
Auberge de jeunesse Lyon centre : Vraiment pas cher dans le Vieux Lyon (Saint Jean)
- Permanence de santé tous les mercredis, de 17h à 19h.
- Consultation psychologue les 1er et 3e mardi du mois à 16h (sur rdv)
Alter’hostel sur les quais de Saône (dortoir)
Hostel 20 Lyon centre
yasi hotel
le flanneur ghest house
pilo lyon
hostel lyon centre
Permanence tous les mercredi de 9h à midi à la Marmite Colbert, 5 rue Diderot, 69001 Lyon.
LYON – (C.L.L.A.J)
- Jeunes de 18 à 30 ans habitant ou travaillant à Lyon et en recherche
de logement
3, rue de l’Abbé Rozier 69001 Lyon - Tél : 04 72 07 87 17
Métro ligne A - Station Hôtel de Ville
Permanence d’accueil sans RDV au siège de l’association : le mardi de
13h30 à 17h pour les 1er, 2ème, 4ème et 5ème arrondissements
Le mercredi de 9h à 11h30 pourles 3ème, 6ème et 9ème arrondissements
Le jeudi de 13h30 à 17h pour les 7ème et 8ème arrondissements
- Orientation par la MVS
- Public de 18 à moins de 25 ans
6, rue d’Auvergne 69002 Lyon – Tél : 04 78 92 88 11
Métro ligne A – Station Ampère Victor Hugo
Accueil en direct et sans RDV le lundi et le jeudi de 15h30 à 18h mardi,
mercredi et vendredi de 10h à 12h
Auberge Jules Ferry
info squat 04 72 77 87 77
résidences étudiantes,
Tu as les escales solidaires, dans le 3ème, le 6eme et le 9eme, qui proposent des repas à 2€.
l'association cravate solidaire
Les bâtiments religieux
mets toi au niveau de l'arrêt Flixbus blablabus sous le pont a côté y aura forcément du monde
Au Tambour
Allez lundi au SIAO = 246 Rue Duguesclin, 69003 Lyon. 0478950001.
69009 LYON
04 78 47 11 06
69003 LYON
04 72 33 97 39
Maison de la Veille Sociale : Elle est située à Lyon et fonctionne du lundi au vendredi de 9h à 12h. Vous pouvez la contacter au téléphone au numéro 04 78 95 00 01. Elle se trouve à l'adresse suivante : 246 rue Duguesclin, 69003 Lyon. Elle est accessible en métro via la ligne B, station Place Guichard, ou en tramway T1, station Mairie du 3e.
Maison de la Veille Sociale du Rhône : Cette structure porte le SIAO (Service Interrégional d'Accueil et d'Orientations) du département du Rhône. Elle recueille les demandes d'hébergement pour les personnes privées involontairement de domicile et oriente ces personnes vers les structures d'hébergement disponibles. Elle joue également un rôle d'observatoire pour suivre la demande et la réponse en matière d'hébergement et de logement pour les personnes sans domicile.
Péniche Accueil : C'est une association située à Lyon, qui offre un accueil de jour pour les personnes sans domicile fixe et en grande précarité. Elle est implantée sur la péniche "Le Balajo" au 37 Quai Docteur Gailleton, 69002 Lyon, France.
Contact : Le numéro de téléphone est le 09 60 51 54 28. / Horaires : L'accueil est ouvert du lundi au vendredi de 14h à 17h30. Pendant la période hivernale, l'accueil est également ouvert les dimanches.
Centre d'échanges de Perrache : Ce bâtiment est connu pour sa forme de bloc de béton impersonnel et est souvent critiqué par les Lyonnais. Cependant, il est actuellement en cours de rénovation et le projet devrait être achevé en 2028.
Auditorium de la Part-Dieu : Ce bâtiment est également détesté par beaucoup de Lyonnais pour son style architectural des années 70. Il est en cours de rénovation et la transformation devrait être terminée en 2025.
Immeuble "B4" de la Part-Dieu : Ce bâtiment vide, situé près de la nouvelle place Béraudier, devrait être détruit à partir de fin 2026 ou début 2027. La démolition est nécessaire pour achever le projet de rénovation de la gare Part-Dieu. Un nouvel immeuble accueillant des bureaux est prévu à cet emplacement.
Bâtiment marron à la gare Lyon Part-Dieu : Actuellement occupé en partie par la SNCF, ce bâtiment sera vidé fin 2026 pour une démolition prévue en 2027. Les travaux de démolition des trois anciens immeubles au nord de la place Béraudier (lots B9 et B11) seront également effectués à cette période. La construction d'un nouveau bâtiment pour élargir le hall principal de la gare est prévue à partir de 2029 ou 2030.
submitted by Top-Gas4302 to Lyon [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 04:51 HiBana86 I was way too happy to notice this
submitted by HiBana86 to tokyoxtremeracer [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 04:51 CatthulhuSpawn (19F) Should I get a tan?
On the fence about whether or not I’d look better with a tan, please let me know! submitted by CatthulhuSpawn to LooksmaxingAdvice [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 04:51 De4x Bence wired weird'de bakilabilir
I'm on observation duty is the name submitted by De4x to wiredpeople [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 04:51 Typical_Library_8021 Jacana stn
Whats this third track near jacana stn submitted by Typical_Library_8021 to MelbourneTrains [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 04:51 imahawki Synology proprietary-ness question.
I'm considering upgrading to a 923+ as my original NAS is getting long in the tooth. I've read that Synology has locked down their compatibility but I'm not sure I understand fully. Do you have to use ONLY Synology HDDs and M.2 NVME drives? On Synology's compatibility page for HDDs it defaults to Synology brand but it lets you change to 3rd party. If I use Seagate Iron Wolf models listed is that OK?
Also, when I do the same for M.2 drives it ONLY shows Synology drives.
Regardless of functionality, getting warnings, alerts, pop-ups etc. because I put in a Seagate HDD and a Crucial M.2 is an absolute deal breaker for me and I'll look at other brands.
Thanks in advance.
submitted by imahawki to synology [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 04:51 KarlaV98 Loving Season 5!
I had been losing interest in this series and thought it would not survive losing the Duke. But the show, including the writing, is better than ever, I swear. And yes, Blake can easily make one forget the Duke...
submitted by KarlaV98 to MissScarletandTheDuke [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 04:51 KaliRaven Miss Cookies N Cream loves the camera!
I’m currently fostering this wonderful girl and I’m going to be so sad when they find her a home! submitted by KaliRaven to chowchow [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 04:51 Random_redneck5 me when my gf forgot to flush after using the girls restroom
mmmm i'm so hungry 🤤 can't wait to get my hands on some food! 🤫 oooh what is this in here? 👀 do my eyes deceive me? 🤔 a tasty little treat, made just for me? 😜 don't mind if i do! 🤭 om nom nom nom nom! 😋 mmm, that was deeeeelicious! 🤩
submitted by Random_redneck5 to teenagers [link] [comments]