This took a while but I like how it turned out. I always find stained glass difficult.

2025.02.02 07:01 kaosmoker This took a while but I like how it turned out. I always find stained glass difficult.

submitted by kaosmoker to AdultColoring [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 07:01 Pitiful-Work6805 My first kitty!!!!

Meet Jack Frost, everybody!! For a little history, Jack died while administering his neutering anesthesia (it's done now lol). He was resuscitated, but was unable to see or walk for a couple weeks. This is after he was abandoned outside by his original owner and was mistreated by children at another temporary foster home. Lil dude is a survivor!!! 7 weeks later, Lil Jack Jack is seeing and moving better, and now he's home with me! So far, we're enjoying excessive head boops, purring like an idling motorcycle, playing with toys, and napping with his human. 😻🖤
I've been a cat step-dad many times but this is my first baby all to myself!
submitted by Pitiful-Work6805 to Siamesecats [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 07:01 eatpalmsprings CDC censorship

CDC censorship submitted by eatpalmsprings to Project2025Breakdowns [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 07:01 Aware-Way-5410 $60 from me for revolut

If you don’t have revolut yet now is the ideal time. I will give you $60 for signing up, making 3 purchases of $10 and ordering a card
Join me and over 50 million users who love Revolut. Sign up with my link below:!FEB1-25-AR-AU-H1
submitted by Aware-Way-5410 to FrugalAus [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 07:01 sp-seminare Update zur GwGMeldV-Immobilien: Strengere Meldepflichten ab 2025

Click here for the full blog post:
UPDATE ZUR GWGMELDV-IMMOBILIEN: STRENGERE MELDEPFLICHTEN AB 2025 Die Bundesregierung verschärft mit der Änderung der Geldwäschegesetzmeldepflichtverordnung-Immobilien (GwGMeldV-Immobilien) die Anforderungen zur Bekämpfung von Finanzkriminalität im Immobiliensektor. Besonders betroffen sind Notare, Steuerberater, Wirtschaftsprüfer und Rechtsanwälte, die künftig umfangreichere Meldepflichten zu erfüllen haben. Ab dem 17. Februar 2025 treten die neuen Regelungen in Kraft, die insbesondere das Barzahlungsverbot (§ 16a GwG) und auffällige Preisabweichungen oder Rückveräußerungen betreffen.
WARUM WIRD DIE GWGMELDV-IMMOBILIEN GEÄNDERT? Bereits 2020 wurde die Verordnung eingeführt, um klare Meldekriterien für bestimmte Berufsgruppen festzulegen. Die ursprüngliche Regelung sollte die Unsicherheit zwischen Meldepflicht und berufsrechtlicher Verschwiegenheitspflicht beseitigen.
Das führte zu einem sprunghaften Anstieg der Verdachtsmeldungen – von einer zweistelligen Zahl im Jahr 2019 auf etwa 7.500 Meldungen im Jahr 2023. Trotzdem zeigte eine Evaluierung, dass zahlreiche nicht werthaltige Meldungen abgegeben wurden, während kritische Fälle unerkannt blieben.
Mit der aktuellen Änderungsverordnung soll die Qualität der Verdachtsmeldungen erhöht werden. Besonders im Fokus stehen:

WICHTIGE ÄNDERUNGEN IN DER GWGMELDV-IMMOBILIEN 2025 1️⃣ SCHÄRFERE DEFINITION VON MELDEPFLICHTIGEN VORTATEN (§ 4 ABS. 4 NR. 2) Bisher galt die Meldepflicht für Transaktionen, die mit einer möglichen Geldwäsche-Vortat im Sinne von § 261 StGB zusammenhängen. Die neue Formulierung präzisiert diesen Punkt: 👉 Nun müssen Transaktionen gemeldet werden, bei denen es sich um eine Vortat einer Geldwäschestraftat handeln könnte.
💡 Praxistipp: Verpflichtete müssen ihre Risikobewertung von Immobiliengeschäften anpassen, um verdächtige Fälle frühzeitig zu identifizieren.
2️⃣ ERWEITERTE MELDEPFLICHTEN FÜR TRANSAKTIONEN ÜBER 10.000 EURO (§ 6 ABS. 1) Bisher waren Bargeldgeschäfte im Immobilienbereich erlaubt – das ändert sich jetzt!
❌ Verboten sind ab 2025 Immobilienkäufe mit folgenden Zahlungsmitteln über 10.000 Euro: ✔️ Bargeld ✔️ Gold ✔️ Platin ✔️ Edelsteine ✔️ Kryptowährungen
Falls dennoch versucht wird, eine Immobilientransaktion unter Umgehung von § 16a GwG mit Bargeld oder anderen Wertspeichern abzuwickeln, besteht sofortige Meldepflicht an die FIU.
💡 Praxistipp: Notare sollten besonders darauf achten, wenn Käufer mit Bargeld oder Kryptowerten zahlen wollen – selbst wenn die Summe auf mehrere Einzelbeträge gesplittet wird.
3️⃣ VERDACHTSMELDUNGEN BEI AUFFÄLLIGEN PREISABWEICHUNGEN (§ 6 ABS. 2) Ein besonders kritischer Punkt ist die Meldepflicht bei erheblichen Preisabweichungen.
📌 Neue Meldepflichten im Überblick: ✔️ Abweichung des Kaufpreises um mehr als 25% vom Verkehrswert – wenn kein nachvollziehbarer Grund (z. B. Schenkung) vorliegt. ✔️ Rückveräußerung innerhalb von zwei Jahren mit erheblichem Preisunterschied ohne nachvollziehbaren Grund. ✔️ Verkauf innerhalb von drei Jahren an den vorherigen Eigentümer zurück – wenn der wirtschaftliche Hintergrund nicht plausibel ist.
Diese Vorschrift zielt darauf ab, Geldwäsche durch ßberhÜhte oder stark reduzierte Kaufpreise frßhzeitig zu erkennen.
💡 Praxistipp: Steuerberater und Wirtschaftsprüfer sollten bei Bewertungsdifferenzen besonders wachsam sein – dies könnte ein Indiz für Geldwäsche sein!
4️⃣ MELDEPFLICHTEN FÜR DRITTZAHLUNGEN ODER VERZÖGERTE TRANSAKTIONEN (§ 6 ABS. 4) Neu hinzugekommen ist die Meldepflicht für ungewöhnliche Zahlungsstrukturen:
✔️ Zahlungen von oder an Dritte über 20.000 Euro, die nicht direkt am Immobilienerwerb beteiligt sind. ✔️ Transaktionen, die später als ein Jahr nach Antragstellung beim Grundbuchamt erfolgen, ohne nachvollziehbaren Grund.
Diese Regelung zielt darauf ab, Treuhandstrukturen oder fingierte Darlehen zur Geldwäsche aufzudecken.
💡 Praxistipp: Notare sollten darauf achten, wenn Kaufpreise plötzlich von fremden Personen oder Unternehmen gezahlt werden!
WAS BEDEUTET DAS FÜR VERPFLICHTETE? Die Änderungen bringen wesentlich höhere Anforderungen an die Sorgfaltspflichten mit sich. Besonders betroffen sind:
✔️ Notare und Rechtsanwälte – bei Kaufverträgen und Beurkundungen. ✔️ Steuerberater und Wirtschaftsprüfer – bei Transaktionen mit hohen Preisabweichungen. ✔️ Immobilienmakler – bei auffälligen Kaufpreisgestaltungen.
💡 Empfohlen wird eine Überarbeitung der internen Meldeprozesse, um Verzögerungen oder Bußgelder zu vermeiden!
FAZIT: STRIKTERE REGELN FÜR IMMOBILIEN-TRANSAKTIONEN Die Änderungen der GwGMeldV-Immobilien stellen einen weiteren Schritt zur Bekämpfung von Geldwäsche in Deutschland dar. Besonders das Verbot von Barzahlungen und verschärfte Meldepflichten sollen sicherstellen, dass verdächtige Transaktionen frühzeitig erkannt und gemeldet werden.
submitted by sp-seminare to spseminare [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 07:01 DesperatePeak1323 What's your system look like? SMM and Video Editor role.

Lately, nag ggrown na mga socials ni client and padami ng padami narin mga workload and responsibility ko which leads to may mga content na nakakalimutan and minsan di narin alam ano uunahin or anong susunod? Can you guys share your very organized system if you are doing video editing and social media posting for you client? help your girl out pls huhu
submitted by DesperatePeak1323 to buhaydigital [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 07:01 Dependent_Actuary148 9/10 dpo, random brand, I posted here yesterday because i thpught i see a vvvvvvvfl. What do you think?

9/10 dpo, random brand, I posted here yesterday because i thpught i see a vvvvvvvfl. What do you think? submitted by Dependent_Actuary148 to TFABLinePorn [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 07:01 MainCharacterSyndr Zephyr Offers To Make Your OC A Succubus Would They Accept?

submitted by MainCharacterSyndr to OriginalCharacter [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 07:01 BigBumblebee2030 Which song is this?

submitted by BigBumblebee2030 to songs [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 07:01 KokomiBestCharacter Any PS5 users here? How’s the performance? Any issues?

Hi there! Any PS5 users here? I would like to ask how the game performs and if there are any issues?
I have seen comments and reviews on YouTube and it is mostly negative reviews.
submitted by KokomiBestCharacter to ZZZ_Official [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 07:01 Admirable_Bed_2605 My Digital Art of the infamous Dog meme from Inside the NBA:

My Digital Art of the infamous Dog meme from Inside the NBA: submitted by Admirable_Bed_2605 to Nbamemes [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 07:01 PowerfulPain3448 Saw Friends Privates

I was at football training when we sat down. I looked down his baggy shorts, pass his loose jocks and saw all his junk. Anyone with similar stories
submitted by PowerfulPain3448 to gay [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 07:01 Fewestkarma692 Newbie here, can I attach these wires to an amp?

In this car I bought, it has an alpine head unit, tested continuity and they have power, wondering if what’s back here is enough to connect to an amp. I have no idea what I’m doing with audio systems, I can wire but never touched auto, also have a Pioneer TS-1200M as a sub, if anyone call tell me what amp I need, that’s if the wiring is sufficient, thanks!
submitted by Fewestkarma692 to CarAV [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 07:01 Wet_fetus01 Just got the game yesterday and got some questions

Does selling wagons at emerald ranch have random values or are different carriages have different sellling prices?
Can I have more that one horse and am I able to get more than one saddle for each one?
Does each gunsmith sell different guns while some do have a gun and another might not?
Can I go into black water with a mask on and not get killed?
Where do I got to sell cow and bison pelts?
I hope this isnt to much to ask.
submitted by Wet_fetus01 to reddeadredemption2 [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 07:01 Real_Strawberry_5805 Fartpepe. Organic as it gets…

submitted by Real_Strawberry_5805 to Moonshotcoins [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 07:01 Somanyquestions1820 Fractured

I don’t know what to think about you anymore. I love you so much mom but this changes things. You don’t even know anything is wrong with me yet. I’ve not told you that I’ve begun reliving memories. I’ve not told you that I had a panic attack because of a memory of you yelling at me. I don’t remember much and my brain is fighting to keep it buried. Slowly my thoughts about you have shifted from you being my whole world to being the bane of my existence. I’ve quietly dealt with and healed from the damages of our family, but now I am remembering you screaming at me when I was so, so little. Today, my therapist began to explain treatment options and poke at it a little. I almost fully disassociated again. I’m terrified and I feel fractured. I’m constantly testing the edge of pure terror as I’m dragged back to whatever wretched past I’m beginning to discover. I don’t know what you did or didn’t do that filled me with so much fear I had to bury it for years, but now I will have the unpleasant task of painfully picking it apart bit by bit until it’s no longer a gnarled vine of thorns choking me. I still put you first, above my own health at times because that is just what I must do. But I am exhausted, mother. I cannot feign friendship and sympathy for you when you continue to hurt me, and now I have revealed scars from the past and ripped them open. I can’t keep my head straight; I feel like I’m spinning out of control. I love you, but I wish I could flee from you. I want to spend years apart from you in blissful peace. I don’t think I could ever truly abandon you, but I want to live finally.
submitted by Somanyquestions1820 to letters [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 07:01 d4nyyy Danke an Alle

Hallo zusammen,
ich baue mir alle 5-6 Jahre einen neuen PC, da vergisst man natürlich wieder einiges und man weiß nicht was aktuell die beste / sinnvollste Hardware ist.
Wollte mich hier mal bei allen bedanken die hier fleißig Fragen beantworten, Builds vorschlagen, usw... Ich habe die letzten Wochen viel im Subreddit gelesen, um für den nächsten PC wieder up to date zu sein. :)
Ich wĂźnsche euch einen schĂśnen Sonntag!
submitted by d4nyyy to PCBaumeister [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 07:01 AinsliesEye ITAP of Pyramid Rock

ITAP of Pyramid Rock submitted by AinsliesEye to itookapicture [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 07:01 apeloverage God Lay Dying - Fish Gotta Swim

submitted by apeloverage to YouTubePromo [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 07:01 3_scorpion Get a good quality dashcam.

As the title says, get a good quality dashcam. It's been a bribe saver for me.
Context : I was traveling towards Bombay sappers road and just after the railway underpass at Khadki, there is a signal. So I was going with the flow of traffic and the signal was green, however the truck in front of me was damn slow, so by the time I crossed the signal, it turned red. At the same moment, a lady copy pulled me over ( she let the truck guy go). She told me you broke the signal, and I told it was green through out when I crossed it.
I told I can show you the proof, pulled up the dashcam footage and showed her the entire 1 min clip. Then she told me, you should have seen the other signal at that is little further and it was red and you still jumped it.
Then I asked her through out the video, was she able to spot that "other signal" ? because I was behind a truck in bumper to bumper traffic. She then asked for my license and the reluctantly let me go.
So folks who drive, get a dashcam, this saved me from paying a bribe and a possible wrong challan.
submitted by 3_scorpion to pune [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 07:01 Fun_Entertainer9199 Giving one ticket for Kanan Gill’s Show today at 8 pm in Delhi

submitted by Fun_Entertainer9199 to KananGill [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 07:01 xoliv444 could a quality rlt mask help with my facial eczema?

submitted by xoliv444 to redlighttherapy [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 07:01 F1nisherman I am trading a wraithclaw for a hero blade of shadow! Any offers?

I am trading a wraithclaw for a hero blade of shadow! Any offers? submitted by F1nisherman to deepwoken [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 07:01 Substantial_Might_75 Need help identifying this guy

Need help identifying this guy submitted by Substantial_Might_75 to transformers [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 07:01 Stock-Damage-5681 Vietnam & Thailand Trip: Budget, Costs, and Travel Experience (15+ Cities, 2 Adults & 1 Child)

We hope our post helps someone planning a similar trip. We relied heavily on information from Reddit forums, and now we’d like to give back by sharing our experience, especially regarding costs.
One important thing to note is how easy it is to go over budget. We had a limited budget of €8,000 and tried our best to stay within it. While we managed to keep our expenses under control, unexpected costs can always come up, so it’s good to have a little flexibility.
Hopefully, this breakdown gives a clear idea of what to expect and helps others plan their own adventures!
December 2024 5 – Flight from Europe to Bangkok 6 – 8: Chatuchak area, Bangkok 9 – Flight from Bangkok to Da Nang, Vietnam 9 – 12: Da Nang 12 – 14: Hoi An 14 – 15: Hue (train from Da Nang) 15 – 16: Da Nang 16 – Flight from Da Nang to Hanoi 16 – 18: Hoi An 18 – 21: Tam Coc, Ninh Binh 21 – Flight from Hanoi to Chiang Mai
January 2025 21 – 25: Chiang Mai 25 – 27: Chiang Dao 27 – 29: Chiang Mai 29 – Flight from Chiang Mai to Bangkok 29 – 30: Bangkok (near the airport) 30 – Flight from Bangkok to Chumphon, then boat to Koh Tao
4 – 12: Koh Phangan 12 – 15: Ao Nang 15 – 22: Koh Lanta 22 – 26: Koh Mook 26 – 29: Trang City 29 – Flight from Trang to Bangkok 29 – 31: Bangkok 31 – Flight from Bangkok to Europe
Travel experience highlights - No issues with food—ate and drank from street vendors with no problems. - Locals were incredibly friendly, especially towards kids. - No issues with mosquitoes. - Riding a scooter was smooth; three people on one was no problem. - Vietnam was more challenging to drive in compared to Thailand. - Scooter rentals were easy, and everything worked well. - Prior scooter experience isn't necessary, but being comfortable on a bicycle helps. Drive carefully, and you’ll be fine. - Moving from place to place was easy using trains, buses, and ferries. - Never used the Asia 12 app. - In high-interest areas, accommodation was booked in advance. In other places, it was arranged just a few days before arrival. -We traveled with various airlines and never encountered any issues regarding the weight or size of our hand luggage. We carried three medium-sized backpacks along with small bags. On occasion, we discreetly adjusted them to avoid any potential problems.
Total spent on flights: €3,481
Out of this, €2,400 covered round-trip flights from Europe to Bangkok. The remaining €1,081 was spent on all other flights within Vietnam and Thailand, including:
submitted by Stock-Damage-5681 to ThailandTourism [link] [comments]