
2025.02.02 07:01 Succulent_Pigeon miscarriage

In the 1960s and 70s a close family member had too miscarriages taken away and had their organs harvested (she wasn't entirely sure we only got told that "parts" were buried in a mass grave) i just wanted to know if anyone had anymore information on this.
submitted by Succulent_Pigeon to nhs [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 07:01 Future-Rich-Guy TIL that in 2003, when the Blaster computer worm was spreading, someone made another worm called Welchia that exploited the same Windows vulnerability. Welchia would delete the Blaster worm and then download Windows updates to close the vulnerability.

submitted by Future-Rich-Guy to L_S [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 07:01 AutoModerator Morning Discussion Thread - 02 Feb 2025

Official Subreddit Fantasy Football League
Official Subreddit Predictor League
Scottish Professional Football League
Scottish Women's Professional League
Community music playlists.
submitted by AutoModerator to ScottishFootball [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 07:01 QuinaultPetrichor Mistake on #7995

Awesome game!
Cl-os-ure should count for 4 points. Is not recognized as a word. Should have had 90 points
Quartiles #7995 Score: 84 Rank: Builder https://www.quartilesgame.org/?mode=unlimited&gameId=7995
submitted by QuinaultPetrichor to quartiles [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 07:01 Impossible-Peace-117 The guy who purchased 10 bitcoin in 2011 launched 10BITCOIN Coin on Solana

The guy who purchased 10 bitcoin in 2011 launched 10BITCOIN Coin on Solana The guy who purchased bitcoin in 2011 launched his coin on solana #10BITCOIN
submitted by Impossible-Peace-117 to solana [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 07:01 sharewithme Word of The Hour: Imaginatif

Imaginatif ** translates to **imaginative
Join our new subreddit for language learners @ /LearnANewLanguage
submitted by sharewithme to Traductions [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 07:01 Small-Kick-2033 Do guys really jrk off thinking about the person they like?

I’ve heard it’s really common but honestly it sounds kinda insane. I’m too embarrassed to ask someone about it. Is it like, almost guaranteed they do it while thinking about the girl they like at the moment? Weird
submitted by Small-Kick-2033 to ask [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 07:01 Adventurous-Tune8922 GERD is only getting worse and I don’t know what to do. 19F

Hello guys, I’m writing this post after a terrible night! I don’t know how to go on like this anymore, no one believes me, I would like some advice.
Since August, I’ve felt like something is wrong. Everyone attributes my feelings to anxiety, but I know it’s not that. I constantly feel like there’s something wrong with my esophagus, I don’t know how else to explain it, but I feel a continuous sensation as if there’s something there. Something that CONSTANTLY bothers me. It never goes away. Never. Even now, just after I woke up, it’s there, and I’m not in an anxious state or anything like that. I really don’t know what it could be.
I feel all my symptoms on the right side though, my right side. It all started when I felt a strange sensation swallowing water, like it was only passing on the left side. I don’t think there’s anything in my throat, but it’s been months and months that I have to spit yellow mucus because it gives me horrible discomfort. I often feel like I’m about to suffocate and I always feel pressure on the right side.
My doctor tells me it’s anxiety and to let things slide because I’m young, I’m 19. But why doesn’t anyone believe me? What should I do? I WANT THIS TO PASS.
I’m about to cry in bed, I can’t take it anymore, I would give anything to be rid of this terrible feeling that I feel 24/7 and I don’t even know what it is. I’m afraid I’m going to die. I’m scared. I can’t take it anymore. I want to feel better. I can’t explain things any other way.
I feel like I’m choking. I can’t do it anymore. I can never relax in bed. I can’t enjoy my days with others because I always have this constant thought. If I don’t have anything, like everyone says, why the hell do I always have this yellow mucus in my throat? Why can’t I relax? Why do I feel like I’m not crazy? I’VE FELT THIS WAY SINCE AUGUST.
On Reddit, I thought I found someone who understood my symptoms, but now they’re better, and they don’t respond to me anymore. I feel extremely alone.
submitted by Adventurous-Tune8922 to acidreflux [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 07:01 Straight_Egg_227 Got my mythical dragon heart at 11th dragon catches + red candle

Got my mythical dragon heart at 11th dragon catches + red candle https://preview.redd.it/f5ex2v4dcoge1.png?width=1179&format=png&auto=webp&s=26b4cdced005d96f072f7ecf9ba2214ea089122a
submitted by Straight_Egg_227 to mousehunt [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 07:01 Vegetable-Motor5829 How to Prevent Supply Chain Attacks

submitted by Vegetable-Motor5829 to infosafe24 [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 07:01 AutoModerator Weekly Off Topic Post

How are you? Anything going on in your personal life? Lets get to know each other. Let's place our views in the backseat and build the community.
submitted by AutoModerator to theview [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 07:01 BigBumblebee2030 Which song is this?

submitted by BigBumblebee2030 to indie_rock [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 07:01 AutoModerator Weekly Appreciation Post

Love The View? Wanna talk about how much you love someone or something about it? This is the place!
Harassment and discrimination will not be tolerated and will be considered for a ban.
If you hate The View, probably just stay out of this weekly post.
submitted by AutoModerator to theview [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 07:01 wonderboy30 Best points redemption

Hi everyone I have approx 500k points to use for a redemption…I was saving them up for a stay in the masai mara but with the latest devaluation I think is no longer worth it. I would like to avoid Europe… So here are a few questions: are there any places that include the transfer with points booking for the Maldives? Or what do you suggest in general? Thank you!
submitted by wonderboy30 to marriott [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 07:01 Scary_Republic5180 جماعه ممكن حد يفيدني

حد هنا بيشتغل كول سنتر عربي فالقاهره وازاى ممكن اشتغلها ولو حد يعرف اماكن في مصر الجديدة
submitted by Scary_Republic5180 to EgyRemoteWorkers [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 07:01 AutoModerator Weekly Bitch Fest

Please use this post each week to complain about the show. Please adhere to the sub rules: any harassment or discrimination will be cause for review.
Love The View? Probably should ignore this post.
Trolls will be banned.
submitted by AutoModerator to theview [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 07:01 Abject-Serve-5051 kyle tucker autos ?

$20 budget
submitted by Abject-Serve-5051 to baseballcards [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 07:01 Dyllistan TADC Mid-Season Critique

TADC Mid-Season Critique submitted by Dyllistan to digitalcircusfandom [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 07:01 ExtensionPrevious816 Spidersona: Jane Jameson is the daughter of J Jonah Jameson. She is an astronaut/ protector of the cosmos. Peter Parker is the villain of this universe

submitted by ExtensionPrevious816 to Spidersonas [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 07:01 detpistons1988 Just some perspective guys

I’m a die hard pistons fan. 03-04 squad were my guys. We suffered a lot since 2009 (the infamous Billups for AI trade).
Just think, last year we were the worst team in league history. Now we are sitting at the 7th seed with a promising team and a future hall of famer in Cade!
Things can change quick. Imagine if you were a Mavs fan right now yikes. I mean this reminds me of the Billups/AI trade but amplified by 100. GO PISTONS! FTP
submitted by detpistons1988 to DetroitPistons [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 07:01 distinct713 Every Juice WRLD Leak From Last Year (2024)

submitted by distinct713 to JuiceWRLD [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 07:01 SpicyBeefChowFun Shaved, med-rare leg of lamb doesn't get enough love around here.

Shaved, med-rare leg of lamb doesn't get enough love around here. submitted by SpicyBeefChowFun to eatsandwiches [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 07:01 Boring-Ad-5475 NBN dropping in and out this afternoon?

In in the Western suburbs and the NBN seems to be worse than usual today .. our HFC nbn seems to be up and down more often than the proverbial .. is anyone else experiencing this or is my NTD dying?
submitted by Boring-Ad-5475 to Adelaide [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 07:01 AutoModerator Væltet Skorsten Søndag / Toppled-Chimney Sunday - 02/02 2025

Velkommen til Væltet Skorsten Søndag. Her ville der være rig mulighed for at komme ud med alle de frustrationer som vi møder til dagligt. Det kunne være naboen, der har dobbelt parkeret sin Aygo, folk der bruger masker i det offentlige eller køen er lidt for lang nede i Netto.
Deling af personlig information er forbudt. Se mere her
Denne tråd oprettes automatisk hver anden søndag (ulige uger) kl. 8-ish - Arkiv
Welcome to Toppled-Chimney Sunday. Here is an ample opportunity to come out with all the frustrations that you encounter on a daily basis. It could be the neighbor who double parked his Aygo, people not wearing masks in public, or the queue is a bit too long in Netto.
Sharing personal information is not allowed. Look here for more
This thread is posted automatically every other Sunday(uneven weeks) kl. 8-ish - Archive
submitted by AutoModerator to Denmark [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 07:01 Significant-Base-993 21F Let's Trade

submitted by Significant-Base-993 to LetsChat [link] [comments]
