41m drunk and chatty. Let's hang out on cam

2025.02.02 05:40 earnyourstories 41m drunk and chatty. Let's hang out on cam

Hey guys I'm all around the general nerd. Let's talk about nerdom, I'm kind of bored and lonely tonight.
submitted by earnyourstories to gayfriendfinder [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:40 Fairytaleautumnfox Story of Snowglobe

submitted by Fairytaleautumnfox to AutumnfoxArchive [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:40 arrbby- Hotel

Now she’s saying she doesn’t want to get a hotel she wants an Airbnb bc they’re prettier and she feels safer🤦🏻‍♀️if she has the means to get ANYTHING it doesn’t matter what, what matters is she gets away from him like girl make haste!!!! U can’t be picky when ur escaping a dangerous situation
submitted by arrbby- to spiderlilykhalie [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:40 InvestmentOk1702 Pain man… cba anymore

submitted by InvestmentOk1702 to underdogfantasy [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:40 mick89146 Time for benefit approval from Phillipines?

Greetings all - I applied in early Oct 2024 for retirement benefits - I received acknowledgement of receipt and that processing would be done in the Philippines - the website says I am in processing Level 2 for over 4 months - does anyone have recent experience or insight?
submitted by mick89146 to SocialSecurity [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:40 Nika13k They done stole my mysterious lair! Can't Have Shit in fort dorf.

They done stole my mysterious lair! Can't Have Shit in fort dorf. submitted by Nika13k to dwarffortress [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:40 DemeaRisen Humble! Hear our pleas!

Humble! Hear our pleas! submitted by DemeaRisen to humblebundles [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:40 LooseIndependent8074 it's a sunny day

I don't really know if this is liminal but ok
submitted by LooseIndependent8074 to LiminalSpace [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:40 Reasonable_Corgi5508 Trabajos de morgue ¿Viste algo?

Gente que trabajo en una morgue como era el contacto con las personas fallecidas? Sobre todo con las mujeres jóvenes alguna ves vieron algo fuera de lugar?
submitted by Reasonable_Corgi5508 to RedditPregunta [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:40 jimmysofat6864 Throwback to the Moondrop Spaceship: The redefinition of the $20 price bracket over the years

Throwback to the Moondrop Spaceship: The redefinition of the $20 price bracket over the years submitted by jimmysofat6864 to iems [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:40 silcener626 I thought I'd hate this, but it's actually good, 8/10

submitted by silcener626 to energydrinks [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:40 DestinyNoticer 😴Destiny is OFFLINE!😴

Thanks for watching, see you next time!
the double n and backslashes are how you create new lines.
submitted by DestinyNoticer to testinggrounds124 [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:40 Patsboy101 “I fell into a burning ring of fire!”

“I fell into a burning ring of fire!” Here’s a blast from the past, and it’s a California born handgun! I have read that guns like this were the excuse Californian politicians used to create your ridiculous Handgun Roster.
submitted by Patsboy101 to CAguns [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:40 Convenientjellybean Safe to remove steel rod?

Safe to remove steel rod? So I have a concrete wall in a 1950s house, the window was extended down to make a walkway, but here’s a steel rod remaining.
Anyone like to hazard a guess if it’d be okay to remove the steel rod? It’s about 10mm diameter
The opening is about 1.5m wide 2m high, wall is about 5.5m long
submitted by Convenientjellybean to AusRenovation [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:40 SHREMegaFan444 Best RPGs for a horror gamer?

What are the best RPGs for a horror gamer? They can be RPG horror games or RPGs with horror elements. I would love to play both.
I play on PC through Steam. Some of my favorite games are: 1. SOMA 2. Silent Hill, Resident Evil, Alan Wake, Dead Space 3. Bloodborne, Dark Souls, Lies of P, Elden Ring 4. The Witcher, Fallout, The Elder Scrolls, Cyberpunk 2077
submitted by SHREMegaFan444 to rpg_gamers [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:40 Huge-Dealer-1224 A preferable alternatives to the disgusting Lakers trade

A preferable alternatives to the disgusting Lakers trade submitted by Huge-Dealer-1224 to nbacirclejerk [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:40 Used_Fix6795 Just broth...

Just broth... There is literally nothing here. No clams, no potatoes, no celery, no peppers, NOTHING.
submitted by Used_Fix6795 to ExpectationVsReality [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:40 AdventurousHat5360 PSO VR - Forest 2 / HUmar Avatar Release and Project Update

PSO VR - Forest 2 / HUmar Avatar Release and Project Update I did an update on the recent Forest 2 release for this project.
You can read Kaze's Patreon update here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/my-plans-for-120141997
submitted by AdventurousHat5360 to PSO [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:40 Remarkable_Flan7865 What shoe is this

Can anyone help me figure out which shoes these are? Thanks!
submitted by Remarkable_Flan7865 to Newbalance [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:40 selenelils0723 Tsuki - Cute moment

Tsuki - Cute moment submitted by selenelils0723 to TsukiOdyssey [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:40 Rikukitsune 🐶

🐶 submitted by Rikukitsune to TheValleyAnimeClub [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:40 Icantseegood My takeaway feels so weird

I see I go really inside but anyone have any advice or drills for this?
submitted by Icantseegood to GolfSwing [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:40 QuickRundown It’s over.

It’s over. submitted by QuickRundown to Mavericks [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:40 UnhappyCounter9132 New got him and he will bite me if I put him away he hates my mom and eveyone else but me I think he has DPD

He hates his enclosure and every time I put him in his cage he hisses till I pick him up and let him on my bed what do I do?
submitted by UnhappyCounter9132 to BeardedDragons [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:40 Conductor_Neko Sharing some craft book recommendations by topic

I’m just an amateur writer and by no means an expert, but I wanted to share a list of craft books I’ve read and explain who I think might benefit from reading them. I know people have asked about craft book recommendation in this sub, so I figured I’d share my little guide in case it helps a fellow writer out.
Note: This list is by no means comprehensive, and only includes the books I’ve read and would recommend.
The Writer’s Mindset:
Becoming a Writer by Dorothea Brande

Recommended for: Those just getting into writing who feel daunted by the sheer scope of what it takes to become a good writer, or those who have been writing sporadically but are struggling to become more confident, consistent writers.
For General Advice:
My Personal Recommendation: Steering the Craft by Ursula K. Le Guin
Honorable mention: Self-Editing for Fiction Writers by Ronni Browne & Dave King
On Plotting/Story Structure
For Beginners, and those who want a no-frills approach: Drake’s Brutal Writing Advice: Dynamic Story Creation in plain English by Maxwell Alexander Drake
If you want a method to map out plot: The Anatomy of Story by John Truby
For those that want a step-by-step, beat-by-beat template: Save the Cat! Writes a Novel by Jessica Brody
On Characters
If you want to learn how to give depth to your characters: The Emotional Craft of Fiction by Donald Maass
If you want help fleshing out characters step-by-step and get into the nitty-gritty: The Secrets of Character by Matt Bird
On Point of View
The comprehensive guide on which P.O.V. you should use and how to use it: Point of View, What’s the Point? by Maxwell Alexander Drake
At the Sentence Level
Best starting point: Steering the Craft by Ursula K. Le Guin
If you want to improve sentence clarity and return to the basics: Several short sentences about writing by Verlyn Klinkenborg
If you want to dissect sentences with a focus on syntax and grammar: Artful Sentences: Syntax as Style by Virginia Tufte
On Revision
How should each of my drafts look?: Refuse to Be Done by Matt Bell
Give me a step-by-step handbook for what to look for when editing: The First Five Pages by Noah Lukeman
Give me a comprehensive checklist and I’ll use it as it applies to me: Revising Fiction: A Handbook for Writers by David Madden.
Intermediate Recommendations
Simple & Direct: A Rhetoric for Writers by Jacques Barzun
The Art of Fiction by John Gardner
About Writing by Samuel R. Delany
Craft in the Real World by Matthew Salesses
Memoirs/Essays about Writing
Novelist as a Vocation by Haruki Murakami
On Writing by Stephen King
Honorable memoir mentions:
submitted by Conductor_Neko to writers [link] [comments]
