I couldn’t even make this trade on 2K and my head cannot stop spinning right now, OMG

2025.02.02 06:41 Jeft_From_Work I couldn’t even make this trade on 2K and my head cannot stop spinning right now, OMG

I couldn’t even make this trade on 2K and my head cannot stop spinning right now, OMG Bro whaaaaaaaaatttttt!!! I literally just opened up YouTube and saw Kenny’s new video!! How the actual fuuuuuuuck did we pull this off??? Is the Mavs organization that dumb??? OMG!! I can’t believe what I’m seeing!!! I need to sleep but now I can’t!!! LFG lakers nation!!!
submitted by Jeft_From_Work to lakers [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 06:41 KaleidoscopeNo1263 She just gotten blasted with lightning and then they look at each other?

She just gotten blasted with lightning and then they look at each other? This scene always took me me out of the fight. It's weird how Glory was writhing in pain and agony right before this and Willow was maybe 2 feet back from where she's standing in this pic. Why was there no transition scene? Why were they just standing there like that? And why didnt Joss have Glory look a little weak and hurt at the beginning of this scene to show that the lightning to the face, did in fact.....hurt?
submitted by KaleidoscopeNo1263 to buffy [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 06:41 TheLoneJolf Just binged the series…

After it was revealed >! The angel and the priest were vampires. And especially when Beverly and the others were so fast to accept !< I immediately had a hankering to join the dawngaurd
submitted by TheLoneJolf to MidnightMass [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 06:41 FurbyFanProductions [an actual store in India]

[an actual store in India] submitted by FurbyFanProductions to explainthisscreen [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 06:41 pajausk Do you think this Luka/AD trade will change trade market for the future?

Do you think this Luka/AD trade will change trade market for the future? Because now GMs will not be looked down for making on paper strange trades which doesn't make sense on the first look.
I am sure there are many trades which GMs wanted to do, but could not do because of the potential hate/outrage coming from fans.
We all agree that this trade doesn't make sense in any universe. People already talking about collusion/rigged league cause of this trade as well. How x team can have "all this luck" and so on... But in Mavs really wins a championship Mavs GM will be vindicated for this trade and it will be forgotten for stupid it looked.
So do you think this trade will alter the direction of trades for the future? If yes, what trades you think is stupid on paper but could actually works because of natural synergy between players? Or it is just a glitch in the Matrix? :)
submitted by pajausk to nba [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 06:41 EmptySpaceForAHeart Goobers. By sol_1x1

Goobers. By sol_1x1 submitted by EmptySpaceForAHeart to MurderDronesFanart [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 06:41 Due_State5096 raffle gone 4800

submitted by Due_State5096 to polyGONE [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 06:41 Desperate_Tea_8659 Leo women + Scorpio man ♾️♾️♾️♾️♾️

I found someone to match my freak. I've never felt this strong of a connection with any other sign. Obviously our birth charts will play into it more, seriously strong.
submitted by Desperate_Tea_8659 to LeoAstrology [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 06:41 BradBlaque Email marketing provider for an escort website

Hi guys ! I own an escort directory and I'm looking for an user friendly email marketing provider that doesn't mind working with escort directories. I mostly need something to send transactional emails, especially double opt registration and confirmation emails to new subscribers, password reset confirmation emails and payment confirmation emails. Obviously I'm looking for one with good deliverability.
I must add that my platform may feature some nudity but doesn't allow any pornographic content. I'm far from being a techie so I'm looking for something made for marketers and business owners. Something very user friendly.
So guys, if you can help me out with this, please let me know. Thank you very much.
submitted by BradBlaque to Emailmarketing [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 06:41 pallabiii ITAP of a peacock

ITAP of a peacock submitted by pallabiii to itookapicture [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 06:41 TrackaLackerBot Define Cropped Jacket *Nulu - Black/Gold - 8 is in stock at Lululemon for $118.00 (MSRP)

View current status at https://www.trackalacker.com/products/showcase/define-cropped-jacket-nulu...
As of 02/02/25 01:41 AM EST
submitted by TrackaLackerBot to LululemonRestocks [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 06:41 Gentle_prv Would the current military leadership, with all that is going on in the government, defend the people and the constitution to prevent the president and his cronies from installing a fully Fascist regime?

The title says it all. The military's main mission is to uphold and defend the rights and liberties guaranteed by the Constitution, as well as defend the American people. The current regime is trending dangerously close to a authoritarian regime bent on oppressing, or just generally "ridding themselves" of large portions of the American people. While military coups tend to be quite oppressive, I think the current brass tend to lean, lets just say, not in the same direction as the fascists around Trump.
In your opinion, when the spark is lit, when the straw breaks the camel's back, when the shit hits the proverbial fan...Do you think the majority of the military, especially the ones up top, will side with the people and stop a fascist coup?
submitted by Gentle_prv to Militarypolitics [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 06:41 hookikklio Co-Op Term Summer Part-Time PGWP

I don’t see any information online that talks about being part-time during the summer (taking a course) as I couldn’t find a co-op. This was in 2021 Summer. Will my pgwp be affected? My school immigration advisor said that people that were part-time during the 2021 Winter or Fall term had their pgwp rejected mostly but she doesn’t have cases of summer. Again my summer term was a Co-Op term.
submitted by hookikklio to pgwp [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 06:41 Free_Ad3458 I know we are all in shock. But what do we think of this duo?

I know we are all in shock. But what do we think of this duo? submitted by Free_Ad3458 to lakers [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 06:41 AwesomeNiss21 Fiat 2000 in the snow

Fiat 2000 in the snow submitted by AwesomeNiss21 to TankPorn [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 06:41 External-Stranger801 Don’t look away.. again

Don’t look away.. again submitted by External-Stranger801 to MinecraftMemes [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 06:41 Adventurous-Abies219 Can I take a car ferry from Yeosu to Namhae?

I found online that a ferry operates between Yeosu and Namhae and that cars can get on some of them. This would save a lot of time as I'm planning to drive from Yeosu to Namhae. Do I need to book in advance? Which website do I book the ferry at? Can I do so without knowing Korean well?
submitted by Adventurous-Abies219 to koreatravel [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 06:41 Disastrous-Funny-641 Eduardo após decidir comer o zaquel

Eduardo após decidir comer o zaquel submitted by Disastrous-Funny-641 to GabrielZaquel [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 06:41 z8Qx-z1Xs 極右SNS・Xで、フジ日枝は元共産党員という説が広まる ソースはWikipediaの瞬間的記述

極右SNS・Xで、フジ日枝は元共産党員という説が広まる ソースはWikipediaの瞬間的記述 submitted by z8Qx-z1Xs to newsokuexp [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 06:41 jvc72 Buy Signal PAX Gold USD - 2 Feb 2025 @ 01:38 -> USD2 831.19

Exchange: CRYPTO
Time: 2 Feb 2025 @ 01:38
Price: USD2 831.19
Link: https://getagraph.com/crypto-currencies/PAXGUSD/ENG
submitted by jvc72 to getagraph [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 06:41 LudexOfAshfeld [WARPLAN] Season 32 | Campaign 5 | Battle 5 |

[WARPLAN] Season 32 | Campaign 5 | Battle 5 | submitted by LudexOfAshfeld to forhonorknights [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 06:41 Fickle_Score7340 Mars 4 Ultra, Nothing Will Stick to the Build Plate

My wife bought me a Mars 4 Ultra for Christmas and I'm a complete noob to resin printing but I literally can't print anything because nothing will stick to the build plate. So far I've had one successful print in about 50 attempts and that was one of the first prints I tried. When I say successful, I mean it actually printed something, not that it was acceptable quality.
I have spent hours researching on the web and tried every troubleshooting piece of advice I can find. I've leveled the plate over a dozen times, regulated the temperature, replaced the FEP, played with lift and retract times, but nothing works and I'm at my wit's end. Nothing will stick to that damned build plate!
I know the LCD must be working because when I do, yet another, tank clean, the cured layer is there for me to remove and I can see the start of my print on the FEP but I'm completely at a loss for WTF is wrong.
I'm starting to wonder if I have a bad unit. Is there some way to test the printer to see if it's working properly? Is it possible to just set it back to factory default settings? Is resin printing really this difficult?
submitted by Fickle_Score7340 to elegoo [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 06:41 botanana PSA to all Victoria drivers

Please, if you are not comfortable driving with the little bit of slush on the ground, please stay home if it is not urgent I just drove to the airport from Colwood to pick up my wife…. and holy crap. People doing 35kph on an on ramp into a merge onto a 90kph road. That is extremely dangerous. I cannot say it enough. You must be going the speed of the road to which you wish to merge into We all learned this in order to pass our drivers exam
On the other end, drivers doing 120+ on the pat bay. Like we get it you drive a truck…. which the 1cm of slush on the ground stands NO chance. You do not need to show us all how small it is……
And the construction zones… my goodness people for the love of god follow the speed limit. You SERIOUSLY do not need to do 90 in a 60 construction zone. You do not need to a drive like an idiot just to save yourself 45 seconds on the drive home.
Thanks for reading, rant over.
submitted by botanana to VictoriaBC [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 06:41 Responsible-Chart256 Saljem slike od starije setre, ako zelite da je zestoko komentarisete i da ga drkate na nju, javite mi se..

submitted by Responsible-Chart256 to OnlyFansBalkanski [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 06:41 vaxxypie I made an unofficial server for all the main indie shows n stuff

I made an unofficial server for all the main indie shows n stuff submitted by vaxxypie to Vivziepopmemes [link] [comments]
