Looking for synth app a friend saw a few years back

2025.02.02 06:06 BlueStarEdits2021 Looking for synth app a friend saw a few years back

Looking for synth app a friend saw a few years back Hello. My friend is looking for a synth app he saw on the App Store a few years ago and I would like to tell you guys about it so maybe you guys could help. The icon was a yellow background with this oval face winking. He remembers the title of the app being something like “Monkey__ by C___”. This photo above is a concept of what it would’ve looked like on the App Store. It has a banner with a green text with a gray background spelling the name of the app. It was an app that was extremely similar to Minimoog Model D Synthesizer. Hope you guys could help us find it!
submitted by BlueStarEdits2021 to ipadmusic [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 06:06 Longjumping_Tart8131 New playing cues

submitted by Longjumping_Tart8131 to BilliardsPorn [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 06:06 Apples_Two_Oranges Should've never lock tite

Got myself into some fun, wanted to change my optic to a new enclosed, cheap t10 tool I got stripped the torx causing two of the three screws to round off. Got the plate off without damage to slide at least, now to extract the drilled screws. Hoping this torch I ordered online does the trick with pb blaster. sometimes it best not to tinker 😅
submitted by Apples_Two_Oranges to SpringfieldArmory [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 06:06 LORD_AKAANIKE am i cooked?

am i cooked? https://preview.redd.it/v8ldc4en2oge1.png?width=606&format=png&auto=webp&s=bcc33a7a1b73256b9571d6d4b16f3f7234084ea1
been using it for 7 months.... always on charge........no heavy gaming and temps are always below 70C....how do i improve it
submitted by LORD_AKAANIKE to HPVictus [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 06:06 seo-expert-amit Ken Enterprises IPO Review – Should You Apply or Not?

The Ken Enterprises IPO is scheduled to open on February 5, 2025, and close on February 7, 2025, with a fixed price of ₹94 per share. The company specializes in textile manufacturing, producing a variety of fabrics for applications such as clothing, industrial uses, technical textiles, shirting, and home decor. They focus on the production of greige fabrics and engage third-party manufacturers for greige fabric production on a job-work basis, primarily located in and around Ichalkaranji, Maharashtra, a significant region for fabric weaving. The business model prioritizes quality and customer satisfaction, offering regular and sustainable greige and finished fabrics based on specific orders. Their product assortment includes greige, dyed (with third-party support), printed, and RFD/PFD fabrics.
In the fiscal year 2024, Ken Enterprises reported a revenue of ₹40,220.78 lakhs, an EBITDA of ₹1,975.42 lakhs, and a PAT of ₹892.73 lakhs.
The IPO aims to raise funds for acquisitions, purchase of new machinery, capital expenditure for renovation of manufacturing facilities, and to meet working capital requirements.
The shares are expected to be listed on the NSE SME platform on February 12, 2025.
submitted by seo-expert-amit to IPO_India [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 06:06 maggiemay24 Activate your iGive Rewards and Receive Bonus After 2nd Donation with This Referral Code: YDLUW1D812

I got my first referral bonus code here, and I wanted to pass on the love!!!
Hey there! Ready to donate plasma? Don't miss out on a new donor bonus, plus up to $100 each of your first 2 visits, after your 2nd donation with my referral code YDLUW1D812 at CSL Plasma. Here's what to do:
Get the CSL Plasma app.
Register with my code.
Don't forget to grab your donor ID during your first visit; you'll need it later to activate iGive Rewards.
Activate iGive rewards after your first donation. No code during sign-up? No problem; add it later while activating iGive Rewards. Grab my code here: Refer to this link for my donor code!
submitted by maggiemay24 to CSLPlasma [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 06:06 Cristano_RonaldoSiu Discussion: Skins

Valorant needs more free skins, so Valorant should add a market but for Kingdom credit skins. Doing this will include everyone in the valorant community like the f2play players, which are tons! Everyone says that kingdom credits are useless. (except to unlock agents) I hope this reaches out to someone working for Valorant. ( Sidenote: Up the kingdom credit limit)
Thank you!
submitted by Cristano_RonaldoSiu to VALORANT [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 06:06 Glittering-Stay-6591 How would you decorate this living room?

How would you decorate this living room? How would you decorate this awkward living room? Where would you put a sofa?
submitted by Glittering-Stay-6591 to interiordecorating [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 06:06 Deep-Present3200 Chegada fracassada

Chegada fracassada Gostei do sub, me sinto em casa (Que casa em...), tá ai minha primeira contribuição fracassada pra este sub, tentarei postar mais tirinhas no futuro ksksks.
submitted by Deep-Present3200 to Fracassopolis [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 06:06 haermamora Me if E**a* uploads a "Nuclear Crashout - Hasan Piker*

Me if E**a* uploads a submitted by haermamora to h3h3productions [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 06:06 Vast-Quality-2304 Drive into the Future: Save Up to $2,500 on Your Tesla with My Exclusive Referral Code!

submitted by Vast-Quality-2304 to teslareferralcode [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 06:06 Affectionate-Pain224 Ningning - aespa 250128 SYNK Parallel in Seattle

Ningning - aespa 250128 SYNK Parallel in Seattle submitted by Affectionate-Pain224 to GirlGroup_Hotties [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 06:06 Familiar_Delivery790 Seriously... What was the point of that part?

Seriously... What was the point of that part? submitted by Familiar_Delivery790 to whenthe [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 06:06 Off-Grid120 Should I go bald or continue to grow my hair out?

4th pic is me (almost) bald but at a slightly higher bf%
submitted by Off-Grid120 to bald [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 06:06 Ok-Succotash6412 AIO on cutting a friend out because she lied and canceled a girls night to hangout with her bf?

AIO on cutting a friend out because she lied and canceled a girls night to hangout with her bf? let me give yall some context.. so this girl lets calls her Emma. Emma (24F) is a coworker I recently be friend along with another coworker and my best friend. We all 4 got along pretty well. This weekend we planned for the girls to go out to drink. But Emma canceled due to her having a family emergency. Mind you she has made us feel that her bf was above us at moments and although never communicated since we were ultimately still getting to know each other today for me it made me just disappointed. Come to find out I saw her post on her cf that she was with bf and a couple of his hbs. When I confronted her this was her response. I told my best friend along with my other coworker I no longer be friends with her and my best friend is not agreeing with me (which honestly is ok) but it made me think if I am over reacting So aio?
submitted by Ok-Succotash6412 to AmIOverreacting [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 06:06 ErrantWhimsy Happy year of the wood snake!

Happy year of the wood snake! Ball python: Alina the enchi lemon blast
Nails: BT Artbox extra short almond
Base coat: Orly bonder
Base color: Holo Taco Left On Red
Stamping Color: Essie Good as Gold
Top coat: Sally Hansen Miracle Gel
Stamping plates: Emily de Molly
submitted by ErrantWhimsy to RedditLaqueristas [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 06:06 freddie1987thomas Come on, show her your search history

Come on, show her your search history submitted by freddie1987thomas to Hanazuki [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 06:06 Firm_Scratch_3822 Whats the best part of your day to day life?

submitted by Firm_Scratch_3822 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 06:06 Think-Tutor-9911 De verdad soy tan malo?

Es la primera vez que genuinamente necesito otras opiniones de una situación con mi pareja. Estábamos en videollamada, cada quien haciendo lo suyo, y de la nada me dice “voy a llorar” y yo: “por qué?” tuve un pensamiento muy feo, me dice mi novia, y le pregunté de qué. Me dice “de qué estaba en una fiesta y alguien me besaba” y se pone a llorar. Osea un escenario imaginario donde alguien en una fiesta la besa. Me quedé sin saber que decirle porque estaba llorando y le pregunté “cómo fue el pensamiento” a lo que me contesta: “no imaginé como pasaba sino como reaccionaría si pasara… llorando con mi amiga” (hasta este punto espero que se entienda).
Me lo tomé con humor y le dije: “ay amor no pienses esas cosas, aparte yo no te comparto” no recuerdo que más le dije, pero se molestó y me dijo que en lugar de consolarla por llorar por haber tenido ese pensamiento, solo pensé en mi primero, y le dije “yo sé que no eres ese tipo de persona y que eso no pasaría, pero creo que eso depende de ti, no?” y agregué: si yo hubiera dicho eso, que me hubieras dicho tú? que me cortas los huevos (se rió).
El caso es que después de decir un par de cosas más, me colgó 2 veces y me dijo que soy poco empatico porque lo primero que hice fue pensar en mi en lugar de consolarla, y que como puedo ser así con ella y pensar así de ella.
De verdad estoy confundido; Neta soy un egoísta poco empatico? o q pedo porq al menos para mi fue algo gracioso y además me pone a pensar, en primer lugar de dónde vienen esos pensamientos, sabes? (aunque se que es intrusivo pero wtv) soy poco empatico o la situación es una pendejada?
submitted by Think-Tutor-9911 to AskRedditespanol [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 06:06 TrainingTomato Tifa in Nicole Demara costume

submitted by TrainingTomato to ff7 [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 06:06 UnbakedSky Is there a graph of prime numbers compared to how many primes come before it?

I created a program that calculates for prime numbers by dividing a given number by 2 and by all previously found prime numbers. Using this I was creating a graph where Y is the prime number and X is the number on the list of primes it is.
The list starts at 3, so on the graph it would be (1,3) and 7927 would be (1000,7927).
My program is very slow, so I am wondering if there is already a graph like this that exists.
(I am not exactly sure what tag should be applied to this, but I believe I chose correctly.)
submitted by UnbakedSky to askmath [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 06:06 christafable Looking for lost relatives

I am 24 y/o female from Louisiana. I was conceived somewhere in or around Ogden, Utah in January 2000 and born in October.
I don't know my father. Apparently he is half German half Guatemalan which seems to track because I took a 23 and me and I am 26 percent indigenous American. No close relatives have popped up, only 3rd cousins who also don't know about their genealogy.
My bio dad was apparently married at the time and had a fling with my mom. Strong possibility he's originally from California. I have Hispanic relatives there and I found a random Hispanic man's license from Cali amongst my mom's things. I would post a pic but I don't want to put that info out on the internet. I don't even know if that's him because apparently it's my sister's dad's brother in law (my mom had her two years before with another man) needless to say, that lead got me nowhere
I'm not all that interested in finding my father bc I grew up with a dad but maybe some half siblings or something.
submitted by christafable to ogden [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 06:06 kjsjnsbxnxb (14F) need advice on coming out to my strict catholic mexican parents

So basically I grew up in a household where my parents always told me that I will marry a nice man, and stuff along the lines of that. They've never mentioned anything about girls when i was little, but recently because of all the gay stuff online they've been saying negative stuff towards the gay community. I am bisexual, and currently have a girlfriend. I love her a lot and want to stay with her forever but I know if my parents find out they will be so mad. They are both catholic, and go strictly by the church. I remember my mom mentioning once that she doesn't like gay people, and that it isnt right. She says god made men for women, and women for men, no other way. Same with trans people :// If she knew I was gay, or that I even had a girlfriend, she would be so mad. I can't even begin to imagine how she would react since I am already her least favorite child, She already dislikes me a lot. on the other hand... My dads response is what i'm more scared for. He gets mad easily, especially when it goes against the church or has to do with religious stuff. I'm scared for how he will react and that he will yell and hit me. I'm scared to come out, terrified. But at the same time I want them to know. I want them to meet my girlfriend one day, and to be accepting of us. It's even worse because she's a different race/ethnicity and my parents would prefer me to marry/date a Hispanic man. Should I wait until I'm 18 to tell them? Honestly I feel like my mom has been a little more accepting of gay people, since her coworkers are accepting of it. But my dad is definitely not. Can I get advice please?
submitted by kjsjnsbxnxb to comingout [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 06:06 Silver-Today7172 Exhaust On A Budget

Hey guys, I was recently looking to do some kind of exhaust work on it. Not trying to clap it out and get it straight pipes i was thinking of getting a cheap axleback exhaust i was wondering if anyone has any suggestions on what I should do.
submitted by Silver-Today7172 to G37 [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 06:06 fchung This popular diet might be slowing your hair growth, says new study: « A new study found that mice subjected to intermittent fasting had better metabolic health but slower hair growth than mice with round-the-clock access to food. »

submitted by fchung to biology [link] [comments]
