2025.02.02 06:44 nokkelen Riding the waves of emotion
Hit in the face with another wave of grieve.
Lost the kids. Lost the house. Lost the animals. Lost the routine. And most especially, lost the marriage.
Trudging forward through the steps to divorce, separation a necessity that must be experienced.
Mediation completed today. Full financial disclosure in the works to calculate child and spousal support and begin the division of assets through lawyers.
I asked for coffee and cards and the opportunity to keep a path open to another outcome. "I would not of my free will look to spend anytime with you." Exactly what I needed to hear. Now I can challenge my thoughts that arise with the hard truth.
So, the emotions come and I ride the waves.
Today, it was a big swell. I couldn't get up on the board to catch it, it tumbled me around and left me gasping in its wake.
Now to be honest with myself. "Remember the feeling of someone that is curious and caring." That isn't something I can find in so many years past with the person who's divorcing me. "Remember to make friends and be yourself." The controlling, obsessive behaviour that I acquiesced to at the beginning of the partnership has damaged my ability to navigate friendships into my life. I'm free to reframe that and breathe the freedom of being me. There isn't anyone to say no anymore.
I miss the potential, but potential isn't the reality and there's always the potential you're blinding yourself to. I miss the connection, but it's been gone for awhile and isn't coming back. I miss the comfort, but there's was so much more discomfort in-between.
It's easy to focus on the losses and the misses and the what ifs and just maybes. It's not as easy to focus on the hard realities that challenge a person to grow into a richer life that lies ahead. That's the rewarding work.
Time to focus on the gains. Time to recite the freedoms. Time to build the new opportunities. Time to open up to the future and those potentials I've been blind to.
It's time to get up on that board and ride a wave of joy as it comes my way.
For all my fellow people treading water, gasping for breath as you're pummeled with the weight of emotion. I got you. We got this. You've got great things coming.
This whole experience is so hard, because it needs to sharpen your edges and give you the edge to cut through the crap of your life and help you break through to a better tomorrow; the one believed you weren't worthy of. You are worthy.
submitted by nokkelen to Separation [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 06:44 Significant-Prior893 Adding game play images Read Desc.
yes its happening chat!
as promised in previous updates and after much consideration I will attempt to add as much context to everything as possible! So now not only do you have info txt documents. BUT NOW you may have separate, gameplay images to hopefully save you the user even more time rather than having to look everything up!!!
Please note some images to games will be limited and some not added due to some of the obscurity of the very few of the game that do meet this condition, being hard to find.
(the total process for this to happen will take time. When it is complete this bracket will be deleted)
Saddly, however these pregame play images are in a separate folder to save time and confusion takin place. So two tabs is optimal for this process. NONE THE LESS i will attempt to make the process of adding images easier in the future.
May you use, and enjoy to your full hearts content!
submitted by Significant-Prior893 to FilesInc [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 06:44 Any107 cheaper kiwi sa palengke
₱40 per piece palang nakikita ko. san pwede makabili ng mas mura?
submitted by Any107 to baguio [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 06:44 Francisc_Mgabena_77 Who represents willpower on this sub?
Totally didn't steal it I swear guys submitted by Francisc_Mgabena_77 to VentureMains [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 06:44 Less_Course8323 Someone please put their giant toddler back to bed. Please.
submitted by Less_Course8323 to AMBERLYNN_Snark [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 06:44 Koserdee23 Just a reminder (not for any specific reason)
submitted by Koserdee23 to Thunder [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 06:44 XoxoNyx My market base ran entirely by merchant npcs for customer convenience !
submitted by XoxoNyx to Palworld [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 06:44 sk8erg1rLLL good idea to shave my 🐱 during menstruation?
I just couldn’t bear it anymore. Blood sticking all over my hair. I shaved it off in the shower when I was actively bleeding. This is my third day, now that I hopped out of shower I didn’t bleed. This might be normal because my period stops in 3-4 days, it’s not because of shaving is it?
submitted by sk8erg1rLLL to women [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 06:44 Sir_Morgan9 %Importaciones de México, Canadá y a EUA
submitted by Sir_Morgan9 to pesadillamexico [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 06:44 NoPreshaOVaCuppucInO Initial tarot offerings
First time poster here. I have been practicing tarot for a few years privately reading for my friends and family ad-hoc with great feedback which have me confidence in expanding my healing offerings outside my circle!
Im a born intuitive (43yrs old) with heavy interest in shadow healing, channeling and animal healing.
I am offering 5 spots only for today (Aus) 5:30pm-10pm EST Donation based- I will not accept more than $20 per spot.
Tarot general/questions and Palmistry (- photo of left hand required 15 mins before reading time)
Depending on feedback i will consider doing more tomorrow.
Please ONLY comment on my post if you are committed and want to secure a spot!
I will close off commenting when I've reached capacity.
Thank you 🙏
submitted by NoPreshaOVaCuppucInO to PsychicServices [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 06:44 Andys_Take USA utgjør en umiddelbar fare for norske interesser og demokratiet.
Det er helt sinnsykt å se på hva som foregår i Nord-Amerika nå. Hva tenker folk om dette? Vi går inn i en ny og høyst uforutsigbar epoke på grunn av Trump og gjengen bak ham.
Plutselig er vi i Norge heldige for at vi, i motsetning til Canada og Mexico, ikke befinner oss i USAs umiddelbare interessesfære. Men i moderne tid er vi ikke langt unna, og på grensen vår ligger en annen kjempe – Russland.
Det er på høy tid at Norge ser sin mulighet til å knytte enda tettere bånd til EU. Vi burde gjort det for lenge siden, men av ren og skjær selviskhet har det aldri vært viktigere. EU representerer ikke bare et dynamisk og enormt demokrati, men også verdens tryggeste og største handelsområde. Norge har heldigvis gode forbindelser gjennom EØS-avtalen, men som ble bevist med Senterpartiets utgang av regjeringen bare denne uken, er avtalen altfor skjør.
Uansett hva Norge bestemmer seg for i månedene og årene som kommer, er én ting sikkert: USA er ikke lenger til å stole på. Og man blidgjør amerikanske interesser på egen risiko. I første omgang er det Canada og Mexico som får lide som verst.
Nå gjelder det at den demokratiske verden viser solidaritet med ofrene – for USA, som Norge, står svakest alene.
PS: Hvis du er interessert i mer fra meg (jeg skrev også innlegget om Musks fascisme her på Reddit), kan du helt gratis lese og følge min nye uavhengige spalte her som forsøker å bringe historie og samfunnskontekst inn i mediedekningen: https://rosetta.ghost.io/ (håper dette er greit å linke til)
submitted by Andys_Take to norge [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 06:44 Trutadow differentiation middle high school strategies
submitted by Trutadow to Booksnow0x [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 06:44 Long_Disaster_6847 Lakers Trading Anthony Davis To Mavericks For Luka Doncic
submitted by Long_Disaster_6847 to mlbtraderumors [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 06:44 rid_2004 Torre vs Block Pearl vs MoonTowet
Idk which one to pick. Reddit is saying their all shit
submitted by rid_2004 to UTAustin [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 06:44 BluePhoton12 It happens
submitted by BluePhoton12 to memes [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 06:44 Spent-and-bent I'm going to Wednesdays meeting...understand ?
submitted by Spent-and-bent to sixwordstories [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 06:44 JeradShealey How long will it take for my knees to stop hurting?
Hey guys, I’ve recently started running. I’m 48 and this is my first real attempt at running/jogging. I’m just curious how long you’d guess it’d take for my knees to not hurt after I run. I expect it to be a while, and that’s fine. Just curious what the internet thought that timeline looked like.
I’m 5’11, 165lbs, but out of shape. I’ve been running in a Nike running shoe and I typically run on sidewalks or city streets. I’m awful at it! I can’t even run a mile yet without walking at least a little bit. I’ve been trying to run a mile each time I run. My cardio is so bad, you guys. Haha! My muscles get kind of sore for maybe a day, understandable, but my poor old knees hurt for a week. Ha!
Give me the bad news first. 🙂
submitted by JeradShealey to runninglifestyle [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 06:44 Oreogasmic1220 What is this? Canada
What that is
submitted by Oreogasmic1220 to bugidentification [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 06:44 ChristianCasts This is one of my first swimbaits ever. 🤔
Still deciding on how to best do the hardware. 🤔 Any tips? submitted by ChristianCasts to lurebuilding [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 06:44 sinhgee Eilp for visiting Arunachal
Hi , my husband and I are planning to visit Roing , Anini and Pasighat for two weeks ( also visiting Golden Pagoda , parshuram Kund etc).while applying for the permit, we selected only Dibang Valley district and later realised we had to select all the districts where we would go .Is that going to be s problem? Should we reapply for the permit online? Also how much time does it take to get the permit at checkpoint if they feel there is issue with our online permit?
submitted by sinhgee to ArunachalPradesh [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 06:44 Abject_Table8224 Imagine how good Sos would sound on a beat like this
I feel like the whole street shit pandering to goth band kid isn’t working that well. With his talent for aesthetics if he went a flashy drill route and just spazzed on a beat like this shit would be crazy don’t yall agree?? submitted by Abject_Table8224 to CityMorgue [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 06:44 yagiz323 Leshy
He is blind but when follower he sees us and other objects reads books writes diarys HOW? submitted by yagiz323 to CultOfTheLamb [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 06:44 Terminator_Jesus Why is CC so much better than everyone?
Do elite college women just stay away from basketball because the WNBA isn't as lucrative as some other top level sports? It seems like such a giant gap between her and the next best. Am I crazy to think that every role in the league is open to be dominated by some high jumper or sprinter or simply tall woman with even 80% of CC talent? If angel Reese could dunk or even layup with NBA consistency we wouldn't be talking about CC.
submitted by Terminator_Jesus to nbadiscussion [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 06:44 natural_views17 Janhvi Kapoor
submitted by natural_views17 to jhanvikapoor [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 06:44 Sufficient-Wolf-702 Men are simple creatures
submitted by Sufficient-Wolf-702 to Smilepleasse [link] [comments] |