Why would I wear a bra at home lol?

2024.11.24 22:59 lilbunnymaya Why would I wear a bra at home lol?

Why would I wear a bra at home lol? submitted by lilbunnymaya to SexyButNotNude [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:59 Producedbyboo Walk in Tattoo appointments

Hi all! Looking to get a sibling tattoo with my sisters and looking for a reputable tattoo shop that would be able to handle walk in appointments? Hoping they would be open tomorrow (Monday)
submitted by Producedbyboo to kelowna [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:59 barretchristensen Thoughts on Sharge power banks?

My Anker power bank finally bit the dust after probably close to 10 years now. It was a trooper and every Anker product I've owned has been top notch so I'm very hesitant to purchase any other bank brand. However I've been seeing the Sharge Shargeeks popping up and with the Sharkgeek 140 looks to be everything I'm looking for at my price range and looks really nice. Does anyone have any input on these or should I stick to the tried and true?
submitted by barretchristensen to onebag [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:59 sortaitchy Could this be a Jan Kuypers table? I can not find a similar style with the leaves mechanism

submitted by sortaitchy to MidCenturyFurniture [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:59 lisahazel139 Citizenship: being a descendant

I was born and raised in the United States and wanted to get citizenship for me, my husband (hispanic), and (2) kids. I've read that there needs to be proof that my parents are from cambodia to apply for descendant citizenship. Unfortunately, I cannot prove a family book. I'm the last of five and my parents did not take any pictures of me as a kid. I only have one when I was five at a casino. My birth certificate says that my parents are from kapuchea, but I'm sure they have no other records. They left Cambodia as refugees during the war. My mom is also half vietnamese and denies it till this day. I'm wondering if anyone else is in the same boat. I was planning a trip to siem reap in 2025 for a few days and wanted to take a shot at getting a citizenship and then passport. Also, do I need to bring original documents or are copies fine?
submitted by lisahazel139 to cambodia [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:59 comentarista9 Eu tenho problemas de comunicação com meu irmão, como resolver questões de cuidados com meus pais no futuro?

Meu irmão tem alguns problemas mentais e por conta disso somado a algumas brigas, não nos damos bem. E basicamente não conseguimos conversar sem que haja uma briga.
Eu fico me perguntando como resolver isso no judiciário pq as vezes ele acaba inventando mentiras sem provas, e as vezes eu precisava lidar com resmungos desagradáveis em situações como lavar a cozinha, limpar o quarto dele ou não fazer q comida exatamente com os ingredientes que ele quer.
A situação acabou saindo do controle recentemente quando eu perguntei se a impressora dele tava quebrada e se ele podia ajudar minha mãe, mas brigamos(nesse caso por culpa minha, eu devia ter feito a prova mais cedo, estar descansado e reparado no humor dele. Pq pra variar eu tbm não sou santo e tbm fico mal humorado de vez em nunca, mas não no nível dele).
A gente está em "paz" nesse momento, mas eu temo pelo futuro justamente pq eu seja que tudo na vida dele precisa ser do jeito que ele quer, ou ele tenta deletar da própria vida ou da existência como já fez com alguns famíliares.
De toda forma... não é alguém fácil de lidar na intimidade e eu não quero mais problemas, mas cada vez que penso nas brigas, mais eu vejo como ele pareceu ficar progressivamente mais sensível com o tempo.
Nota: Socialmente falando, não nos falamos mais e apesar de não querer levar isso para o judiciário, provavelmente isso vai acontecer... como proceder?
submitted by comentarista9 to ConselhosLegais [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:59 ThePod94 [WTS][US]A bunch of tea for sale from multiple vendors For Sale

[WTS][US]A bunch of tea for sale from multiple vendors For Sale I have a bunch of oolong, green, puerh, red/black tea that I am wanting to sell. They are from a variety of vendors like Floating Leaves, Mountain Stream Teas, Liquid Proust, Verdant etc. I am sure I will find more tea as I am cleaning up which I will add to this batch. Asking $250 for everything. Let me know if you have any questions.
submitted by ThePod94 to teaexchange [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:59 Critical_Abrocoma_87 28 [M4F] South Carolina [USA] - Looking to date a scientist

Ok so I was reading this book a few days ago, and there's a paragraph about this physicist who married his sweetheart from college, after he had found a somewhat well paying job, and how he was talking about how wonderful it was to have someone to bounce ideas off of, to have meaningful and useful conversations with -- and it hit me that this is what I really want. I'm 28 years old and I really want to find someone special to take a leap of faith with and settle down. I want a family, I want to buy a home. I have a decent job in a technical field and my main interest is in physics and math, but also chemistry and biology and other sciences. I never finished college, but I will at some point soon, and there's a lot of things I want to do-- degree or no degree. We can talk about this, you can ask me, I have a very broad range of interests. I want someone who is intellectually curious, maybe even more than me, someone who is passionate about discovering new things and goes through the pains of reading and writing to better understand the world. Maybe you're a physicist or a mathematician or a computer scientist or a doctor or I don't know.. You tell me. If this is interesting, please reach out to me. I don't care about distance at all. I just want someone who cares about learning and doing.
submitted by Critical_Abrocoma_87 to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:59 somalianfish Med interview prep as a dentistry applicant (help)

Long story short, I've applied to universities for both medicine and dentistry, with my personal statement centred around dentistry.
I have a few medicine interviews soon, how would I frame answers/describe my ps in a personal statement-based station?
I'm quite interested in becoming a oral surgeon, which you need both medicine and dentistry degrees for, although I didn't mention this in my personal statement.
submitted by somalianfish to UCAT [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:59 Significant-Wall8952 battery artifact and other endurance artifacts

Does it actually do anything? Just curious. I don’t think I see any real benefit in stamina—I can run just as long and fast as I do without a battery or endurance artifacts equipped.
Like in stalker SOC you could run endlessly with stamina artifacts equipped :(
submitted by Significant-Wall8952 to stalker [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:59 madrales AITA for not being like other not yet-Christian girls?

submitted by madrales to AmITheAngel [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:59 10-voltaege-15 Trading this lvl 5 uni for 2/3 bad/unwanted unis! Trying to get to Ruby

Trading this lvl 5 uni for 2/3 bad/unwanted unis! Trying to get to Ruby Creampuffkitty if you’re interested
submitted by 10-voltaege-15 to AnimalJam [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:59 TearHealthy9438 I need a super slutty open mommy 0592f44ed324d900594efae5f9968e62b7c98caa1dd0564f93124c037dd6486265

submitted by TearHealthy9438 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:59 Best-Ad-5053 🔄 كيفية تبديل عملة نيم (XEM) على كريبتوبترا 🚀

تعلّم كيفية تبديل نيم (XEM) بسهولة عبر كريبتوبترا، منصة التبديل الرائدة في الأردن. اتبع هذه الخطوات البسيطة:
1️⃣ إنشاء حساب:
قم بزيارة كريبتوبترا واضغط على "إنشاء حساب" لبدء التسجيل.
2️⃣ البحث عن عملة نيم (XEM):
استخدم خاصية البحث للعثور على نيم (XEM) ضمن قائمة العملات المتاحة.
3️⃣ التبديل:
اختر نيم (XEM) وحدد العملة التي ترغب في التبديل إليها، ثم أكمل العملية بأمان.
💡 ما هي نيم (XEM)؟
نيم (NEM) هي منصة تعتمد على تقنية البلوكتشين تهدف إلى تعزيز الاقتصاد الرقمي معتمدة على نظام فريد يعرف باسم PoI، الذي يكافئ المستخدمين بناءً على مستوى التفاعل والنشاط.
تداول العملات الرقمية بشكل آمن وسهل مع كريبتوبترا!
#XEM #نيم #كريبتوبترا #كريبتو #التشفير_في_الأردن #بلوكتشين #تبديل #الأردن #usdt_jordan #bitcoin_jordan #العملات_الرقمية #تداول_العملات
submitted by Best-Ad-5053 to CryptoPetra [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:59 riot-van-1893 Descoberta estranha pra krl

Há algum tempo havia uma conta no Instagram que aparecia sempre na minha página de sugestões então, decidi ver o que era.
A conta não tinha posts e tinha muito poucos seguidores. Por curiosidade, fui ver quem a conta seguia e, meu amigo, esse foi um dos momentos mais estranhos que eu me lembro.
Nem sei como explicar sem soar tão mal, então vou dizer logo: a pessoa seguia cerca de quarenta contas, e TODAS ELAS eram sobre RAPAZES CRIANÇAS GORDOS SEM CAMISA. SEI QUE PARECE PIADA eram especificamente rapazes. As contas tinham nomes como "chubbykid01", com fotos de crianças reais sem roupa, apenas com uma edição para tapar as partes privadas. As contas tinha cerca de 20 seguidores, ou nem isso.
Pra deixar ainda mais estranho, algumas das contas tinham fotos de meninos em posições s3xuais e links suspeitos nas biografias, com comentários em línguas aleatórias. Eu estava tentando processar o que diabos eu estava vendo.
Eu olhava a página das contas seguidas e pensava: "Eu literalmente acabei de encontrar um pedófilo" Estava sem saber processar o que estava a ver.
Continuei a explorar e comecei a sentir o peso da situação conforme MAIS E MAIS contas apareciam, e repito, TODAS SOBRE MENINOS GORDOS SEM CAMISA e muitas contas de carater adulto. Não havia uma única conta normal sendo seguida.
Achei que era uma brincadeira porque era simplesmente ridículo e decidi ver quem seguia aquela conta.
Vou ver os seguidores e vejo algo que me faz pensar que estou num episódio psicadélico: pelo seguidores, eu SOUBE que o dono da conta era um rapaz que estudou comigo e de quem eu tinha uma crush ENORME por ANOS. Não passava UM ÚNICO DIA sem que eu pensasse nele, e agora vejo essa porra. Eu sabia que ere ele também pela foto de perfil e nome da conta, que era de uma série que ele gostava, e eu não conhecia mais ninguém que gostasse da série sem ser ele.
Como se isso já não fosse estranho o suficiente, no dia seguinte vou checar a conta e ela tinha sido deletada mano
Ela estava ativa há algumas semanas, mas no dia seguinte a eu descobrir, simplesmente desapareceu porra.
Eu nem sabia o que pensar. Sei que parece piada MAS QUEM ME DERA QUE FOSSE
Alguém sabe o que isso significa? Isso é algum tipo de brincadeira bizarra? Ou o rapaz que eu gostei por três anos é de fato um pedo- ? Será que ele sabe que eu vi aquilo?
submitted by riot-van-1893 to conversasserias [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:59 Spacecitysavage713 Demecos favorite lines

submitted by Spacecitysavage713 to Texans [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:59 bucky2101 Toxtricity raid on me!! Add 920428859680

Toxtricity raid on me!! Add 920428859680
submitted by bucky2101 to PokemonGoFriends [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:59 itzwhatitz Why Are My YouTube Shorts Stuck at 0 Views? Need Help!

Hi everyone, I’m having a frustrating issue with YouTube, and I’m hoping someone can help me figure it out. Here's what’s happening:

I’m using the same Gmail account and phone number to create these channels. Could that be causing some sort of shadow ban? Or am I doing something else wrong?
I’m really passionate about this, but it’s super discouraging to keep seeing no traction at all. Has anyone else experienced this? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
submitted by itzwhatitz to NewTubers [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:59 Anthylir What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by Anthylir to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:59 Tiredprude23 I’m losing hope on a police report

I made a police report about two weeks ago about something that happened to me while in a different state and since filing I haven’t heard a thing from the police and it’s discouraging to have hope that they’re doing anything when they have more important things to deal with and I’m not even in the same state. Is there anything I can do about them probably not doing anything about my case?
submitted by Tiredprude23 to internetparents [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:59 Able-Huckleberry-798 .

. submitted by Able-Huckleberry-798 to emmyroohoo [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:59 pnw_sunny Revocable Living Trust and Durable Power of Attorney - California

Background - The living trust was created in 2012, with two grantors (in laws) and me named as the successor trustee. One of the grantors died in 2013, and the surviving grantor provided (at that time) a waiver of atty-client priviledge for me and also solely named me in a durable power of atty (effect in 2013 and everlasting) and named me as conservator - found out all this last night. Also, it appears all bank accounts contained in the trust don't reflect the 2013 amendment, as the title of the accounts essentially say living trust-2012 et al.
Situation - the sole grantor is in bad shape, now is a senior home with diminished capacity - there has not been a legal designation of diminished capacity but I'm confident a physician would sign off. In any event, someone needs to step in and manage the accounts/taxes - the amount involved maybe approaches one million and accounts are held in big name banks.
Question - i assume i need to approach these big banks and bring with me the trust documents, including the durable power of attorney. -However i have read often times these banks are difficult when it comes to granting access...- but my question - based on the above, do you think i have standing, and do have any advice to minimize the pain?
as a reminder, i am named a 1) successor trustee, 2) have a durable power of atty, and 3) am the conservator.
sorry for the length, just trying to be complete.
submitted by pnw_sunny to legal [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:59 Soulz6563 We’ll be right back

We’ll be right back submitted by Soulz6563 to sypherpk [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:59 PuddingOk5564 Anyone wanna caption my girl?😫😫. Kik: bigboy2046

submitted by PuddingOk5564 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:59 SukoySanto Fitting a Samsung 990 pro ssd with heatsink into my MSI laptop

Hey guys, I’m trying to upgrade my ssd to a 4tb Samsung 990 pro for my MSI raider ge78hx 13v. The problem is that I wanted to get it with a built in heatsink but I’m not entirely sure it fits. The amazon page says that it will fit inside laptops with a PCI SIG D8 standard spec (which is 8.8mm of available space) but I could not find any information about my laptop related to that. Also, in gemini it says that the ssd will fit inside it with heatsink, but you know… AI. Do you think I should just go for it? Or do you think the heatsink will even be necessary? I have a strong cooling pad so air flow is higher than normal.
submitted by SukoySanto to MSILaptops [link] [comments]
