2024.11.24 23:41 ColourlessAmiba Working on a mod to replace the Vanilla textures for planets as I find the originals too low texture. Here's a preview of a couple of Molten planets.
Molten 1 Molten 2 Basemap of Molten 1 -- 4 cloud layers Basemap of Molten 2 -- 3 cloud layers submitted by ColourlessAmiba to starsector [link] [comments] |
2024.11.24 23:41 SMM_Sockpuppet Why does my Esky have a calendar?
submitted by SMM_Sockpuppet to AustraliaCommercial [link] [comments] |
2024.11.24 23:41 fww8380 Requesting r/Sisterinlawconfession to keep it a safe and respectful outlet
I like having a place to talk about feelings that i can’t talk about irl, i want this sub to stay alive, and keep it from becoming creepy and obscene. The moderator has left and he knows I want to keep it going. I secretly have very strong feelings for my wife’s sister that I can neither act on nor talk about. For other guys it’s just an attraction. Either way it’s nice to have an outlet and I don’t want that to go away, but it needs to be kept respectful and not creepy.
submitted by fww8380 to redditrequest [link] [comments]
2024.11.24 23:41 Western_Ad2569 I’m so frustrated with this game.
Been playing T8 since launch with some minor breaks but I get so frustrated with playing online. I constantly lose to the same move and feel that I can never keep up in the match. I would go into practice to learn new moves and try to hit them consistently but I still l would still get beat badly. I try to learn punishment for certain moves but I still get hit by them or get mixed up and end up losing over 40% of my health. Law, Alisa, Azucena, Victor, Jin, and Law makes me wants to break my controller because I’m always getting hit by the same moves and it feels like I have absolutely nothing to counter them. As many times as I’ve played against them and actually try to learn how to beat them I thought I be better but I feel like an idiot when I lose. I get more frustrated when I try to mix them up but it’s like they’re able to read me and counter my moves. I’m in red ranks and use Bryan, Hwoarang, DJ, and just picked up Leo.
When I lose in this game I get real upset and ready to rage quit right after seeing “you lose” 3 times in a row.
submitted by Western_Ad2569 to Tekken8 [link] [comments]
2024.11.24 23:41 Mermaid_magic79 Who does this??? Work potluck.
submitted by Mermaid_magic79 to TheRealFriendsOver40 [link] [comments] |
2024.11.24 23:41 ExcitementHot1416 Dm for gf
submitted by ExcitementHot1416 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]
2024.11.24 23:41 ProfessorGlobal6335 Stay Awake to Work
In a major crunch for work, and the next 3 days are critical. I know I have some time for sleep, but likely less than 4 hours a night. After these 3 days (as of the 27th) I can sleep for a week if everything gets done.
What is the best way to maximize my speed and productivity given the lack of sleep? Is it better to sleep in naps every few hours, or get that 4 hour block at once? Any medications or drugs especially useful for this purpose? Anyone have a lot of experience able to offer some tips?
submitted by ProfessorGlobal6335 to Advice [link] [comments]
2024.11.24 23:41 bignut-56 pc has been making this flickering noise that makes me want to smash it, im pretty sure it is coming from this fan. I have removed dust, but it still is making this noise. what do i do? the noise comes and goes, and varies in how loud it is. ive had this pc for a while now, and this is only recent.
submitted by bignut-56 to pchelp [link] [comments]
2024.11.24 23:41 A_Zesty_Carrot What is this?
This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by A_Zesty_Carrot to Pixelary [link] [comments]
2024.11.24 23:41 Olestrodamas 360 beam arrays
How exactly do I go about crafting beam arrays with the [Arc] modifier?...not the omni-beams. I want to make 8 for a lazy F.A.W. build.
submitted by Olestrodamas to stobuilds [link] [comments]
2024.11.24 23:41 tandem33 Will SI block my from Ketamine?
I’ve been dealing with MDD, GAD (previously BPII) for 12+ years. I’ve tried basically all medications I can try (except all med combinations, of course) and various combinations. Nothing helps.
I’ve been dealing with suicidal thoughts for a month now. I’ve been through suicidal ideation a couple times in the past.
Will having suicidal ideation now make me ineligible for S-Ketamine? I’m waiting to get into an alternative treatment program through my psychiatrists’ referrals. I am worried that if I tell my psychiatrists that I feeling suicidal they will not allow me to take ketamine.
submitted by tandem33 to KetamineTherapy [link] [comments]
2024.11.24 23:41 jaralar434 Star Citizen Referral Code: STAR-9G4T-S5Y4 for 5,000 extra UEC
Star Citizen Referral Code: STAR-9G4T-S5Y4 If you are about to join the adventure, you can use a referral code when creating your account. It will give you 5,000 bonus UEC, the in-game currency, and will give the code owner referral points that will help him with special bonuses.
Here's the referral link : https://robertsspaceindustries.com/enlist?referral=STAR-9G4T-S5Y4
Godspeed citizen
submitted by jaralar434 to starcitizenreferal [link] [comments]
2024.11.24 23:41 Professional_Sell873 Now that the manga is over can someone explain to me what was the point of this?
submitted by Professional_Sell873 to Jujutsufolk [link] [comments] |
2024.11.24 23:41 pavel_tulesais Final Fantasy XIII on Steam Deck
Hi Everyone, How's your experience playing Final Fantasy XIII on the steam deck in this late 2024? I bought my SD few days ago and run this under estimated gem right away (even if 'playable' only), without any mod. And it's running pretty well so far! The only annoying thing is that 1st screen that needs to be skipped with the mouse. Happy to hear your thoughts!
submitted by pavel_tulesais to SteamDeck [link] [comments]
2024.11.24 23:41 omegacluster Mammoth Grinder - Undying Spectral Resonance (death metal) [2024]
submitted by omegacluster to ctebcm [link] [comments] |
2024.11.24 23:41 CultureWooden1113 GNK DINAMO ZAGREB VS BORUSSIA DORTMUND Tickets for sale
2x povoljne ulaznice uključujući Champions Club Pass u prodaji https://www.ticombo.com/en/sports-tickets/football-tickets/gnk-dinamo-zagreb-vs-borussia-dortmund-champions-league/921b43cf-4474-4a94-a47b-79f584d8037d;quantity=2
2x Great priced tickets including champions club pass for sale on https://www.ticombo.com/en/sports-tickets/football-tickets/gnk-dinamo-zagreb-vs-borussia-dortmund-champions-league/921b43cf-4474-4a94-a47b-79f584d8037d;quantity=2
Gnkdinamo #BorussiaDortmund #Championsleague #Tickets #Ticombo #Croatia submitted by CultureWooden1113 to dinamo [link] [comments]
2024.11.24 23:41 ReddyReddit- Old Hank drawing i forgot to post (lol.)
submitted by ReddyReddit- to madnesscombat [link] [comments] |
2024.11.24 23:41 exonumismaniac Another Copper Penny from my Regency Period Collection.
This lustrous 1811 penny token from Bath in Somersetshire was issued by Samuel Whitchurch and William Dore, two prominent merchants.
Withers 15, Davis 74, Choice Unc, C, 34mm, 18.7g.
submitted by exonumismaniac to UKcoins [link] [comments]
2024.11.24 23:41 PossibleStriking4185 Payday 2 freezing
recently my payday 2 has been freezing and the only way to fix my pc is by restarting it, is there any known fix? I already tried verifying files
submitted by PossibleStriking4185 to Payday_2 [link] [comments]
2024.11.24 23:41 Toes_Of_NephthysMoon New polish!
Is gray my new color? submitted by Toes_Of_NephthysMoon to toes_RUS [link] [comments] |
2024.11.24 23:41 GrandMasterRamRod2 The Zong Massacre of 1781 on a British Slave Ship
The Zong Massacre of 1781 stands as one of the most infamous atrocities of the transatlantic slave trade. This horrific event, in which enslaved Africans […]\ \ Read our detailed article about his on our official website here: https://timewarptales.com/the-zong-massacre-of-1781-on-a-british-slave-ship/?fsp_sid=322 submitted by GrandMasterRamRod2 to TimeWarpTales [link] [comments] |
2024.11.24 23:41 kriss_sub20 Ons, malolos. 21(F4M)
Use me as your cumdump, kill me na rin(no jk)hahah Now sana around 8-8:30.
submitted by kriss_sub20 to PHR4Rhookups [link] [comments]
2024.11.24 23:41 Pretty-Half6461 I don’t know how anyone is supposed to get into college when succeeding in high school so hard
Like maybe I am just dumb or what, but I don’t find high school classes easy. Extracurriculars are also pretty hard to join. Most sports have tryouts and cut most students. Science Olympiad at my school cut students too. I don’t know how so many kids manage to thrive at this level
submitted by Pretty-Half6461 to ApplyingToCollege [link] [comments]
2024.11.24 23:41 Viridan_7 Surely this will hit
submitted by Viridan_7 to fanduel [link] [comments]
2024.11.24 23:41 pinemind4R Painting new Andersen slider and fixed window interior unfinished wood
I had new Andersen Narrowline 4’ fixed panels and an 8’ slider installed, and wanted to get it unfinished so I could prime/paint the interior trim to match the exact white I am using everywhere else. I did the same for the new 400 series casements, and just finished that hellscape of a project. However, with the casements, I never had to worry about painting glass-edge wood surfaces. With these fixed panels and the slider, the wood trim tapers to the glass almost to a point. I see no way that I could successfully tape this accurately without some gaps where paint would get on the glass. Therefore, I see two options: 1. Prime/paint as carefully as possible to minimize paint on glass. Then razor off once all coats are done. 2. Liquid mask - leaning away from this since I’ve never used it and don’t want to make any expensive mistakes (everything is new in the room, painted walls/ceiling, new wide plank engineered hardwood just laid down, plus these incredibly expensive windows and sliders). Questions I have for method 1: 1. The glass is Low-E SmartSun coated. I’m getting conflicting answers regarding where that coating is. I doubt it’s on the interior facing inner pane, but wanted to check so I don’t damage it with the razor. 2. Should I wait until I finish all coats to razor (2 prime, 2 BM Advance coats). Or razor after primer coats, then again after final Advance coat? submitted by pinemind4R to paint [link] [comments] |