Horny buds with 2nd screen hmu on Kik Just4erfun7 😜

2025.02.02 06:51 incog696 Horny buds with 2nd screen hmu on Kik Just4erfun7 😜

submitted by incog696 to harlowwbarnhart [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 06:51 Giff95 [The Best Never Rest] Patrick Mahomes responds to the news of Luka Dončić going to the Lakers: "I'm sick rn...."

[The Best Never Rest] Patrick Mahomes responds to the news of Luka Dončić going to the Lakers: "I'm sick rn...."
Source: The Best Never Rest: "Patrick Mahomes responds to the news of Luka Dončić going to the Lakers #NBA #NFL #Lakers #ChiefsKingdom #Chiefs #PatrickMahomes" — Bluesky
submitted by Giff95 to nba [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 06:51 giggle_king I can make a game like doors only with the name botanical garden and I already came up with one monster friend kiwing, it's like Louis from the mines only he comes out of the bushes and it's a kiwi in the moss

Make me game or no?
submitted by giggle_king to doors_roblox [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 06:51 Advanced-Bear-2389 y

y submitted by Advanced-Bear-2389 to geographymemes [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 06:51 2icecreamsandwiches Screw these guys

Nico has made brilliant moves over the years. This one makes absolutely zero sense. I’m throughly convinced the Adelsons and Dumont pressured the trade to save themselves millions in tax and to dodge the upcoming supermax extension. This is no longer a serious team. It’s just a side-hustle hobby for the new billionaire owners.
submitted by 2icecreamsandwiches to Mavericks [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 06:51 zuleyha84 (€309.00) >> #AOOSTAR R7 Mini PC (8GB RAM 256GB SSD) (Geekbuying China)

(€309.00) >> #AOOSTAR R7 Mini PC (8GB RAM 256GB SSD) (Geekbuying China) https://opcoupon.com/e309-00-aoostar-r7-mini-pc-8gb-ram-256gb-ssd-geekbuying-china/
submitted by zuleyha84 to couponsjet [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 06:51 Aromatic_Zebra_8708 Miyabi after a night with Wise (by ă‚€ăƒ)

submitted by Aromatic_Zebra_8708 to MiyabiMains [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 06:51 Particular_Lawyer_86 Most comfortable over ear muffs.

Hi there I have a budget of about 600 dollars. I just want something to protect my ears while being comfortable. I wear ess crossbow suppressors. I also have a pair of custom made in ear protection for car racing so it’s not loud enough to use on its own but maybe I can get a cheaper pair of over hear to double up with the in ear?
Any ideas what to get thank you.
submitted by Particular_Lawyer_86 to QualityTacticalGear [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 06:51 xyzpqr I'm from US; How's life in GTA? Can I afford a decent home on a ~$1M USD budget or so? Is there demand for tech workers in AI? Is there another place in CAN I might want to consider moving to?

Most of my family has left the US, except the ones in politics. They're in EU, Asia, and South America mostly, but I want to stay in NA if I can (haha, CAN).
I was looking at the points system for immigration to CAN, and saw that there are some points given for specific jobs (seems like tech jobs are mostly represented there), but my overall score wasn't too high on that (I don't have a letter of recommendation from Toronto, and the languages I speak aren't on the list of points-awarding ones). I'm a researcher here, but there I might end up in another role if I change jobs. I like my current employer and they'd be open to me relocating, but I think CAN may deprioritize/decline my application if it (very understandably) isn't tied to a CAN business.
I'm considering the Toronto area; is it welcoming to foreigners? Is there an alternative I should consider?
Does it help if I like Stan Rogers? Does it help if I quote him on the application?
Thank you.
submitted by xyzpqr to AskCanada [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 06:51 bequietandddrive Hard bump under my eyebrow piercing??

i got my eyebrow pierced 6 months ago, it’s been giving me minor problems but nothing major. about a week or two ago my boyfriends ring or something got caught on the bottom ball of my eyebrow piercing. a few minutes after the underneath of my piercing was a dark purple. i thought it was getting better, but fast forward to now there’s a hard red bump that’s been there for a couple of days. what is it and what should i do?? :(
submitted by bequietandddrive to PiercingAdvice [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 06:51 bevasaurarex Orzhov

I had a great deck that was lost. It was an Orzhov deck. Angels and zombies or the undead I don’t really remember. I’m looking to make a new deck and get back into MTG after years and years. I like building tokens to have an army but gaining life. It was what I learned playing. I have also have played with a blue green deck before. Big creatures with trample. What is your advice on how to start building a deck? It doesn’t have to be orzhov but I want it to be cute and powerful. My first time posting, just looking for an idea. I have multiple places I can go to but looking for a fun hobby until I get better. I don’t want to spend too much until I get back into it. Played commander decks I’m not sure if there’s a different deck to play. Just what I was taught. Thank you!!
submitted by bevasaurarex to MagicthegatheringQA [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 06:51 arzi3 We Need Zach Lowe to record his reaction to this Luka trade and release it once he’s free to do his own content

I know he wishes he had an active platform at the moment to speak his mind on this Luka news.
submitted by arzi3 to billsimmons [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 06:51 vraieardeur95 Why was Dylan sending Arvin family updates?

In S11 E15, Alex & Haley are visiting Caltech for work purposes & bump into Arvin while there. Haley informs him that she got married & had twins, to which Arvins replies, "I know. It was the lead story in Dylan's holiday newsletter."
I'm a new viewer of the show and this is my first go around watching it, so I may have forgotten some details. But: Arvin was Alex's teacher in college, & had a brief relationship with Haley where she cheated on him then dumped him for Dylan. Why is he receiving special family updates around the holidays? It just seems odd, unless he is still close/connected with the Dunphy family?
submitted by vraieardeur95 to Modern_Family [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 06:51 Invis07 ❀

❀ submitted by Invis07 to bunnybunny924 [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 06:51 properadult CĂłmo hacer para bajar de peso en Argentina?

Se dieron cuenta que todo lo social en nuestro país gira en torno a comer? Literal cada vez que por cuestiones laborales/ de la facu me veo menos con amigos y familia, me doy cuenta que puedo pasar varias horas sin picotear mås que mate y bajo de peso. Es meterle un poco a la vida social y chau progreso. Encima si te querés llevar un tupper o no dejar de lado tu dieta quedås como ortiva, a la vez que igual de por sí es muy difícil andar comiendo pollo con brócoli cuando los demås se mandan alta pizza. Tenés que tener voluntad de acero para eso. Ver menos seguido a la gente serå la.verdadera clave?
submitted by properadult to AskArgentina [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 06:51 mr_trashbear Meow

submitted by mr_trashbear to WhatIsMyCQS [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 06:51 FutureZombie6746 How to Connect keylab mk 49 to Behringer UMC202HD U-Phoria

I was planning on buying Keylab 49 with a Behringer UMC202HD, along with DT770 pro. Im new to music production, and was wondering what cable(s) might I require, so that I can order them along as well. I have a windows 11 pc
submitted by FutureZombie6746 to Music [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 06:51 Chemical_Count957 Why do I have these giant spine bumps??

Why do I have these giant spine bumps?? submitted by Chemical_Count957 to PostureTipsGuide [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 06:51 The_Midnightinator Is there a reason why very little 8 string+ instruments don't have tremolo bridges?

This is just something i've been curious about for a while lmao
submitted by The_Midnightinator to ExtendedRangeGuitars [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 06:51 tenclowns GĂ„r greit i England, Tommy Robinson er problemet

GĂ„r greit i England, Tommy Robinson er problemet submitted by tenclowns to norske [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 06:51 shrek3onDVDandBluray Need some help on ending of Future Redeemed

So at the end, A, Rex, and Shulk have to become the replacements for Alpha. I’m guessing replacing the “core” of the Original machine so that the world won’t just be destroyed.
At the end, “A” says “that’s against the rules and you know it” when they are using their life energy to give their children normal lives.
What rules? The rules of the world? I’m confused.
Also Rex says “you know if it was them they’d do it in a heartbeat”
I’m just confused what he’s saying here? How is that a reply to “A” saying it was against the rules and who are the “them”?
Sry. May be dumb. It’s late and I no life’d the game for the past two days. Thanks!
submitted by shrek3onDVDandBluray to Xenoblade_Chronicles [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 06:51 This-Honey7881 How did Cartoon Network allowed this

How did Cartoon Network allowed this submitted by This-Honey7881 to kidsnextdoor [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 06:51 GenericSadLoser If I were to describe everyone here in one word it would be:

submitted by GenericSadLoser to teenagers [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 06:51 Natural-Host-6838 My king is open to studding requests!

My rules are posted, I look forward to seeing what pretty cubs we can make!
submitted by Natural-Host-6838 to lioden [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 06:51 lemonncalcium Selling/Trading Overgrown and Amethyst Minawii

Selling/Trading Overgrown and Amethyst Minawii I was doing some double red nesting and ended up with some extras, I’m preferably selling for mush or trading for plush/tokens.
submitted by lemonncalcium to CreaturesofSonaria [link] [comments]
