DogMeat’s Dread

2024.11.25 02:09 rsamedian DogMeat’s Dread

DogMeat’s Dread A dreadnaught-WarDog Conversion I made for my Girl based around a mood board she did!
submitted by rsamedian to SpaceWolves [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:09 ThatGuyWill942 Oui

Oui submitted by ThatGuyWill942 to WaterfallDump [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:09 spiritofniter What are the tools I (individualist) can use to inflict economic damage, if any?

submitted by spiritofniter to Stellaris [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:09 Sons_of_Maccabees Podravka Opens Brand New 48 Million Euro LDC

Podravka Opens Brand New 48 Million Euro LDC submitted by Sons_of_Maccabees to theworldnews [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:09 cuntiestcat Hmmm🤔

Hmmm🤔 submitted by cuntiestcat to ArianaGrandeSnark [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:09 StayNarrow3447 Aarengillum Neet pg/Inicet clear cheythavar undo????

Mbbs onn kazhinjotte nn karuthi irikyumbozha naatukarde adutha question, pg kk prepare cheyyanille ??? Top rank illengillum, phone number polathe rank kittathirikkan any tips??? 3G irikya... Athumalle... Ee size naatukarkk kodukkan pattiya reply???
submitted by StayNarrow3447 to Coconaad [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:09 ImAddictedToPorn420 I wanna show women my dick right now

I just wanna let them see it and get their thoughts on it
submitted by ImAddictedToPorn420 to confessions [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:09 NoCommunication8681 Why are they touching tips? Are they aslume?

Why are they touching tips? Are they aslume? submitted by NoCommunication8681 to Ningen [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:09 Muted_Assignment4220 [F4F] Looking for a thirdy 🦄

[F4F] Looking for a thirdy 🦄
Been craving g2g action for so long! I miss sucking tits and eating a pussy. Let's vibe check and see where it goes. We can host (south caloocan)
About us: M 26 5'10 clean beard guy moreno, fit bod, deep voice, huge dick, high stamina F 24 4'11 clean smol bean, normal bmi, fair skin, easy to get along with, professional
About u: around our age, bi femme, preferably petite or slim, can travel, easy to get along with, clean and hygienic.
Dm if interested!
submitted by Muted_Assignment4220 to phr4rNCR [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:09 buttface1000 Just what we need in... whatever the hell this place is. -Vox

Just what we need in... whatever the hell this place is. -Vox submitted by buttface1000 to PokeMedia [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:09 Mothman123 HG Emulation with Pikachu from the start is just *chefs kiss*

HG Emulation with Pikachu from the start is just *chefs kiss* submitted by Mothman123 to PokemonHGSS [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:09 Rough_Tree_8588 Advice on Lightweight Server Setup with Orange Pi Zero 3 and Future Expansion?

Hi everyone,
I’m currently using an Orange Pi Zero 3 running Ubuntu Server as my lightweight dedicated server. My goal is to set up:

Since the Orange Pi Zero 3 is limited in resources, I plan to keep it lightweight and add a mini desktop later to handle tasks like Nextcloud for file storage/sharing.
Does this setup sound practical, or am I overcomplicating things? Any suggestions for optimizing my current setup or transitioning when I add the mini desktop? Would love to hear your ideas or similar experiences!
submitted by Rough_Tree_8588 to homelab [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:09 Careless_Wind_6919 Hemorrhoid or skin tag? I get itching and pain and it flares up every so often and I've had it for years with no change in size outside of the swelling, its swollen before and goes down too. Seeing a doctor next month and just curious

submitted by Careless_Wind_6919 to hemorrhoid [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:09 wakeupsamurai444 Peloamordedeus alguém me ajuda a descobrir quem é o fabricante desse xarope

Esbarrei com esse xarope caseiro numa prateleira escondida em uma loja de produtos naturais da minha cidade. Achei interessante por ter uma aparência bem caseira mesmo, embalagem simples, tipo receita de família, e prometer curar resfriados, doenças respiratórias e limpar o pulmão de fumantes (sou ex fumante). Resolvi levar because why not, era 8 reais. No caixa, a caixa não conseguiu passar o código de barras, como se o produto não existisse no sistema. Estranho. Enquanto ela resolvia o problema, uma moça que tava passando de longe viu ele e veio até mim só pra falar que ela conhecia e era maravilhoso, tinha curado a bronquite da filha. Achei interessante. No caminho de casa fui ler o rótulo com mais calma, estava curiosa pra saber de onde era e as únicas informações que tinham eram os ingredientes ( uma porrada de ervas que nunca ouvi falar) e o nome: XAROPE DA VOVÓ ISABEL. Nenhum fabricante, nenhum endereço, telefone, logotipo, nada. Cheguei à conclusão que era um desses produtos bem regionais, algum produtor artesanal bem underground, já que eu nunca na minha vida vi esse negócio em lugar nenhum. Em casa, larguei ele na geladeira e fui jogar witcher 3. 4 dias depois, estou no sacolão que vou sempre, (super longe da primeira loja, quase em outra cidade) e esbarro com o dito cujo de novo, em uma prateleira escondida. Não sei porque mas fiquei cabrera com isso, mostrei pra 2 funcionários e perguntei se alguém ali podia me informar o fornecedor. Nenhum deles fazia ideia, mas o segundo pra quem perguntei olhou bem pra garrafa e disse lembrava da mãe fazer ele tomar quando tava resfriado e era tiro e queda. Isso me deixou mais cabrera, pensei ok, chegando em casa eu procuro na net. Dito e feito, procurei na net e qual foi a minha surpresa ao me deparar com links de lojas em vários ESTADOS, tem vendendo até de pacotão no mercado livre. Todos com a mesma bendita embalagem. A única coisa que achei sobre esse xarope foi link pra venda em loja online e um depoimento de 2016 em um fórum de mães, com uma mulher dizendo que o negócio é simplesmente incrível e curou o bebê dela de não sei o que. Mais nada. Absolutamente nenhum site de produtor, fornecedor, etc. PENSEI OK, vou perguntar pro oráculo (chat gpt), não tem como se esconder dele. Pois bem, as únicas infos que ele me forneceu foram a descrição de ingredientes da embalagem e os mesmos links das lojas que eu mesma achei. Mais nada. Alguém tem alguma informação sobre de onde raios saiu esse xarope? Eu nem tomei o negócio ainda, tá lá fechado na geladeira, eu só quero saber de onde isso vem, to começando a achar que esse xarope é uma falha na Matrix
submitted by wakeupsamurai444 to AjudaBrasil [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:09 SpeakingOfTheHobbits Full-Stack Engineer at Blissway

submitted by SpeakingOfTheHobbits to AIJobHub [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:09 KaliBahia How to make my hair color uniform so I can dye it again?

How to make my hair color uniform so I can dye it again? Dyed my hair purple and it turned out a blueish gray, which I hated 😅 but now, I kinda like the blue tone at the top and would like to keep it like that. However, the tips are a bit greenish-yellow, while the roots are still purple and I'm not sure if they'll fade into the exact shade of the rest of the hair. I'd like to dye it again with that blue, but how do I make the color uniform so the roots and the tips match?
submitted by KaliBahia to HairDye [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:09 starfeed 241124 Members X (Junghoon)

241124 Members X (Junghoon) submitted by starfeed to OMEGAX [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:09 depressed-santa abq local politics

please remove this if its against the rules but i just wanted to throw out here that i just made an instragram and a bluesky dedicated to posting dates for city council meetings, summaries of city council meetings, and summaries of bills and such that will affect new mexicans, the government websites dont do a great job of making the schedules easy to read and my goals to make it easier to be involved in the politics here
feel free to give them a follow if youre interested in this project!!
submitted by depressed-santa to Albuquerque [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:09 oodelay Doit on faire la liaison en disant Saint Henri? Et Saint Hyacinthe?

J'entend souvent l'excuse "a cause du H il faut dire "Saint Henri" séparé mais tout le monde sauf les français disent "Saint Tiacynthe"
submitted by oodelay to Quebec [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:09 LotsOfLoveK Shipping update

Have they stopped using OnTrac and Lasership? I haven’t bought in a year. How y’all packages doing? Are they getting to the door?
submitted by LotsOfLoveK to Fashionnova [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:09 Thegregg95 Bauer 10 inch sliding miter saw

Bauer 10 inch sliding miter saw My house got messed up in hurricane Helene. A lot of my tools got messed up when my covered porch collapsed from a big tree landing on it. As part of repairs to the house I am thinking of making my garage a proper work shop. I want to build a miter table but for it to fit against the wall.
Long story aside I am looking at the Bauer 10 inch sliding miter saw, And I want to know how deep the saw is. I guess with the Saw in it's rear most positition how many inches is it from the back of the slide to the front of the knob?
submitted by Thegregg95 to harborfreight [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:09 peppersgeneralstore Mountain house BF Sale - 50% off #10 Cans

Mountain house BF Sale - 50% off #10 Cans Thought I’d share a deal I found. One of the better deals I’ve seen in the last few years.
No affiliation with MH…. Would love to but they don’t think I’m cool enough yet
The top rated flavors are deeply discounted - Beef stroganoff ($26) - Chili Mac ($26) - Chicken and Rice - probably not top rated for taste but the price is right ($20)
I think of a full can with 10 of their servings as a day for my wife and I together. So $20 or $25 for a day is a killer deal with their 30 year shelf life. Plus with PayPal no interest for six months I usually get a months worth and pay it down over time with no interest
submitted by peppersgeneralstore to prepping [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:09 torrej9 Dialga 064900747080

submitted by torrej9 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:09 Defiant-Diet2279 17 to 24, been consistently using retinol and vitamin C serum daily

17 to 24, been consistently using retinol and vitamin C serum daily submitted by Defiant-Diet2279 to Skincare_Addiction [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:09 Ecstatic-Dot-159 ¿Cómo fue su primera vez teniendo sexo?

Qué tal fue su primera vez? Se arrepienten o les gustaría que hubiese sido de otra forma? Los leo…
submitted by Ecstatic-Dot-159 to Preguntas_de_Reddit_ [link] [comments]