正在写SCI的小伙伴看到这篇回答有福了!作为一个在硕士阶段发表了4篇SCI(一区×2,二区×2)的人,本回答就好好给你唠唠究竟该如何撰写Declaration of interest利益声明部分。 在写cover letter时,您应该清楚地说明您已经根据审稿人的意见对论文进行了显著修改,并且您认为这些改进使得您的工作达到了期刊的发表标准。以下是一个cover letter的英文模板,您可以根据实际情况进行相应的调整: Your Name] [Your Affiliation] [Your Address] tpami几乎没有自然语言处理(nlp)方向的论文,官网也明确说了主要收计算机视觉和图像理解的投稿,为什么… 可能每个journal的提交系统不一样,我见过的几个每次提交都需要cover letter。 有一篇文章第二次送审,cover letter我们是重新写的,里面还概括突出了一下对reviewer意见是怎么回答的,以及文章做出了哪些重要的改变。 cover letter的目的就是方便editor来接手你的文章吧。 投稿信(Cover Letter):写明期刊名称,文章类型、文章简介、文章亮点、通讯作者姓名、工作单位、地址、邮箱、邮编等联系方式。 图片(Figures):Tiff / Eps格式,根据要求调整分辨率(DPI),部分期刊要单独上传。 表格(Tables):放置在Word文档中。 FLASH:可以进行擦写编程,可操作次数大约十万次,在写入前需要执行擦出。MTP:可以进行擦写编程,可操作… 我的拒稿重投接收了,特来回复。 首先回答问题: (1)不需要回复编辑;(2)修改完,manuscript提交(就跟你第一轮投稿一模一样,是作为一个新的稿件提交的);(3)也提交一份cover letter,写明自己上一轮的manuscript id号,以及自己是reject and resubmit的稿件即可,大致修改了哪些地方(简略点 ... 对于爱思唯尔期刊投稿,一般还要求有Cover Letter,就是写给编辑的一段话,说明你文章的创新点以及资金的支持来源。这里提供一个Cover Letter的模板: Dear Editor: We would like to submit the enclosed manuscript entitled “XXX(论文标题)” to XXX(期刊名称). 一审意见回来有两个审稿人(我在cover letter里面还忘记写推荐审稿人了),一个直接说推荐发表,另一个虽然评价还可以,但是说文章类型不太适合nc,然后编辑给的大修。老师说要好好回复审稿意见,他觉得还是有希望的,然后就是春节假期,耽误了半个多月。
2025.02.02 05:50 likeapopsong "Motivation" (Sum 41 cover)
submitted by likeapopsong to coversongs [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 05:50 RecklessDino HELP With Forgotton Monotub & When to Harvest?
Newbie here! This is my first grow and honestly I spawned it to bulk in a monotub and left it on the floor for weeks with plans to throw it out and start over. I looked down yesterday night and noticed there were little shroom babies inside! Unfortunately I got a bit mixed up during inoculation but this was labeled as either P.E. #6 or Albino A+; Not sure which one this is though! Now I'm determined to try fixing anything I can, harvesting, and trying a second flush lol.
My questions are - Firstly, when should I harvest? (Considering this is either Albino A+ or P.E. #6) Today I noticed the veil of one of the larger one's break. Is this what I'm looking for? And is there a such thing as harvesting too early? I was planning to harvest them all at once, including the babies, to prepare for a second flush.
Secondly, I'm almost certain the substrate is dried out and the monotub has had all but one plug on it which I believe is also causing the fuzziness on the stems. I swapped in the filter discs today but should I also mist the tub or try wetting the substrate or leave it as is? Thanks for all the help saving my forgotten project!
submitted by RecklessDino to unclebens [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 05:50 OptimalDonut8118 Dell S3222HN Help: How to Extend Display Time
Does anyone have a Dell S3222HN and know how to extend the display on time before the display sleeps?
submitted by OptimalDonut8118 to buildapc [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 05:50 ActualStrawberry4986 Just because I have no sense of self perception and feel great one day and awful the next
submitted by ActualStrawberry4986 to amIuglyBrutallyHonest [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 05:50 Traydean Naruto/boruto
When Naruto and everyone was fighting against ishiki, would full powered rock lee and guy have made a difference seeing how they needed more pure tijutsu strength? Debating with a friend lol.
submitted by Traydean to AnimeTheory [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 05:50 Few_Company_7293 Am I looking too deep into the historical implications?
submitted by Few_Company_7293 to Mario [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 05:50 elephant-fresh I 3D printed Moe's Tavern
submitted by elephant-fresh to TheSimpsons [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 05:50 wretched92425 This game is fucking beautiful and has become one of my all time favorites.
Wanna start off by saying this was my first souls game but i just finished my first ng+ playthrough this morning after rushing through my first playthrough to experience the main story. This time i took the time to explore all the map and look a few things up and where to find a few characters for more quests and after going through both the base game and dlc again and beating every major boss and just exploring the lands between and the shadow lands and everything else, I'm just absolutely crazy about this game and these characters now. Miyazaki and George Martin created this world and these compelling characters and stories and I'm just in love with it and even after putting almost 200 hours in, I don't think I've even gotten through half of the quests or bosses yet and that's just insane to me.
Anyways, just wanted to post how much I've enjoyed playing this game somewhere as well as get some advice from some veterans on some cool stuff I should go do that I might not know about yet! I want ALL the cool obscure quests. I pretty much did them all for the dlc already but have only really done Millicents' quest and parts of Rannis' quest so far.
submitted by wretched92425 to Eldenring [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 05:50 wbhh Menthol Cigarettes are still being sold(good thing, but isn't it meant to be illegal now?)
Everybody sells em. Coles, 7/11, TSG, ect.
I thought menthol was banned in Australia, or at bear minimum Victoria.
submitted by wbhh to AusLegal [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 05:50 BeginningExit3593 My teachers won't stop pressuring me to change my subjects. What should I do?
Long story short, I kind of fucked up in year 11, and only managed to pass 2 of my subjects, meaning I only have 4 C grades out of the 14 I'll need to graduate. Now that I'm going into year 12, my teachers won't stop pestering me and telling me I need to change my subjects, even though I don't really want to. What should I do?
My current subjects are English, Methods, Physics, Chemistry, Comp Sci and General Media. Out of those, I only managed to pass Chem and Comp Sci. I had a really bad start in Methods, and I just barely failed Physics. My 1st semester was terrible, and I couldn't bring up my Unit Grade enough to pass those subjects.
submitted by BeginningExit3593 to vce [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 05:50 SweatyComment4225 Pujor plan?
submitted by SweatyComment4225 to kolkata [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 05:50 Deep-Inspector-3658 Counterfeit?
Possible victim to a Benchmade fake. Paid 98$ for the thing, I’m a knife rookie, thankfully I’ll be able to return. Y’all think it’s a fake? Bugout 535 carbon fiber here’s the listing pics Tried to cancel the order 20 minutes later and they already shipped it. submitted by Deep-Inspector-3658 to knifeclub [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 05:50 Wonderful-Statement9 Cvsa
Im taking the cvsa for my local sheriffs department next week, any tips or know how it works?
submitted by Wonderful-Statement9 to AskLE [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 05:50 WHATTHENIFFTY Is this a onejoke?
submitted by WHATTHENIFFTY to onejoke [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 05:50 xItsCheetahhx My P. regalis peeking at me.
submitted by xItsCheetahhx to tarantulas [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 05:50 EducationNew6334 Maybe someone can help me understand.
I got this phone from someone that didn’t want it and long story short and reset it through google so when u go through the start up page it makes you verify the last only. It gives me the option to use the last Lock Screen code and I text him that I need it and and sorta gave it to me. Can someone draw or detail (point from point) tell me what he means.
submitted by EducationNew6334 to phonerepair [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 05:50 AcanthocephalaOk9937 High value find in my old cards but I don't get it
Finally got around to scanning in and organizing my old cards. Found this guy and was flabbergasted by the value. Sure, it seems good, but not $200+ good. What am I missing? How does this combo into a wincon?
submitted by AcanthocephalaOk9937 to mtg [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 05:50 Even_Cockroach_316 1:43 Fast and the Furious collection
I see most of y’all seem to be building the models sent out by this company but is anyone in here collecting the 1:43 scale models from the Fast and the Furious franchise? submitted by Even_Cockroach_316 to FanhomeModels [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 05:50 Sleepwalkin530 Luka on the lakers
Not atl related but mavs really traded luka kleber nd morris to lakers for ad nd max christie nd pick
submitted by Sleepwalkin530 to Atlantology [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 05:50 pluto_N Compromise may be needed with concussion subs to ensure player safety
submitted by pluto_N to CricketBuddies [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 05:50 Krimson_113 Baldhead11 Pt2? This time even the beard?
submitted by Krimson_113 to BreadWinners11 [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 05:50 ZEKEVRONI100 Is dis scene? (Pt 2)
submitted by ZEKEVRONI100 to scene [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 05:50 IndustryNo7905 Anyone who applied to Amazon SDE intern 2025 summer US position and did not receive an OA?
submitted by IndustryNo7905 to leetcode [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 05:50 temporary_08 What's a conspiracy theory that sounds ridiculous but actually makes you pause and think?
submitted by temporary_08 to AskReddit [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 05:50 gayhallucination NCRA A to Z and Project Steno Basic Training
I know the NCRA offers a lot of scholarships/grants that require having finished the A to Z course through them to be eligible, so I’m leaning more towards that program. I know Project Steno also has the merit award for speed but it doesn’t require their specific Basic Training program to be eligible for the award. I was just wondering if there’s any benefit towards completing both programs
submitted by gayhallucination to stenography [link] [comments]