2024.11.24 23:10 Tiomonkey505 Love fall days at the park ❤️
submitted by Tiomonkey505 to corgi [link] [comments] |
2024.11.24 23:10 pokemongo2020trway Palkia 1640 1401 7243
submitted by pokemongo2020trway to PokemonGoFriends [link] [comments]
2024.11.24 23:10 Delusioned1232 Poisoned wallet?
Hopefully someone on here can help me. I have a ledger and I got on it a few days ago to see what was there. I seen I've been getting tiny amounts of XLM deposits for the last 2 years. Everything l've read says don't interact with it. My plan was to send the XLM I bought years ago to an exchange and sell it. My question is how can I sell them without interacting with them? I don't care at all about the free ones. I just want to sell the ones l've been holding. Wouldn't the free ones be deposited into my account with the other ones? Does it matter? I've read about the addresses and making sure they match up letter for letter. But other than that I'm clueless. I've only ever used it a few times
submitted by Delusioned1232 to CryptoHelp [link] [comments]
2024.11.24 23:10 Inkelangelo Dandelions and pets sleeve by Supreme Drone at Malaka Tattoo, Los Angeles, CA
submitted by Inkelangelo to tattooing [link] [comments]
2024.11.24 23:10 wh4tdafuck Ano yung mga actions ng parents niyo na di niyo nanotice na toxic na pala?
Hi! i don’t know if this is a toxic pero sometimes i noticed my mom na di niya ko pinapansin kapag di ako nakakapagbigay. I’m earning a minimum wage sa ibang bansa and minsan i feel bad kapag di rin nakakapagbigay.
Kayo ano yung mga nanotice niyo na small actions ng parents niyo pero di niyo alam kung toxic ba?
submitted by wh4tdafuck to adultingph [link] [comments]
2024.11.24 23:10 No-Sprinkles-2279 Metronidazole vaginal gel causing all over body itching?
Hi, has anyone else experienced any like this? I have used the Metronidazole vaginal gel for BV’s in the past plenty of times. This time around, around the third day I started to get itchy all over. Like legs, back, butt, hands, feet, and the itch is uncontrollable. I’m literally breaking out in bruises and popped blood vessels because I can’t stop scratching. I called my doctor and she said that if I did have an allergic reaction it would be localized to the vagina.
This is the only new medication I have added into the mix so I’m almost positive it’s the reason. But I was wondering if anyone else had a similar reaction.
submitted by No-Sprinkles-2279 to obgyn [link] [comments]
2024.11.24 23:10 FitRepresentative470 AMD at a good buying point?
Been submitted by FitRepresentative470 to StockMarket [link] [comments] |
2024.11.24 23:10 Last_Cup_5031 Does anyone know what this is
submitted by Last_Cup_5031 to nursing [link] [comments] |
2024.11.24 23:10 Ik_Wil_Dood Good bois
Just a picture of our two good bois. 12 (left) and 8 (right). Both two pureblood flatcoats even though the left one does not look the part. submitted by Ik_Wil_Dood to flatcoat [link] [comments] |
2024.11.24 23:10 Serenaville Airport to hotel transfer
Hello, I am looking for recommendations on reliable services to transfer 11pax from NAIA to MOA hotels. Would require Thanks!
submitted by Serenaville to phtravel [link] [comments]
2024.11.24 23:10 adventurous_quantum wie kann ich das beheben?
Hallo zusammen, bei uns im Badezimmer sieht es so aus, und ich bin irgendwie ratlos, wie ich das am besten beheben kann. Ich bin für jegliche Hilfe sehr dankbar. Ich bin außerdem überhaupt nicht handwerklich begabt. Wenn es also sinnvoll ist, einen Handwerker zu engagieren, ist das für mich kein Problem. Ich weiß allerdings nicht, wonach ich suchen sollte und wie viel so etwas kosten würde. submitted by adventurous_quantum to Handwerker [link] [comments] |
2024.11.24 23:10 Best-Ad-5053 🔄 كيفية تبديل عملة أيكون (ICX) على كريبتوبترا 🚀
تعلّم كيفية تبديل عملة أيكون (ICX) بسهولة عبر كريبتوبترا، منصة التبديل الرائدة في الأردن. اتبع هذه الخطوات البسيطة:
1️⃣ إنشاء حساب:
قم بزيارة كريبتوبترا واضغط على "إنشاء حساب" لبدء التسجيل.
2️⃣ البحث عن عملة أيكون (ICX):
استخدم خاصية البحث للعثور على عملة أيكون (ICX) ضمن قائمة العملات المتاحة.
3️⃣ التبديل:
اختر عملة أيكون (ICX) وحدد العملة التي ترغب في التبديل إليها، ثم أكمل العملية بأمان.
💡 ما هي عملة أيكون (ICX)؟
عملة أيكون (ICX) هي منصة بلوكتشين تهدف إلى ربط شبكات متعددة معًا، مما يتيح تبادل المعلومات والأصول بين أنظمة مختلفة. تعتبر أيكون جزءًا من رؤية أكبر لتوفير نظام بيئي لامركزي يمكن فيه للأفراد والشركات التفاعل بشكل فعال.
تداول العملات الرقمية بشكل سهل وآمن مع كريبتوبترا!
#أيكون #ICX #كريبتوبترا #كريبتو #التشفير_في_الأردن #بلوكتشين #تبديل #الأردن #usdt_jordan #bitcoin_jordan #العملات_الرقمية #تداول_العملات
submitted by Best-Ad-5053 to CryptoPetra [link] [comments]
2024.11.24 23:10 ZekkouAkuma Black Friday sale has me like
If you haven't seen it yet: https://www.amazon.com/The-Stormlight-Archive-5-book-series/dp/B074CBP9DY submitted by ZekkouAkuma to cremposting [link] [comments] |
2024.11.24 23:10 coolcrosstrade Christians who converted from Islam, what made you convert to Christianity?
Christians who converted from Islam, what made you convert to Christianity?
submitted by coolcrosstrade to exmuslim [link] [comments]
2024.11.24 23:10 Shendukk0987 Baldurs gate 1 and 2 enhanced edition is on sale on ps5. Worth it?
Hi everyone!
I played baldurs gate 3 this year and it almost instantly took its place in my top 3 games. And then I played divinity and enjoyed it a lot and after that pathfinder WOTR.
So I do have some experience with games in the CRPG type genre.
Anyway on ps5 the bundle from the title went on deal for £10.99.
Is this worth it? and as someone who loved bg3 would I enjoy the games?
Any help much appreciated. Thanks!
submitted by Shendukk0987 to baldursgate [link] [comments]
2024.11.24 23:10 Magemainwow Moved into WiFi ready apartment. Ethernet ports in wall aren’t working.
I’m guessing I need to plug in an Ethernet cable, but I only have two cables. Do I need more? I tried plugging my one cable in to each one of the ports in the top left, but I didn’t notice any difference. submitted by Magemainwow to HomeNetworking [link] [comments] |
2024.11.24 23:10 ExcaliburUmbraREEE Still blaming Hasan for Twitch's Apocalypse?
submitted by ExcaliburUmbraREEE to ShitLiberalsSay [link] [comments] |
2024.11.24 23:10 ExpatHist Murder of Officer Murphy at the Atlas Building. City of Columbus, Franklin County Ohio 1935
submitted by ExpatHist to DeathCertificates [link] [comments] |
2024.11.24 23:10 Desperate-Director89 Controlling two PWM fans at the same time crashes and forces reboot | ledc output, speed platform
I have built my own balanced mechanical ventilation by placing two noctua nf-a14 industrial-3000PPC fans in my living room gas vents. Everything worked as expected, until I created a helper group to control their speed at the same time. After this, sometimes when I turned them both on using the group (4 times out of 5), they will fail and make the esp32 reboot.
After banging my head trying to debug why it was doing it, the only weird thing I spotted occasionally on the logs was:
Component api took a long time for an operation (51 ms)I tried setting the outputs in different channels. According to ledc documentation adjacent channels share the same timer. I thought it might have something to do with it. It didn't.
captive_portal: sensor: - platform: pulse_counter pin: GPIO27 name: PWM Fan Exhaust RPM id: fan_ex_pulse unit_of_measurement: 'RPM' filters: - multiply: 0.5 count_mode: rising_edge: INCREMENT falling_edge: DISABLE update_interval: 3s - platform: pulse_counter pin: GPIO18 name: PWM Fan Intake RPM id: fan_in_pulse unit_of_measurement: 'RPM' filters: - multiply: 0.5 count_mode: rising_edge: INCREMENT falling_edge: DISABLE update_interval: 3s - platform: adc id: voltaje_ntc pin: GPIO33 attenuation: 11db update_interval: never - platform: resistance sensor: voltaje_ntc id: resistencia_ntc name: Resistencia NTC configuration: UPSTREAM resistor: 10kOhm - platform: ntc name: Temperatura Exterior sensor: resistencia_ntc calibration: - 8782Ohm -> 27°C - 20414Ohm -> 4.9°C - 3226Ohm -> 55.9°C output: - platform: ledc pin: GPIO26 frequency: 10000 Hz channel: 2 id: fanhubex_pwm - platform: ledc pin: GPIO19 frequency: 10000 Hz channel: 6 id: fanhubin_pwm - platform: gpio id: alimentacion_ntc pin: GPIO32 fan: - platform: speed output: fanhubex_pwm name: "PWM Ex Fan" - platform: speed output: fanhubin_pwm name: "PWM In Fan" id: fanin internal: True - platform: template name: "PWM In Fan" speed_count: 100 on_turn_on: - delay: 500ms - fan.turn_on: fanin on_turn_off: - fan.turn_off: fanin on_speed_set: - delay: 500ms - lambda: id(fanin).make_call().set_speed(x).perform(); interval: - interval: 10s then: - output.turn_on: alimentacion_ntc - component.update: voltaje_ntc - output.turn_off: alimentacion_ntc
submitted by Desperate-Director89 to Esphome [link] [comments]
2024.11.24 23:10 whitedragon551 Primal Kyogre - Inviting 10 - be online - 402094668781 - going in 3 minutes
Primal Kyogre - Inviting 10 - be online - 402094668781 - going in 3 minutes
submitted by whitedragon551 to PokemonGoFriends [link] [comments]
2024.11.24 23:10 TIMEATOMS 24-11-24 lucid dream
Had like ten dreams today and i only remember this one lol. Had a lucid dream I was in my old primary school and my highschol classmates were there...this is one of my reoccurring theme dreams..basically i realize i was dreaming when i went in my classroom my vision became 10x stronger lol. I went into the office to call my ride but my dream kept stopping me from going outside the school..
submitted by TIMEATOMS to Dreams [link] [comments]
2024.11.24 23:10 redge55 Why am I even here?
So what's the point of the WOL in 7.1 I just did the instanced battle and my class is warrior is the battle starts and it seems like I'm following along I fight the first group of mobs then the gators pop out and wuk lamat tanks everything I'm Max ilvl from the raids everything is bis except my weapon and I can't pull agro off an NPC... Them my dog unplugs my router so I have to start over and I think do I even need to do anything? I go back in and wuk lamat and kohna literally will clear the whole thing by themselves the final fight with the boss I never got it a single time and they killed it with me just sitting in the corner why am I even here I didn't even make a difference maybe they would of killed it a few minutes faster but I'm getting a free ride from wuk lamat the juggernaut
submitted by redge55 to ShitpostXIV [link] [comments]
2024.11.24 23:10 huskyfe450 Where's the 1TB Fold 6 ??
Does anyone have an background info on why Samsung doesn't seem to have any 1-TB z-Fold 6's available? 256 / 512GB are super available but 1TB is a ghost. Any tips for finding a 1TB ?
submitted by huskyfe450 to samsung [link] [comments]
2024.11.24 23:10 Any-Newspaper5014 Princess
submitted by Any-Newspaper5014 to HalloweenTimeGirls [link] [comments]
2024.11.24 23:10 Curious-Bid-7373 Made some cheat sheets for SNF !! If you found these helpful upvote so more people can see <3
submitted by Curious-Bid-7373 to DraftKingsDiscussion [link] [comments]