Kan jeg få min kæreste til at få gnisten tilbage?

2025.02.02 05:04 Alarmed-Movie4562 Kan jeg få min kæreste til at få gnisten tilbage?

Jeg (k26) har været sammen med min kæreste (k25) i 4 år. Vi har tidligere boet sammen (men sammen med flere andre) i ca. 2 af årene. For et år siden flyttede vi fra hinanden for at lægge hverdagens trivielle opgaver lidt til siden og i stedet begynde at ses når overskuddet er der. Min kæreste havde brug for mere alenetid og blive mere selvstændig, og selvom det var en hård udmelding, har det været godt for os. Men - sexlivet har haltet og været tæt på ikke-eksisterende ca. halvdelen af vores forhold. I starten italesatte vi det, men så gik tiden bare og man vænnede sig til en hverdag uden. Også fordi vi udover det altid har været meget kærlige - med kys, nussen og altid at putte tæt - så det har altid opvejet det manglende sexliv lidt. Vi er hinandens favorit, elsker at bruge tid sammen, også med hinandens familier, har samme fremtidsdrømme og værdier og er virkelig gode sammen, når vi er gode.
Nu er sagen dog den, at min kæreste er ved at gå fra mig. Hun giver udtryk for ikke længere at føle sig forelsket i mig og savner gnisten og spændingen. Det gør også, at hun er begyndt på tanken om at møde andre mennesker og mærke den følelse igen - den følelse tror jeg de fleste kender, at man er ung og er i et forhold; der kan blive lidt kedeligt - jeg har dog ladet det blive vil tanken, da det ikke ægte er noget jeg ønsker. Gnisten savner jeg også, men jeg tror også på, at man måske kan genfinde den? Jeg mærker stadig en lyst til min kæreste, men fra min kærestes side er jeg nok blevet lidt friendzonet. det hele knuser mig, fordi jeg ikke troede hun var så langt i sin tankeproces. Jeg vidste vi skulle snakke om de ting der halter, men en manglende forelskelse og lyst til mig havde jeg ikke set komme. Vi har dog aftalt at forsøge at se, om hun kan komme tilbage til følelsen af forelskelse den næste rum tid, fordi hun også elsker mig og ikke kunne forestille sig et liv uden mig - men hvordan kan jeg være med til at styrke det her “projekt” vi går ind i? Jeg har svært at komme op af kulkælderen, jeg græder hele tiden - nok fordi jeg føler hun har gjort det endeligt slut (havde jeg ikke kæmpet var det nok endt der), men også fordi det er ekstremt sårbart at prøve at være mere fysisk, når hun giver udtryk for ikke at mærke en lyst til mig. Vi har dog snakket om, at det så kan være lidt forceret (forhåbentligt kun i starten), og at det også er ok, men det gør så også, at det fysiske nok umiddelbart skal være på mit initiativ. Hun er min drøm og den jeg ønsker at dele resten af livet med. Men kan jeg på nogen måde få hende til at finde gnisten igen? Skal jeg bare tage mig sammen og komme op af kulkælderen og ud af starthullerne og i så fald hvordan gør man så lige det? Alt jeg ønsker er at hun får lidt gamle sommerfugle tilbage i maven, så vi kan være det vi var engang og mere til. Parterapi er ikke en mulighed. Kh en kvinde i krise
submitted by Alarmed-Movie4562 to DKbrevkasse [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:04 GodOfWarDude2000 Commission Question

Commission Question Hey all! I just have a simple commission request! Not too complicated of art, as long as you can make something that looks exactly like this
submitted by GodOfWarDude2000 to artcommissions [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:04 Timely-Camera4012 HELP one month old refuses all pacifiers

I have spent over $100+ on all different styles of pacifiers and my son refuses them all, even the most “natural” like. Any tips and tricks?? I’ve tried dipping them in breast milk and offering when he is very calm and happy but he always spits it out almost immediately then getting upset. I am losing my mind needing to find him another way to self soothe that is not my own breast.
submitted by Timely-Camera4012 to firsttimemom [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:04 Editor_Sand Pve kit

I just want to know, what are the baseline amounts of hp, dvm, and monster armor that are required to solo the diluvian? Im using seraph soul v1(my goofy ahh is not doing kaido preshrine)
submitted by Editor_Sand to deepwoken [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:04 Aggressive-Radish-57 Horrible customer service at vancouver bc Fairmont hotel

So it says that you can do repairs on bags without a receipt and when you go in they just tell you no and that you need a receipt and a profile without even checking it our. The Indian lady today was horrible. She just left and walked away and didn't say why. She was also off putting such an attitude
submitted by Aggressive-Radish-57 to Louisvuitton [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:04 WestGap5245 Does anyone have an unapp frozen skelefish? My offer is an unapp shiny skelefish

submitted by WestGap5245 to FischRoblox [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:04 RaidenShogun331 Pwede ba ireklamo yung videoke/ingay ng kapitbahay?

Problem/Goal: Halos araw-araw may inuman at videoke yung katabi naming bahay.
Context: Nakatira kami sa masikip na looban so dikit dikit mga bahay, konting ingay ng isa rinig talaga ng lahat, yung mga away siguro matotolerate ko pa, pero yung halos araw araw na music parang wala naman na silang consideration. Mag-uumpisa sila ng gabi inuman, magdadaldalan yan and sigawan pa hanggang madaling araw. Pag dating naman ng umaga, mag vivideoke or malakas na music hanggang hapon. Tapos uulit nanaman cycle, halos araw-araw nangyayari.
Previous attempt: Tinry namin kausapin, nagsorry naman yung mga umiinom pero wala pang isang linggo naulit nanaman na halos everyday yung ingay.
Pwede ba sila ireklamo legally? Kung pwede anonymously for safety.
submitted by RaidenShogun331 to adviceph [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:04 Court-J3Ster What are some good mods these days to play?

submitted by Court-J3Ster to DDLCMods [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:04 Panda-Ladi985 Hey hey I clicked back

Can you accept my invitation? You will get so many free gifts worth $300 in return!Nudge nudge... https://onelink.shein.com/8/4e6orcjz3yfh
submitted by Panda-Ladi985 to Shein_PuppyKeep [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:04 carlitoxvrg Johnny Marr... And Morrissey.

Johnny Marr... And Morrissey. submitted by carlitoxvrg to thesmiths [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:04 Vivid_Contest Medieval Discord Server RP

Reply for the link
submitted by Vivid_Contest to teenagers [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:04 lil_noodle323 Pulled This bad boy a few weeks ago, husband keeps telling me to post!

We’ve gotten into Pokemon pretty heavily recently and it’s just been so fun to collect and play :’)
submitted by lil_noodle323 to PokemonTCG [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:04 Lejanol Can you help me make a fleet capable of controlling a Lvl 2 privateer base?

Can you help me make a fleet capable of controlling a Lvl 2 privateer base? These are all my BPs, I want to control a lvl 2 privateer base but I'm not sure if I can beat it. I've already controlled 2 lvl 1 bases.
submitted by Lejanol to InfiniteLagrange [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:04 be___hold DR NURSE. FIRST TIME (NEW NURSE)

Thoughts po sa DR nurse? please help me. Na assign ako as DR Nurse as my first job here in Cagayan. Ano po ba mga do’s and dont’s?
Anxious ako talaga, since di ko sya prefer.
submitted by be___hold to NursingPH [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:04 Difficult-Lunch3507 Health Benefits

Looking into the dot 1 courier position. I heard the health benefits are good. What are the companies used and what are the monthly cost for self or family?
submitted by Difficult-Lunch3507 to Fedexers [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:04 TheTexasGreenhouse 100mg cupcakes and rose petal joints 🥰

100mg cupcakes and rose petal joints 🥰 submitted by TheTexasGreenhouse to treedibles [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:04 Alternative_Guest641 iphone zamena baterije

gde u novom sadu mogu da zamenim bateriju za iphone 12 i koja je cena otprilike?
submitted by Alternative_Guest641 to AskSerbia [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:04 rushpirates Is the breakup really ever hard for dumpers?

I’ve had past dumpers tell me that the decision to leave me was hard. My last ex specifically said “I hope you know that this has been hard for me too.” I just don’t understand why do it if it’s that hard. Is it really ever as hard for dumpers as it is for dumpees? I just find it hard to believe she can be hurting as much as I am right now.
submitted by rushpirates to ExNoContact [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:04 SignificantParking98 petit fives

is there anyone who can add me and trade me some dang petit fives for something or just help me, i have tried to make them a few times and mess up everytime (i have not worked on my cooking lvl other than basics) but i have been at a stand still for months bc i cannot make the product nor will someone trade😭
submitted by SignificantParking98 to Palia [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:04 Spookaycreep Can i follow dexterchem

My chemistry portion is lacking and is my weakest subject I barely understand chemistry
submitted by Spookaycreep to JEENEETards [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:04 False_Bend2071 Another

Another submitted by False_Bend2071 to GoodAssSub [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:04 BuggyG3 First time user

I’ve been using my menstrual cup for a few years and I’m happy with it, I have had some leaking problems but all good now. My problem is that 1 or 2 days of my period are super heavy flow and I need to empty every 4 hours. I’m fine with it, but If im out and about that day it is pretty uncomfortable since I can’t manage to empty my cup in a public restroom. I just got the flexi disposable disc to try. Disc are supposed to hold more ml and I’m hoping they will last me 12h without leaking. Is that the case for heavy flow disc users? Any recommendations?
Thank you,
submitted by BuggyG3 to MenstrualDiscs [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:04 CameronJohn27 If Black women think everything is rubbish how come they never offer a solution?

Is the criticism the solution? If so how come they say this before anything has started and afterwards when a task is successful and completed?
submitted by CameronJohn27 to AskHistorians [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:03 WiIdGosIing CLAIM YOUR LYN LAPID LYRIC

I’ll go first: I won’t wish you a Merry Christmas, but I’ll send anyways from a distance.
I’m mentally still in December😁😁
submitted by WiIdGosIing to LynLapid [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:03 lint-lick3r Considering changing my three year olds middle name.

When we were in the hospital after having my son, Calvin, we had a hard time choosing his middle name. We were torn between Robert (my husband’s father’s name and my husband’s middle name), and James (just a name that we thought sounded good). I was overwhelmed and they were pressuring us to fill out the birth certificate form so I told my husband to just choose one. He chose James based on the opinions of some of the people we asked. Well I loved it at the time but ever since he was a few months old, I’ve felt guilty, like we chose the wrong one. I still like the sound of Calvin James, but feel like we should have chosen Robert because of the family connection. To make it worse, my dad passed when I was pregnant with my daughter and I gave her the middle name, Lee, which was my dad’s. So now I feel even worse that we named one kid after a grandfather but not the other. My husband and I are both on board with changing it to Robert but have a few reservations. 1. Is it weird to change their name this late in the game? 2. I’m worried that I won’t be able to get an original birth certificate for him with the new name. 3. He’s starting to learn is full name and can tell us that his name is Calvin James. Will it mess with him or make him feel weird when he grows up and realizes? 4. I’ll love him no matter what his middle name is but I can’t help but feel like I’ll mourn losing his old middle name. Sorry, this feels like the ramblings of a crazy person. I’m just so torn.
submitted by lint-lick3r to namenerds [link] [comments]
