2024.11.25 02:04 dubkeh_ninja Where to celebrate NYE in Oaxaca
Hi, I’m planning on going to Oaxaca December 28 and spending New Year’s Eve there. I’m going solo, and I’m a female in my 30s. Do you have any recommendations on where a fun place to celebrate would be?
I’ve heard Centro or Chacahua could be fun. It’ll be my first time traveling to Oaxaca and so I don’t know too much about the nightlife there.
submitted by dubkeh_ninja to Oaxaca [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 02:04 GameProfessional 🌐 24/7 Video Game | Nintendo 64 N64 Console Midnight Blue Japan Limited Edition | Seller: 8-bit-tokyo (99.5% positive feedback)Location: JPCondition: UsedPrice: 114.95 USDShipping cost: 14.95 USDBuy It Now | |
submitted by GameProfessional to 247videogame [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 02:04 Equal-Tart797 What does this mean?
Does this mean that she created the label last Saturday the 16th and didn’t ship out until the 22nd Friday? submitted by Equal-Tart797 to Mercari [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 02:04 GameProfessional 🏆 Game Professional | Nintendo 64 N64 Console Midnight Blue Japan Limited Edition | Seller: 8-bit-tokyo (99.5% positive feedback)Location: JPCondition: UsedPrice: 114.95 USDShipping cost: 14.95 USDBuy It Now | |
submitted by GameProfessional to GameProfessional [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 02:04 babyfacebagginss GX AMM AJ4 QC (Wannabuy)
Size 10.5 495y https://weidian. com/item.html?itemID=7300115905&spider_token=0c5e WA +44 7310013185 How much weight you think I’d reduce removing the box? submitted by babyfacebagginss to fashionrepsv2 [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 02:04 chrisazo1 [WTS] LPVO Nightforce 1-8x24 brand new in box great price!!
Timestamp: https://imgur.com/a/AXoXsjX
Serial: https://imgur.com/a/IixMIN5
$1200 shipped including fees
submitted by chrisazo1 to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 02:04 Ok-Satisfaction4764 What are you guys' opinions on my avatar?
Idk submitted by Ok-Satisfaction4764 to RobloxAvatars [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 02:04 Defiant_Pear5883 Industry slow or just me?
I'm here in Atlanta. I've probably had 2-3 auditions from my agency this year. White male late 30s average build. It's just kind of depressing. I feel like I'm missing out, I had an audition (from a referral) for Atlanta models and talent earlier this year but they said they weren't taking on new talent right now. I guess I just wanna know if it really is slow or should I be looking for a new agent(been with Xcel for about 6 years they've been great)?
submitted by Defiant_Pear5883 to acting [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 02:04 No_Argument_9070 Leg cramps
Does anyone else get really bad muscle cramps from their inhaler? I’m on symbicort and ever since I started it I have such bad cramps in my legs every night and then the next day I can hardly walk. It’s so painful. My doctor suggested taking a magnesium supplement and making sure I’m well hydrated which I’ve been doing but I haven’t noticed any change. I’m really at the point of not wanting to take the symbicort anymore even though it works well for my asthma.
submitted by No_Argument_9070 to Asthma [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 02:04 eogl Gibt es einen Service, der die Therapiesuche übernehmen kann?
Um die lange Rede zu umschiffen und zum kurzen Sinn zu kommen: ich prokrastiniere schon seit langer Zeit die Suche nach einem Therapieplatz, weil der Prozess für Leute wie mich, die sowieso keine kognitive Energie dafür aufbringen können, sowieso schon nach einem Albtraum klingt. Zig Nummern anrufen, sich sagen lassen, dass sowieso keine Neupatienten aufgenommen werden, sich obskure Telefonsprechzeiten merken, Nachweise erfolgloser Kontaktaufnahme für die Kostenübernahme bei Privatpraxen durch die GKV behalten... das ist alles zu viel für meine kraftlose Seele. Mit dem Terminservice der kassenärztlichen Vereinigung hab ichs hin und wieder mal versucht und bin nur bei einigen Therapeuten gelandet, die mich nach ein paar Sitzungen abgegeben haben, da sie mir von meiner Persönlichkeit her nicht helfen konnten.
Da muss es doch einen Weg oder eine Anlaufstelle geben, die für psychisch Entmutigte den organisatorischen Kram bis zum dauerhaften Therapieverhältnis übernimmt, oder? Leider bin ich dauerhaft am Rande der Pleite, bezahlen könnt ich das also auch nicht...
Ich habe gerade mal eine gute Freundin, mit der ich über psychische Gesundheit offen genug hierfür reden kann, aber sie hat selbst viel dollere mentale Probleme und ich würde ihr diesen ehrenamtlichen Sekretärinnenjob für mich in ihrem Zustand auf keinen Fall aufbürden wollen. Und selbst wenn ja, irgendwie müsste ich Therapiebesuche an meinen Eltern vorbeischmuggeln (bin zwar volljährig, kann aber vor meiner Mutter nichts verbergen und bin ihr gegenüber ein extrem schlechter Lügner).
Ich weiß auch, dass das in den letzten Jahren ein absoluter Trend geworden ist, aber vielleicht wäre eine ADHS-Diagnose auch angebracht...? Ich schwöre, ich hab das nicht von TikTok und prokrastiniere die Suche danach schon seit 2018, also bevor das "cool" geworden ist. Der Weg zur Diagnose, zwischen Hunderten von Telefonanrufen und drei- bis vierjährigen Wartelisten, entmutigt mich aber viel zu sehr. Einmal auf Google suchen und sofort setzt wieder die mentale Überforderung ein.
Ehrlich gesagt habe ich keinen Plan, wieso ich das hier noch poste - ich habe diese oder eine ähnliche Frage schon häufiger auf reddit gestellt, und aus den klugen und liebevollen Antworten habe ich nie etwas gemacht, und nichts hat sich geändert, und die Jahre ziehen in einem Limbo der Untätigkeit dahin... aber vielleicht hat jemand trotzdem einen schlauen Tipp. Danke.
submitted by eogl to Digital_Streetwork [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 02:04 CrystalDreams72 Minding my planting and
This happened. Looked like a freak snowstorm, but it moved across in increments across the map. Glitch or weather disaster in April? submitted by CrystalDreams72 to farmingsimulator25 [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 02:04 Plane-Tadpole1078 Thread take up lever got stuck
Hi guys. I bought this second hand sewing machine and I was just testing it out. It worked in the beginning but I made a mistake while threading and ended up tangling the thread. I removed it and then tried again by correctly threading it. Unfortunately the thread take up lever is not working anymore but it seems like the motor is fine. Do you have any suggestions on how to fix this? Thank you. submitted by Plane-Tadpole1078 to SewingForBeginners [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 02:04 calphak Which better? i7-12650H RTX 3050 or i5-12450H RTX 4050
2 questions.
1) Which is better? a higher iCore with lower GPU or Lower iCore with higher GPU?
MSI Thin i7-12650H RTX 3050 vs MSI Thin i5-12450H RTX 4050 ($50 More expensive)
2) I really like Lenovo LOQ 15 AMD Ryzen 5 7640HS RTX 3050. But for similar price as the above, Should I be getting the MSI Thin instead? I heard Lenovo LOQ 15 has motherboard issues, but I also heard MSI laptops are thrash if not the high tier and above.
Can anyone help answer the 2 questions please as there is an upcoming IT show. thanks so much.
submitted by calphak to GamingLaptops [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 02:04 Lonly_Bunny Ser borderline é como ser um erro ambulante, e não tem como consertar
Desabafo longo
Desabafo longo
TLDR: Sou impulsiva e não importa o que eu faça continuo sendo impulsiva
Desde pequena eu já era diferente. Eu era tão dependente emocionalmente da minha mãe que eu vomitava quando ela não tava por perto, tinha febres e tremores. Eu sempre arranjava uma desc*lpa pra ficar com ela.
A dependência emocional é parte de ser borderline
Ainda criança eu era muito sensível, chorava por tudo, era maria chorona, era muito fácil de me incomodar, eu chorava quando levava sustos, quando tava feliz, quando tava com sono, quando tava com fome
Ali pelo 7° ano do fundamental começou a vir a raiva, eu buscava motivos para brigar com as pessoas e gostava de ver as pessoas incomodadas comigo, lembro de te caçado briga com uma professora, mas eu não aguentava e sempre pedia desc*lpas, eu sentia o êxtase de brigar e no outro segundo a angústia de ter machucado alguém
Aa oscilações de humor pioraram
Comecei a fazer terapia com 14 anos, hoje tenho 20
Passei por vários traumas, abusos, coisas ruins. Mas minha vida num geral não foi ruim. Eu tinha o que comer, o que vestir, tinha escola e inteligência.
Meu ensino médio foi horrível, comecei com a medicação, tomava sertralina, eu era muito feliz, muito feliz mesmo, tava sempre fora de mim de felicidade, em outro mundo, não era eu
Mas eu fiquei com medo de ficar "viciada" nos remédios e parei por conta própria, péssima ideia, logo veio a pandemia.
Meu primeiro ano do ensino médio teve 3 semanas de aula, depois, isolamento.
Perdi meu pai, mais um trauma. Era um péssimo pai mas era meu, meu pai.
Piorei muito, pensamentos suicidas que eu já tinha antigamente começaram a ficar muito frequentes, comecei a tomar remédios diferentes e a ter crises psicóticas, falei pra minha psiquiatra que queria ir de vasco e ela me colocou numa clínica de repouso, foi muito traumatizante, mesmo
Saio da clínica, o tempo passa, voltam as aulas presenciais.
Conheço meu namorado, no começo eu nn gostava dele, mas acabei gostando.
Os últimos anos do EM foram uma bosta, eu falava merda e caçava briga, e chorava e me odiava, e do nada tava feliz. As brigas foram as piores, eu não precisava de nada disso, e eu tinha um complexo de inferioridade com uma menina.
Todo dia eu me odiava mais.
Queria ter aproveitado mais o EM, mas a minha impulsividade fazia eu falar merda, fazer merda e ser pior ainda
E eu sabia que tava errada, sempre me arrependi do que eu fazia, mas quando eu via eu fazia de novo
Acabou o Ensino Médio, me mudo de cidade, fujo da minha mãe e vou morar num fim de mundo com meu namorado, atual noivo
Difícil conseguir um emprego, e quando eu consigo, sou demitida por falar merda, quer dizer, eu não sei pq eu fui demitida, eles não deram satisfação já que era experiência ainda.
Consigo outro emprego, chão de fábrica, trabalhava com peças pesadas, tinha que colocar peças em uma esteira, cada peça pesava 5kg.
Eu saio do emprego depois de uma semana pq não aguento o serviço braçal e me sinto um pedaço de cocô por ser fraca
Agora no meu emprego atual eu tô com medo de ser demitida por falar merda dnv, eu sou muito impulsiva, e tô muito sobrecarregada. Só que a moça que trabalha comigo também tá extremamente sobrecarregada, até mais do que eu, só que eu reajo bem pior. Sexta feira wu praticamente surtei e gritei com o supervisor e com a minha colega, esqueci minhas coisas no trabalho e saí sem dar tchau pra ninguém.
E chorei pq deram um tiro com uma arma de chumbinho e eu me assustei com o barulho.
Sinceramente às vezes eu penso que seria melhor se eu pudesse dormir pra sempre, e deixar tudo isso pra trás. Eu não cometeria nenhum erro se eu não estivesse aqui.
Eu tomo meus remédios e faço terapia, e acompanhamento psiquiátrico. Mas nunca melhoro, e sinto que nunca vou melhorar
submitted by Lonly_Bunny to RelatosDoReddit [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 02:04 Yana3330 I would like to tell you about a supplement from a bee hive that is used for decades to improve the quality of life for people with tuberculosis disease in Ukraine 🇺🇦 🐝. We offer an all-natural product FREE of charge as a test in USA.
Hello everyone! My name is Yana and I have an interest to create a products that can help people to support their health. I decided to use our old folk medicine recipe and make a tincture which contains only two ingredients: life product of wax moth larvae and organic cane alcohol.
It’s a unique beekeeping product that contains enzymes which can help to dissolve the shell of the tuberculosis bacterium and this way the main chemical drug can work more effectively. Unfortunately there is no official info in English about the scientific method etc. but we have some posts on our website.
The first academic to discover this enzyme was I.I.Mechnikov. Then the study of the product was carried out by I.A. Kuhtikov under the supervision of Prof. N.P. Maksyutina (Bogomolets National Medical University, Kiev). I give this names in a case you want to make a research.
The tincture can be used for supporting the immune system but the main purpose it’s a lung support.
I offer my product for FREE because I need to collect a statistic for myself to understand how many percentage of people will feel better using this tincture and will be appreciated for a review. We have our online store where I can give a coupon covering the tincture cost. Also we are on Etsy, Amazon and EBay.
Thank you.
submitted by Yana3330 to Tuberculosis [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 02:04 Expo006 Zzzz
I love this alien cat lol submitted by Expo006 to torties [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 02:04 Ryythm CS Tournament tickets for Christmas?
Hello everyone! I am in need of help. As Christmas is coming up I wanted to surprise my boyfriend with BLAST Premiere Open Lisbon tournament tickets and I was wondering if this is a big tournament "worth" attending? In the sense that is it something someone who likes watching CS tournaments would like with fun teams etc or is it gonna be just "boring matchups". I try to do my own research but honestly I don't understand a whole lot of how it works or how to find which teams would be playing then. I don't want to ask him really as this is supposed to be a surprise for him. Any insight is appreciated! 🙏
submitted by Ryythm to csgo [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 02:04 Chemical_Error2794 Success story to disappointment- Removing gluten /USA travel / flare up
To make a long story short I’ve been suffering with GI issues for the past few years & I basically had convinced myself diarrhea everyday was normal and then would have spouts of constipation as well… I’m from the US but have been living in Italy for almost 3 years now. In Italy I suffered more with IBS-D and whenever I came back to the US I dealt more with IBS-C.
A few months ago I suspected gluten was the main trigger and so I removed it from my diet. My stools actually became regular and normal, no more bloating, joint pain gone, brain fog gone, no more mucus in my stool. I thought I completely cracked the code and was healed
OK SO now to the point - 3 days ago I traveled back home to the US for the holidays, and was excited to finally be here without GI issues since I thought I had fixed the issue (gluten sensitivity) BUT the past two days I’ve been suffering with a mix of both IBS D&C and I don’t understand wtf is causing this?!? It feels like some sick joke my body is playing with me. I know for a fact I haven’t consumed any gluten, now it’s making me question everything
submitted by Chemical_Error2794 to ibs [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 02:04 MistakeDesigner8787 Is the Ascend Alafia Good?
I know this bike is made by bass pro shops. I do not have many major expectations for it. I'm just looking for a dual sport hybrid bike that will last me a few years under $300.
submitted by MistakeDesigner8787 to whichbike [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 02:04 Alpha_Frequency Stop bringing Commentary King on
This guy is just a grifter and clearly trying to get on the show more. He's just as bad at commentary as wings and his ego is so huge. He sees the chat doesn't want him there and chooses to stay. And for Christ sake put a shirt on no one wants to see all that. He's hurting lol cows bottom line. And while you're at it stop bringing Becky boop on. I've never seen so many people simp for a inbred ogre in my life.
submitted by Alpha_Frequency to LolCowLive [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 02:04 Hot-Stretch5487 Why
submitted by Hot-Stretch5487 to SuddenlyUltrakill [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 02:04 phbosaa Is this a good build in the late game?
I'm playing Duo with my friend. He likes hypercarries like Tryndamere, Jhin and Alistar submitted by phbosaa to ZileanMains [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 02:04 Dad_cx Every pedo simp should actually be removed immediately and production shouldn't play in to it. Save the season asap. Remove them unceremoniously immediately.
submitted by Dad_cx to fishtanklive [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 02:04 KickDouble Have always been drawn to paranormal & astrology…
I am wondering if there is anything in my chart that might explain the strong pull I have towards all things paranormal. I feel drawn to explore and understand astrology, and would love to get some insight on my chart ☺️ If anyone has time to share their knowledge with me, I would appreciate it! Another thing I wanted to mention… I have never, ever wanted children. At 37, I still haven’t changed my mind. From the research I’ve done, it looks as though I may have mastered that home/family/taking -care-of-others aspect in a previous life? Thank you in advance for any insight you might be able to offer! submitted by KickDouble to astrologyreadings [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 02:04 NePtUnE-bAbEs M O V E
On GOD my pick rate would be better if people would fucking MOOOOVVVVEEEE That’s all. Thank you for coming to my ted talk. submitted by NePtUnE-bAbEs to OGPBackroom [link] [comments] |