Can I seal this?

Hello, this is Emily. Most camera issues can be due to a physical privacy cover covering the lens. Make sure that's not the case. Harassment is any behavior intended to disturb or upset a person or group of people. Threats include any threat of violence, or harm to another. Hi, I am Dave, I will help you with this. Click your Start button, then just type powershell and on the resulting list, right click Command Prompt and select 'Run as Administrator'. Hello there, I'm Gowtham, I'll be happy to help you! I apologize for the issue you are experiencing. Please be assured that I will do my best to provide a satisfactory response and assist you with resolving the problem. Hi Mohamed, I'm Christine, a Windows user like you. I'll do my best to help you. Looks like you would like to know the size of your monitor. Harassment is any behavior intended to disturb or upset a person or group of people. Threats include any threat of violence, or harm to another. Hi, I received an email presumably send from my own emailaccount, subject 'You've been hacked' starting with 'I want to inform you about a very bad situation for you. However, you can benefit from it, Hello CR.Hby. Thank you for using Microsoft products and posting in the community. I know that you worry when you receive an email from an unknown sender and I understand how you feel. Hi, I'm Diego Rios, an Independent Advisor willing to help other Microsoft customers. You can try the following procedures in the links below explain how to remove a Microsoft account from your Windows 10 PC: Hi, This is Ramesh. WordPad has been removed from all editions of Windows, starting from Windows 11, version 24H2.

2025.02.02 06:50 Jeeper357 Can I seal this?

Can I seal this? Preferably for the next 2 months before my appointment?
submitted by Jeeper357 to askdentists [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 06:50 Master_Attorney_6309 New Ye fan here. these were my favourite songs off Graduation!

New Ye fan here. these were my favourite songs off Graduation! submitted by Master_Attorney_6309 to Kanye [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 06:50 IAmHoussem17 Brad-skull

Brad-skull So about this line, I get the reference to Brad and everything, but what is the purpose of specifically wording it as Brad-skull? Is it a pun on some other word?
submitted by IAmHoussem17 to FreshyKanal [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 06:50 Designer-Variety1724 Hi I have started designing for my brand Strz boyz for about a month would love to hear what you guys think of the brand what to improve on and what your favourite designs are

Hi I have started designing for my brand Strz boyz for about a month would love to hear what you guys think of the brand what to improve on and what your favourite designs are submitted by Designer-Variety1724 to GrowYourClothingBrand [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 06:50 Landoguywashacked Paying $5 to open a Wealthfront 4.5% APY account.

I am paying $5 to the first two people who open up a Wealthfront Cash account.
Use this link to open a Wealthfront Cash Account. Once you fund it, you'll get a 0.50% APY boost!
Dm me when you finish.
submitted by Landoguywashacked to Referral [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 06:50 tifou1212 Thoughts on skiplagging

Thoughts on skiplagging
It's cheaper to fly Smithers to Edmonton (through YVR) than Smithers to Vancouver. Any thoughts on skiplagging?
submitted by tifou1212 to Smithers [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 06:50 LouQuacious Ubon Ratchathani locals air worries at hearing on Laos Mekong dam

Ubon Ratchathani locals air worries at hearing on Laos Mekong dam submitted by LouQuacious to MekongRiver [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 06:50 YunakVaco A floral pattern in folk art style ( made with Square Sketch )

A floral pattern in folk art style ( made with Square Sketch ) submitted by YunakVaco to 1001patterns [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 06:50 StoriesWithPK Kavin indirectly replying to Valai Pechu's baseless accusations

submitted by StoriesWithPK to kollywood [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 06:50 godplslookaway is it really something to congratulate me for if it doesn't make me happy😮‍💨😮‍💨

is it really something to congratulate me for if it doesn't make me happy😮‍💨😮‍💨 happy homeroom classes were one of my favourite things to do in the game. i know people posted about it here already, but let me cry a bit too haha😭 anyway i will keep redoing the classes to find new inspiration for my designs🩷
submitted by godplslookaway to ACPocketCamp [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 06:50 Ok-Win9074 Looking for either!

Looking for either! submitted by Ok-Win9074 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 06:50 Parking_Link2651 This picture may looks calm but actually full of people visiting the temple

This picture may looks calm but actually full of people visiting the temple The photo was taken at Kawasaki Daishi, 26 JAN 2025
submitted by Parking_Link2651 to japanpics [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 06:50 sircharlesz Monroe Red - RANSOM FREESTYLE

Monroe Red - RANSOM FREESTYLE submitted by sircharlesz to Torontology [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 06:50 ExamPhysical185 Für han nogensinde lyst til børn?

Titlen er temmelig sigende, men I fĂĽr lige noget baggrundsinfo.
Jeg (K28) og min kæreste (M31) har været sammen i 4,5 år. I løbet af de år har jeg nogle gange nævnt, at jeg ønsker børn, og det er ikke et ønske, jeg kan gå på kompromis med og ønsket er kun blevet større i takt med, at folk omkring mig får børn. Jeg oplever, at min kæreste går i selvforsvar, og siger ting som “Jeg er ikke klar lige nu” eller “Min jobsituation er for usikker lige nu” (han har kun været ansat i kortere vikariater det samme sted i 4 år, som bliver forlænget med x-antal måneder fra tid til anden, så dette er ikke helt forkert). Mit problem er bare, at når jeg bringer det på banen, så siger jeg aldrig, at det skal være nu, og det prøver jeg også at forklare ham. Men at jeg har brug for at mærke, at han også ønsker det, så det ikke er mig, som presser ham til det, for det er ikke sådan, jeg forestiller mig, at jeg skal have et barn - ved at han bliver presset til noget, han måske ikke vil. Samtalerne omkring børn ender generelt dårligt, fordi jeg bliver ked af det, da jeg er bange for, om han ikke tør være ærlig af frygt for at miste mig. Og jeg er møg bange for at vente to år til, og han stadig ikke har lyst. Det kan holde mig søvnløs på de dage, hvor jeg bringer samtalen op, men jeg føler også bare, at vi er nød til at forholde os til det.
Vi har ikke det perfekte forhold, og vi for lÌngst ovre forelskelsesfasen. Men jeg elsker ham, og jeg mener oprigtigt, at han er et godt menneske og vil vÌre en god far. Derudover har vi mange af de samme ønsker til et godt liv (pü nÌr børn) - uden selvfølgelig at vÌre helt identiske.
Han var i et forhold, inden vi mødte hinanden, som har givet ham nogle ar pü sjÌlen, hvor hun bl.a. allerede havde planlagt, hvornür de skulle begynde pü børn - pü trods af at det ikke var hans ønske. Jeg ved ikke, om den følelse stadig fylder hos ham, og om det er derfor, at hans første reaktion pü børnesnakken er selvforsvar. Eller om han er usikker pü vores forhold eller om han bare ikke føler, at forÌldrerollen taler til ham.
Sü hvad gør jeg? Jeg synes selv, at jeg hündterer børnesnakken pü bedste vis, men det er svÌrt at holde mine türe tilbage, hvilket ikke gør samtalen bedre. Men der er helt naturligt mange spørgsmül, som presser sig pü. Udover at jeg vil miste ham, sü vil jeg ogsü miste mit hjem, min hund (som officielt er hans) og jeg ville skulle lede efter en ny kÌreste, men der kan jo gü lang tid, før jeg møder nogen - hvis jeg overhovedet møder nogen. Sü er der selvfølgelig muligheden for at fü et barn alene, men det ønsker jeg egentlig heller ikke af forskellige ürsager.
Jeg har ogsü overvejet at spørge hans forÌldre, hvad de tÌnker, men jeg er ogsü bange for, at han vil opleve det som grÌnseoverskridende, at jeg spørger dem til rüds - men jeg føler efterhünden, at det er min eneste udvej, fordi jeg hele tiden støder panden mod muren.
Sü hvad gør jeg? Og ikke mindst, hvor lÌnge venter jeg?
submitted by ExamPhysical185 to DKbrevkasse [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 06:50 sellyourcomputer the draggin's cave

submitted by sellyourcomputer to ExtraFabulousComics [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 06:50 Brilliant-Ad-6424 I finally completed the collection!! 🥳

I finally completed the collection!! 🥳 Chicot was the very last card I had to collect. Spent a lot of time collecting double tags on the anaglyph deck to get spectral packs. Next goal is to beat gold stake on all the decks. 😊🤞🏽
submitted by Brilliant-Ad-6424 to balatro [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 06:50 1vone For Sale Edifice Casio EX294 World Time [Timestamp- Yes] [Price-7k₹]

For Sale Edifice Casio EX294 World Time [Timestamp- Yes] [Price-7k₹] Edifice Casio EX294 World Time Brand New Unused Gifted One Never Used And All Just Replaced it's Battery(One And A Half Year Warranty On It’s Battery) Price- 7k ( Current Price Is Around 10995₹). Price is non negotiable.
Model: EFR-304SG-7AVUDF
submitted by 1vone to WatchesIndiaExchange [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 06:50 f-ferrari Estimate for Salary

I have a 10K a month offer in finance in DIFC. Is that good for a single 22 year old male with Engineering + MBA background? Also, what percentage of increment can I realistically expect in the second year?
submitted by f-ferrari to DubaiJobs [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 06:50 Guilty-Listen3932 MSG and Water Solution Turned Milky White After a Week in the Fridge

I dissolved equal parts MSG and filtered water on a stove top to make a solution to use in cocktails. The recipe worked easily and I put it into a small dropper bottle to be used in controlled amounts. After about a week or so in the fridge the solution began to recrystallize (at least thats what it looked like to me, but the forms created seemed to be more rounded). The liquid around it seemed to have become more syrupy in texture. I shook it to see if it would dissolve back, which it did, leaving a milky white syrup like substance. I was curious if this is something other people have experienced and to gain a better understanding of what exactly happened to the solution.
Thank you in advance for any help!
submitted by Guilty-Listen3932 to AskCulinary [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 06:50 -Quaid- 80's Weekend

80's Weekend submitted by -Quaid- to dvdcollection [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 06:50 SURVIVORofGYNOCRACY Have I made enough muscle to finally cut and show off any gains? Or should I keep trying to get bigger and stronger ?

Have I made enough muscle to finally cut and show off any gains? Or should I keep trying to get bigger and stronger ? submitted by SURVIVORofGYNOCRACY to GregDoucette [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 06:50 Raww123490 Any 2 for a 5 star ⭐️

Any 2 for a 5 star ⭐️ submitted by Raww123490 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 06:50 Elphie33 AITAH for ending a lifetime friendship over my BFF's reaction to my pet's death

I am truly conflicted about this, and my friends/family are split. I'll try to give the backstory in only a few paragraphs because it's important but also a lot...
I have been battling depression for about 3 years now. Before then I had never had issues with depression but, after giving birth to my daughter, I almost starved her to death in her first week of life. Basically my milk never fully came in but I didn't realize it and kept nursing her as if she was receiving enough milk but she wasn't... and at her first pediatrician's appointment the doctor demanded to know how I could look at such a thin, jaundiced infant and think she was "normal." I was horrified and devastated, I felt like the worst kind of mother. My daughter immediately thrived on formula, but I drove myself crazy trying to up milk supply for several months in addition to formula while returning 6 weeks postpartum to head my first special education classroom. And I was never able to shake the guilt, so I guess postpartum depression was inevitable at this point.
My husband at the time definitely made it worse, though. He said terrible things to me and demanded I get on medication because I was no longer keeping up as much around the house, but then he was frustrated that I wasn't "all better" once I did. I cycled through a ton of different meds. I had two seizures, I gained or lost significant amounts of weight, I could NOT get out of bed. The fatigue was the worst of it and cannot be overexaggerated, I was even falling asleep at my desk. I continued to earn the majority of the money and even purchased us a larger home with the raise I received from switching teaching positions (I went to work in a much rougher district), but it was never enough for my husband. His resentment boiled to contempt which fueled his abuse. I filed for divorce one year ago, after he caused the police and CPS to come to our home.
So needless to say, 2024 was really rough for me. The depression had been steadily worsening all of 2022 and 2023, but immediately after leaving my husband I was hit by a pretty relentless onslaught of highly negative events that involved job loss, more romantic trauma, and parental estrangement. Long story short, shit got crazy. Just off the top of my head: my supervisor sexually harassed me, a student pulled a knife on me, one coworker overdosed and another coworker was murdered, my mother told me to kill myself and then threatened to harm my daughter prompting me to cut her out of our lives, and my next boyfriend threatened to kill himself and/or me if I broke up with him... There were more really shitty things in between but those were the biggies, and all the while my ex was weaponizing our child as he dragged the divorce through endless litigation.
This brings me to the incident that appears to have severed one of my closest friendships. I really only have three friends in my life
submitted by Elphie33 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 06:50 Mindless_Hovercraft6 New to RPDR but the winders keep shocking me! spoilers! Season 12 & 16 don’t read if watching!

Watched season 12 first after watching Nicki Minaj judge on YouTube and fell in love with the show, I LOVE Jaida, and am not surprised she won, but let’s just say, I was very surprised Gigi didn’t win. Just finished season 16 and I am even more shocked……. By who was eliminated out of the 3 first (PLANE JANE??? I thought she may win!!!) and then the fact it wasn’t Sapphira. I love Nymphia a lot but I came to like her literally like at the second to last or third to last show when she finally opened up, before that I was kinda meh about her, but always loved her looks. I HATED PLANE JANE initially but grew to love her as she became much kinder and I feel Sapphira’s wisdom and kindness rubbed off on her, WHICH IS WHY SAPPHIRA WAS MY GIRL FROM LITERALLY DAY ONE WITH THE OPERA SINGING! I’m SHOOK, I really didn’t know who’d win, but I thought it would between Plane Jane and Sapphira, and lo and behold I am shookith again. And sad for my girl sapph :( It’s kinda annoying a mere lip sync decides the winner tbh, Sapphira was killing it since day one, and even the ONE TIME she misspoke during the presentation, she won that challenge bc she kept it moving! She won less money than freakin Morphine for winning the lip sync challenge the three couldn’t even compete in. Although Plane and Sapphira won the most challenges and then Sapphira won money from Miss congeniality, and 25k (doesn’t compare to 200k though) for being a runner up. Is it just me or should the one in third place get 25k, the one in second gets like 50k, and the winner gets whatever the amount is…? Bc why she beat Jane but then got the same amount? Sigh, at least she won miss congeniality bc that was WELL deserved. She was MOTHER. I hope Ru hired her bc Ru clearly loved her so very much. I almost wanted her to say “for the first time ever, you both are winners” and just wrote a check from his own bank to Sapphira 😂 not even joking, it was so deserved. My mom was sure Ru was going to say Sapphira but I do believe I’m a tad…. Let’s just say I make predictions and they come true and after that lip sync I knew that somehow Nymphia would be the winner. I’m still so sad. #TeamSapphira At least it appears, on her insta, that she is doing amazing! Thank gawd.
submitted by Mindless_Hovercraft6 to rupaulsdragrace [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 06:50 Tempest-Bosak2137 We have to stop lickiking assholes like this it’s undignified

We have to stop lickiking assholes like this it’s undignified submitted by Tempest-Bosak2137 to CirclejerkSopranos [link] [comments]