2025.02.02 07:00 FortniteRedditMods SALTY SUNDAY 02/Feb/2025 - YOUR WEEKLY RAGE THREAD

submitted by FortniteRedditMods to FORTnITE [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 07:00 LIL_DROP13 Lebron calls out lies

Lebron calls out lies submitted by LIL_DROP13 to lakers [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 07:00 Idkwhatshappening0_0 Deciding to find a new sponsor

I was working with a sponsor who I absolutely adored and felt I learned so much from for the past 7ish months. We met outside of AA before I went back to the rooms after trying the whole Cali sober thing (weed always leads me back to liquor). Anyways, we were acquaintances so when I began IOP I reached out to her, we met up and she became my sponsor. It was all great until I started having severe health issues. I am physically unable to meet the expectations she has for her sponsees due to these health issues. I am dedicated to working through the steps and am willing to go to any lengths, but I need a sponsor who can work around me having seizure episodes that randomly flare up and make it unsafe for me to leave home or consistently attend the same meetings. I am in the process of finding a diagnosis and a treatment path. I feel like a failure and that I am not actually going to any lengths because I don’t go to meetings when I am in too much pain to stay awake or my other extremely unpleasant symptoms are acting up. I think finding a new sponsor may help, but I am so scared I won’t be good enough for them. I really needed to vent and any advice or stories of similar experiences is extremely appreciated.
submitted by Idkwhatshappening0_0 to alcoholicsanonymous [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 07:00 jennyc98 Chinese dumplings for freaks

Chinese dumplings for freaks I surely would get criticised by other real chinese for using low fat meat and "ruining" the authenticity. 🐵 But I have to stick to my diet.
submitted by jennyc98 to shittyfoodporn [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 07:00 cloudy-sparrow 33[F4M] Looking to meet my someone from New Zealand

Hey there! I'm sorry but I have preferences. I'm from the US. Looking for a true friend... hopefully more that may be from New Zealand. Will describe more in messages but I'm down to get to know you!
submitted by cloudy-sparrow to r4r [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 07:00 LingonberryPurple951 Why do I not have 2 rows of hearts?

Why do I not have 2 rows of hearts? I’ve beaten all of the dungeons
submitted by LingonberryPurple951 to linksawakeningremake [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 07:00 No_Conversation3553 Farming sham from 60 to 65

Haven't had a single legendary drop will update in another 5 levels.
submitted by No_Conversation3553 to Borderlands2 [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 07:00 Nice-Election-5285 Lyla Wesson

Lyla Wesson submitted by Nice-Election-5285 to TeenBikiniModels [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 07:00 wankerzoo A good place to start

A good place to start submitted by wankerzoo to antitrump [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 07:00 Mountain-Bit-4021 rental reimbursement question

My car was stolen, and I have rental reimbursement on my policy for up to 30 days/$40 per day. I spoke to someone today and asked if I could spread the 30 days out if I don't need a rental car continuously, and they said yes.
I won't talk to the actual claims person until tomorrow when they're in the office, but if my car shows up in the next week or two and is deemed as 'totaled' (which seems like the most likely outcome, unfortunately), will I still be able to use this rental reimbursement until I've used my 30 total days/$1200 total cost? I'm not prepared to buy a new car within the next few weeks (I just don't have the mental bandwidth to even look into it now, not to mention thinking of price, etc.), so I was thinking I could just rent a car as needed (non-continuously, a day or two at a time) and stretch it out so I have another month or two before I need to commit to my next car purchase. I just don't know what will happen once the claim is closed (assuming my car is found ditched somewhere), or what the timeline is for calling it 'gone' if it doesn't show up.
submitted by Mountain-Bit-4021 to Progressiveinsurance [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 07:00 sghiyh Why is Trump sending the illegals to northern Russia?

Why is Trump sending the illegals to northern Russia? submitted by sghiyh to HOI4memes [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 07:00 Different_Review8466 Wrestlemania Axxess

I’m passing on Wrestlemania. Might consider going to an indie show or a WWE meet & greet. I’d love a chance to shake some hands and have pictures taken with some wrestlers. Is there any info on potential Meet & greets? Location (is it easily accessible)? Price (does it cost anything to get in)?
submitted by Different_Review8466 to WrestlemaniaPlans [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 07:00 sghiyh Why is Trump sending the illegals to northern Russia?

Why is Trump sending the illegals to northern Russia? submitted by sghiyh to HOI4memes [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 07:00 jj_herr0 Laker 4 life💜💛

Laker 4 life💜💛 submitted by jj_herr0 to lakers [link] [comments]


LF BLACK SIDE OR YELLOWISH ORANGE CORRUPTED BOW TIE!!! Looking for one to match this fit.
Lmk the worth you're looking for!
submitted by Training_Area_821 to AnimalJam [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 07:00 Feeling_Yesterday_56 Post-Rumble Press Conference: Questions asked of Triple H

submitted by Feeling_Yesterday_56 to SquaredCircle [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 07:00 Krish7321 Which one is the oldest I have Or rare?

Which one is the oldest I have Or rare? submitted by Krish7321 to CallOfDutyMobile [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 07:00 ProudToBeNew Did anyone else find that Sam Hyde video Destiny reacted to very dark?

Maybe it’s just because it hits close to home for me.
I know my dad. He is one of the smartest and most hardworking people I have ever met.
He has worked hard consistently throughout my life and has always been happy to be here, despite him being locked out of the American dream in a lot of ways due to the green card backlogs.
I feel very lucky to be American because of his choices.
The video was just so dark man. He just finds these random men who have economic insecurity or sexual insecurity or whatever insecurity and it’s like he is trying to use this to get one of these people to just go crazy enough to do real physical harm to us.
I didn’t know much about who he was. But I saw he makes other videos about this topic and they also had millions of views and they were, of course, filled with just really mean people who hated people like me and my dad.
My dad is not some stupid leech.
I hate people like Sam for manipulating young men into hating people they have never met, people whose shoes they have never walked in, people who they don’t even know.
Maybe I shouldn’t be watching these types of videos. Again, I am pretty young.
I’m just so scared and angry at people like this man.
submitted by ProudToBeNew to Destiny [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 07:00 Entire-Ad-465 23 [F4M] open minded

submitted by Entire-Ad-465 to LetsChat [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 07:00 Interstellar_Domine I see a lot of people complain about Casillas, he’s been great for me.

This was a game that went up to extra time, ended 2-0. Casillas won me the game. I don’t know why people have been complaining about him.
submitted by Interstellar_Domine to EASportsFC [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 07:00 MenWithVen430 Can someone make a tweet bot that retweets random tweets of my account?

I would love random tweets of mine of the past 16 years pop up maybe once a week or biweekly. Curious to see how I've changed. Please dm me if you can set this up.
submitted by MenWithVen430 to learnpython [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 07:00 Evening-Ad144 Flag of Herne, Belgium

Flag of Herne, Belgium submitted by Evening-Ad144 to flags [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 07:00 No_Exercise392 Found this in my cousin brother copy.(He is prepping for JEE) How do I help him?

I knew he was struggling but I'm myself also giving jee but I just don't know how to help him.
submitted by No_Exercise392 to TeenIndia [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 07:00 DarkEAnime Anime_irl

submitted by DarkEAnime to anime_irl [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 07:00 Agile_Injury_9430 Is this the Game- Changer for the Indian Economy?

Is this the Game- Changer for the Indian Economy? submitted by Agile_Injury_9430 to NSEbets [link] [comments]