2025.02.02 06:50 Jeasu0 Very small victory this one but i called in
After almost a week knowing i had something coming up that i had to take a day off work for. And not being able to call in to announce it because of anxiety, i finally did it just now. It was as terrible as a i anticipated, although i got lucky and got to voicemail directly. yay
submitted by Jeasu0 to TheSmallVictories [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 06:50 ComprehensiveGuest37 Excited about these new denarii!
I definitely need to purchase a macro lens, but here are some photos I took of some of the newest additions! Can you identify them? Because one of them is definitely an excellent check of the list! And all of these are EF-EF+! submitted by ComprehensiveGuest37 to AncientCoins [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 06:50 CrystalFire0 New host question, how do I play on a modded Map with friends?
So I’m trying to play a map with friends to test things and as of now I only have the map I want in the INI Map and Spawn Regions but the game keeps terminating when I try launching but the map does not show up when I have the base maps in those settings
Any help?
submitted by CrystalFire0 to projectzomboid [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 06:50 Famous-Wallaby-2830 Investor since 2020
What kind of investor do you think 🤔 ℹ️ I am ? submitted by Famous-Wallaby-2830 to TheRaceTo10Million [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 06:50 mevcudiyet If you had the chance to add ONE song to the Death Stranding...
If you had the chance to add ONE song to the Death Stranding, what would it be? And in which scene (or which part of the map) would you like this song to play?
Mine is Low Roar - I'll make you feel and I would like to listen to this song in when we are delivering mama to the mountain knot city.
submitted by mevcudiyet to DeathStranding [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 06:50 Ornery-Orange2739 My picks for tomorrow feeling good about them
submitted by Ornery-Orange2739 to PrizePicks [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 06:50 CumOnMySocks9 Inveja
submitted by CumOnMySocks9 to Gatos [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 06:50 DJ_DAGOAT69 She could ride my face I don't want nothing in return 🙂↕️😝
Her body count and who she fuck ain't never my concern 🙂↔️🤚🏽
submitted by DJ_DAGOAT69 to teenagers [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 06:50 Bubbly_Ad3421 Does our charts show any indications of soulmates, twin flames, karmic, or anything?
I’m blue and he’s orange. submitted by Bubbly_Ad3421 to AstrologyCharts [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 06:50 LushDesiree Why am I like this?
submitted by LushDesiree to BipolarMemes [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 06:50 GunZ_and_roses Legendary difficulty
I'm playing Skyrim again after a couple years, and decided to up the difficulty to legendary because it felt too easy.
Heres my question, does upgrading the difficulty also "upgrade" enemies? I thought that in the past when i upped the difficulty a draugr would become a restless draugr for example, but now all i've encountered so far were normal draugrs and normal bandits, no upgraded versions. Or is my level just too low for it to make a change?
submitted by GunZ_and_roses to skyrim [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 06:50 Proper_Judge_6258 it's fine guys he was just rage baiting us the entire time he just did it for the haha funny guys
submitted by Proper_Judge_6258 to okbuddybattlecats [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 06:50 Greedy_Reading_352 Where do i find the audio files?
i wanna edit the sound files, not so other people can hear it cause i know that might not work, but i wanna know if its possible to change the "great great asset" song when you first get into the ship to whatever song you want, some guy said asset ripper but i couldnt figure out how to use it, and how do you change th e music in a boombox?
submitted by Greedy_Reading_352 to lethalcompany [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 06:50 hayalet55 Epilepsi
Aylar önce bu hastalık hakkında yaşadığım deneyimleri yazmıştım. Şimdi ise bana yaşattığı kötü yan hastalıkları yazmak istedim. 1. Halüsinasyon: Mesela oturuyorum ve TV izliyorum birden yemek yiyormusum gibi oluyorum hatta elimin yağlı olduğunu bile hisediyorum. Ya da hiç gelmemiş bir insanı demin buradaydı nereye gitti dediğim olmuştur. 2. Uyurgezerlik: Gece ne güzel yatağa yatağa yatmışsınız dinlenmek için sabah başka bir yerde uyanıyorsunuz ve nasıl geldiğinizi hatırlamıyorsunuz. 3: Hissizlik: Nöbet sırasında kasılmalar olduğu için eğer yanında da biri yoksa kendini bir yere vurmak kaçınılmaz bir şey ama kötü yanı şu eğer kafan kanamış olsa dahi o anda bir şey hissetmiyorsun benim kaşım yarıldı gece 2-3 gibi ben onun acısını sabah 7'de kendime geldiğimde hissetmeye başladım. Bunlar dil ve yanak ısırılması durumunda da aynı diyebilirim.
Bunları yazmak iyi geliyor normalde konuş ve anlat deseler yapamam ama yazmaya gelince daha rahat olabiliyorum.
submitted by hayalet55 to KGBTR [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 06:50 The_Rafting_Towhee White Manzanita Flowers
submitted by The_Rafting_Towhee to Manzanita [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 06:50 MagicBumblebee13731 im surprised it’s only 12😭
submitted by MagicBumblebee13731 to airbuds [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 06:50 Not-Nynx WHEEZING
SOMEBODY HELP ME I CAN'T BREATHE submitted by Not-Nynx to CharacterAI [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 06:50 1234567890145 Experienced Players, what are some of your tips on wave management in mid-late game?
basically as the title suggests
submitted by 1234567890145 to MobileLegendsGame [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 06:50 Skratch13 Posted this in the wrong sub. I need some kind of help or tip to process this..it happened so many years ago and it's just now hitting me like a wall of memories and I feel nothing but hate towards myself over it.
Long story short, I'm pretty sure some memory came back and I may be having a mental breakdown as I type this out. Its embarrassing to even think that I went through what I did at the time. But to cut this long story in a few short sentences, I was raped at the age of 20 at the time and to any who ask, I'm a dude. But this trauma happened years ago, I never talked about it, and honestly didn't even remember any of it from multiple concussions the past 5 years and I'm just now remembering every bit of detail..I don't know if anyone has any helpful tips, but I'm breaking down from the inside out. I just want to forget.
submitted by Skratch13 to Advice [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 06:50 Early-Present-791 anybody know wedding location for 250-300 people . Mostly near back waters or outdoor . And what it costs.?
anybody know wedding location for 250-300 people . Mostly near back waters or outdoor . And what it costs.? Looking in Kochi, alappuzha, thrissur
submitted by Early-Present-791 to Kerala [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 06:50 Holiday-Profit4851 Combined Forces pt.3
1 - 2 : leaving the destroyed plant, trying not to focus on all the wreckage and lost lives
3 : arriving back to Zakru’s Promise
4 - 6 : approaching Alma than approaching the sisters together
7 - 8 : approaching So’lek and Alma (again) to talk
9 - 10 : watching the celebrations after defeating the plant, approaching her sweet boy (he’s screeching at her for going in alone)
submitted by Holiday-Profit4851 to FrontiersOfPandora [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 06:50 YivanGamer This is definitely the solution
submitted by YivanGamer to mapporncirclejerk [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 06:50 lamxing Can thread device connected to Homepod auto connect to near by thread router when homepod is unavailable?
Currently I have a smart lock thats connected via Thread to a homepod mini. I've also added this lock to Samsung SmartThings Station via matter, and the SmartThings Station also have thread radio capabilities. When both the homepod and SmartThings Station are sitting next to each other near the lock, I was able to control the lock with either platform. However, when I move the homepod further away with a few walls in-between but leave the SmartThings Stations at the same spot, I was not able to control the lock at all. HomeKit and SmartThings both show the lock as not responding, even after multiple rebooting of the lock and the SmartThings Station.
My question is - when a border router went away, should the thread device auto connect to the nearest border router?
submitted by lamxing to HomeKit [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 06:50 Direct_Mix_5309 amiksessa alan vaihto
oon nyt ekalla vuodella, ja aattelin hakee toiselle alalle tulevassa yhteishaussa motivaation puutteen takia. mietein, et onks tässä tilanteessa pakko mennä puhumaan opolle tästä, vai voinko tehä tän yhteishaun vaan itsenäisesti?
submitted by Direct_Mix_5309 to snappijuorutofftopic [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 06:50 Medical_Plan_1724 Turn the comment's section into Husk's search history
submitted by Medical_Plan_1724 to Vivziepopmemes [link] [comments] |